๐Ÿ’”Easliy Broken๐Ÿ’”

By FB5430

187K 922 2.6K

After all the hate and mistreat at Ronnie Anne's Party, The family mistreat him at The Loud House Disrespectf... More

The Embarrassment
Life of a Broken Heart
Lost n' Lonely
The Hard Cry
Love Hurts
Change from a Bleeding Heart
Opening My Eyes
Starting Over Again
We're Home
The Party
A Happy Ending
Author's Note: What's happening now? 5 years Later/Easily Broken 2๐Ÿ’”/ And More
Artist Note: Idea Comfirmed/New Poster

New Friends

29K 135 707
By FB5430

Lincoln:(to the viewers) Previously on Easily Broken.........

Lincoln: (Shocked) Oh my gosh, I'm Late!!

Rita:(mad) What took you so long?

You were gonna to make us late.

Lincoln: Well, I've overslept after we had a fi-

Lynn Sr.: (angry) No excuse, Son! Your in so much trouble!

Lincoln: What did I-

Rita: Conversation's off! Let's move kids!____________________________________________________________

Lincoln: Maybe Clyde, Ronnie Anne and I will go vacation.

Agnes: That's awesome, Lincoln. Were would you be going.

Lincoln: Well I always thought if we go somewhere fun like Paris, or Tokyo. I don't know.

Cristina: Well, I hope you have a fun vacation dumb prince.

(All the kids in the class room except for Clyde and Ronnie Anne was laughing)

Agnes: Then stop laughing at him. Here we are on the last day of school and your disrespecting another student. All of you except for Clyde and Ronnie Anne needs to apologize to him.

Agnes: Class Dismissed!

Clyde: Wow, Lincoln. Maybe this morning must of been a bad start for you.

Ronnie Anne: Yeah, It's only the last day of school and their should be no reason to be laughing at someone.

Chandler:(mean) Wow! look at that dumb love bird! This Dude is nothing but a Phony!

(Once again, All of the Kids except for Clyde and Ronnie Anne were laughing)____________________________________________________________

Clyde and Ronnie Anne:(annoyed)

And here we go again.

Lola:(bratty) Hey, Lincoln. What you got? Tuna sandwich?

Lincoln:(annoyed). What do you guys want?

Lucy:(obnoxious) Well after what about that funny joke Luan said, you wouldn't mind I do..... this!?

(Lucy took out her hand and slapped down the sandwich. Then,it fell on the floor and Lana starts treating him like a dog)

Lana:(bitter) Oh, what's wrong little doggy. You must be hungry. Oh, you poor nasty little thing, dropped your sandwich. C'mon boy. Get your sandwich boy. Go. Go get it! _______________________________________________________________

Lincoln:(upset) Give that to me!

Lola: Dear Diary, This evening was awesome. My girlfriend and I had the best day ever. We head to the arcade for lunch we had pizza. We even drank milkshakes together. That's how happy I thought about how Ronnie Anne will always be my side. Sometimes When I look at her she was angel. She was like a sister to me. My life at school has been a complete success.

(Everyone except for Ronnie and Clyde laughed once again)

Lisa: That's sad, Lola. Guess he's to Lazy for love isn't he.

(The other sisters and kids laughed again once more)

Lincoln:(furious) I'm not afraid of everything. That's my diary and you have no reason to read anything about my personal life about it. So give it back now, or I'll tell Principal Huggins on you.

Lola: Never!

(Lola and Lincoln began fighting with each other. Lincoln tried to smack Lola hard in the face. But eventually, the other 3 younger sisters fight Lincoln back. Clyde, Ronnie Anne, "friends" and The other kids came towards the fight and some of the children were video taping the fight. Some of the staff members came saw the fight. Until when they stopped the fight, the 4 younger sisters were knocked out from beating up Lincoln. But worstly, Principal Huggins came around and report Lincoln to his office and the staff came with him)

Principal Huggins: LINCOLN LOUD!!!!!

(Lincoln became shock he got caught by the Principal and it's only the last day of school without no purpose of telling them that his sisters caused the incident) ________________________________________________________________

Both: (energized) Operation of sneaking out for our bestfriend or boyfriend for the issue and innocent responsibility of the fight consequences at the front office is a go!

Principal Huggins:(unfair) No Buts!! You will be getting detention for the rest of next school year! UNDERSTOOD!!!!!!

Lincoln:(unfortunate with a low voice) Understood.


Ronnie Anne:(outraged) Impossible! He didn't do nothing to them. That should be his younger sisters who should get it. (Hands crossed)Their the ones that started the fight in the first place!

Clyde: I agree, Ronnie Anne.

Lincoln would never do such a thing like right now. He's innocent! He was just eating lunch with us until they started to bully him. That was so unfair.

Ronnie Anne: Were out early today and school is over in one hour. So why don't we check on him?

Clyde: Good Idea. _________________________________________________________________

(The bell rung and school just ended)

Lincoln:(horrified) This was a total disaster! Now I'm doomed!

Ronnie Anne:(comfort) That's why we got your back.

Clyde: Yeah, Buddy. Nothing can be worser than....

(The 3 kids found lots of kids still laughing at him looking at their phones about something mysterious)

Clyde: (averaged) This... __________________________________________________________________

Clyde:(obvious)Guys, what are you laughing about? Your supposed to be his bros.

Liam: We are still bros. to him.

Rusty: Yeah were just watching a funny video from last night.

Zach: It's from the party that one of (points to Lincoln) your sisters made.

Zach: She also made a remix of you. check it out.

(Zach pulls out his phone and it shows the remix) __________________________________________________________________

Liam: It's got 2 Million viewers.

Lincoln, Clyde, and Ronnie Anne: 2 Million Viewers!!!?__________________________________________________________________
Lola:(rude) Hello, Brother or should I say life of the embarrassment. Your are nobody. Your just a dumb retarded jerk. (chanting) Loser! Loser!

(All of the sisters and the rest of the kids were chanting Loser! soon they were all Laughing at him. Suddenly, Lincoln's eyes were filled with tears and he lastly ran home from school)
Lana: Guess he's the worst Loud Kid in the house after all Isn't he?

(The sisters laughed and they all high fived at once)

Ronnie Anne:(ashamed) Lincoln, were
really sorry.... I wouldn't expect for this to happen if we had a party at my house.

Clyde:(mad) Yes. And the fight was completely unnecessary. The last day of school was suppose to be a day full of joy for summer to come. You were just Innocent.
Lincoln:(low voice) Do you think I'm special?

Clyde:(shattered) Why would you wouldn't be?

Lincoln:(dejected) Because, when everything goes wrong, I'm always the mistake to this family. They never gave me a chance or except me from who I am.

Clyde:(comfort) Lincoln, you know you have to try to fit in. We still believe in you. But, being a special person comes from inside. You just need to be yourself. You need to tell them how you feel.

Lincoln:(thought) How is it possible? I just feel so empty. No one would appreciate me for everything I love about myself.

Clyde: That's why you should express your feelings. Hiding and holding your emotions is unhealthy. You just got to let it out from in here. (points to the middle of his chest)

Clyde: No matter what gets you into lots of issue. You are still the best special person that ever happened to our lives.

Ronnie Anne: And no matter who you are, we still love you.

(Lincoln was happy he had 2 nice friends that cared for him. He happily had tears in his eyes and hugged them again)

Ronnie Anne:(concern) Mr. & Ms. Loud! He's telling the truth!
They really bullied him at lunch!

Clyde:(mad) Do you guys hate him?
Lincoln: Hey what are you doing with all of my stuff?

Lola:(cruel) Were sending them to the foster care... To get rid of you!

Lincoln:(heartbroken) But, your my family....

Lynn Sr.:(demonic voice) Were not your family anymore, Lincoln. Your just garbage.
The whole family starts pushing him out of the door. Lincoln try his best to push them back to get back in the house. But, they push him back but then once more, Lynn kicked him to hard he fell to the floor and suddenly everything started to look bigger and he looked a little smaller) Loud Family:(demonic giant voice) Goodbye, Lincoln. ________________________________________________________________________

(The dream was officially over. But when Lincoln woke up he gasp with
tears in his eyes. And on the strange feeling from that dream. He felt his heart beating again) _________________________________________________________________________

Lincoln:(livid) Don't you dare explain, Luan! Your sorry selves ain't gonna make the laughing stock out of me!

Luna: Unfortunately Brah, your already one. Were starting to get lots a fans who loves us.

Lincoln: Well this is the worst mistake you had ever did! DELETE IT NOW!!


Lincoln: (livid)And then when I get something, you guys make things go wrong! You even meddle to much on! I'm always the one who gets hated on! And, I get blamed in your actions for nothing!

Rita: Sweetie-

Lincoln:(livid) Is there something wrong about me?


Lincoln:(livid) Shocked!?

(The family started at him nervously)

Lincoln:(livid) You should be! Because you guys are too fake to me! You've all been lying to me, you've been mistreating me, and you've never loved me! I thought you guys were my family...


Lynn: Well guess what I wish you never even exist!!!!

Sisters: Yeah!!!


Lincoln:(heartbroken) Ok... I get it now. If these are your true feelings about me then fine I'm out of here. You guys made my life miserable here. If I'm not mentioned as your son and brother anymore, then I don't want to be the part of this family! Because you guys hate me! After all the things I've done to make you guys happy! But instead, you don't appreciate me about nothing! I've tried my best to work things out or to fit in with you guys. But Instead you push me away like I don't belong here! (tears up) If you guys don't love me, then go ahead and say it out Loud!
I hope your happy when I'm not around, YOU'LL NEVER BE BOTHERED OR ANNOYED HAVING ME AS A BROTHER AGAIN!!!!!!!!


(Lincoln ran upstairs then slammed his door)


Lori:(to the viewers) Get ready for some drama because, his situation starts right about now. (closes the clapperboard)

(It starts with Lori in Lincoln's room who have already found Lincoln's note before he ran away.
So the rest of the family, came up stairs and wondered about what happened to Lincoln)

Lori:(shocked) Oh my gosh! This is bad! We have a problem!

Rita: What's wrong, Lori.

Lori: Lincoln's Missing!

The Whole Family (except Lori): WHAT!!!!!?

Lori:(worried) Yes! Lincoln's missing! And he broke our family photo.

(The family gathered around the photo on the floor the Lincoln broken last night)

Lana: That's a real low.

Lola: Yeah why would he do such a thing like that?

Lynn: I don't know maybe because of what he did to us.

Lisa: Maybe someone bullied him.

Lori:Maybe it's something to do with his test.

(Everyone except Luna were arguing about why Lincoln broke the photo.
But when Luna stared at the photo, she found why)

Luna: Guys, I think I have an answer to that!

(The family became silent and payed attention to Luna)

Lynn Sr.: What is it, Luna?

Luna: I think he broked it, because of how we treated him yesterday.

Lana: You mean because of us?

Lola: Why would it because of us?

Luna: Dudes, we did some pretty harsh things to him 2 days ago.
But, we hurted his feelings when we embarrassed and did mean things to him yesterday and broked Bun-Bun. We even hurted his feelings and we made Lincoln cry!

Leni: Well that's unusual.

Lori: Guys, you got to check this out!
It's a note from Lincoln.

(The family gathered around Lori and read Lincoln's note)

(Lincoln's voice):

"Dear Loud Family,

After what happened since the
embarrassment at Ronnie Anne's Party, you was making fun of me.
And you embarrased me during the party. You even ruined Ronnie Anne's birthday which was unacceptable.
You guys were hurting my feelings.
I feel so hated, uninterested, unloved and abandoned. Then when I was back home you threatened me in my room and you've broked my Bun-Bun.
(to Lynn Sr. and Rita) Ronnie Anne and Clyde tried to tell you the truth about the sisters embarrassing me and the right but you didn't care.
Then Yesterday, on the last day of school I was embarrassed again. Thanks to Lucy, Lana, Lola, and Lisa, they got me in detention for the rest of the next school year, Just because they started bullying me and abusing me at school. Even Thanks to Luan, You all made a fool out of me. I'm now a laughing stock. I felted like a black sheep. I feel like everyone in this town hate me, because of that video you sent. You've all betrayded me, You've never loved me, You've all hated me. The only ones who cared for me is Ronnie Anne & Clyde. They are my true (Clyde)friends and (Ronnie Anne) Girlfriend to me. But unfortunately, after all the memories I had with you guys, I've felt like I've been replaced. You never care about how I really feel. Infact, You've never cared about me or from who I am inside. You don't appreciate me because your stupid superstitions make me feel like a mistake like I'm not family. You guys call yourselves The Loud House, But, this won't make a family without me around because I feel like I don't belong here. You really broke my heart after how miserable my life is right now. But that's not the point. You've must be noticing were I am now. Well guess what, I ran away from home last night. Alone. Without anyone looking after me. I did not just leave from the house, I left town and not just town, I left the state.
Don't be out there worried searching for me. Because I'm gone. And if you dare to see me, then I refuse to be lost to look at the stars and see the world.

Lincoln Loud"

"P. S. Am I'm not special enough to anyone? Or am I a bad influence to this family. Maybe your right.
I'm a total mistake."

(The Family became devastated about Lincoln worried for him)

Luna:(tears flowing) W-What have we d-d-done!

Leni:(tears flowing) He ran a-w-way!

Luan:(tears flowing) We've l-lost our only b-b-brother!

Lynn:(tears flowing) W-Why do we h-have to be to harsh to h-him

Lisa: Usually I'm not Impervious with human emotions but... (tears flowing) Our only brother has vanished! He is our family!

(Lisa started crying at first then the rest of the family started sobbing as well. They've been ashamed about how badly they put Lincoln into this after all the times he had so badly to leave)

Lori:(sobbing) And Now, thanks to us, He's gone!

Lola and Lana:(crying) Lincoln!!

Lucy:(sobbing) Poor Lincoln. Our only brother is lost in a cold cruel world. (worried) What if he gets killed out there!?

Luna:(freaked out) Don't say that Luce!

Lynn:(worried) But yeah, what if he gets hurt out there!

Rita:(sobbing) I hope my baby's ok!

Lynn Sr.:(sobbing) If only if we were a great family to him, he wouldn't be out there.

Lily:(sobbing) Winky!

(The family continue to sob for a long time until Lucy and the other 4 younger sisters had something to say)

Lucy: I think we have a confession to make.

(The Louds pay attention to the younger sisters)

Lucy: Lincoln wasn't the one who started the fight. It was us.

Lynn: But how?

Lucy: Well yesterday during lunch at school, while he was eating with Clyde and Ronnie Anne, Lisa, Lana, Lola, and I, was making fun of him again.

Lola: But then, we mostly teasing him from the incident about what happened in Ronnie Anne's party until when he got mad at me, he was hitting me.

Lana: So were fighting Lincoln to prevent Lola from being injured, until the other students were video taping and the consulers came but worse, Principal Huggins was there!

Rita:(shocked) What happened about that!?

Lisa: Well unfortunately, he was embarrassed again infront of everyone. The kids were laughing about was laughing at him so because of us he went to the principal's office and got a referral for nothing. Later after school, everyone was outside laughing at Luan's video,
But when he came along, everyone laughed at him again and the last thing he did was that he ran home. So we should be the ones grounded.

