Life lessons (TW novel #1)

By vampire101

41.8K 297 74

Dating a member of a well known band could be either good or bad. Cheating, crashes, and heartache. How much... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 2

1.9K 7 2
By vampire101

Last week went so fast, I walk into school on a Tuesday morning and the first thing I see is not corridors filled with students, but colourful papers covering the walls and lockers. I spot Carol standing by the drink tap closest to our lockers, she's talking to someone, someone I don't quiet recognize from the back of their head. I start to grow curious, so I slowly walk toward them, dodging the students who have now filled the corridors with chatter.

I start to feel a tingle in my feet, my palms begin to get sweaty, I think I'm growing nervous but don't know why. I'm a few lockers away when Carol lifts her head up and begins to wave her hand at me, that's when I see who she is talking to, he turns around to try and find out who she is waving to, I can feel his eyes fall on my as he sees me waving back to Carol. An awkward grin spreads on my face as I stop right in front of them both, only a foot space now between Nathan and I.

'Have you seen the flyers?' Nathan and Carol say in unison.

It seems so strange as they barely know each other and throughout the whole time, even as an embarrassed smile formed on his lips his eyes never left the connection with mine. I couldn’t explain the warm feeling growing inside, the beating of my heart getting louder and faster in my ears, the way it felt like he was looking deeper into my soul then just looking at me or into my eyes, the feeling I have longed to feel toward anyone, the kind of stuff happening between two people you would only see in movies or read in a book.

The moment was ruined as Carol waves a hand in front of both of our faces, looking at me still waiting for my answer, my cheeks flush bright red, I could feel them burning up with embarrassment.

I turn and look Carol in the eyes giving her my full attention, 'I've seen them, but have no clue what they say.'

'They say that we are having a special parade today!'

'But it's only Tuesday.'


'But what could be so special about today's parade?'

Carol was then saved by the bell, which was closely followed by the chiming music of the loudspeaker starting up.

'Attention all students! Today there will be a special parade on, so please calmly make your way to the great hall,' beamed the voice of our principal.

We both slowly walk, dragging our feet.

'Nathan's only been here for like a week, and you're already talking in unison?'

Carol stops in her tracks, like she's thinking of a way to answer my question.

'We were just talking Kiara, nothing else, just trying to get to know each other. Why? You jealous?'

I could not believe that Carol had just pulled the jealousy card on me, why would I be jealous if she or any other girl was talking to Nathan?

'No I am not jealous. Why did you even pull the jealousy card out?'

'Ummm, hello? Earth to Kiara. Did you not just make eye contact with him for longer than a minute, how clumsy and shy you get when you are around him? I also notice you looking over at him when he is around, and the way I notice you when you get all shifty when other girls are talking to him.'

I would just have to say, that even though we have only been friends for the past two years when I moved here, but she knows me pretty well, possibly better than I know myself. The chance of being anything more than friends with Nathan were very, very slim, as there are a whole lot of other girls in the school, and yet also the world.

'I... I didn't think it was that obvious. But who cares if I may like him, he has all these other girls to choose,' I say pointing around at all the girls surrounding us in the great hall as we make our way to the very front row.

'It does matter, because I have a feeling that he may like you back, just give yourself a chance to get to know him first... as a friend.'

I start to think while we take our seats, we have already started talking to each other, we have numerous classes together, but the best memories from the past week will have to be the strange yet also awkward moments when Carol has to change the subject or interfere in the moments. The loud chatter of basically everyone in the great hall was very loud, everyone was in conversation with the people sitting next to them, I turn to Carol and she isn't talking to anyone, not even me, she is just on her phone texting or playing games I wouldn't know.

All the lights turn off; they ones left on are the ones shining onto the stage. The noise slowly dies down, as most conversation quieten and everyone faces the front waiting for the principal to show and announces what the parade is about. It feels like hours before the principal finally decides to slowly walk onto the stage and just stand at the edge of it with a massive, yet creepy smile full of excitement. It seems to take him a little longer to gather his words enough to form a sentence.

'Boys and girls, please quieten down now,' he yells into the microphone, making it louder then his voice originally is as it bounces off every wall, quieting the rest of the students instantly.

He stands there silent once again, waiting for the last few murmurs to silence.

'I would like to announce onto this stage, a boy who is not only known as our newest student to this school, Nathan Sykes!' Before he could finish his sentence the hall went from quiet to room loud with screams from all the girls, just like at a concert, except Carol and I were the only ones out of the girls who weren't standing, screaming and shouting.

Nathan walks out onto the stage, microphone sticking out of his left hand jean pocket, with a grin on his face as he waves to the major room of fans.

'But it's not just Nathan who is joining us up here on this stage, four other boys who are also known majorly. Joining us now will be... Max George, Siva Kaneswaran, Tom Parker and Jay McGuiness,' a long pause awaits the principal as all the girls start screaming even louder as the rest of the boys enter the stage.

