
By superswift_fan

22.6K 435 78

We've all fantasized about being celebrities at one time or another, only to be told that it's just a headach... More

The first one
The one with Christmas
The one with Harry Potter World
The one with the hospital visit
The one with the New Year's Eve party
The one with the morning after
The one with the songwriting session
The one with the birthday
The one with the homecoming
The one with the audition
The one with the callback
The one with Melissa Benoist
The one with Glee!
The One With the Shenanigans
The one with the date
The one with the boyfriend
The one with the soccer game
The one after a week
The one with the Ellen show
The one with Halloween
The one with the special day
The one with Harry Styles
The one with the Jingle Ball
The one with Saint Nick
The one with the truth
The one with cute sister moments
The one with the breakup
The one with the Oscars
The one where they're on tour
The one with the fans
The one with the performance
The one with the hot guy
The one with the rehearsal
The one where they get ice cream
The one after the fight
The one with the awkwardness
The one with the concert
The one with the fluff
The one with, not 'goodbye,' but 'see you later'
The one with all the tears
The one with the happiness
The one with the friends
The one with the sickness
The one with the sweetness
The one with the distance
The one with the chocolate
The one with the Austins
The one with the fighting
The one with the phone call
The one with the loneliness
The one with the return
The one with the fears
The one with the uncontrollable crying
The one with the make up

The one at the bar

201 5 0
By superswift_fan

-May 25, 2013; 11:24 pm; Arlington, TX-

"There's a club less than 15 minutes away from the hotel," someone suggested as we tried to figure out something fun to do tonight now that the concert was over.

"Yeah!" Everybody cheered.

"Looks like we found a place to go!" Someone yelled and everyone walked to the door.

"No way," Taylor stopped me.

"Come on Tay," I begged.

"You're underage; there's no way I'm letting you go to a bar," she said.

"I won't drink," I promised.

"No." She said.

"Taylor I'm 19! This is what people my age do!" I pleaded.

"No way."



"Come on! Austin's going!"

"Well he can have fun, you're not going."

"That's not fair!"

"That's the law."

"Taylor come on," I begged.


"What will get you to say yes?" I asked.

"You don't go."

"Come on, you can watch me the whole time," I told her. I saw her glance to where everyone was waiting by the door. I could tell she just wanted to go now.

"Fine! But I will be watching you all night," she gave in.

"Yes," I cheered.

At the club

"I'll have a water," I said to the bartender.

"Ok," he said, filling a cup of water for me.

I sipped it and it tasted weird but I didn't question it. I gulped the whole thing down and damn it burned. I felt a buzz in my head as I asked for another glass of water. I chugged the other one and at this point, I started feeling weird. After a couple more glasses of water I started feeling light-headed and every time I tried to stand up I felt dizzy and had to sit back down.

Austin's POV

"Are you okay, Kait?" I asked, walking towards her with one of my friends.

"Yeah, I'm having a great time," she giggled.


"Kaitlyn, are you drunk?" I asked my girlfriend cautiously.

"No," she said, giggling again.

"What did you have to drink?" I asked, inspecting her glass.

"Water," she replied simply.

I looked at her glass a little closer.

"What?" I said before taking a sip of her drink. "Kaitlyn this isn't water, it's straight up vodka."

"What! I swear Austin I ordered a water just ask the bartender!" She told me, automatically sobering up a little bit.

"What has she been drinking?" I asked the bartender.

"Water," the bartender smirked.

"Are you sure?" I asked again.

"I don't know, man, I honestly can't remember," the bartender lied.

"How many glasses have you given her?" I asked angrily.

"Six, maybe?" the bartender replied.

"Six cups of vodka?!" I exclaimed.

"Chill, man, she looked like she needed to let loose, I just helped her out," the bartender shrugged.

"That is her choice," I said, grabbing the collar of his shirt from across the bar. "She is underage and you served her six fucking cups of straight vodka!"