Luna: So it was you who started the fight all along?

Lucy:(Guilty) Yes. Which could of been us. Because, if we acused him infront of everybody and we started the fight, then we should be the real ones who should be in detention. And thanks to us now, he's a laughing stock at school and this is our fault. Especially Luan, who posted the video.

Luan:(shame) Lucy's right. I couldn't admit how bad Lincoln's been suffering from a bad day at school yesterday. But the I didn't care. After what we did in the past 2 days ago and yesterday, I feel awful.

Lori: That's even worse and on top of that, this could mean that....

Leni: We took the blame on Lincoln without any proof!

Lynn Sr.: Which means we've punished him on purpose!!

Lynn: What is wrong with us!!?

Luan: I don't know! But were are too
enough to consume him!! Were monsters!!!

(The family continued to cry. Until Lori gave up and had a idea)

Lori:(confidence) Alright Guys, enough crying! Were not going to give up on Lincoln! So until then, we are going to find him and try to make things right!

Lana.: That sounds good, But how will we find him.

Lola: Why don't we make some posters of him. Then we will search for every town looking for him.

Leni: Sounds good but how will we find him in the whole city?

Lisa: We'll have to split up into groups. Dad, Lori, Luan, Lynn, Lola and I will look all over town for Lincoln. While Mom, Leni, Luna, Lucy and Lana will put posters on the walls. Then will pick them up and drop them off on a side walk putting more posters. Copy?

Family(except Lisa): Copy!

Rita: What about Lily?

Lisa: Never thought of this but she's gonna have to with Dad.

Lynn Sr.: Ok, so everything's clear?

Family: Yes!

Rita:(commanding) Alright, Kids!
Let's move it! Let's go! Let's go!
Lori will make the posters!

Rita: Lisa, get the staples and papers!

Lisa: Affirmative.

Rita: Lana, get the Tool chest!

Lana: I'm on it!

(Lori, Luan, Lynn, Lola, and Lily head to the Vanzilla and left the house searching for Lincoln all over down)

Lynn Sr.: Alright Honey, will let you know what happens.

Rita: Good Luck.

(Lynn Sr. and Rita did a quick kiss. After that, Lynn Sr. head to the car and drove off searching for Lincoln in different streets as Rita and the starts walking a cross the street to post posters)

Rita: Alright, Girls! Start walking!
Lana, cmon no time for digging!
(Lana walk over were Rita was at)

Rita: Luna, make some jams!

Luna: You know it, Mom!

(As Luna started playing on her guitar, it played a song called "This Is War by Ben Kweller")

(The Girls put posters on the walls while Luna was jamming. Then, it cuts to Dad and the 6 other sisters in the car looking at every street they looked all over the place but there was no Lincoln. So they drove back and found the girls on the sidewalk and the picked them up. Next they went to Beaverton. They looked all over the place but still no Lincoln.
They next head to Hazeltucky they looked everywhere but there was still no Lincoln. They went to the last town around Royal Woods, which was Huntington Oaks. They looked every but they still couldn't find him.  Lastly, they got home)

(Later this evening, it was Sunset,
The family was upset they couldn't find him)

Lori:(upset) This is just great!
We looked on every town and we still haven't found him yet!

Luan:(down) If only we wouldn't let this happened in the first place.

Lana: It's a good thing I'll tell you this thing I saw because, I've found something before we were walking on the sidewalk.

Lynn: This better be good.

Lynn Sr.: What have you found?

(It flashes back from earlier before Dad left while Lana was explaining the figure)

Lana:(narrating) Before Dad left,
I smelled some trouble hanging on the loose. It was coming from the backyard of the house.

(Lana took her magnifying glass out to look what she found)

Lana:(narrating) Then, I found something from the ground. It was a footprint so, I follow abit of the foot prints until mom called me.

Rita: That's great. Where is it anyway?

Lana: C'mon, I'll show you!

(Lana took out her flashlight and she Lead the way to the Footprint to the edge of the house.)

Lana: There it is, Guys.
This is the footprint. It was coming from Lincoln's window. And it leads across to the sidewalk.

Lisa:(thinking) Hmm... Very
Interesting. Lana might of found some clues.

Luna: Good clues, Lana! But what
could this be?

Luan: The footprints looked abit bigger from down here. I wonder who stepped over there?

(The family was thinking who put the footprints right across from Lincoln's window. Until Lynn figured it out)

Lynn: Guys, I know where those footprints are from. If Lana found these footprints here, and it leads to out there, those must of been Lincoln's steps.

Lynn Sr.: Were gonna have to follow the trail and see where he head off.

Lisa: Good thinking.

(Lana put the flash on sidewalk and follow Lincoln's trails. Until it stopped from a subway)

Lana: Aww man! There's no more tracks!

Leni: There's a subway over their which means he was in a train.
But he already left.

Lori: Well it says here he left from the state far away.

Lucy: Where do you think he would be far away?

Lola: I don't know. It could be a state with a different city somewhere.

Luan: How in the heck are we suppose to know where he's at?

Lisa: Well, looks like theirs only one thing to do.

Rita: We'll head home then.
We got an emergency to take care of.

Lynn Sr.: Alright, kids! Let's go!

(The family head back home to doing some important business)

Lynn Sr.:(command) Alright, kids! Get into your stations! Lori give me the phone! Luna, Luan, Leni, give me the albums! Lynn, give me his phone number!

Lynn: Yes, Sir!

Lynn Sr.:(serious) Lisa, give me his date of birth! (to Rita) Honey, call the Cops! C'mon People, Let's go! The rest of you kids, head upstairs now! This is not a drill!

(It cuts to Lincoln in the afternoon who is still in the train looking sad. But, he was almost there to New York. While he was on the train he was writing on his journal)

Lincoln:(In his mind) Dear Journal, it's another day well with me, well all alone. By myself. Away from my family. Away from my friends. Away from town. (looking sad) I'm gonna miss Ronnie Anne and Clyde. But what this family put me through was wrong. (tears up) After all this stuff that was happening in my life, I ran away. I'm too moody and depress. Because my sisters embarrassed me and my family showed me their true feelings about me, I feel no love. Nobody likes me or love me anymore. But, Ronnie Anne. I've lost all my friends because of them. Except for Clyde. I feel like I'm under the dark clouds. I feel like I'm lost. I feel like I'm under the world. I fell like the world hates me. They got me into this. My life is officialy ruined. Everytime something goes wrong, it always have to be me. I feel hate and unlove from inside. Does it look like they were trying to get rid of me? They really really hate me. After all times we did together and after all I done for them to try to be a great son and brother. Well now I'm Abadoned. My heart hurts. Maybe they don't they don't deserve a son. Infact, I don't deserve to have a family. Eventually I feel like I don't have a family anymore....

(Lincoln wiped his tears in deep shame. But he begans to get average and he continue to keep writing)

Lincoln:(in his mind) Since I'm all by myself, I don't need to think about this anymore. I'll rather be in a trash can. Wait! (shock) If I'm all alone, and I'm far away from home, (happy) Then how bad will it be when I'm far away from my family? This kinda sounds exciting. If I'm alone, and I'm going to New York, could this mean one thing ? (Starts to get excited) Maybe I'll travel out there. Maybe I'll get to see the world. I'm going to explore. Well, this is going to great day.

Lincoln Loud.

(Lincoln put the journal away in his bag and the announcer began to speak)

Announcer: Attention Citizens, your destination will arrive in 3 mins. Thank you.

(Later, 3 minutes have already passed and it was time for Lincoln to get out of the train)

Announcer: Alright Citizens, you may leave now. The next ride will leave in 15 minutes.

(Lincoln got his bag and he got out of the train but he's trying to figure out where to take off his man office costume. But he founded a bathroom right across the hall of the subway. Nobody was in there. He then went out after he privately after the costume was off and when he got out of the subway, he looked surprise about how cool would it be about New York. He felt amazed when he saw lights all over the tall buildings. He sees fun stuff. He sees cool things he can do to get the incident off of his mind. He talked to the viewers again)

Lincoln:(impressed to the veiwers) Nice touch! I'll try to follow the law. But without my family around, I'll go see what it feels like out here. I'm not at home with their spoiled selves. There are no rules. I'm free I can do whatever I want. While I'm alone, I think I know what to do today.

(When the fun started it played another song "Good Everybody by
C+C Music Factory")

(First Lincoln was eating Ice Cream)

Lincoln: This taste awesome! I love this!

(Then, he went to an arcade.
Third, he went to a card collection's!. Fourth, he went to a national park. He even fed some ducks with bread. Fifth, he was on a skyscraper which was a museum with telescopes on top. He tooked pictures from the building. Then he came down looking at the photos from the museum. Lastly he rode a bike across the sidewalks with glee across the ponds and the bridge at the park he couldn't be even happier. It cuts back the park. Lincoln was laying on the grass enjoying his self. While looking at the sky, he spoked to the viewers from his mind)

Lincoln:(In his mind) Well so far, I had a very great day. I'm having lots of fun in the city. I've never felt so alive. I felt like I survived. I felt like my new life just started. Maybe New York City isn't so bad after all. Not as crazy as I thought it'll be.

(It cuts to back to The House. Lynn Sr. and Rita were disscusing the information about the incident on Lincoln in the living room)

Police Officer#1: What's the Child's Name?

Rita: Lincoln M. Loud.

Police Officer#2: Gender ?

Lynn Sr.: Male.

Police Officer#1: Age ?

Rita: 12.

(The Officers was writing the information of the child and asked them a few more questions)

Police Officer#2: When was he last seen?

Lynn Sr.: He was last seen last night before the tragedy.

Police Officer: What was the tragedy?

Rita: He ran away from home ... Last night.

Police Officer: What's the Description?

Lynn Sr.: He's a Boy with White Hair, A Chipped Tooth, with an Orange polo shirt, Blue jeans, and some Sneakers.

Police Officer: Is there any location the child could be at?

Rita.: There was a note that said he left from the state.

(The Police puts more information on their notepads. Then he ask 2 more questions)

Police Officer: Have he used a credit card?

Lynn Sr.: No. Why would he?

Rita: I don't think he would used a credit card.

(It cuts to Lincoln buying a hot dog with his own money. After he bought his hot dog he sat down on a bench and ate it)

(It cuts back to the parents in the office)

Police Officer: Well, how can we locate this child ?

Lynn Sr.: He's got a cell phone of his own.

Police: What's his number?

Rita: (909)-536-1496. (Do not call this number it is not real)

(While the parents explain his phone number, The girls were upstairs sitting in Lori and Leni's room waiting for Mom and Dad. But they felt guily, of what they did)

Luna:(sad) Well, I guess today have been awful.

Lynn:(sorrowful) Yeah. Maybe we pushed Lincoln to far enough. Or eventually we've learned our lesson.

Lola:(shameful) We made him the laughing stock.

Luan:(unfortunate) And we made him feel unwanted.

Lucy:(depressed) Which was heartless.

Lori:(dejected) And thanks to us, he ran away.

Lana:(downcast) And it's all our fault.

Lisa:(miserable) Because we've been very unfair to to him.

Leni: Why can't we just be good sisters to him?

Lola; I should take the blame as well. Why couldn't I stop being such a busybody?(facepalm)

(The sisters sighed sadly then it cuts to the parents again)

Police Officer: Incase if we find his location, were going to have to get your house number.

Rita: Oh, the house number is (909)-874-6523.

Police Officer: Ok Mr. and Ms. Loud, If we can locate the we'll give you a call and let you know where he is by

Lynn Sr.: Thank you, Sir.

Police Officer: Your welcome. And have a good day.

(The Police left the house and the parents head upstairs for the kids to hear the announcement)

Lynn Sr.: Alright kids, the police said that they will locate him as soon as possible. So please don't panic. Everyone is safe and everything is gonna be fine.

(The family were sitting on the couch sad about Lincoln. Until someone knocked the door. Lori went to check on the door and it was Ronnie Anne and Clyde)

Ronnie Anne:(outside) Lincoln? Hello? It's us. Are you there?

Lori:(shocked) Oh no! Ronnie Anne and Clyde are here!

Luna:(surprised) This is Bad!

Lana: Oh No! Ronnie Anne will be so upset if she finds out!

Lynn: Let's try to not tell her about this?

Rita: What else should we do.

Lynn Sr.: Let's try to hide this from her. So she wouldn't know about this.

(The family agreed on plan while Lori opens the door to let Ronnie Anne and Clyde in)

Lori:(average) Hey, Ronnie Anne. Hey, Clyde.

Ronnie Anne: Hey, Lori

Clyde: L-L-Lori ?

(Leni ran when Clyde past out to pick him up. She put to small cotton balls in his nose so they'll be no nosebleed. As she does that, Clyde woke back up again)

Clyde:(stutters) L-L-Leni? Oh thanks.

Leni: No, problem.

Ronnie Anne: Anyways, where's Lincoln.

Clyde: We want to check on for a few minutes?

Lori:(smiles innocent) About that, he's not here right now.

Ronnie Anne: I don't believe you!

Clyde: Now excuse us.

(Ronnie Anne and Clyde head upstairs but Lisa stop them)

Lisa:(lying) Apparently, he went to the restroom.

Ronnie Anne: Let's check something from the restroom.

(Lincoln's friends checked on the restroom while Lisa put her to fingers up to contact the whole family to come upstairs. Then they head inside Lincoln's room)

Lisa: What if she finds out?

Lori: I don't know but we just don't want her to know about.

Ronnie Anne: Don't want to know about what?

(The Family where shock and they turn around. Ronnie Anne and Clyde

Ronnie Anne: (mad ) Are you guys hiding something from us?

Clyde:(mad) Yeah, where's Lincoln?

Leni:(nervously) Ronnie, we don't want to hurt your feelings so we don't want to tell you-

Ronnie Anne:(Angry) Tell me what!?

Lori:(Nervous) Nothing!

Ronnie Anne: Something!

Ronnie Anne: What is it?

(It showed the house off- screen as Ronnie Anne and Clyde yelled out Loud. Then cuts back to the living room)

Ronnie Anne & Clyde:(shocked) WHAT!!!?

Ronnie Anne:(worried) He ran away!?

(Ronnie Anne starts to get frustrated with them as she walks away .But Lori tries to comfort her)

Lori: Look Ronnie Anne, Okay? We are
really s-

(Ronnie Anne interrupted Lori)

Ronnie Anne: Don't you dare say something to me! Your not sorry!

Lori: But Listen-

Ronnie Anne:(angry) I said shut up! We've told you many times to stop doing harsh things to him! But you kept messing with him.... HAVE YOU!!?

Luna: Sorry, dudette. We couldn't e-

Ronnie Anne:(livid) Exactly! You have nothing to say about! Because you mistreated him, you hurt him, and you hated him!

Rita: Ronnie Anne? I never thought of saying this but, the police are going to call us tomorrow and tell us where he is. So why won't you-

Ronnie Anne:(livid) Sure, Ms. Loud. I will come by tomorrow! And I will bring Bobby with me. You know what!? I'm leaving! (voice breaks and tears up) I'm tired of your excuses!! I will let Bobby no what you've been uo to! You guys are so disgusting! After days he had that was absolutely nothing, you don't never care for him! You guys are stupid for letting this happen to him! If anything happens to my Lincoln, don't dare coming by my house asking Bobby for apology!

