Friends are the family you ch...

By Galfort

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Scott had tried out for lots of talent shows before and it never end up well, but The Sing-Off was different... More

Meeting Scott
The start of something new
School's out for summer(almost)
Meeting Kirstin
Dragons and Texas
Back to California
Of arrangements and hot tubs
Rhythm of love


58 3 10
By Galfort

-C'mon girl, get your lovely ass in the car! We are going to be late!!-Scott shouted from outside the door.
-I'm coming, I'm coming, no need to scream. You will ruin your pretty voice-Kirstie replied, getting out of the door.
-It was just about time. It was taking forever for you to get ready!!-
-Don't be too dramatic! I just wanted to look good for our first meeting with Kevin! -
She said, tying her blond hairs in a nice braid while Scott started the car.
-It took you less than half of the time to get ready when you had to meet Avi, didn't you have to impress him as well? -
-But it was different. Avi already knew you so I was sure that you had already told him enough embarrassing stuff about me and, no matter how I was dressed, I would had not been able to impress him anyway-
-I think you impress him big time kid! -Scott contradict her.
Kirstie's eyes moved from her friends to the landscape outside the car.
Scott had been teasing her about Avi since they had met and she could tell that he was already planning to play matchmaker, he was probably just waiting for Mitch to come.
Her two friends had tried to find her someone to date since she broke up with her last high school boyfriend, without any success and she was sure they were not going to give up any time soon.
She just hoped Scott hadn't bothered Avi too about it, but, knowing him, she was sure that he had.
Poor Avi, he seemed pretty uncomfortable with this kind of stuff and Scott enjoyed embarrassing him way too much.
Since their first meeting she hadn't seen Avi much but they had texted a lot without Scott knowing about it. He would had made a big deal out of it and they didn't want that so they just agreed to keep this between them for the moment.
But even if he kept texting her she was starting to miss the guy.
Avi had told her and Scott tons of times that he was so sorry he couldn't come with them to collect Kevin from the airport, no matter how many times they had told him not to worry about that.
He seemed almost heartbroken and she wish she could just hug him and told him it was ok, but he was back home, visiting his family since his brother was about to leave again for Israel and he couldn't miss a last reunion with him, and, by the way, they were still a little bit awkward around each other.
-Ok princess, you are getting a little too quiet for my linking. Do I have to get worried? -
Scott's voice made her come back to heart.
-Oh? Oh, no, sorry I was just thinking-
-About what? Or better, about who? -
She blushed.
-I see that Avi as well made a very good impression that day-
-Would you ever give me a break from this Avi thing? -
-Nope. Not until you keep talking about him in that way-
-I don't talk about him in any way! -
-Yes, you do, don't deny it! -
-Why do you always have to try to pair me with someone? -she sighed.
-Oh girl, you haven't seen anything yet. Just wait for Mitch to come.....-
-You are definitely not going to drag Mitch in this. YOU. ARE. NOT! -
-Guess what? YES. I. AM! -
-It's all in your head Scott-
-No, it's not and Mitch will think the same-
-Then why don't you just keep quiet about it? If it's really so obvious like you say he will go about it just like you-
-Ok, I can do this. But just because I know I'm right-
Scott was about to stay something but he noticed that they had just arrived at the airport.
-This conversation is not over princess-
-If you say so-
She was about to ask him to at least not tease Avi about this as he was doing with her but at the end she decided it was better not. Everything she would had said he would had used against her but, even worse, against Avi and she wasn't sure that the guy could handle it.
They walked quietly to the arrival section of the airport, where a dark-skinned guy was standing by himself.
-Ehi, sorry if we are late. I'm Scott-the blond said to the guy as soon as they got close enough for him to notice them.
-Don't worry, you are perfectly on time-
-We are definitely not if you are already standing there and I'm so sorry because it's my fault. It took more time than I thought to get ready and we ended up being late. I'm so sorry. And to think that we were doing anything to make you like us!!-Kirstie blurted out so fast that Kevin had some difficulties to understand what she was saying and when he did he couldn't avoid laughing, followed by Scott.
-It's ok Kirstin. My flight was slight early that's why I was already standing here and anyway is not like being late will prevent me from like you. I already like you, you know? -
