The change up (Sequel to the...

By xxxdancemomsgirlxxx

3.7K 212 18

If packing up and going off to college isn't hard enough, Kat has lot to deal with when she arrives at colleg... More

New beginnings
Moving on
What happened tonight?
Case closed
Beach Day
I can't be that girl
You'll regret it
Hooking up with Byrce?
It's all good
Chocolate frosted donut
You're my everything
Feeling the same way
Toy Story and Dates with siblings
We aren't dating
I'm sorry
Breaking it off
Copy Kat
Perfect or Psyco?
Seeing other guys?
Meeting his family
The view
Mood change
I'm sorry
Let's go
I trust you
Did you enjoy the game?
Goodbye for now
The girl known as....
What if?
Smiling through the sadness
I'm in love with you 2x
But it's my dream
Mutual breakup
I just want to talk
Happy for you
Spaghetti and Meatballs
The day my life turned upside down

Triple date

62 5 1
By xxxdancemomsgirlxxx

After class ended I rushed to get my softball equipment from my room because practiced started in 10 minutes and it took me at least 15 to get there.

I slammed the door to my room as I rushed out. I started to casually walk to seem the least bit normal and not run in front of everyone.

When I didn't see anyone any more I started sprinting down. As I was running, I heard my name called. I turned around to see who it was and I immediately regretted it.

"Are you following me babygirl?", Bryce smirked as he held the wheel to his car.

"You wish", I rolled my eyes and continued to walk.

"Wanna ride?", he asked.

"I'd rather not ride with or on you, got it".

"Geez you're feisty, but I'll give you a ride".

"Fine but if you say anything about me or my boyfriend I'm gonna jump out".

"Deal", he stuck his hand out waiting for me to shake.

I passed by his hand and walked to the passengers side of the car. He had a smirk on his face as I sat beside him.

"How's life been treating you?", he asked.


"Aren't you gonna ask me the same question?", he questioned.

"No because I already know how your cocky arrogant ass is doing".

"And how is that?".

"I can tell that you're living the life as a football superstar who thinks he can always get what he wants".

"That life kinda sucks", he frowned.

"Wow the football superstar has feelings. I didn't know since he played with mine and didn't care", I rolled my eyes.

"You want me to admit it. Yeah I used you for sex but I like to think that you and I are alike".

"Alike? On what planet because it's not earth".

"Well we're both hot, we both play sports, and we both know we have something between us", he leaned in.

"No, no we don't", I pushed him as I walked out of his car and onto the field.

"Thanks for the ride but leave me alone", I slammed the door.

I got to practice with 5 minutes to spare.

"Was that Bryce?", Ellie asked.

"Yeah he offered me a ride so I wasn't late".

"Wow I'm shocked you took it".

"If I didn't, your mom would have me running laps galore".

"Are you gonna tell Cam?".

"Probably not, it's not that big of a deal".

"Round up for batting practice", Ellie's mom yelled.

The whole team gathered around as coach Redding explained the stations that we were gonna go through.

"Pair off and go around to each station and hit".

"Partners?", Ellie asked.

I nodded as we headed over to the heavy balls. The heavy balls are filled with sand and because the ball is heavier you have to try to hit it further.

Ellie stood at the pitchers mound as she pitched a heavy ball at me.

"How's Malia been?", she asked.

"I have no idea. I haven't talked to her since she lied again. She has nerve trying to break up my relationship".

"Honestly her and Bryce should go out".

"That's what I said to Cam".

"Speaking of him. Are him and Malia still friends?", she raised her eyebrow.

"I don't know or care. He has no feelings towards her and I trust him", I smacked the ball over Ellie's head.

"Good for you. I'm glad that you finally found happiness".

"Me too. I kinda missed Cameron for awhile. God why didn't I meet him sooner?", I laughed.

"Hey, everything happens with time and reason", she pointed out.

"Yeah that's true".

"Do you know where Cameron is right now?".

"Yeah he's at baseball practice. He says he hates the pressure but loves the game so he has a love/hate relationship with it, just like me", I joked.

"Do you see yourself marrying him one day?", she flat out asked with no warning.

"Yeah definitely. I feel like he's the missing piece of my puzzle".