Lori: Ronnie Anne! Wait!

(Before Ronnie Anne starts crying she ran out from the door in shame. Clyde was sorry for Ronnie Anne. But he glared at the family for the how guilty they are for Lincoln)

Clyde:(furious) I think you've done enough miserable things for the week. I tried to warn you  about abusing my friend. Like that sleep over we had, you girls were showing off infront of him. I want 3 things you should know about. Can't he share something what you guys have and stop ruining everything for him? Is he always the punching a bag? Or is that on you ?

(Clyde head outside and tries to catch up to with Ronnie Anne)

Clyde: Ronnie Anne, Wait up!

(Lori closed the door after them)

Lori: Wow, I never thought of that.

Lynn Sr.: But at least we know one thing.

Rita:(voice breaks) Yes. That we're a bad family to him.

(As Rita starts crying everyone starts crying once again. It cuts to Lincoln still eating his hot dog. Until a Pigeon arrived before he can take another bite)


Lincoln: (thoughtful) Oh you want a piece of my bread ? Here you go.

(The Pigeon at the piecde of bread. But Then, more pigeons came around the first pigeon behind him. Lincoln gulped he begans to get nervous)


Lincoln:(nervous) Oh. Um.... you want the whole thing ? Here! Take it!

(5 of the ate it fast, Lincoln begans to get even nervous than before and began to sweat. The pigeons starts to get crazy closer to him like their ready to fight so he backed away from them)


Lincoln:(nervous) Sorry guys! I don't have anymore!

(The pigeons starts to get angry. So they chastise him by chasing him around. Lincoln kept running and running until he finally lost those paranoid birds. But once they were lost, Lincoln bumped into 3 kids)

Lincoln: Oh! Excuse me. I'm really sorry.

Alex: It's ok man. It was just an accident.

Cody: Um... Excuse me. You some got bird poop on your shirt. You guys got napkins ?

Lincoln:(disgusted) Eww...

(Marie took a napkin out her of pocket and gave it to Cody. He wiped the bird poop off his shirt)

Lincoln: Thanks.

(After the help they did, Lincoln and the 3 other kids get to know each other)

Marie: Hey, are you lost from here?

Lincoln: No. I'm not lost.

Alex: Your not from here right?

Lincoln: No I'm not from here. I'm from royal woods.

Cody: Well, what your doing in New York?

Lincoln: Well you see, it's a long story. I ran away from my family.

Alex:(average) Oh that's sad.
Wait aren't you that boy who got laughed on from that video ?

Lincoln: Wait you've seen my embarrassment?

Marie: Yeah! We heard about that. When we first watched it, it was pretty harsh. Were very sorry for you.

Lincoln: It's ok. It was just a huge mistake. My sisters were embarrassing me on my girlfriend's birthday. But it was also my date.

Marie: Ouch.

Cody: How about I'll keep you for tonight until your family comes back ?

Lincoln:(thankful) I can totally help with a place to stay. Thanks

Cody: Anytime. So, your name?

Lincoln: Oh. Nice to meet you. I'm Lincoln, Lincoln Loud.

Cody: Well, I'm Cody. And these are my friends. Alex.

Alex: What's up?

Cody: And Marie.

Marie: Hey.

(Lincoln the 3 kids shook hands to greet each other. But eventually, Lincoln have just found some new friends to keep him safe by his side)

Lincoln: Nice meeting you all.
But anyways, do you know where
I can find a comic store here?

Alex: Oh we were just about to head over there. Their having a Grand Opening today. But if like to join us, then we can show you were it is.

Lincoln: Sweet! You guys read Ace Savvy

Cody: Oh, we love to read Ace Savvy. But we read different kinds of comics.

Marie: So by the time we get there, we can show you what comics we like to

Lincoln: That's Awesome.

Alex: In that case let's head to the store!

Lincoln, Cody, and Marie: Right Behind Ya!

(It cuts to Royal Woods again at night in the Loud House. Everyone was already in their pajamas.It starts in Luna and Luan's room with Luna sitting on Luan's bed. She was crying about how much he misses Lincoln.
She began to take out her ukulele and sung"When Your Gone by Avri Lavigne " as she sings it shows memories of her and Lincoln.

Luna:(singing) "🎶I always needed time on my own I never thought I'd
Need you there when I cry
And the days feel like years when
I'm alone And the bed where you lie
Is made up on your side

When you walk away
I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now?
When you're gone The pieces of my heart are missin' you
When you're gone The face I came to know is missin', too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear
To always get me through the day
And make it okay
I miss you

I've never felt this way before
Everything that I do
Reminds me of you
And the clothes you left, they lie on the floorAnd they smell just like you
I love the things that you do

When you walk away
I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now?

When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missin' you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missin', too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear
To always get me through the day
And make it okay
I miss you

We were made for each other
Out here forever
I know we were
Yeah, yeah
And all I ever wanted was for you to know Everything I do, I give my heart and soul
I can hardly breathe; I need to feel you here with me

When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missin' you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missin', too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear
Will always get me through the day
And make it okay
I miss you🎶"

Luna Loud:(whispers) Lincoln, please come home....

(As Luna continues to cry, Luan comes in the room and starts comforting

Luan:(devastated) Hey, Luna. What's wrong?

Luna: I miss my bro, Luan. I wish he wasn't gone right now. It wouldn't be fun without him. I remember one time when I made his first concert unforgettable.

(Flashbacks to "For Bros About to Rock"

Luna: [satisfied] "That's my bro!"


Lincoln & Luna: (posing together) "ROCK AND ROLL!"

(End of flashback)

Luna: But eventually, I was suppose to be his guardian. I was suppose to be there for him. Instead, I've lost my trust in him. What if I'm not his guardian anymore? What if he hates me? What if I won't see him again?

Luan:(tears up) Don't say that, Luna! You still got his back! Your his big sister and your always nice to him. So what makes you think that?

Luna:(tears in her eyes) I'm so ashamed that I laughed at him during the party. But since that happened I never noticed that we ruined her birthday. But yesterday when we never cared for him. He told the truth about all the things we did to him about the past before this incident even happen. After all the things I heard from the past, today, and yesterday, I feel like a bad sister to him. (Crying) I LET HIM DOWN! I AM A TOTAL BEAST TO HIM!!!

(Luan's tears dropped even heavily she gets scared about what she's hearing from her older sister)


Luna:(crying) WHY ARE YOU CRYING!!!?


(They both continue to cry until Luam began to calm. But Luna is still hurt about Lincoln)

Luan:(weakly comfort) But seriously, don't say stuff like that again. He'll come back to us again. Infact, tomorrow we might try to find him. And one more thing, He will never hate you.Because he's family and he loves you, Luna. As long will find him when we know, he will still be your brother. He'll never let you go or give up on you. Just don't those thoughts get into your head. He'll be trusting and asking you when he needs you. Your not a bad sister, Luna. You just need to know what's best. Your music makes us happy and All that type of stuff. Remember when we play in a band together? ("House Music") We played together like a family. Even when we went to the park your music is still here. But Luna, I think your a special sister to him. Because your full of love and compassionate, your the bestest sister I've ever knew In my life.

(Luna cried happily he hugged Luan tight)

Luna:(enamored) Thanks, Luan.
I couldn't even help myself knowing what will happen to him.

Luan:(Guilty) Me either, Luna. After when I made the video in front of everyone, I never knew how bad being a instigator into someone's life could be harsh. I didn't realize it would hurt him that bad. Especially when I hired Lincoln to my Funny Business, I never gave him a chance to entertain himself. I'm kind of felt like a jerk to him. I was very jealous about him taking my place.
("Funny Business")

Luna: Luan, you should not be jealous on Lincoln just because he was doing his best. Did you notice how hard he was working if it weren't for you?

Luan:(sadly) No.

Luna:(serious) Well you know Luan, I know your the best comedian in the house, But you can't blame nothing on him just because of what he's good at. You need to be soft with him and try to appreciate his actions. How would you feel if that was you who had a boss when he/she don't appreciate about what your good at?

Luan:(shame) Oh, never thought of that.

Luna: Exactly. Just like when we never appreciate your jokes. But sometimes, we could help with some laughter.

Luan:(enamored) Aww... Luna.

Luna:(sweetly) Luan.

(They both hugged each other)

Luan: You know, I think I'll stop making jokes for a while.  Also I went against my own rule. How can I run a business after going against my own rule. I'll give it a break.

Luna: And I'll stop making jams for a few days. Until Lincoln comes back.

Luan: You wanna play solitaire to make us feel better?

Luna: Sure.

(Luan took out some solitaire cards to make her and Luna better. It Next cut's to Lori and Leni's room. They were sitting on Leni's bed also crying about Lincoln. They were looking at pictures of Lincoln from Lori's phone)

Lori:(crying) Today has been the worst day ever!

Leni:(crying) Tell me about it! I can't stop thinking about Lincoln. I feel so stupid treating him like this. I remeber that time he saved me from being sick.

("One flu over The Loud House")

(Flashes back One flu over The Loud House)

(Luna is right behind Leni and Lincoln notices)
Lincoln: "LENI! DUCK!"
(Luna sneezes and her mucus flies toward Leni)
Leni: "A duck? Where? Is it sick?"
Lincoln: (dives in front of Leni in slow motion) "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!"
(takes Luna's snot and hits the floor)
Leni: "Lincoln, you saved me. Why?"
Lincoln: "'Cause you've got a good heart. And you deserve to survive more than I do." (sneezes on Leni) "Dang it."

(End of flashback)

Leni: It was a sweet thing when he saved me from being sneezed by Luna. Even though we eventually ended up getting sick together. Especially when he taught me how to drive, wouldn't be going anywhere if it weren't for him.

Lori:(Guilty) And you know? I think he's a good leader after all than me. He's always on action, he stops us from fighting, and he's the reason to make the family go alright. I couldn't forget that time where I broke his game on purpose. I noticed that when I've yelled at him, I found out that I was selfish around my family than Bobby. But since I was laughing at Lincoln from the party, Bobby broked up with me. I've guess I now know how it feels when someone gets embarrassed from their own personal privacy. Honestly, I deserved it. I have to admit I feel like I've selfish about this. I should've came with support instead disrespect and blasphemy.

Leni:(sad) That's true, Lori. I think we girls should've already knew that. If only Lincoln wasn't gone right about now.

Lori:(sad) I even remember one time when he and Bobby became bros.
I was very stupid to act jealous towards him. (A Fair to Remember)  He seems to see him like the brother he never had. I never felt so much shame.

Leni: (shameful) We should be. Because we were so stupid, we beated him up over some dumb money and a stupid quarter just so we wanted it to ourselves.

Lori: (unhappy) That's true, Leni. Those times were very selfish. There's some huge history of those moments actually. We are family and we are supposed to be caring and sharing one another. But that time with Bobby, if I wouldn't be jealous at Lincoln, Bobby would've already broked up with me.

Leni: You know we deserved that consequence. We should've been fair to him.

Lori: I think I'll stop making contacts for a bit. Spend less time being social. Right now is the time for us to fix this. As a family.

Leni: Yeah, that's true and I think I should stop making designs as well. Until, the family gets right, I'm going to change.

Lori: I agree with you.

Leni: You wanna watch Dream Boat with me?

Lori: A show can help make me get a grip from crying all day.

(Lori gets her laptop and puts on Dream boat for her and Leni to watch. Next room goes to Lynn and Lucy's room. Lucy was in tears facing the wall while, Lynn gets ready for bed)

Lynn: Are you ok there, Luce?

(Lucy didn't respond)

Lynn: Lucy?

(Lucy was poor bur she still never responded to Lynn)

Lynn: Lucy!

Lucy:(annoyed) What?!

Lynn: You alright? And why did you just respond to me that way?

Lucy:(upset) Yes. I'm fine. But listen I just don't feel like talking right now.

Lynn: Are you sure Lucy? I've never seen you acting this way.

Lucy:(depressed) Yes, I'm sure I'll be ok.

Lynn: Cmon, Lucy. Just tell me what's wrong.

Lucy:(sad) Not now.

Lynn:(begging) Cmon. Just speak to me about your-

Lucy:(annoyed) No!

Lynn: But, Lucy just-

Lucy:(angry) I said I was alright!

Lynn:(frustrated) No, your not!

Lucy:(furious) Well you know what!? I said I was ok! Just.. leave me alone!!

(Lynn starts to feel a little hurt after hearing Lucy's response when she just wanted to help her sister change that frown around. Lucy took out a book in annoyance and started reading)

Lynn:(upset) Why can't I just help you!? Can you at least talk or explain to your big sister for a moment, Lucy??!!! Just tell me!!

Lucy:(livid) How many time am I going to tell you to stop annoying me or irritating me!!? Just leave me alone! If I don't want to talk, don't need to talk! Okay?! This is enough!

Lynn:(upset) Just let me-

(Lucy blew up angry as she began to yell at Lynn. She had a storm on her head and starts to get close to her)

Lucy:(stormy) I Said Enough!!!!

(Lucy punched Lynn in the eye. And then they began to fight. But then they stopped fighting and reliaze something. Since one person is not here in the family, The fight cannot be considered as If there was somebody who's the only one that can stop the fight with one name. Lincoln. The girls felt guilt and sorrows in their hearts they realized about how they acted towards each other and  what they've become. Monsters! They began to cry in shame)

Lucy:(crying) wait a minute..........

Lynn:(crying) I KNOW, LUCY!!


(The girls were crying for a long long time hugging each other. Then when they stopped crying, the took a deep breath and started to get weak after they cried out from a very bad day)

Lucy:(dejected) I'm sorry, Lynn...... I was too angry to explain about what as going on. I just can't believe he's out there someone. I'm scared for him.

Lynn:(down) It's ok, Luce. I'm sorry for bothering you. I should of never ask about-

Lucy:(pleased) No, No, No, That's Alright. It was worth nothing.

Lynn:(satisfied) Well, care to tell me your problem now?

(Lucy nodded her head in agreement and she begins to tell her the problem. She takes a deep breath as she calms down before she expresses the feelings to her sister)

Lucy:(heartbroken) Sigh. Well, I just miss my Big Brother. I even just finished a poem about him it's called "Far Away" (reading)

"Far Away"

"My only brother has run away.
He's been out of the town far away.

From a bad and suffering week,
I have realized I've become a freak.

After a sad and moody day,
I have nobody else to play.

Without him, I'll get lots fears,
That'll make my eyes full of tears.

After the note I heard that was mis-spoken, This suffering and pain leaves me poor and heartbroken.

I am lonely like a stone.
Without Lincoln, I felt so alone.

Lost in depression, lost in the pond. I still can't believe my brother gone.

If only I wish there's a away we can make him come back and stay
Until then, you'll be gone another day.

Far Away.

Lynn:(shock) Dang it, Lucy. You almost made me cry.