-Really?!! Oh my Gosh, that's such a relief. I thought, since you are so talented and smart and everything, that you will think we are just a bunch of stupid kids and.....-
-Kirstin, you are starting to overtalking again-Kevin said, putting his hands on both of her shoulder.
-Oh, sorry. I guess I'm just super nervous. By the way, you can call me Kirstie, I like it better-
-Well, now that we are over with the compliments, where are we heading? Are we going to start rehearse straight away? -
-Oh my Gosh, you sound like Avi!!-exclaimed Scott, rolling his eyes and making Kirstie laugh a little.
-Is that bad? -asked Kevin confused.
-No, don't worry about him. It's not bad, it's just.... Let's say that it shows how much more mature than us you and Avi are since you are always talking about rehearsing-she said.
-Well, I'm not going to talk only about that and, to be honest, I would enjoy a walk through the city before starting to work-
-Oh thank Jesus! You know what, you are not so much like Avi-Scott almost shouted, taking Kevin's suitcase and leading him toward the car.
-Is Avi that bad? -
-No, is not, he is just really focused. He is putting a lot on the line, like all of us, and he is so passionate-Kirstie replied, before Scott could even begin to say anything.
-And she has a crush on him-the blond added, earning a punch from the girl.
-Don't listen to him, I don't have a crush on Avi. I just happen to have talked to the guy about.... Well, a lot I suppose. The first time we met I had asked him so many question that the poor boy had barely the time to answer them-
-If you are always like this when you meet someone new, I find it easy to believe it-Kevin said, smiling at her and she smiled back.
Kevin seemed more open and relaxed than everyone she had ever met, a nice change for one.
-So, when are we meeting Avi? -he added when Scott started the car.
-He is visiting his family right now but should be back tonight. We actually agreed to meet at the train station later, then you will go at his place and me and Kirstie will go back to mine-
-So we are not staying all together? -
-Not for the moment. Neither my room nor Avi's are big enough to fit all the five of us so, until the audition, we taught that Kirstie and Mitch will stay with me and you will go with Avi, but if you don't feel comfortable we will find another solution-
-No no, it's fine. I was just asking. And after the audition? -
-Well, we have to see how that goes and then we'll talk about it, this time together-
Scott parked the car as close to the city centre as he could get and then walked the other two around the city.
Kevin had never been to Los Angeles and Kirstie hadn't seen much of the city either so there were still many places new to her as well.
When they got too tired they stopped at a McDonald's near to the sea side, bought as much food as they could carry and ate it on the beach.
It was summer and the weather was so nice that none of them wanted to waste any time inside a building.
They talked about everything that they could think of, from how they fell in love with music to how annoying their siblings could get.
Talking with Kevin was so easy that Kirstie ended up wondering why she had been so scared of meeting him.
He didn't make her feel like she was stupid and not because he wasn't as smart as she had thought, he probably was even smarter than that, he just never spoke as if he was "above" them and she really appreciated it.
He was always trying to find a common ground, something that all of them could relate to and he probably was doing it without even thinking about it. Being the friendliest guy was just so natural to him.
He was surely going to be a great friend.
They stayed on the beach until it was time to get to the station.
While walking to the car, they kept talking about the most random stuff, but Kirstie could tell that now Kevin was getting a nervous.
Not like she was when she had to meet Avi, but still.....
She got it. She and Scott had talked about Avi a lot, telling Kevin about how focused and hardworking he was, making him look like some kind of Acapella robot, something so different from the super chill guy that the dark-skinned boy was, and they had to live together for a while.....
-Relax Kev, it may not look like it, but Avi is super cool and being around him is actually nice. You are going to love him-She whisper into his ear, making him smile.
-So..... Do I look nervous? -
-A little maybe, but it's ok. I get it. I was a mess when I had to meet him-
-She was-Scott confirm, earning a punch from her.
-I know that Avi reputation can be scary. I mean, when it's about singing and music, Avi is super focused and untiring, but I swear that he is much more than this-
-I bet you know him better than anyone else, right? -the blonde teased her, but she could feel something else in his voice.
-Are you jealous, Scotty?!-
-I'm not! I mean, why would I be? I've just borne the guy talking only about arrangements for I don't know how long, trying to get it to open up a little, without any success and how long did it take you to get something out of him? -