"That's cute. Honestly I don't know if I see myself marrying Taylor".

"Why?", I asked with concern.

"I feel like he's not the type to wanna be tied down. It's hard to explain".

"El, he's gonna get tied down eventually and I believe that you're the girl who's gonna do that. You make him do things that I never though he would do", I laughed.

"That's true. I don't know but we'll see".

"Yeah same with me".

"Kat you and Cameron are perfect for one another. You barely get into fights and you guys are in love which is too cute".

"I wouldn't say that statement is true. We've gotten into 2 fights in the last week. I have to admit that love isn't as easy as everyone thinks it is".

"You two make it look easy. It's refreshing to be around a couple who aren't completely obsessed with sex".

"Thanks", I laughed.

"I'm serious. Every couple I know hooks up every night and they always talk about it".

"Cameron and I aren't like that at all. We just like to be in each other's company".

"I wish I could say the same thing about my relationship", she sighed.

"It's ok. All relationships are different, I'm sure that you and Taylor have a good thing going on".

"We do and he's a great guy. I just don't want to be the girl who's infatuated with lust rather than love".

"I get it".

"Switch stations", the coach yelled.

"Okay so the worst date I've ever been on was when Isaiah took me to a musical that was all in Dutch", Luna laughed.
"It wasn't because I don't like musicals it's was because I couldn't understand a damn thing"

"Okay so the worst date I've ever been on was with this guy I dated in 8th grade. We went to the movies and it was horror. So during the movie there were a couple of scary parts and for one of them he got so scared that he peed his pants", I laughed.

"Are you serious?", Luna asked.

"Yeah she is. His name was Arthur Brownstein and he was a total nerd", Ellie laughed

"I just went out with him of pity. I never again went on a date with that kid".

" I really wish I knew you guys back then", Luna chuckled.


"We should go out. On a triple date", Ellie suggested.

In my head I didn't want to but I want to be a good friend. I know Ellie and Taylor are going through a rough patch so I wanna be there for her.

"Sounds good. But when?".

"Now, I just texted Taylor and he said he guys are down".

"Oh that means I gotta get ready", Luna scurried off.

"Me too", Ellie ran off leaving me sitting alone.

I decided to make myself a snack and not to get ready because I didn't feel the need to impress my boyfriend. He either likes me for me or likes me for my makeup and the way I dress.


"Hey you", Cameron said pulling me into a tight hug.

"How was your day?", I asked as we had our own personal conversation.

"I just came back from baseball practice which is always painful. But classes were not all that bad mainly because I slept through them", he laughed.

"How do you fall asleep in class?".

"Because professor Graham is so boring. All he talks about is the industrial revolution and world war 2".

"Those were important events in our culture", I reminded him.

"You know what's a big event that teachers don't talk about. They don't talk about the invention of chicken enchiladas", he rolled his eyes.

"Oh yeah because chicken enchiladas are way more important then cars", I sarcastically laughed.

"They are".

"Who invented chicken enchiladas?", I asked with an eyebrow raised

"See I would know if they taught us this stuff. I've learned about the industrial revolution about 5 times in the last 5 years of school".

"They do teach that a lot".

"They teach the world wars more though".

"It's so history doesn't repeat itself".

"Ugh it's still boring. I'd rather run 100 laps then go to history class".

"Me too".

Soon after him and I finished our individual conversation it was time to order.

"What do you want, I'll pay", Cameron asked smiling at me.

"I want the cheepest thing on the menu".

"No, get whatever. You deserve to be spoiled".

"Nope and I'm paying. You do so much for me, it's my turn now".

"Kat you don't ha-".

"What will you two be having?", the waitress asked.

"I'll take the chicken tenders and he'll take the steak", I interrupted as I passed our menus.

"You're the best", he said placing his lips on my cheek.

"Aren't I always?", l laughed.

"Why are you guys my otp?", Luna asked.

"You and Isaiah have been dating for 4 years".

"I don't think it's otp I think we're more o-d-d", Isaiah pointed out.

"I think you're talking about yourself there", Luna laughed.

After having a fun triple date we decided to call it quits after a long day.

It was a great night. Everyday's a good day when it's spent with Cameron.

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