Lucy: I know, Lynn. Without Lincoln, how am I suppose to get some help when I need to work on my poems? I never felt so alone. I can't do this without him...

(Lucy began to cry again. She missed Lincoln that she felt lonely without him. Lynn began to pat Lucy's back)

Lynn:(comforting) It's ok, Luce.
I never knew how much you love Lincoln.

Lucy:(in tears) I can't forget the day when he saved me from being embarrassed. Just like himself. ("Sleuth or Consequences")

(It Flashes back to Sleuth or Consequences from the living room)


(the other sisters cheer and celebrate their freedom)

Lucy: "Why did you do that?"

Lincoln: "Because you were right. I can handle the teasing. I'm quite comfortable with who I am. Obviously! But don't worry. Someday, you'll be, too. Until then, your big brother's got your back."

Lucy: (smiling and grateful) "Thanks, Lincoln."

(End of flashback)

Lucy:(melancholy) If only i took the blame instead of him. Then I should be the one running away. But thanks to him, he saved me. And I was never embarrassed. He didn't have to do that.

Lynn: I still can't believe you were the one that clog the toilet.

Lucy:(shame) Yep. It was me. (blushes)
I was also the one who read The Princess Pony.

(Lynn started to laugh at Lucy. So she glares at Lynn)

Lucy:(average) Are you done?

Lynn:(stops laughing) Sorry, Luce. I couldn't help it. But yeah, I miss Lincoln too. I was such an idiot when he was sorry for when I lost my game. Instead, I was rude and brutal towards him. Calling him bad luck. I've caused him to be abandoned from our own activities, But mostly from our family. I felted like a jerk. ("No Such Luck") Not just that. I always played recklessly around him. When am I gonna learn. I feel like a bully.

Lucy: I'm surprised you admit that.

Lynn:(shameful) I have to. Seriously, what kind of sister puts her own brother in a situation where he gets kicked out of the house. I wasn't even concerned about his needs either. All he wanted was some time for himself. (looks down in shame)

Lucy: And if he did, then why didn't he just tell us?

Lynn: I guess it went to fast and escalated quickly. It really wasn't fair to him either.
I was so selfish. What was I thinking? It was so neglecting. Maybe that's why he ran away. All I've ever done was force him into doing something he doesn't deserve to be a part in. I feel stupid.

Lucy: (heartbroken) Maybe we should've never been too rough on him. I just feel empty inside without him. I even causedhim to have the worst day ever when it was that one time we went to the park and I ruined it by telling him a bad fortune from those stupid cards.

Lynn: True. But serisously, I had to admit those fortune cards were so lame enough for him to become a scaredy-cat.

Lucy: Speaking of Fortune, I might not use these cards for a while. Or make my poems. From this day forward, this is my last poem until Lincoln comes back.

Lynn: Yeah, you should throw them out or something. The cards not the poems.
But for now, I'll take a break from sports for a while. Until I should learn to play less rough and fair. Without him, I can't have a teammate to play with outside.

Lucy: Don't you injure him sometimes?

Lynn: (average) Oh. Right. Good point.

Lucy: I am for now on. Until Lincoln comes back with us, those cards won't be here no more. Better yet, I'll round that up to forever.

Lynn: That's a good job for you, Lucy. That way he will earn your trust again.

Lucy: I hope so, Lynn. I hope we find him.

Lynn: Me too, Lucy. Me too.

Lucy: Its gonna take more than just some lousy cards to gain it back.

(They became silent for a moment before on of them began to speak)

Lucy: Lynn?

Lynn: Yeah, Lucy?

Lucy: Do you think he would still  love us after the way we treated him?

Lynn:(caring) I've thought about the same thing of what you said. But, maybe he'll love us again someday when we find him. Don't worry, Lucy. Because regardless of what we do he loves us no matter what.

Lucy:(shameful) What we did was horrible though. It's not like he'd possibly stay mad at us forever.  At some point he's gonna have to forgive us somehow. He's too good for that.

Lynn:(frowns) I know. It'll be a long time before he can forgive us...... I do know that I'm sure he'll never give up on us. As long as he's not around , here's something I always got to do until we bring him back home.

(Lynn gave Lucy a picture from old memories in the family years ago)

Lucy:(confused) Hey, what's this?

Lynn:(comfort) This is a picture of you and Lincoln from when you were young. You were a cute baby while Lincoln was a cute toddler. But as long as you miss Lincoln you can just look at the picture or pretend he's here like he's your imaginary friend or what ever. I know he'll coming back someday for us.  It'll be like he's still at home.

Lucy: Thanks, Lynn.

Lynn: Anytime, Lucy.

Lucy: What do you wanna do?

Lynn: I don't know. And you?

Lucy: Nothing much.

(Lucy suddenly gets and idea)

Lucy: Lynn, how about we just we read some scary book stories just to calm down.

Lynn: I'm not use to scary stuff but, ok. What kind of books?

Lucy: How about GoosePimples?

Lynn: Alright?

(Lucy and Lynn began to read books to calm them down)

(Next it cuts to the twins room. Lana's cap was off while she was crying on her bed. Lana even missed Lincoln petting Hops. She began to cry while Lola became surprised about how upset she is)

Lola:(surprised) Wow, Lana. I've never seen you this sad since Lincoln's gone missing.

Lana:(sorrowful) I couldn't stop thinking of him. I miss Lincoln being around.

Lola:(sadly) I miss Lincoln as well.
I mean what was I expect to happen when I was petty to him.

Lana:(sorrowful) I'm just too upset, Lola. Nothing's fun without him. I can't stop remembering the time when we worked together on saving the frogs from a dissection ("Frog Wild").

(It flashes back to Frog wild at the school)

Lincoln: "Let's go!"
(They move out and Lana breaks out her locksmith equipment and grabs one of her keys to open the door to Mrs. Johnson's room, but it fails)
Lana: "We have a problem. It's a surface mounted deadbolt with a tumbler locking mechanism."
Lincoln: "In English, please?"
Lana: "We'll have to find another way in."
(They sneak through the vents and come across a shaft. They open it and Lana ties a rope around her waist while Lincoln holds it to lure her down. She dives in with Lincoln straining a bit from the velocity of the leap and Lana lowers herself to find she's actually in the principal's office)
Lincoln: (gasps) "Principal Huggins? Wrong room. Wrong room!"
(He struggles to pull Lana back up and Hops uses his tongue to pull her up just before Huggins notices)
Lincoln: (exhausted from pulling) "Good job, Hops."
(They high-five with Hops' tongue. Soon, they finally find Mrs. Johnson's room under the floor and make it in)
Lana: (to the frogs in the tank) "What's up, frog-ays? We're here to rescue you!"
Lincoln: (grabs the tank] "Let's go!"
(Just then, the doorknob is rattling, meaning Mrs. Johnson is coming. The two gulp in fear. Mrs. Johnson enters the room to find the frogs are gone)
Mrs. Johnson: (gasps) "My frogs!" (runs to the window)"PRINCIPAL HUGGINS! PRINCIPAL HUGGINS!" (runs out of the room to tell Principal Huggins and closes the door)
(Lincoln and Lana reveal themselves to have been behind her desk instead of having escaped with the frogs)

(End of flashback)

Lana:(regretful) We were like a team, right little guy. (To Hops)

(Hops sadly nodded in a agreement)

Lana: Even when we got out of school, we saved some ducks from being cooked at a restaurant.

(Flashes back to Frog Wild Again on a sidewalk)

(Lincoln and Lana are walking home after school)
Lana: "I'm sorry Principal Huggins gave you detention."
Lincoln: "That's okay. All that matters is that the frogs are safe and things can go back to normal."
(They walk by Jean Juan's French Mex Buffet, come back to it and see a poster advertising a new dish added to their menu)
Lincoln and Lana: "Tonight's special: roasted duck enchiladas?!"
(The two look at each other and run off with the restaurant's entire shipment of ducks, trying to set them free and going through their animal saving episode once again)

(Flashback Concluded)

Lana: I realized I had fun with our only brother rescuing animals. (wipes tears)
That's the last thing I can remember us spending time together.

Lola:(sassy) And you call yourselves the Animal Control. (laughs)

(Lana and Hops glares at Lola looking serious)

Lola:  I guess it wouldn't be so messy, (looks shame) if could of never told you guys about Lincoln calling Ronnie Anne.  At this case, this is my fault. I started the whole thing by being nosy.

Lana:(walks near Lola's bed) (puts hand on Lola's shoulder) We're all to blame, Lols. You're not the only person in this house that caused our only brother to have trouble.

Lola:(guilty) I know. Without Lincoln, how will I get help for my beauty pageants? (sighs) I should've even be talking about that. I really love him. I wish I wasn't hard on him sometimes. Every-time I'd ask him for help for my pageants or my ribbon dance or whatever I do for my shows, I'd get annoyed and yell at him sometimes. Thinking about it makes me realize how selfish I am. I'm such a brat.

Lana:(frowns) I don't like you talking like this.

Lola:(upset) It's true, Lana!  Like Lynn, Lori, Luan, and Lisa I be hard on him sometimes.  Ugh!!! (covers her face) I'm such a hypocrite! The other day when we were at school! I was such a jerk! People like me don't deserve his help! I'm just-

(Lana grew shocked when Lola uncovers her face and tears were flowing in her eyes)

Lola:(voice breaks) I'm just a bad sister...(sniffs)

Lana: No you're not. Yes, you can be rude sometimes. But that doesn't mean your heartless.

Lola:(tears flowing) What do you mean?

Lana: I mean that you can be a brat a lot of times. But that doesn't mean you're a bad sister. At the end of the day we all make mistakes. You were always more of a brat towards him. But I know deep in your heart that you love him. Like everyone else you were there to help him in and out.

Lola:(sniffs) (wipes tears) (sadly puts her head down) What's wrong with me?

Lana:(puts both of her hands on the back of her hands) (comforts) Nothing's wrong with you. Like Lori and Lynn you can be aggressive sometimes. You just need to learn to control your temper is all. But the point is Lola, despite of how aggressive you are, it didn't stop Lincoln from loving you. (Lola puts her head up) He still did many grateful things in the end.

Lola: And that's great! But what have I ever gave him in return? Lincoln's is too great enough to be disrespected. Especially by me or Lori or even Lynn.
I'd always take advantage to him.

Lana: In the end, this family figures out on its own. We're always there to fix our problems together even if the fight was brutal. You can look back on the fix you've fixed for yourself. You don't think that makes you a good sister?

(Lola had a slow thought on what her twin sister just said. She realized how many problems she fixed on her owns without any doubt. Maybe the tomboy was right about one thing)

Lola: I mean, did took the blame after putting you guys through so much trouble from blackmailing you guys over secrets. (smiles a little) And when we didn't win the reading contest to go to Spunk E. Pigeon's Pizza Palooza Paradise, I made everyone pizzas to cheer everyone up.

Lana: See. You are a good sister. You may have a bad side but no matter what you do, (smiles) I still have to accept that that's just how you are and you can't help it. And I love you for it. (hugs Lola)

(Feeling touched after hearing Lana's words, Lola blushed and she soon decides to hug her sister back)

Lola:(touched) I love you too, Lana. No matter how disgusting you are.

(Lana blushes and then they stayed the same positions for a couple of seconds until they broke away from each other)

Lola: I guess now that that's cleared up, I'll just say that for now on, I think I should stop doing pagents for a while. I'll rather have Lindsey Sweetwater to win after the pain I caused.

Lana:(sad) And I think I should take off time playing in the mud. I'll rather have hops and the other pets keeping me company.

Lola: Hey, you wanna watch Blarney with me. I think I had enough tears for one day.

Lana: I bet Blarney could help take our minds of this.

(Lola gathered around Lana's bed. She took out her tablet and puts on Blarney the Dinosaur. Next room heads off to Lisa and Lily's room. Lisa was just sitting on the bed looking down sadly)

Lisa:(depressed) Well Lily, I don't have nothing to do tonight.
It's been a bad progress today. Well it seems like we can just keep ourselves company. Your just a baby. You wouldn't be knowing what's going.

(Lily was sad giving her puppy eyes)

Lily: (sad) Winkon...

Lisa: What's that, Lily?

(Lily took a notepad and a crayom out and wrote something for her to communicate)

Lisa:(reads) I miss Lincoln. So you do know what's going on.

(Lily nods her had yes)

Lisa: Well, me too. I just wish he was left out that dangerous place. Who knows what can happen next?

(Lily wrote another thing to say)

Lisa:(reads) I can't stop remembering when Lincoln and Clyde were watching me while you and the rest of the family were at Aunt Ruth's. ("Two Boys and A Baby")

Lisa: (scoffs) Like nothing happened.

(It cuts back to "Two Boys and A Baby"
with Clyde and Lincoln feeding Lily)

Lincoln: (feeding his literal baby sister) "Open up the hangar, Lily. Here comes the airplane." (Lily knocks the spoon out of his hand) "Okay, a little turbulence." (gives the food to Clyde)
Clyde: "Here. Let me try." (Lily gives him the same results) "It looks like she doesn't wanna eat."
Lincoln: "She's just a baby, Clyde. We can make her eat. I mean, how hard could it be?"
(Later, the kitchen is a complete mess because Lily refuses to eat anything)
Clyde: "You know, I read in this book called "Food for Tot" that if you show the baby you like the food, she'll like it, too."
Lincoln: "Why where you reading a baby book?"
Clyde: "I was waiting to see my therapist. Her lobby has a great reading selection."
Lincoln: "It's worth a try." (picks up a jar) "Mmm! Lily. Chicken and gravy. Doesn't that sound good?"
(He and Clyde eat a spoonful of the stuff)
Lincoln and Clyde: "Mmm! Yum yummy!" (suddenly stop and notice a dog on the label)
Clyde: "Lincoln, why is there a dog on the label?"
(The two scream in horror realizing they were eating dog food. Lincoln throws up under the table and Clyde washes his taste buds. After that, they notice Lily actually eating now. After that experience, they wash themselves off with the hose)
Lincoln: "Well, that was disgusting. But at least I'm not scooping poop at Aunt Ruth's."
(Lily suddenly feels a certain bodily sensation and makes a mess in her diaper)
Clyde: "Speaking of poop..."

Lisa: At least you had lots of fun, Lily. Your Lucky you and Lincoln had fun at home while I have to deal with Ms. Chicken Pox.

Lily: (sigh)

(Lisa started to get tears in her eyes)

Lisa:(tears up) Well, Our poor Elder brother is out there with sadness. Just hoping he won't get Illness there. I just felt like I miss him. I couldn't thank him enough for proving my hypothesis. I'll stop making chemicals for a while. But I was wrong to take his popularity at his classroom. Without him, I won't get his help for my experiments. But I'll just remember from deep down, he's my assistant. (voice breaks)
My 1# 100% guaranteed successful assistant!

(Lisa begins to cry then goes Lily.
They also missed their big brother.They were crying until Lily had an idea. She points to the crayons on the table)

Lisa: Oh you want to go coloring, enjoy yourself.