Kirstie laughed a little.
-It's not my fault, it's actually yours! -
-How come? -
-Have you never thought that he is actually a shy guy and that keep teasing him about everything wasn't the best way to win his heart? -
-So you admit that you have won his heart? -
-You know I didn't mean it that way-
-Whatever. Will talk about it later-Scott replied with a smirk.
-You guys are the funniest, you know that? -Kevin asked, trying hard not to laugh.
-Just because you haven't met Mitch......-Kirstie replied and she could see Scott's expression soften.
-Just 2 days, just 2 days-he muttered with a big smile.
Scott pulled up in front of the train station where Avi was already standing.
-Did you wait long? -Kirstie asked, opening the car door to let him in.
-Not really. I actually just got off the train. You are perfectly on time-
-Ehi, is everything ok? -she almost whisper, looking straight in his eyes with a worried look that made him smile a little.
-Everything is fine, it's just.... I don't really like leaving my family, I don't think I'll ever get used to it. I know, I should be like that, but what can I say? I'm a big softie-
She laughed.
-No need to be sorry. I'm kinda like that as well. Every time I come back home I never want to leave again. That's probably why I don't go back much-
-I probably wouldn't have come back if Josh wasn't going back to Israel. I hate that he lives on the side of the globe-he sighed, resting his head on the headrest of his seat.
-I know-she said, squeezing his hand a little, making him smile.
-You two in the back, stop being lovebirds! Not that I mind, but Avi didn't even introduce himself to our new friend-Scott interrupt them, making them jump as far apart as they could.
-I'm so sorry. I didn't see you. I'm Avi, by the way, I hope I didn't pass as a rude guy because I'm usually not, I just didn't......-
-.....notice me? It's ok. I've heard too much about you to make this influence me and, by the way, I didn't get offended easily and I do believe you didn't see me. I'm Kevin-the dark-skinned boy replied, shaking the bass hand.
-So.....What are we going to do now?-Scott asked with a smirk, looking at Avi, who knew what the blond wanted to do.
-I'm sorry Scott, I'm just too tired to go clubbing tonight, I just want to go home, but if Kevin want to come with you I'll give my keys so he can come back at any time he wants. He doesn't have to get stuck with me if he wants to party-
He didn't want to kill the mood or anything but he was really too tired. He wasn't even sure he can get through dinner without falling asleep on his plate.
-You are staying at my place, right? -he added then, looking at Kevin.
-Yep, and I don't mind getting stuck with you actually. I've spent enough time with the two of them and I've really heard a lot about you so now I'm curious to get to know you better-
-Ok, but I'm telling you, I'll probably fall asleep as soon as I see my bed-
-I can tell-
-But I promise that, as soon as I will regain my strength or whatever, we will go clubbing-Avi said, not sure if he was making the promise to Kevin, Scott, Kirstie or all of them.
-You better regain your strength in the next few days because Mitch is coming and I can already tell you that he will want to party and he will not take a "No" as an answer-Scott replied.
-I'm sorry to say it, but he's right. Mitchie can be....pretty convincing about it-Kirstie added with a laugh.
-That's an understatement princess-
-Shhhh Scott!! There is no need to scare the guys! -
-Oh Gosh, what did I put myself into?!-Avi sighed, making everybody else laugh.
Then Kevin turned on the radio and they all started jamming to literally every song that came up, it didn't matter if they knew it or if they were just trying to guess the next note, they were having so much fun that they didn't even notice Avi's silence until Scott asked him where he wanted to have for dinner and didn't get an answer.
-He has been asleep pretty much since you turned the radio on-Kirstie explained, glancing at the boy next to her.
He seemed so peaceful and relaxed, very different from the beaten-up bass that had walked into the car less than an hour before.
-I think we should just bring him home. He looked like he could use some sleep-Scott replied, shrugging.
Normally he would had been a little bit annoyed that someone was killing the mood and making all of them going home so early, but it was Avi and, in the brief period of time they had known each other, the bass hadn't slept much, making Scott worry, so seeing him sleep was actually a relief.
-Guys, you are looking at him so weirdly. He is just sleeping, you know? -Kevin said, bringing the other two back to earth.
-I'm sorry is just that......Well, we were kinda worried about him overloading himself to the breaking point, so seeing him getting some rest is actually the prettiest sight in the world right now-Kirstie explained, not moving her eyes from the bass seated next to her.
