The bet (jack Avery story )

Por lovetoread817

170K 2.8K 734

Being Logan and Jake Paul's sister has disadvantages and advantages. Like meeting team 10 and becoming rlly g... Más



4.9K 85 27
Por lovetoread817

" AYEO GOOD MORNING LOGANG WHAT'S POPPING "I heard Logan yell causing me to wake up. " OMG SHUT THE FUCK UP LOGAN " I yelled turning to face the wall so i could go back to sleep. A couple minutes later my bedroom door swung open. " WAKE UPPP MIA DON'T BE LAZY " he yelled jumping on me. " me how am i lazy " i said. " because u just woke up " he said pointing the camera at me. " guys just a fyi off camera he is really lazy" i said. " OK FIRST THINGS FIRST MIA YOU'RE NOT CAMERA SHY ANYMORE" he yelled. " yea " i said laughing. " and second what time did you get home last night " he asked with a serious look on his face. " around 11 " i said. " ok why so late " he asked. " because we were writing a song and only stopped to go to the bathroom or to eat " i said sitting up and putting my hair into a messy bun. " oh right " he said sitting on my bed. " btw i need you to cut that out " i said. " why " he said back. " because we can't drop any hints that we are making this song " i said. " oh right " he said laughing. " yea you dumbass " i said pushing him off my bed. " now i'm leaving it in " Logan said. " i can ask Myles but i don't think you can " i said. " ok ask " he said. " ok " i said. " oh and also off camera do u still like jack " he asked. " yea why " i asked. " just asking " he said. " LOGAN " someone yelled. " MIA'S ROOM " Logan yelled. " AYYE IT'S THE BOYS " he yelled. " OMG LOGAN GET OUT WITH YOUR YELLING " i said pushing him off my bed. " why sissy is it cuz jack is here " he said. " GET OUT LOGAN NOW " I yelled pushing him out and slamming my door. why did he just say that to me.


jack and i have been hanging out a lot recently and he's been so nice to me. i think he likes me i hope he does because i like him back and we keep getting told that we would make a cute couple or that we are a cute couple. we were sitting on the couch at the boy's house watching a movie and cuddling. " hey jack i have to tell u something " i said facing him. Today was the day i was going to tell him how i feel everyone knows Logan, Jake, team 10, and the rest of the boys. " what's up " he said facing me. " umm jack i like u " i said looking at him. " oh wow " he said awkwardly at that moment i knew he didn't feel the same and that crushed my heart. " Mia i'm sorry but i don't feel the same plus i met this girl named Ashley and i really like her " he said grabbing my hands. " oh umm it's getting pretty late i have to go " i said getting up and leaving. " wait Mia i" jack said trying to stop me but i just kept on walking. " so Mia how did it go " Corbyn said stopping me outside. I looked up and he saw that i was crying. " oh Mia i'm so sorry " he said hugging me. " it's ok i have to go now " i said. " wait mia stop let's talk about this " jack said running out the house but i ignored him and kept on walking till i got to Logan's house. When i walked into the door i saw Logan, Kong, and Ayla sitting on the couch so i went straight into my room.

end of flashback

Now whenever the boys come over i'm always in my room or somewhere else so i don't have to see jack or when Logan goes to their house i stay home or i walk around the city till Logan leaves. Logan always tells me that the boys say they miss me even jack but i can't look or be around jack before my feelings for him get stronger. I hooked my phone up to the bluetooth speaker and started playing music while i got ready. I put on a black calvin klein sports bra with black leggings and my space jams. I put my hair into a ponytail and put on mascara. I made my bed, cleaned my room, and packed my bag so i could stay the night at Myles house.

i walked out my room and made breakfast for Logan and i. Once i was done eating i got up and brushed my teeth. " HEY LOGAN " i yelled. " WHAT " he yelled back. " can i use your car again " i asked walking out my room to the living room where Logan and the boys were sitting. " for what " he said. " for the song retard " i said. " yea i don't care the keys are on the table " he said and went back to vloging. I grabbed the keys and went back to my room when i walked in my phone went off. I looked and saw a message.

Myles: hey you still coming over ???

Mia: yea i'm leaving right now

Myles: alright wait you're staying the night right

Mia: yea if that's still ok ???

Myles: yea of course

Mia: alright and also my brother wants to know if he can say anything about us making the song together.

Myles: well it depends on what he wants to say

Mia: oh this morning he woke me up and asked me what time i got home last night and i told him the time then he asked why and i said because we were writing a song and only stopped to use the bathroom and eat

Myles: did he vlog it

Mia: of course

Myles: if that's all u said then that's fine

Mia: ok thanks

Myles: no problem now hurry up and get here

Mia: ok coming

I grabbed my bag, my phone, my charger, and my make up. " Logan i'm leaving and i'm also staying the night  " i said walking out of my room. " ok woah wait who's house are you going to again " he asked putting the camera down which meant that he was not playing around. " Myles house " i said. " ok right oh did u ask him " he said. " oh yea he said u can leave it in your video " i said. " ok good now go have fun with the song " he said. " alright bye Logan bye boys " i said walking out. I got in the car and drove to Myles house

jack's pov

We were at Logan's house and Mia had left to go to Myles house. " hey Logan off the vlog " i said so he could put the vlog camera down. " yea what's up" he said turning it off and putting it on the couch. " does your sister still like me " i asked him. " yea dude she does like a lot " Logan said. " bro why can't she get the fact that i don't feel the same way about her " i said. " bro i bet u 200 dollars to date my sister for the rest of the time she's here then u can break it off the day she leaves. If u don't do it the whole time she's here then u have to buy me food for a whole week" Logan said. " deal " i said. " wait guys really isn't that like leading her on tho " Daniel said. " bro who cares it was Logan's idea " i said. " dude you being her OLDER brother that's fucked up " Corbyn said to Logan. " here i'll call Jake and see if it's a good idea " Logan said pulling out his phone.

Jake: yooo logan what's up

Logan: nothing much

Jake: ok

Logan: anyways bro so u know how mia likes jack like a lot

Jake: yea so

Logan: and jack doesn't feel the same way about her so i made this bet with him

Jake: ok what's the bet

Logan: that he has to date her for the rest of the time she's here and then he can break up with her the day she leaves

Erica : that's leading her on tho Logan and she's is your own sister like same blood same parents and everything

Logan: i know but erica i have 200 dollars on this

Jake: broo it's a good idea


Logan: what we think it's a good idea

Erica: all i have to say is that this is really really low and i don't even know who you guys are anymore

Jake: alright bro i gotta go i'll pitch in tho you do 100 and i'll do 100

"alright guess the bet is on " Logan said. " yea " i said laughing. " i'm going home " Daniel said getting up." why " i said. " because i don't want to be apart of this " he said walking to the door. " i don't either" Zach said getting up and so did everyone else. " wait u guys are all leaving" i said. " don't come home jack" Corbyn said. " wait why" i said. " because we don't allow strangers into our house" Jonah said. " what are guys talking about i'm jack i'm not a stranger " i said laughing. " yes you are because we don't know who you are anymore" Daniel said. Then they all turned around and left.

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