"I was just trying to get her to loosen up so we could maybe have some fun," the bartender laughed, giving his friend a fist bump as I let go of his shirt and pulled back my fist.

"Austin? What are you doing?" Someone said from behind me.

"Austin let's go dance," Kaitlyn said, leading me to the dance floor.

"Hey Tay Tay," Kaitlyn slurred.

"What the hell! Kaitlyn are you drunk?" She asked.

"The idiot bartender gave her straight vodka when she ordered water," I told the Blonde.

"What!" Taylor exclaimed.

"He was trying to get her drunk! So they could 'have some fun'," I quoted, using air quotes.

"You son of a bitch! You tried to get my underage sister drunk! Do you know who I am? I'm going to sue you so hard!" Taylor said, getting up close to the bartender who looked legitimately scared.

"We need to take her home," I said.

"Let's go," Taylor said, grabbing Kaitlyn's hand and pulling the redhead away.

"But Taylor I want to stay!" My girlfriend pouted.

"Come on," Taylor said, tugging on her sister's wrist. Taylor had pulled Kaitlyn outside where there was a car waiting.

I helped Taylor get Kaitlyn into the car before getting in behind the two girls.

"Why did we leave? I wanted to dance," Kaitlyn slurred.

"What do we do now?" I asked Taylor as we both ignored Kaitlyn's question.

"We sneak her back into the hotel and get her to bed," Taylor told me.

"Okay," I said.

We pulled up to the hotel as the driver turned around and faced us.

"There's a lot of paps," he told us.

"Shoot," Taylor muttered. "We can't take her out like this."

"Is there a backdoor or anything?" I asked.

"I can take you through the garage and see if that's any better," the driver replied.

"Yeah, let's try that," Taylor said.

"Ooh, look at all the flashies outside!" Kaitlyn giggled, pointing at the window.

"I'm going to sue that bartender for everything he has," Taylor muttered.

"Good," I agreed.

We pulled up at the entrance to the hotel through the garage where, thankfully, there were no paps. I opened the door and stepped out of the car before grabbing Kaitlyn's hands and carefully helping her out of the car. Taylor walked behind us as I helped a stumbling Kaitlyn walk to the door.

"I don't feel good, Tay," Kaitlyn mumbled, scrunching her face.

"Crap," Taylor and I muttered, pulling Kaitlyn to the bushes that were next to the door.

As soon as we got over there, Kaitlyn doubled over and hurled straight into the bushes. I held her red mane out of her face as Taylor rubbed Kaitlyn's back comfortingly. I looked away as Kaitlyn hurled her guts out, afraid of doing the same myself.

"Austin," Taylor said warningly. "Don't you dare."

"I'm not-" I cut myself off by bending down and puking in one of the bushes.

"Austin!" Taylor whined.

"I'm sorry," I said, wiping my mouth on the back of my hand.

"Oh my god, I'm calling for backup," Taylor said, pulling her phone out as she continued to rub Kaitlyn's back as she sat down on a bench.

"Hello?" Taylor said into the phone. "I need you to come to the garage entrance of the hotel." "Okay, thank you."

Minutes later, Ed came running out of the door and over to where Kaitlyn and I were sitting on the bench, defeatedly.

"What happened?" Ed asked anxiously.

"Long story, I'll explain later, can you help me get them upstairs?" Taylor asked the Brit.

"Yeah, I got your sister, you help Austin," Ed said, sweeping my girlfriend into his arms.

"Alright, come here," Taylor said, grabbing my hand and slinging my arm over her shoulders to keep me upright.

"I'm fine, Taylor, it just makes me sick seeing other people puke," I told her.

"Yeah, whatever Austin, give me your room key," the Blonde said.

I handed her the key card as we all stepped into an elevator. Taylor helped me to my room and quickly told me Ed would be there soon as she ran off to go find her sister.

This was one stressful night.

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