Granted Wish

By weirdself

564K 22.5K 4.8K

After a fatal phone call from his doctor, Skylar has to make the right decision. But what is the right way to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Special! Nathan's POV
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Special *Nathan's POV*
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
*Special* Nathans POV
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54

Chapter 45

8.2K 333 52
By weirdself

"So, Sky, that.. Thing on your neck... I'm guessing that was his doing?", Alex chuckles, leaning against Mikas chest who is sitting behind her on my bed. We all pretty much fled to my room after the adults were about to ruin the mood with their plans for my music career continuation. I really didn't want to think about that at the moment. And Claire knew that which is why she excused our entire flock to go upstairs instead. Much to the dislike of my mom. Anna and Timmy had to leave us earlier than planned because she had to take him to a birthday party.

"Uhm, yeah.", I rub over it carefully, the light stinging blows goosebumps along my neck. Remembering what has actually happened the night before heats my cheeks up a bit.

"Damn, he's better than you at biting though. Look at that masterpiece.", Rory tugs at her girlfriends sleeve, brushing her long white hair from her shoulder and neck, revealing faded hikeys along it.

"Well, you don't even like biting, so I don't see why I should have perfected this area of making out as well.", she smirks at the flustered expression on Auroras face who suddenly fell silent again, fingers playing with themselves.

"Wow, so much sexuell tension.", Leslie laughs, scratching over the shaved back of her head.

"Anyway!", I clear my throat which seemed tighter than usual. I don't really feel like taking or going into that direction. Nathan chuckles next to me, leaning his head onto my shoulder with his eyes closed and a content smile on his lips.

"You know, it's really cute how you always look at him. Makes me want to strangle you with hugs.", the blonde girl next to me squeals, covering her mouth slightly.

"To that extend, please don't!", twirling my index finger into the silky black hair of my boyfriend, I watch him closely as he shifts closer towards me and tilts his head into the touch of my hand.

"Cute! I didn't think Nathan could actually be adorable.", Leslie almost gasps but breaking into a short fit of laughter soon after.

"Unbelievable, isn't it?", I tease, grinning at the sudden furrow in his brows and a frown tugging at the sides of his lips.

We spent another few hours like this, just talking about unimportant things which never seemed to hit too deep or in any uncomfortable direction. It's almost as if they're avoiding them on purpose. Maybe because Claire told them or my parents or even my sister or Nathan or they just felt like bringing up things you couldn't even repeat five minutes afterwards.

"You're not seriously tired already?", Nathan pokes my side, making me curl up on myself. I've been spread across the entire bed for the past few minutes, eyes closed and face burried in my pillow.

"I actually am!", I reply, my voice muffled through the fabric of the pillow.

"But we still have a surprise for you!", he throws himself onto me, crushing me underneath me and kissing all over my face and neck after having peeled it off of the pillow.

"You guys being here is already surprise enough.", I utter under my breath, smiling up at the few people still sitting on the floor of my room.

"Of course we're here, no surprise at that.", I hear Alex chuckle from my desk at the opposite end.

"Well, you live here so... You kinda don't count.", sitting up, I shoot my sister an apologetic grin.

"Anyway, we know you probably don't want to think about music any time soon or maybe you do, I don't know. But we thought that you might want something that helped you through a lot of things when you didn't feel good.", Claire rushes out of the room without really lifting her feet, making her socks rub over the carpet and then slide over the wooden floor.

"I also saved something from and for you.", my sister turns around on the office chair, spinning back around with a small stack of papers. I bite my lip at the sight of them, already threading to hold them in my own two hands.

"Please don't be mad.", the blonde girl reenters with a black guitar case, holding up a hand in defense at the almost terrified look I'm shooting her.

"Skylar, don't be like that! You enjoyed playing so much, you even continued after losing your hearing. So what's holding you back now?", she kneels down in front of me, placing the case next to her and gently caressing my knee leg.

"It's just... I don't know.", I glance past her and towards Leslie who is carefully scanning the score sheets my sister is holding towards her. She seems almost shocked as she studies them, staring at me every once in a while.

"You do know! You just need to be honest with yourself.", she opens the case, revealing a beautiful brown and black classical guitar. The sight alone made my fingers itchy.

"I am honest! I really don't know!", trying to argue with her is basically pointless but I still don't want to lose this battle without a fight.

"Just try it!", she slides the case closer towards me, getting up from the floor to leave me more room.

"Claire, please...", I intensely stare at it, feeling the eyes of the others burn into my skin like torches.

"Sky, this is almost like confrontation therapy! Beat it head on!", she nudges my arm as she sits down next to me, making Nathan scoot to my other side.

"Sorry to bother right now but did you really write this?", Leslie waves the score sheets around, startled and shocked almost.

"He did and he also wrote many more sadly he burned most of them.", Alex explains, glancing at the few in her own hands.

"I knew you were amazing but this? This is insane! Can you please play this for me? I need to hear it!", she sits down in front of me as well, somewhat expecting me to whip out the guitar and just start playing.

"Please guys, I'm sorry.", I don't even know where to look at, not Claire or my sister, not Leslie and most definitely not the guitar. My heart slams inside my chest and against my rib cage like a raging bull. My entire body seeming to be sweating from every pore there possibly is. This is already too much for me.

"Baby, you need to talk to us.", as soon as Nathan's hand touches my shoulder it's like a trigger going off. I rise to my feet, staring at the ground as I hectiacally exit the room. This is an asshole move, I know that.

"Sky come back!", I can hear my boyfriend call from behind me but I've already locked the bathroom door behind me, stopping for a second.

"Skylar please don't lock yourself up, babe.", I slowly walk to the bathtub, climbing into it, curling into a ball and desperately trying to surpress the tears on the verge of overflowing.

Why am I ruining everything again? They were just trying to be nice and surprise me!

"Sky open the door please.", Nathan's soft voice tips me over the edge and I break out in an almost pathetic crying fit.

"Baby, it's okay. Come open the door.", his knuckles drum against the wood of the door. I force myself to get up, my legs shaky and cold from the porcelain. Wobbling to the door, I open after a few deep breaths, practically flying into his arms and pressing my face to his chest in order to muffle my own sounds.

"It's okay, shh.", he plays with my hair, whispering quiet words into it. Nathan takes a few steps inside the room, closing the door behind him.

"Why did you run away? Did we do something wrong?", he asks in a barely audible voice, smooth and perfect.

"No its just...", my constant sniffing steals every chance I could get at explaining myself to them, especially him.

"Music is the reason why all of this happened. I-if... If I hadn't been so obsessed... Then...", I stutter, my throat cramping down on itself.

"You don't know that, babe.", he makes me look at him, his eyes so full of honesty and love.

"But it's likely!", I yell into his shirt, gripping tightly and bawling my eyes out.

Even though I've been the biggest dick, he's still so nice and understand.

It's so long, holy shit! I'm really sorry for this short and sucky chapter!

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