(Lily heads to their table at their room. She took out a blank sheet of paper and a crayon. Then, she was drawing a picture. While Lisa was upset, she notices that Lily was drawing a picture of her and Lincoln. She was suprised about what she did)

Lisa: (gasp) (In her mind) I think I know what she's doing. Since she miss Lincoln, and she drew a picture of her and Lincoln together, (smiling) then maybe I'll try to do the same as her.

(Lisa walks to the table where Lily is and asked if she can join her)


Lisa: Lily, your art of you and Lincoln is so cute. But do you mind if I can join you?

(Lily nods yes in agreement again.
Then, she wrote another thing to say)

Lisa: (reads) After all, I would love you to share with you. Because your my family. I love you big sis. (stops reading and had tears in her eyes) Really?

(Lily nods in agreement again)

Lisa:(cries happily) Aww.... Lily.

(Without hesitation, Lisa softly hugged Lily and tears went down through her cheeks. Lastly she wiped them)

Lisa:(happy) Cmon, Let's draw color us and Lincoln together.

Lily: (babbling and put a thumbs up)

(Lisa got a chair and sat in the table with Lily and they start coloring together. It cuts to Lincoln's door. And in front of Lincoln's door, was Charles, who sat wimpering at the door. He missed Lincoln as well. Then came along was Cliff, Walt, and Geo. )

Charles: (sadly wimpers)

Cliff: (sadly meows)

Walt: (sadly tweets)

Geo: (sadly squeaks)

(Walt flew to the door nob and opened it. When they found the room there was nothing in their but a shelf and his bed. They became even sadder than before. So Charles and Cliff sadly got on Lincoln's bed just for the night to fall asleep. Walt flew outside to the shelve in front of Lincoln's window and fell asleep. And Geo Well, he decided to sleep in Charle's Dog house to keep him warm. It Next cuts to Lynn Sr. and Rita's room downstairs.
They were both crying looking at photos of Lincoln from the family album)

Lynn Sr.: (crying) Oh Honey, our only son is lost out there.

Rita:(crying) I know Dear, Lincoln is out there somewhere in another state. Lord knows where he is. I was stupid to sign him up to football. He may be addicted to video games, but it's his hobbie and I forgot how much he don't like sports because Lynn injures him alot.

Lynn Sr.:(crying) And we where stupid to sell all of his stuff from the room just because of a dumb superstition. I even acused him when the toilet was clogged.

Rita:(crying) Why can't we be good parents to him?

(The parents cry some more, they begin to suffer of all the pain they cause to him)

Lynn Sr.:(sobbing) Lincoln was right! We are bad parents to him!

Rita:(sobbing) We lost his trust in us. I don't know how he will love us again after what we did from the past and right now! Oh! My Baby!

Lynn Sr.:(sad) Don't worry Honey, The Cops will call us tomorrow and tell us where he is. Then were going to find him.

Rita: (sad) I know. I hope finds someone or somewhere to keep him company.

Lynn Sr.: (sad) We'll find out soon as long he's safe out their until the find him.

(Rita looks concerned for her husband and starts speaking up to him)

Rita:(in tears)  What? What is it, Honey?

Lynn Sr.:(sad) No.

Rita:(in tear) Oh Lynn. Please...... 

Lynn Sr.:(sad) I just feel like a terrible father to my own son. All these times yelling at him and I wasn't being fair. I don't wanna lose him.

Rita:(in tears)  No, Sweetheart. It's not your fault. Your an amazing father. It's just the stress in this whole house you wouldn't mean to yell at him. Trust me.... I know we can find our boy. I can feel him right now. I know it in my heart. Just stay calm and try not to worry so hard. I hope he's safe somewhere. Remember. We're in this together. Understand? We're gonna find him.

Lynn Sr.:(sad) Yes.

Rita:(sad) Let's just have sleep on it tonight and find him tomorrow. ok?

Lynn Sr.: OK.

Rita: Goodnight, Honey.

Lynn Sr.: Night, Rita.

(The parents turned off the lights . It cuts to the Santiago's house. Ronnie Anne was in her room crying. Clyde was trying to comfort her. She was to upset about how much she misses her boyfriend. Bobby came to her room to check one her.)

Bobby: Hey, What's wrong ,Sis.

Ronnie Anne:(crying) Lincoln ran away!

Bobby:(shock) What?!

Ronnie Anne: (crying) Yeah. Lori told me that he ran away last night. They've been acting mean to him again after he got embarrased and humiliated from school and during lunch. So thanks to them he's in detention for the rest year and he's the laughing stock out of the whole school!

Clyde:(mad) He even got caught by the Principal!

Bobby: (mad) That's pretty harsh!
That's why I broke up with Lori
the other night! But if she don't change her ways, I'm threw with away from my life!

Ronnie Anne: (upset) You should! After what they did to him was unacceptable!
(wipes tears with tissue)

Clyde:(upset) This is crazy..... my best friend is out there somewhere.

Bobby: Have they called the police or something?

Clyde: Don't be upset because Ms. loud told us that the police will locate him. So were going to find him tomorrow.

Bobby: Alright, Good. So should I come with you guys or-

Ronnie Anne: Yeah, you should! So pack your bags now! You too Clyde!

Bobby: Were on it!

Clyde:(sighs) My only buddy is left out there. I hope he's safe.

Ronnie Anne:(sad) Yeah. I hope he's alright.

(It cuts back to the Afternoon at
New York City. Lincoln and 3 of his new friends were on their way to the comic book store. Cody was on his phone using the navigation to find the comic book store as they were walking together)

Alex: How many minutes left, Cody?

(Cody check on his phone with the navigation)

Cody: Were 6 minutes ahead to the comic book store.

Lincoln:(tired) Well that's a relief. I'm starting to get tired from walking. I think I need to use the restroom somewhere.

Marie: Yeah, you Guys. I think I can help with a break for a few minutes.

Cody: Alrighty, then. Let's stop right here for a minute.

(The kids stop walking while Cody put a pause on his navigation)

Lincoln: Now where can we find a restroom?

(The kids were thinking where to find a restroom. But Marie gets an idea)

Marie: Guys, I think I know a place.

(It cuts to The Mall where thr kids arrived at)

Cody: The Mall. Good thinking, Marie.

Marie: Thank you, I mean there is always some public restrooms over here.

Lincoln: Speaking of the Mall, my sisters always love to go over their.

Alex: Speaking of your sisters how many do you have?

Lincoln: 10 sisters.

Cody: Oh my gosh! You got 10 sisters!?

Lincoln: Yep. Its still sad to know I'm the only boy.

Alex: That sound kind of sad.

Cody: How about tomorrow we csn come here to make you feel better.

Lincoln: That will be nice of you guys.

Marie: The bathroom should be here somewhere.

(The kids were confuse where the bathroom could be at. Until Lincoln noticed something is on the exit)

Lincoln: You guys there's a bathroom on the exit.

Marie: Ok, good. Well let's take a break for a minute. What do you say?

Lincoln: Ok.

Cody: Alrighty then.

Alex: Let's go.

Marie: Ok.

(5 minutes later..)

Lincoln:(relaxed) Ahh... I feel better now.

Alex: Me too.

Cody: Well let's head back to the track.

(The kids left the mall

(It cuts to Lincoln, Cody, Alex, and Marie walking down the sidewalk on their way to the store. But finally, they made it)

Navigator:(on phone) You have reach your destination.

Cody: Were finally here Guys.
Let's go inside.

(The kids went inside the comic book store. It was a nice store but it was starting to get crowded)

Lincoln:(joyful) This is amazing.

Alex: I know. I never heard of a
comic book store this nice than ever.

Cody: Well what are we waiting for? Are you guys ready to read?

Lincoln, Alex, and Marie:(exicted)

Cody:(exited) Alright, Guys.
Let's do this!

(It cuts to Lincoln and 3 of his friends looking at each comic. The were first looking at the Ace Savvg Comics. Next they were reading marvel read Marvel. Then they were reading Captain Under Pants. And Lastly they read The Peanuts. The Last thing they did at the store is that when they saw a signing for a new Ace Savvy comic book, they went to the creators and got signed by them. After the signing they got the book for free. Later, they head out of the store)

Lincoln:(joyful) Oh, Wow.
That was so much fun.

Cody:(thrilled) Yeah, that was fun! We actually met the creator of Ace Savvy.

Alex:(delighted) And we got the comics for free.

Marie:(Cheerful) That was the best day ever.

Lincoln: Yep. I'll never admit hown fun it will out here.

(Suddenly their stomachs began to grumble)

Cody: You Guys, I think I'm starting to get hungry.

Lincoln: Me 2.

Marie: Me 3.

Alex: Don't worry you, guys.
We'll head to burping burger.

Cody & Marie: Yes!

Lincoln: Burping Burping? I love that place. That was one of my favorite place to eat back at home.

Alex: Really.

Lincoln: Yes. do you guys no the melody?

Cody: Oh Yes.

(The kids start singing the Burping Burger song)

Lincoln:(singing) Hungry y'all? Look no further! All: Come on down to Burpin' Burger!Grade B beef and special spice!When it comes back up, it's twice as nice! (belch)

(They all laugh. Them they start walking to burping burger)

Lincoln:(energized) Alright, Guys to the Burpin Burger!

(It cuts to the next morning at
The Loud House. Everyone was watching TV after breakfast. Suddenly, the phone has rang)

Rita: Lori answer the phone.

(Lori answer the telephone)

Lori:(on phone) Hello? Who is this?

Police:(on phone) This is the Police department ma'am.

Lori: Ok. Hold on.

Rita: Who was it?

Lori: It's the Police.

Rita: Alright. Everyone come gather around family the location will be revealed. (to Lynn Sr.) Honey, the police has called.

(The family gathered around Rita to notice where's Lincoln's at)

Rita:(on phone) Hello?

Police Officer:(on phone) Greetings Ms. Loud. Good news. He have located your child. He's still living. He's safe.

Rita:(happy) Good. (to Family) Oh gosh you guys! He's safe. My baby's OK.

(The family began to cheer. Then, they remained silent for more information)

Rita:(on phone) Is there more information.

Police Officer:(on phone) Oh yes, Ma'am. We located his phone and we know where he is.

Rita: (to family) They know where he is. (on phone) Alright, where is he?

Police Officer: (on phone) New York, City.

Rita:(shock) He's in New York!

Family: New York!?

Lana: Lincoln's in New York city!?

Police Officer: (on phone) Well, thank you for contacting us. And have a nice day.

Rita:(on phone) You too.

(Rita hangs up the phone)

Rita:(energized) Alright, everyone! Get ready to pack your stuff!
Were heading to New York.

(The kids began to cheer as they were heading upstairs)

Girls:(chanting) New York!
New York! New York! New York! (cheering) Yay!!!! Lincoln Loud, here we come!!

Lynn Sr.:(energized) That's the spirit, Girls! (to Rita) Honey, I'll order the flight.

Rita: Ok. I'll go pack my stuff.

(Lynn Sr. was ordering a flight from delta airlines on their computer. It cuts to Lori and Leni's room. All of the girls already packed their stuff. They were so excited to go to New York.

Lori:(excited) I'm so exited to visit New York! This gonna be so much fun.

Luna:(awesome) I know. New York is a very cool place.

Lynn:(excited) Cool Buildings,

Leni: (joyful) Smooth Places

Luan: Cool Clothing, (laughing)

Lola:(excited) So many nice lights on the buildings. Eeeeh!

Lori:(excited) And lots of cool jobs here.

Lana:(thoughtful) You guys, I know your so excited to go to the best place of the world, but aren't your excited to have our only brother back home with us?

Luna:(confidence) That's right Lans. Were not just here to have fun but to get our brother back and were going to make things right with him with a real apology. (shame) After all the things we done to him from the past and now, we should be very sorry.
(tolerant)So for now on, it's time
that were going to stop making his
life miserable here and make him
feel respect, appreciate, responsibility, attention, sharing, caring, and love from his family.

Lynn:(sensitive) Luna's right we need to show him how sorry we are. I mean c'mon you guys he done so much for us. Like playing with me with my sports.

Lori: Or protecting us.

Leni: Or helping us. But he loves my fashion.

Luan: Or looking after us. But he helps me with my business.

Luna: Or taking care of us just like we tame care of him. Even helping me with my jams.

Lola: He even helped me with my pageants.

Lana: Or stop us from fighting.

Lucy: Or my poems.

Lisa: Don't forget about him helping me with my experiments.

Lily: (babbling) Boo-Boo.

Luna: She says he make her boo boos better.

Lori:(sweetly) Everything he did for us was sweet of him. And we never appreciate it. But those days are over because were about to show love to him and stop being fake to him. This is not a game, were gonna start showing him how special his family is
to him. It's time to have him back again. He have a privilege to get things as us. He have a right to be our family. After all, he us our only brother and we should care for him more. So when he's back with us, were going to give him a big suprise and tell him how much we love him.

Sisters: Sounds good to me.

Lori:(intelligence) It does. Now who's always there for us?

Sisters:(energized) Lincoln!

Lori:(intelligence) Who should we care for!?

Sisters:(energized) Lincoln!

Lori:(intelligence) Who should we gave love to!?

Sisters:(energized) Lincoln!

Lori:(intelligence) Who's always there to help us!?

Sisters:(energized) Lincoln!

Lori:(intelligence) Then, who are we doing this for?

Sisters:(energized) Lincoln!

Lori:(intelligence) Well are you guys ready to bring our brother back with us!?

Sisters:(energize) Yeah!

Lori:Well let's do something about it! C'mon, girls!

(The Girls gather around together like a team and put there hands together and did some cheers)

Lori: For Lincoln!

Sisters: For Lincoln!

Lori: Alright girls, let's go!

(The Girls ran downstairs with their suitcases. It cuts downstairs in the living room where the Girls and theirparents are ready to go)

Lynn Sr.: Are you guys ready?

Family: Yes.

Lynn Sr.: Alright, come get your tickets. Were going on a plane.

(The family all got their tickets for the flight. But they didn't notice who those 3 tickets go to)

Lynn:(wondered) Um... Mom, Dad, who are those 3 tickets for?

Rita: Were saving these 3 for Ronnie Anne, Bobby, and Clyde. There coming to help us find Lincoln.

Lori: Oh, yeah. I forgot they were coming.

(Somebody knocked on the door.
Leni opened the door and it was Ronnie and with Bobby and Clyde.
And they came in.)

Ronnie Anne: Morning, Guys.
Have the police located him yet?

Lynn Sr.: They said he was in New York.

Ronnie Anne, Clyde,& Bobby: (offscreen) What!!? New York!!!??

Clyde:(suprise) What on earth would he be doing over there?

Rita: I don't know but we will find out when we get there.

Lynn Sr.: Alright! let's head to the airport.

(The kids cheer while the family head out. Everyone put their suitcases in the trunk of the airport vans including Lincoln's friends and Bobby. Everyone head in the each vans of the airport. The first 5 on the first van are Lynn Sr., Rita, Lynn, Lisa, and Lily. The second 5 on the second van are Leni, Lana, Lola, Luan, and Lucy. And the last 5 on the third van are Lori, Luna, Bobby, Ronnie Anne and Clyde. Then the 3 vans head off to the airport. It cuts to the Delta Airlines.
the trucks arrived and the rest of the family and friends gather their suitcases and went inside the airport. Then Lynn Sr. pays for the flight he ordered)

Airline Employee: Hey, Sir. Welcome to Delta Airlines. How may I help you.