I recognize them all, even in the short time I have started liking them, I can identify them all. Max with shortly shaven hair and the gorgeous smile of his beaming as he too waves to his fans who, believe it or not, start to scream louder. Siva the tall dark and handsome one, as he likes to describe himself as. Tom the cute one who throws tantrums at nearly anything, and likes to just strum his guitar. Also Jay the funny curly haired boy who seems a little awkward in front of heaps of people, but gets a rush of it all anyways.

They all make they way to their way to the centre of the stage, right behind their mic stands and the principal finishes his sentence, 'The Wanted!!!!!'

The beat to their first song begins to play, I recognize it instantly and I look down at the ground with a smile on my face as Max starts singing, All Time Low. I look back up and watch them sing while moving around on stage, acting a bit like goof balls. When the first thing I see is Nathan smiling down at me while he is singing, standing at the edge of the stage right in front of me and Carol, I can't help but smile.

He bends down, now smiling while it's Jay's short solo before they all start to sing the chorus together, he holds out an open hand to me, waiting for me to take it. Carol nudges me just instantly before I could think of what is happening. I place my hand on his, and instantly I get the electric feel of our connection, the room around us disappears and it's only us two as we both lock eyes once more. Then the moment was ruined...once again, but this time by Nathan starting to sing along with the other boys.

Max is singing his solo for the end of, All Time Low, I turn my head back to Nathan, when I see his lips part, mouthing the words 'wait for me?' as he slowly rises and returns behind his mic stand. I turn to Carol shocked, not only because I am seeing The Wanted live, but also because of Nathan, I have to confirm with Carol that he actually mouthed that to me, that I wasn't just imagining it.

As the next song starts, the starting music to, Heart Vacancy, I notice all the boys are gathering in a group and I see Nathan and Max pointing over at me as the rest of them follow their fingers and look over too, wide eyes.

I see the shocked look on Tom's face as I notice him mouth the words 'Is that her?' to Nathan.

They quickly take their placed again just before Max has to start singing is starting verse.

I kept watching all the boys throughout the next four songs, watching them go crazy on stage, watching Nathan do crazy dance moves and get knocked over by Max during, Lie To Me. He laid there at the edge of the stage singing his verse, while secretly looking at me, Carol kept nudging me, making sure I am noticing, she is full of excitement for me.

The concert ended and before they all left they all said a personal thank you to all their fans, they were full of happiness and also exhausted from their wonderful performance, I notice Nathan winking and slightly pointing to me basically saying to come to the back, so no one could see.

As everyone fled out of the hall and going to first lunch, I stay starring off at the space where Nathan just left, practically asking for me to follow.

'Hey you coming?' Carol asks following my gaze, 'Okay you go but find me afterwards okay?'

Carol left with all the other students, I remain where I am, wondering whether or not I should really go.

Then suddenly I feel two hands wrap around my waist, the kind of comfort I needed at the moment. I realise I don't have anyone special yet to give me this kind of comfort, so I turn my head around slowly, breaking the connection between us.

My eyes widen as standing before me, is no one I would've expected, my ex-boyfriend Daniel.

'I saw him with you, Kiara, I saw how he makes you feel.'

'What are you talking about? You have no right in who I see, or what I do, or what I even feel.'

He doesn't reply, he stares me in the eyes for a few more seconds before a voice from behind me says, 'Leave her alone!'

It's a voice I don't quite recognise yet, but sounds familiar, I was too lost in my thoughts to notice that Daniel had taken a grip on my arms, holding me tight so I could escape.

When he didn't leave the voice repeated, 'I said leave her alone,' foot steps jump down off the stage and get closer, Daniel backs away and walks out the hall doors.

I turn around to face my saviour, and to my surprise it wasn't Nathan, it was Tom, with his sexy Bolton accent.

He embraces me into his arms and whispers into my ear, 'Nathan likes you, you know that?' as he pulls away and gets back onto the stage and turns around and just smiles at me, I slowly follow but stop at the bottom of the stage and take a seat at the edge.

I don't hear the light steps of someone getting closer; I just lose myself in my thoughts about what has happened today. A firm hand is placed on my shoulder as he joins me, both our legs dangling from the edge of the stage; he places his hand upon mine, which sends the most amazing feeling through my body. I look down at both our hands touching, when I lift my head our eyes meet again.

I start to think to myself, 'just kiss me, please, just kiss me.'

And like he could see beyond my eyes and read my thoughts the moment came quicker than expected. Our noses brush against each other’s, our lips ever so slightly touching at first. I close my eyes waiting for the moment, he presses his lips harder to mine, and he places a hand behind my head and starts to kiss with a rage of passion, like he just can't get enough. When we both pull away, we are both out of breath.

I open my eyes and the first thing I can think of, to say it loud is, 'Wow.'

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