-I can watch out for him if he makes you so worried about his well-being. I will make sure he is taking care of himself-Kevin proposed.
Suddenly Kirstie's eyes were on him, as well as Scott's ones.
-Would you really do that? -she asked.
-Of course. I mean, it won't be difficult since I'm going to be always around him and it's not like I'm not going to do it anyway. We are a team now, right? And team mates look out for each other so I'm going to look out for him-he explained, earning the widest of the smiles from the other two, but none of them said anything more.
They just started jamming again, while Scott drove them to Avi's college.
The boy slept through the entire ride and he didn't wake when the car stopped in front of his building.
-Avi....-Kirstie started to call him, shaking him a little.
He shrugged, mumbled something and turned his head without even open his eyes.
-C'mon Avi, don't be a baby and wake up! -she exclaimed, raising her voice and shaking him harder, but he didn't wake.
-C'MON! -she shouted while keeping shaking him, but this time he turned his entire body to the other side, with more strength that she expected so, she fell on top of him, making the other to laugh.
The combination between Kirstie previous attempts to wake him, her body on top of his and Kevin's high-pitched voice finally made Avi open his eyes.
-What's this noise??-he mumbled in his sleepy voice.
-And just when I thought I've heard the lowest note a human voice can get, he just gets lower-Scott said, without stopping laughing.
-You didn't want to wake and we are already at your place, so our girl tried to make you-Kevin explained, trying to calm himself down.
-And how did she end up on top of me? -Avi asked with the most innocent voice, which made the two guys laugh even harder, while Kirstie's face became as red as possible.
-You pretty much dragged her! -
-Oh, I'm sorry Kirstie, I didn't mean it-
-I know, don't worry-She replied, getting up and giving his friend a killer look.
-So, we have done our duty and drove the sleeping beauty to her castle, so now we are going to go into town to have some fun-Scott said when Avi finally get out of the car, still rubbing his eyes.
-Guys, I'm so sorry, you drove all the way up hear for nothing! Let me at least buy you dinner! -
The looked so sorry that Scott felt bad for him.
-Well I won't refuse since I'm really hungry and I won't get to town without eating. So, where are you taking us this time? -the blond said, with a wide smile that made Avi sigh with relief.
-Is barbecue ok? -
-I love barbecue-Kevin asked, and in no time they were at Avi's favourite place in the world.
He had found this "barbecue heaven" the first week of college, but he had not gone there often since John didn't like barbecue that much, so he was glad his new friend seemed to enjoy the food almost as much as he was.
Kevin was the more enthusiastic one and Avi could not help but smile.
Something was telling him that the dark-skinned guy was going to be a very important person in his life so it was cool that they enjoyed the same type of food. Probably with the time they will find many more things in common.
After dinner Kirstie and Scott walked the other two to the dorm, wished them goodnight with the promise to meet them again for lunch the next day and then drove away.
Avi led Kevin in to his room, feeling his eyes closing again.
-Do you want to do something? -he asked, but the beatboxer shock his head.
-You need to sleep bro. I don't want to be rude, but you really look like a zombie-
-Don't be sorry. I know I look bad. It's just.....Well, no need to bother you with my problems. I'm sorry that you are stuck with me; you would have probably preferred to go partying with the Texans-the bass said, attempting to smile, but Kevin was not one to be fooled easily.
-I want to be bother with your problems, we are a team now. And by the way, I didn't feel like clubbing today, you are not the only one to be tired, I'm just better in hiding it-
-You are going to think that I'm stupid.....-
-I'm not, I promise-
-Well, I was kinda nervous at the idea of meeting you and about this entire "adventure" in general so I've kinda had trouble sleeping for a while now, but now that I've met you I think I'm going to be fine-
-Why is that? -
-Because now I know that I don't have to worry about anything. We are going to be bros and will nail the competition and if we won't win it will not matter because I know that we will still make great things-
Avi was so confident in what he had just said and Kevin didn't know what to say.
-I hope that you are right-
-I know I am. I can feel it-the bass replied with a smile and Kevin couldn't avoid but smile back because he could feel it too.


I remember, from one of the first spreecast, that Kevin mentioned Avi telling him something like this when they met so I thought it would have been nice to had it.
Tell me what you think about the story and if you have any advices of any type I will love to hear them!

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