Lynn Sr.: Yes, I've booked a flight to New York.

Airline Employee: How many passengers?

Lynn Sr.: 15

Airline Employee: That will be $163.

(Lynn Sr. takes out his credit card from his wallet and gave it to the Employee for his payment and then gave it back to him)

Airline: Alright, Sir. Enjoy the flight.

Lynn Sr.: Thank you. (to family) Alright, Let's move it!

(It cuts to the Family putting their suit cases on a counter getting checked out of their stuff inside to make sure things are safe.
It cuts to the family running to the entrance for the plane but then they began to slow down when they saw a employee lady next by the door)

Rita: Did we made it to the flight?

Stewardess: Yes, you have made ot just and time.

(The family cheered that they were right on time. It cuts to the family running for the plane that arrived. Then it fately cuts to the plane flying away)

(It Next cuts back again to New York at Burpin' Burger. Lincoln, Cody, Alex, and Marie were eating hamburgers and fries and a soda for a drink. Then, they were burping together)

All: Excuse me. (laughing)

Lincoln: I never thought having some friends who can take me out to lunch)

Alex: I know. But you think we can find another thing to do before we head to our tree house?

Cody: Sure. We can do that.

Lincoln: What tree house?

Marie: Oh. We have a tree house were we can get to hangout and express our issues.

Lincoln: Really? Maybe I should go if I want to.

Cody: Yeah come with us we have losts of stuff their.

Alex: We read comics there.

Marie: And it's so much fun. I'll bet you'll be happy when you join us.

Lincoln:(happy) Oh, what the heck! I'll be there!

(The kids high fives Lincoln as they were chuckling until a announcement came)

Food Employee:(announcing) Attention, Costumers! The Milkshake Challenge will begin in 5 minutes!

Marie:(chuckles) Guys, I think we found something challenging.

5 minute Later...

(The Milkshake Challenge has begun and Lincoln and his friends were sitting on the stools right by the counter. They were ready for the challenge. 10 more costumers were there sitting on a stool)

Food Employee#1: Alright, People. Here are the rules! If you stop drinking, you will be out.
Whoever drinks the whole shake without stopping, will win and get $20,000. Get ready to start drinking!

(The costumers gets their cups closer them)

Food Employee#2: On your mark! Get set! GO!

(The contestants began to drink fast. They start with the small cup. 2 boys stop drinking They're were 12 customers left. They were next drinking the medium cups. Until 5 customers were out. Next was the large cups. There were 7 customers left. Soon, 3 costumers were out. It was time for the final round. The final round was to drink out of jumbo cup. They're were 4 last customers left which was Lincoln, Cody, Alex, and Marie)

Food Employee#1: Alright, Guys! This Is your Final Round. Your gonna drink ot of our new Jumbo cup! Whoeverwins, gets the $20,000. GO!

(The 4 Kids began to drink the jumbo cup. Marie was already out from 5 minutes of drinking. The boys were still drink. But, Alex was out from 10 minutes of drinking. The 2 boys were still drinking. 15 minutes later,
Cody was out from 30 minutes of drinking. Lincoln was the only one drinking without stopping who already finished his last cup)

Food Employee#1: We have a winner! (takes Lincoln's hand up to victory)

Marie: Yay, Lincoln!!

Alex: Alright!

Cody: Way to go, Lincoln! You did it!
You one the prize!!!

Food Employee#2:(impressed) Congratulations, young boy! You have won the Challenge! You get the $20,000! You've also won and extra prize!

Cody: Extra prize?

Alex: He never told about an extra prize.

Food Employee:(happy) Oh, that's right! You also won a free coupon for 5 days of vacation at The Park Hyatt New York Hotel.

(Everyone was cherring and having a nice time. The employees gave Lincoln a medal the check of $20,000. And the coupon. Everyone was still cheering the Lincoln began to chuckle with joy.)

Lincoln:(in tears with joy) YES!!!!.....
(voice breaks) Yes!!!!! (Laughing with joy and tears in his eyes)

(It cuts back to the city of New York at Sunset. The kids were at Tree House talking. But they were happy for Lincoln for all the fun he had. Lincoln was so happy to have friends that does things like him. They were at the tree house sitting on their pillows and started talking)

Lincoln:(surprised) Wow. Your tree house is nice.

Marie: Thanks. I thought about organizing the house so we just put some posters and a few lots of good fun stuff up here.

Alex:(agreed) Yep. It is fun up here than staying home all day. We can relax, read,

Cody: Talk about all problems and true feelings,

Marie: And sometimes tell some secrets or eat some snacks. Were even do creative stuff and tell scary stories.

(They all sigh in relaxation)

Lincoln:(happy) This was the best day ever. I'm glad I met you guys to keep me company. Thank you. You guys are the best.

Cody: No Problem, Lincoln. We really had a blast with you.

Alex: Yeah, we had some much fun with you around.

(They continue to walk as Alex started to ask us a question)

Alex: Lincoln, would like to tell us about yourself?

Lincoln: Well, sure. About me, you may think I love to read Ace Savvy, But I'm more than that. I play video games, I do plans, and always help my sisters need.

Marie: That's what we like to do.
But you wanna know about our Talents?

Lincoln: Sure. What are you Talents.

Cody: Well my Talents is that i'm rich.

Lincoln: Woah! you are?

Cody: Yes I am. And I got alot of stuff at my house.

Lincoln: That's cool. But I'm glad your buy us something to eat.

Cody: Thanks. And I'll do it again tomorrow when we meet each other.

Lincoln: Awesome. (to Alex) What about you Alex?

Alex: I'm not rich but I do like writing.

Lincoln: What do you write about?

Alex: I write stories about heros.
But, I've put some justice into it.

Lincoln: That's what I did with my pal back in town.

Alex: Really? You made a comic too?

Lincoln: Yep. That was a time when I was going to make a comic in Ace Savvy style with the help of my sisters and my friend. So, I got a chance to win and met the creator.

Alex:(surprise) You did!? (quietly) Lucky.

Lincoln: I know right! And trust me, that was fun! (sigh) Well Marie, what's your talent?

Marie: My Talent is that I love to draw.

Lincoln: (impressed) Oh my gosh, I love to draw too! Drawing is fun. What do your draw about?

Marie: I draw stuff from my imaginations such as cartoons, stick men, and some kinds of doodle or whatever it is. I really want to draw anime because I'm a fan of anime. I like to get to even wath some shows of it. But sometimes, it's hard to draw the eyes, hair, and the fingers. I've never new manga or anime gets so challenging.

Lincoln: Your even a fan of anime? I'm a fan of manga. And I like to read manga sometimes. It's just gets so entertaining.

Marie: Yeah, it does.

Lincoln: Well since your all talking about talents, it reminds of me and my sisters back at home. Well unfortunately, (sadly) I don't have a talent.

Cody: Speaking of your sisters, can you tell us their names, age, and their personalities?

Lincoln: Ok. Well, let's start with my oldest sister, Lori. She's 17 and she's always on her phone talking to her friends. But she's more talking with boyfriend, Bobby 24/7. She can be mean. But sometimes, she can gets nice to spend time with me and my family together. Next is my second oldest sister, Leni. She's 16 years old. She loves fashion, So she makes dresses and she always likes to go shopping at the mall. She may be a dumb blonde, But, she has a big heart. She's always clean and beautiful. Next is my third oldest sister, Luna. She's 15. She loves music and she likes rock and roll. She's British. Her dream is to be a famous rock star someday when she grows up from her true hero Mivk Swagger. But she's very close to me. She's very sweet though. Then it Next goes to my fourth oldest sister, Luan. She's 14. She's a funny comedian. But her jokes sometimes don't make since. She even have a business to attend to birthday parties. She has 2 soulmates Mr.Coconuts and Colonel Crackers. But on April Fool's Day, she gets crazy pranking on us. And trust me her pranks are real dangerous. Next is my 5th Oldest Sister, Lynn. She's 13. She's kind of an athelte of the house. Sometimes she plays too rough. She may hurt someone abit, but you can't mess with hurt went you go outside and play on the fields.
Then Next comes my 5th younger sister, Lucy. She's 8. She likes spooky stuff. Especially Halloween. She has a soulmate Edwin. She's a emo. She makes poems. But she's always close to me. She sometimes spooks us around our of Know were.
Next are The twins, Lana and Lola. Lana is the oldest twin and Lola's the youngest twin. They're both 6. Lana is a tomboy who likes to play in the mud and lots of animals. She even likes dirt, bugs and eats trash. She have lots of pets in her room like reptiles. She's always dirty while her opposite twin Lola is clean. She's a bratty little girl and always tattle tell for people. She's a beauty pageant. She also loves fashion. She's all about the spolight. Next is my second younger sister, Lisa. She's 4. She's a smart kid. But she had PhD when she was a baby. She helps us with our homework. She always put experiments on us torturing us. But she's my #1 smart girl. And last but not least, Lily. Well she's only 1 years old. But, she don't have any talents yet. Shes only a baby and she's always innocent. And she's very cute. So, there you have it. My 10 sisters.

Marie: Cool. But, how come you don't have talents?

Lincoln:(look) Its hard this but, I don't really have any interesting in my life. I may have activities at home, But that doesn't mean I have a dream or a career. My 10 sisters think I'm nothing.

Alex: Oh that's okward. Do you have friends?

Lincoln: Oh. I have friends at school. But my true friend, Clyde is always there to help me. I even have a girlfriend.

Marie: Lucky! Who is she?

Lincoln: Oh. Her name is "Ronalda"or I like to call her Ronnie Anne for short. She's the angel of my dreams. She's helpful as Clyde, has the same Chaos family as me, she's a tomboy,
and most of all, were both in common.

Marie: Awwww.... That's sweet.

Lincoln: Yep it is. I wondered someday when we grow up in the future, I wish to have her as the lady of my life.

Cody: You know it!

Alex: Well, how about you tells how you got here.

Lincoln:(sad) Oh. Sure.

(Lincoln starts to gets sad and begins to tell his new friends his story. Then it shows all the memories as Lincoln started talking about the incident.
But, when he finishes his story, he became alittle upset)

Lincoln:(sigh) It starts like this. (narrating)
At first I walked home with my girlfriend Saturday on sunset.
Before I went to the house Ronnie Anne gave me a invitation for
her birthday party at her house.But when I went inside my house, my sisters wanted to
know my things I didn't want to tell them about the day I had. So then, one of my sisters
saw a kiss on my cheek. Until, Lori ask about my girlfriend kissing me.
And the kiss came from that earlier when we were at an arcade hanging and eating. But when I gave Ronnie Anne my gift, she kissed me on the cheek.So then they were making fun of me and then later I called Clyde and I wasworried about not coming to the party. But then he tries to calm me down soI decided to go, and next, I called Ronnie Anne and she said she'll meet me at her birthday party. So before dinner, I asked my mom about going to the party that next day and she said yes. So then the next morning, I was looking all handomse and all of that until my sisters arrived and they were makig fun of me again. I head downstairs to get ready to leave and my mom try to stand up for me. Until tonight, because during this evening I was at my girlfriend's house and the party was about to start. I meet up with her brother Bobby, Lori's boyfriend. So then I met up with Clyde and our other friends Rusty, Zach, and Liam. We were talking to each other, I was a little worried. But, Clyde kept me calm.
Next we were having a nice time singing happy birthday, eating cake, looking at her presents and dancing together. I danced with Ronnie Anne but then we've imagined that we were alone together floating in the universe. We were having a great moment together talking. I mean sure were both in common. But, she's special to me. We were about to kiss but the next thing you know is that our imagination popped out which means we've stop. Because my sisters arrived and Luan was video taping me. Everyone except for Ronnie Anne, Bobby and Clyde were making fun of me. They were laughing at me, making jokes of me, and they were calling me names. I felt so scared and gotten embarrassed, I've began to cry and ran out of the party.

Cody:(shock) Woah. That's embarrassing.

Alex:(mad) I know how that feels.

Marie:(blows from tissue) That was so sad.

Lincoln:(sad) It was. Your not gonna believe what's gonna happen nextafter I tell you this. And then I'll tell you the next day.

Cody: Alright, tell us more.

(Lincoln continue to tells his story)

Lincoln: (narrating) Alright so back to my story, I was at home now and I was in the basement
crying. My parents were confused about what was going on with me. So then when Ronnie Anne and Clyde came along, they were comforting me.
I cried so hard, that I was feeling painful. But when my friends told my parents the information, they were worried about Lori who deserved to be broken up with Bobby from how mean she was. My friends were mad that they never cared about me that all they cared about this night is Lori.
So they went home. But when my sisters arrive to my room I was first angry at them but then they got angry back on me. So they snatched me and threw me out my door and then we began to fight.

Alex:(shock) Oh my gosh! What did they do!?

Lincoln:(mad while narratoring)
Well when they began to fight, they were hitting me. They've punched me, they've smacked me, they've, kicked me, they scratched me, they yanked my hair, and they've slapped me.
Then lastly when they stopped fighting they threw on the floor hard, I had some tears in my eyes. So then I yelled at them and said that they were the worst sisters of my life. So then they got mad and Lori began to slap me hard. After I told them they've never respected me, they've came into my room and broke my stuff animal bun-bun. It was my special thing when I was a child. So anyways, I was hurt that they brokle him than they slammed the. Door when they push me. The next day was the last day of school so once I came downstairs after I got ready, My parents blamed me. Then when I went school and got made fun of but I was late.
The only ones who weren't laughing was Ronnie Anne and Clyde. They stood up for
me feeling sorry for me. I even had a fight with my younger sister causing me to beon detention for the rest of the year. I was embarrassed again. So after schoolI was being picked on and everybody watched the video Luan made.So I ran home. Ronnie Anne and Clyde stood up for me again. Later, I had a bad dream about my family getting rid of me they were saying hateful stuff to me and pushed me out of the house. Then it showed my girlfriend and friend replacing me which they will never do because it was just a dream.So when I woke up from that dream I've felt some pain in my heart andthought it will be from my sisters. Then we had a huge argument. So, I told them all about my memories from the way they treated me from the past and now. Then Lynn said the worst thing that she wish I was never they're brother or to be born. My was hurt from hearing that. So, couldn't sleep in the night. Ill never forget how bad that night was. So I've packed my stuff and wrote note. I even left town with the train. And that's how I decided to ran away from home.

(It cuts to present wen the story was over)

Cody:(mad) Real harsh, man.

Alex:(angry) That Sucks!

Marie:(mad) That sure was!

Lincoln:(sad) Yep i'll never forget house really bad that night was.

(3 of Lincoln's friends were very sorry for him)

Cody:(comfort) Lincoln, don't be sad ok?

Alex:(comfort) Yeah, will take care of you until your family gets here.

Marie: (comfort) Cody said he will keep you to protect you from danger.So until your family is here. We'll make sure your Alright.

Lincoln: Thanks, Guys. Your the Best.

( 3 of his friends embraces him a hug to make him feel better)

To be Continued.....


Marie as MarieButler9 (me)

Cody as JustinMaverick15

Alex as LittleAlex61910

A/N: Hey guys, Marie here. And if your seeing the cast, our was and
Ispiration by Me, LittleAlex61910,
and JustinMaverick15. LittleAlex61910 was mentioned as Alex with white hair and black scarf. JustinMaverick15 was mentioned as Cody with the Mohawk and red shirt. And Marie was mentioned as me with the glasses. If your enjoying me with this, The OCS was my idea.
I am so sorry I took to long I got tired many times putting to much work. But, I hope you like this new chapter. In the next chapter Lincoln will be meeting Cody's family for his chance to stay until his family finds him. But, his family is still on a plane on their way to New York city to find Lincoln. And Goose Pimples was a parody GooseBumbs. But in this chapter, they'll find a place to stay incase if they never found Lincoln yet.
😏So anyways, here's my next questions.

Will Lincoln be excited to me Cody's Rich family?

How will Lincoln react about how much does he really misses his family and friends?

Will the Girls be excited to visit New York or to Go get their Brother back?

Find out more soon of 💔Easily Broken💔.📕📕😉✌ Enjoy and I'll see you on Chapter 4.
Peace out, you Guys!

Lincoln:(to the viewers) Previously on Easily Broken.........

Lincoln: (Shocked) Oh my gosh, I'm Late!!

Rita:(mad) What took you so long?

You were gonna to make us late.

Lincoln: Well, I've overslept after we had a fi-

Lynn Sr.: (angry) No excuse, Son! Your in so much trouble!

Lincoln: What did I-

Rita: Conversation's off! Let's move kids!____________________________________________________________

Lincoln: Maybe Clyde, Ronnie Anne and I will go vacation.

Agnes: That's awesome, Lincoln. Were would you be going.

Lincoln: Well I always thought if we go somewhere fun like Paris, or Tokyo. I don't know.

Cristina: Well, I hope you have a fun vacation dumb prince.

(All the kids in the class room except for Clyde and Ronnie Anne was laughing)

Agnes: Then stop laughing at him. Here we are on the last day of school and your disrespecting another student. All of you except for Clyde and Ronnie Anne needs to apologize to him.

Agnes: Class Dismissed!

Clyde: Wow, Lincoln. Maybe this morning must of been a bad start for you.

Ronnie Anne: Yeah, It's only the last day of school and their should be no reason to be laughing at someone.

Chandler:(mean) Wow! look at that dumb love bird! This Dude is nothing but a Phony!

(Once again, All of the Kids except for Clyde and Ronnie Anne were laughing)____________________________________________________________

Clyde and Ronnie Anne:(annoyed)

And here we go again.

Lola:(bratty) Hey, Lincoln. What you got? Tuna sandwich?

Lincoln:(annoyed). What do you guys want?

Lucy:(obnoxious) Well after what about that funny joke Luan said, you wouldn't mind I do..... this!?

(Lucy took out her hand and slapped down the sandwich. Then,it fell on the floor and Lana starts treating him like a dog)

Lana:(bitter) Oh, what's wrong little doggy. You must be hungry. Oh, you poor nasty little thing, dropped your sandwich. C'mon boy. Get your sandwich boy. Go. Go get it! _______________________________________________________________

Lincoln:(upset) Give that to me!

Lola: Dear Diary, This evening was awesome. My girlfriend and I had the best day ever. We head to the arcade for lunch we had pizza. We even drank milkshakes together. That's how happy I thought about how Ronnie Anne will always be my side. Sometimes When I look at her she was angel. She was like a sister to me. My life at school has been a complete success.

(Everyone except for Ronnie and Clyde laughed once again)

Lisa: That's sad, Lola. Guess he's to Lazy for love isn't he.

(The other sisters and kids laughed again once more)

Lincoln:(furious) I'm not afraid of everything. That's my diary and you have no reason to read anything about my personal life about it. So give it back now, or I'll tell Principal Huggins on you.

Lola: Never!

(Lola and Lincoln began fighting with each other. Lincoln tried to smack Lola hard in the face. But eventually, the other 3 younger sisters fight Lincoln back. Clyde, Ronnie Anne, "friends" and The other kids came towards the fight and some of the children were video taping the fight. Some of the staff members came saw the fight. Until when they stopped the fight, the 4 younger sisters were knocked out from beating up Lincoln. But worstly, Principal Huggins came around and report Lincoln to his office and the staff came with him)

Principal Huggins: LINCOLN LOUD!!!!!

(Lincoln became shock he got caught by the Principal and it's only the last day of school without no purpose of telling them that his sisters caused the incident) ________________________________________________________________

Both: (energized) Operation of sneaking out for our bestfriend or boyfriend for the issue and innocent responsibility of the fight consequences at the front office is a go!

Principal Huggins:(unfair) No Buts!! You will be getting detention for the rest of next school year! UNDERSTOOD!!!!!!

Lincoln:(unfortunate with a low voice) Understood.


Ronnie Anne:(outraged) Impossible! He didn't do nothing to them. That should be his younger sisters who should get it. (Hands crossed)Their the ones that started the fight in the first place!

Clyde: I agree, Ronnie Anne.

Lincoln would never do such a thing like right now. He's innocent! He was just eating lunch with us until they started to bully him. That was so unfair.

Ronnie Anne: Were out early today and school is over in one hour. So why don't we check on him?

Clyde: Good Idea. _________________________________________________________________

(The bell rung and school just ended)

Lincoln:(horrified) This was a total disaster! Now I'm doomed!

Ronnie Anne:(comfort) That's why we got your back.

Clyde: Yeah, Buddy. Nothing can be worser than....

(The 3 kids found lots of kids still laughing at him looking at their phones about something mysterious)

Clyde: (averaged) This... __________________________________________________________________

Clyde:(obvious)Guys, what are you laughing about? Your supposed to be his bros.

Liam: We are still bros. to him.

Rusty: Yeah were just watching a funny video from last night.

Zach: It's from the party that one of (points to Lincoln) your sisters made.

Zach: She also made a remix of you. check it out.

(Zach pulls out his phone and it shows the remix) __________________________________________________________________

Liam: It's got 2 Million viewers.

Lincoln, Clyde, and Ronnie Anne: 2 Million Viewers!!!?__________________________________________________________________
Lola:(rude) Hello, Brother or should I say life of the embarrassment. Your are nobody. Your just a dumb retarded jerk. (chanting) Loser! Loser!

(All of the sisters and the rest of the kids were chanting Loser! soon they were all Laughing at him. Suddenly, Lincoln's eyes were filled with tears and he lastly ran home from school)
Lana: Guess he's the worst Loud Kid in the house after all Isn't he?

(The sisters laughed and they all high fived at once)

Ronnie Anne:(ashamed) Lincoln, were
really sorry.... I wouldn't expect for this to happen if we had a party at my house.

Clyde:(mad) Yes. And the fight was completely unnecessary. The last day of school was suppose to be a day full of joy for summer to come. You were just Innocent.
Lincoln:(low voice) Do you think I'm special?

Clyde:(shattered) Why would you wouldn't be?

Lincoln:(dejected) Because, when everything goes wrong, I'm always the mistake to this family. They never gave me a chance or except me from who I am.

Clyde:(comfort) Lincoln, you know you have to try to fit in. We still believe in you. But, being a special person comes from inside. You just need to be yourself. You need to tell them how you feel.

Lincoln:(thought) How is it possible? I just feel so empty. No one would appreciate me for everything I love about myself.

Clyde: That's why you should express your feelings. Hiding and holding your emotions is unhealthy. You just got to let it out from in here. (points to the middle of his chest)

Clyde: No matter what gets you into lots of issue. You are still the best special person that ever happened to our lives.

Ronnie Anne: And no matter who you are, we still love you.

(Lincoln was happy he had 2 nice friends that cared for him. He happily had tears in his eyes and hugged them again)

Ronnie Anne:(concern) Mr. & Ms. Loud! He's telling the truth!
They really bullied him at lunch!

Clyde:(mad) Do you guys hate him?
Lincoln: Hey what are you doing with all of my stuff?

Lola:(cruel) Were sending them to the foster care... To get rid of you!

Lincoln:(heartbroken) But, your my family....

Lynn Sr.:(demonic voice) Were not your family anymore, Lincoln. Your just garbage.
The whole family starts pushing him out of the door. Lincoln try his best to push them back to get back in the house. But, they push him back but then once more, Lynn kicked him to hard he fell to the floor and suddenly everything started to look bigger and he looked a little smaller) Loud Family:(demonic giant voice) Goodbye, Lincoln. ________________________________________________________________________

(The dream was officially over. But when Lincoln woke up he gasp with
tears in his eyes. And on the strange feeling from that dream. He felt his heart beating again) _________________________________________________________________________

Lincoln:(livid) Don't you dare explain, Luan! Your sorry selves ain't gonna make the laughing stock out of me!

Luna: Unfortunately Brah, your already one. Were starting to get lots a fans who loves us.

Lincoln: Well this is the worst mistake you had ever did! DELETE IT NOW!!


Lincoln: (livid)And then when I get something, you guys make things go wrong! You even meddle to much on! I'm always the one who gets hated on! And, I get blamed in your actions for nothing!

Rita: Sweetie-

Lincoln:(livid) Is there something wrong about me?


Lincoln:(livid) Shocked!?

(The family started at him nervously)

Lincoln:(livid) You should be! Because you guys are too fake to me! You've all been lying to me, you've been mistreating me, and you've never loved me! I thought you guys were my family...


Lynn: Well guess what I wish you never even exist!!!!

Sisters: Yeah!!!


Lincoln:(heartbroken) Ok... I get it now. If these are your true feelings about me then fine I'm out of here. You guys made my life miserable here. If I'm not mentioned as your son and brother anymore, then I don't want to be the part of this family! Because you guys hate me! After all the things I've done to make you guys happy! But instead, you don't appreciate me about nothing! I've tried my best to work things out or to fit in with you guys. But Instead you push me away like I don't belong here! (tears up) If you guys don't love me, then go ahead and say it out Loud!
I hope your happy when I'm not around, YOU'LL NEVER BE BOTHERED OR ANNOYED HAVING ME AS A BROTHER AGAIN!!!!!!!!


(Lincoln ran upstairs then slammed his door)


Lori:(to the viewers) Get ready for some drama because, his situation starts right about now. (closes the clapperboard)

(It starts with Lori in Lincoln's room who have already found Lincoln's note before he ran away.
So the rest of the family, came up stairs and wondered about what happened to Lincoln)

Lori:(shocked) Oh my gosh! This is bad! We have a problem!

Rita: What's wrong, Lori.

Lori: Lincoln's Missing!

The Whole Family (except Lori): WHAT!!!!!?

Lori:(worried) Yes! Lincoln's missing! And he broke our family photo.

(The family gathered around the photo on the floor the Lincoln broken last night)

Lana: That's a real low.

Lola: Yeah why would he do such a thing like that?

Lynn: I don't know maybe because of what he did to us.

Lisa: Maybe someone bullied him.

Lori:Maybe it's something to do with his test.

(Everyone except Luna were arguing about why Lincoln broke the photo.
But when Luna stared at the photo, she found why)

Luna: Guys, I think I have an answer to that!

(The family became silent and payed attention to Luna)

Lynn Sr.: What is it, Luna?

Luna: I think he broked it, because of how we treated him yesterday.

Lana: You mean because of us?

Lola: Why would it because of us?

Luna: Dudes, we did some pretty harsh things to him 2 days ago.
But, we hurted his feelings when we embarrassed and did mean things to him yesterday and broked Bun-Bun. We even hurted his feelings and we made Lincoln cry!

Leni: Well that's unusual.

Lori: Guys, you got to check this out!
It's a note from Lincoln.

(The family gathered around Lori and read Lincoln's note)

(Lincoln's voice):

"Dear Loud Family,

After what happened since the
embarrassment at Ronnie Anne's Party, you was making fun of me.
And you embarrased me during the party. You even ruined Ronnie Anne's birthday which was unacceptable.
You guys were hurting my feelings.
I feel so hated, uninterested, unloved and abandoned. Then when I was back home you threatened me in my room and you've broked my Bun-Bun.
(to Lynn Sr. and Rita) Ronnie Anne and Clyde tried to tell you the truth about the sisters embarrassing me and the right but you didn't care.
Then Yesterday, on the last day of school I was embarrassed again. Thanks to Lucy, Lana, Lola, and Lisa, they got me in detention for the rest of the next school year, Just because they started bullying me and abusing me at school. Even Thanks to Luan, You all made a fool out of me. I'm now a laughing stock. I felted like a black sheep. I feel like everyone in this town hate me, because of that video you sent. You've all betrayded me, You've never loved me, You've all hated me. The only ones who cared for me is Ronnie Anne & Clyde. They are my true (Clyde)friends and (Ronnie Anne) Girlfriend to me. But unfortunately, after all the memories I had with you guys, I've felt like I've been replaced. You never care about how I really feel. Infact, You've never cared about me or from who I am inside. You don't appreciate me because your stupid superstitions make me feel like a mistake like I'm not family. You guys call yourselves The Loud House, But, this won't make a family without me around because I feel like I don't belong here. You really broke my heart after how miserable my life is right now. But that's not the point. You've must be noticing were I am now. Well guess what, I ran away from home last night. Alone. Without anyone looking after me. I did not just leave from the house, I left town and not just town, I left the state.
Don't be out there worried searching for me. Because I'm gone. And if you dare to see me, then I refuse to be lost to look at the stars and see the world.

Lincoln Loud"

"P. S. Am I'm not special enough to anyone? Or am I a bad influence to this family. Maybe your right.
I'm a total mistake."

(The Family became devastated about Lincoln worried for him)

Luna:(tears flowing) W-What have we d-d-done!

Leni:(tears flowing) He ran a-w-way!

Luan:(tears flowing) We've l-lost our only b-b-brother!

Lynn:(tears flowing) W-Why do we h-have to be to harsh to h-him

Lisa: Usually I'm not Impervious with human emotions but... (tears flowing) Our only brother has vanished! He is our family!

(Lisa started crying at first then the rest of the family started sobbing as well. They've been ashamed about how badly they put Lincoln into this after all the times he had so badly to leave)

Lori:(sobbing) And Now, thanks to us, He's gone!

Lola and Lana:(crying) Lincoln!!

Lucy:(sobbing) Poor Lincoln. Our only brother is lost in a cold cruel world. (worried) What if he gets killed out there!?

Luna:(freaked out) Don't say that Luce!

Lynn:(worried) But yeah, what if he gets hurt out there!

Rita:(sobbing) I hope my baby's ok!

Lynn Sr.:(sobbing) If only if we were a great family to him, he wouldn't be out there.

Lily:(sobbing) Winky!

(The family continue to sob for a long time until Lucy and the other 4 younger sisters had something to say)

Lucy: I think we have a confession to make.

(The Louds pay attention to the younger sisters)

Lucy: Lincoln wasn't the one who started the fight. It was us.

Lynn: But how?

Lucy: Well yesterday during lunch at school, while he was eating with Clyde and Ronnie Anne, Lisa, Lana, Lola, and I, was making fun of him again.

Lola: But then, we mostly teasing him from the incident about what happened in Ronnie Anne's party until when he got mad at me, he was hitting me.

Lana: So were fighting Lincoln to prevent Lola from being injured, until the other students were video taping and the consulers came but worse, Principal Huggins was there!

Rita:(shocked) What happened about that!?

Lisa: Well unfortunately, he was embarrassed again infront of everyone. The kids were laughing about was laughing at him so because of us he went to the principal's office and got a referral for nothing. Later after school, everyone was outside laughing at Luan's video,
But when he came along, everyone laughed at him again and the last thing he did was that he ran home. So we should be the ones grounded.

Luna: So it was you who started the fight all along?

Lucy:(Guilty) Yes. Which could of been us. Because, if we acused him infront of everybody and we started the fight, then we should be the real ones who should be in detention. And thanks to us now, he's a laughing stock at school and this is our fault. Especially Luan, who posted the video.

Luan:(shame) Lucy's right. I couldn't admit how bad Lincoln's been suffering from a bad day at school yesterday. But the I didn't care. After what we did in the past 2 days ago and yesterday, I feel awful.

Lori: That's even worse and on top of that, this could mean that....

Leni: We took the blame on Lincoln without any proof!

Lynn Sr.: Which means we've punished him on purpose!!

Lynn: What is wrong with us!!?

Luan: I don't know! But were are too
enough to consume him!! Were monsters!!!

(The family continued to cry. Until Lori gave up and had a idea)

Lori:(confidence) Alright Guys, enough crying! Were not going to give up on Lincoln! So until then, we are going to find him and try to make things right!

Lana.: That sounds good, But how will we find him.

Lola: Why don't we make some posters of him. Then we will search for every town looking for him.

Leni: Sounds good but how will we find him in the whole city?

Lisa: We'll have to split up into groups. Dad, Lori, Luan, Lynn, Lola and I will look all over town for Lincoln. While Mom, Leni, Luna, Lucy and Lana will put posters on the walls. Then will pick them up and drop them off on a side walk putting more posters. Copy?

Family(except Lisa): Copy!

Rita: What about Lily?

Lisa: Never thought of this but she's gonna have to with Dad.

Lynn Sr.: Ok, so everything's clear?

Family: Yes!

Rita:(commanding) Alright, Kids!
Let's move it! Let's go! Let's go!
Lori will make the posters!

Rita: Lisa, get the staples and papers!

Lisa: Affirmative.

Rita: Lana, get the Tool chest!

Lana: I'm on it!

(Lori, Luan, Lynn, Lola, and Lily head to the Vanzilla and left the house searching for Lincoln all over down)

Lynn Sr.: Alright Honey, will let you know what happens.

Rita: Good Luck.

(Lynn Sr. and Rita did a quick kiss. After that, Lynn Sr. head to the car and drove off searching for Lincoln in different streets as Rita and the starts walking a cross the street to post posters)

Rita: Alright, Girls! Start walking!
Lana, cmon no time for digging!
(Lana walk over were Rita was at)

Rita: Luna, make some jams!

Luna: You know it, Mom!

(As Luna started playing on her guitar, it played a song called "This Is War by Ben Kweller")

(The Girls put posters on the walls while Luna was jamming. Then, it cuts to Dad and the 6 other sisters in the car looking at every street they looked all over the place but there was no Lincoln. So they drove back and found the girls on the sidewalk and the picked them up. Next they went to Beaverton. They looked all over the place but still no Lincoln.
They next head to Hazeltucky they looked everywhere but there was still no Lincoln. They went to the last town around Royal Woods, which was Huntington Oaks. They looked every but they still couldn't find him.  Lastly, they got home)

(Later this evening, it was Sunset,
The family was upset they couldn't find him)

Lori:(upset) This is just great!
We looked on every town and we still haven't found him yet!

Luan:(down) If only we wouldn't let this happened in the first place.

Lana: It's a good thing I'll tell you this thing I saw because, I've found something before we were walking on the sidewalk.

Lynn: This better be good.

Lynn Sr.: What have you found?

(It flashes back from earlier before Dad left while Lana was explaining the figure)

Lana:(narrating) Before Dad left,
I smelled some trouble hanging on the loose. It was coming from the backyard of the house.

(Lana took her magnifying glass out to look what she found)

Lana:(narrating) Then, I found something from the ground. It was a footprint so, I follow abit of the foot prints until mom called me.

Rita: That's great. Where is it anyway?

Lana: C'mon, I'll show you!

(Lana took out her flashlight and she Lead the way to the Footprint to the edge of the house.)

Lana: There it is, Guys.
This is the footprint. It was coming from Lincoln's window. And it leads across to the sidewalk.

Lisa:(thinking) Hmm... Very
Interesting. Lana might of found some clues.

Luna: Good clues, Lana! But what
could this be?

Luan: The footprints looked abit bigger from down here. I wonder who stepped over there?

(The family was thinking who put the footprints right across from Lincoln's window. Until Lynn figured it out)

Lynn: Guys, I know where those footprints are from. If Lana found these footprints here, and it leads to out there, those must of been Lincoln's steps.

Lynn Sr.: Were gonna have to follow the trail and see where he head off.

Lisa: Good thinking.

(Lana put the flash on sidewalk and follow Lincoln's trails. Until it stopped from a subway)

Lana: Aww man! There's no more tracks!

Leni: There's a subway over their which means he was in a train. But he already left.

Lori: Well it says here he left to another state far away.

Lucy: Where do you think he would be far away?

Lola: I don't know. It could be a state with a different city somewhere.

Luan: How in the heck are we suppose to know where he's at?

Lisa: Well, looks like theirs only one thing to do.

Rita: We'll head home then.
We got an emergency to take care of.

Lynn Sr.: Alright, kids! Let's go!

(The family head back home to doing some important business)

Lynn Sr.:(command) Alright, kids! Get into your stations! Lori give me the phone! Luna, Luan, Leni, give me the albums! Lynn, give me his phone number!

Lynn: Yes, Sir!

Lynn Sr.:(serious) Lisa, give me his date of birth! (to Rita) Honey, call the Cops! C'mon People, Let's go! The rest of you kids, head upstairs now! This is not a drill!

(It cuts to Lincoln in the afternoon who is still in the train looking sad. But, he was almost there to New York. While he was on the train he was writing on his journal)

Lincoln:(In his mind) Dear Journal, it's another day well with me, well all alone. By myself. Away from my family. Away from my friends. Away from town. (looking sad) I'm gonna miss Ronnie Anne and Clyde. But what this family put me through was wrong. (tears up) After all this stuff that was happening in my life, I ran away. I'm too moody and depress. Because my sisters embarrassed me and my family showed me their true feelings about me, I feel no love. Nobody likes me or love me anymore. But, Ronnie Anne. I've lost all my friends because of them. Except for Clyde. I feel like I'm under the dark clouds. I feel like I'm lost. I feel like I'm under the world. I fell like the world hates me. They got me into this. My life is officialy ruined. Everytime something goes wrong, it always have to be me. I feel hate and unlove from inside. Does it look like they were trying to get rid of me? They really really hate me. After all times we did together and after all I done for them to try to be a great son and brother. Well now I'm Abadoned. My heart hurts. Maybe they don't they don't deserve a son. Infact, I don't deserve to have a family. Eventually I feel like I don't have a family anymore....

(Lincoln wiped his tears in deep shame. But he begans to get average and he continue to keep writing)

Lincoln:(in his mind) Since I'm all by myself, I don't need to think about this anymore. I'll rather be in a trash can. Wait! (shock) If I'm all alone, and I'm far away from home, (happy) Then How bad will it be when I'm far away from my family? This kinda sounds exciting. If I'm alone, and I'm going to New York,Could this mean one thing ? (Starts to get excited) Maybe I'll travel out there. Maybe I'll get to see the world. I'm going to explore. Well, this is going to great day.


Lincoln Loud

(Lincoln put the journal away in his bag and the announcer began to speak)

Announcer: Attention Citizens, your destination will arrive in 3 mins. Thank you.

(Later, 3 minutes have already passed and it was time for Lincoln to get out of the train)

Announcer: Alright Citizens, you may leave now. The next ride will leave in 15 minutes.

(Lincoln got his bag and he got out of the train but he's trying to figure out where to take off his man office costume. But he founded a bathroom right across the hall of the subway.
Nobody was in there. He then went out after he privately after the costume was off and when he got out of the subway, he looked surprise about how cool would it be about New York. He felt amazed when he saw lights all over the tall buildings. He sees fun stuff. He sees cool things he can do to get the incident off of his mind. He talked to the viewers again)

Lincoln:(impressed to the veiwers) Nice touch! I'll try to follow the law. But without my family around, I'll go see what it feels like out here. I'm not at home with their spoiled selves. There are no rules. I'm free I can do whatever While I'm alone, I think I know what to do today.

(When the fun started it played another song "Good Everybody by
C+C Music Factory")

(First Lincoln was eating Ice Cream)

Lincoln: This taste awesome! I love this!

(Then, he went to an arcade.
Third, he went to a card collection's. Fourth, he went to a national park. He even fed some ducks with bread. Fifth, he was on a skyscraper which was a museum with telescopes on top. He tooked pictures from the building. Then he came down looking at the photos from the museum. Lastly he rode a bike across the sidewalks with glee across the ponds and the bridge at the park he couldn't be even happier. It cuts back the park. Lincoln was laying on the grass enjoying his self. While looking at the sky, he spoked to the viewers from his mind)

Lincoln:(In his mind) Well so far, I had a very great day. I had lots of fun in the city. I've never so alive. I felt like I survived. I felt like I was in the wild. Maybe New York City isn't so bad after all.

(It cuts to back to The House.
Lynn Sr. and Rita were disscusing the information about the incident on Lincoln in the living room)

Police Officer#1: What's the Child's Name?

Rita: Lincoln M. Loud.

Police Officer#2: Gender ?

Lynn Sr.: Male.

Police Officer#1: Age ?

Rita: 12.

(The Officers was writing the
information of the child and asked them a few more questions)

Police Officer#2: When was he last seen?

Lynn Sr.: He was last seen last night before the tragedy.

Police Officer: What was the tragedy?

Rita: He ran away from home ... Last night.

Police Officer: What's the Description?

Lynn Sr.: He's a Boy with White Hair, A Chipped Tooth, with an Orange polo shirt, Blue jeans, and some Sneakers.

Police Officer: Is there any location the child could be at?

Rita.: There was a note that said he left from the state.

(The Police puts more information on their notepads. Then he ask 2 more questions)

Police Officer: Have he used a credit card?

Lynn Sr.: No. Why would he?

Rita: I don't think he would used a credit card.

(It cuts to Lincoln buying a hot dog with his own money. After he bought his hot dog he sat down on a bench and ate it)

(It cuts back to the parents in the office)

Police Officer: Well, how can we locate this child ?

Lynn Sr.: He got a cell phone of his own.

Police: What's his number?

Rita: (909)-536-1496.

(While the parents explain his phone number, The girls were upstairs sitting in Lori and Leni's room waiting for Mom and Dad.
But they felt guily, of what they did)

Luna:(sad) Well, I guess today have been awful.

Lynn:(sorrowful) Yeah. I Guess we pushed Lincoln to far enough. Or eventually we've learned our lesson.

Lola:(shameful) We made him the laughing stock.

Luan:(unfortunate) And we made him feel unwanted.

Lucy:(depressed) Which was heartless.

Lori:(dejected) And thanks to us, he ran away.

Lana:(downcast) And it's all our fault.

Lisa:(miserable) Because we've been very unfair to to him.

Leni: Why can't we just be good sisters to him?

(The sisters sighed sadly then it cuts to the parents again)

Police Officer: Incase if we find his location, were going to have to get your house number.

Rita: Oh, the house number is (909)-874-6523.

Police Officer: Ok Mr. and Ms. Loud, If we can locate the we'll give you a call and let you know where he is by

Lynn Sr.: Thank you, Sir.

Police Officer: Your welcome. And have a good day.

(The Police left the house and the parents head upstairs for the kids to hear the announcement)

Lynn Sr.: Alright kids, the police said that they will locate him as soon as possible. So please don't panic. Everyone is safe and everything is gonna be fine.

(The family were sitting on the couch sad about Lincoln. Until someone knocked the door. Lori went to check on the door and it was Ronnie Anne and Clyde)

Ronnie Anne:(outside) Lincoln? Hello? It's us. Are you there?

Lori:(shocked) Oh no! Ronnie Anne and Clyde are here!

Luna:(surprised) This is Bad!

Lana: Oh No! Ronnie Anne will be so upset if she finds out!

Lynn: Let's try to not tell her about this?

Rita: What else should we do.

Lynn Sr.: Let's try to hide this from her. So she wouldn't know about this.

(The family agreed on plan while Lori opens the door to let Ronnie Anne and Clyde in)

Lori:(average) Hey, Ronnie Anne. Hey, Clyde.

Ronnie Anne: Hey, Lori

Clyde: L-L-(frowns) You has your chance.

(Clyde and Ronnie Anne walks into the house the house and into the living room)

Ronnie Anne: Anyways, where's Lincoln.

Clyde: We want to check on for a few minutes?

Lori:(smiles innocent) About that, he's not here right now.

Ronnie Anne: I don't believe you!

Clyde: Now excuse us.

(Ronnie Anne and Clyde head upstairs but Lisa stop them)

Lisa:(lying) Apparently, he went to the restroom.

Ronnie Anne: Let's check something from the restroom.

(Lincoln's friends checked on the restroom while Lisa put her to fingers up to contact the whole family to come upstairs. Then they head inside Lincoln's room)

Lisa: What if she finds out?

Lori: I don't know but we just don't want her to know about.

Ronnie Anne: Don't want to know about what?

(The Family where shock and they turn around. Ronnie Anne and Clyde

Ronnie Anne: (mad ) Are you guys hiding something from us?

Clyde:(mad) Yeah, where's Lincoln?

Leni:(nervously) Ronnie, we don't want to hurt your feelings so we don't want to tell you-

Ronnie Anne:(Angry) Tell me what!?

Lori:(Nervous) Nothing!

Ronnie Anne: Something!

Ronnie Anne: What is it?

(It showed the house off- screen as Ronnie Anne and Clyde yelled out Loud. Then cuts back to the living room)

Ronnie Anne & Clyde:(shocked) WHAT!!!?

Ronnie Anne:(worried) He ran away!?

(Ronnie Anne starts to get frustrated with them as she walks away .But Lori tries to comfort her)

Lori: Look Ronnie Anne, Ok ? We are
really s-

(Ronnie Anne interrupted Lori)

Ronnie Anne: Don't you dare say something to me! Your not sorry!

Lori: But Listen-

Ronnie Anne:(angry) I said shut up! We've told you many times to stop doing harsh things to him! But you kept messing with him.... HAVE YOU!!?

Luna: Sorry, dudette. We couldn't e-

Ronnie Anne:(livid) Exactly! You have nothing to say about! Because you mistreated him, you hurt him, and you hated him!

Rita: Ronnie Anne? I never thought of saying this but, the police are going to call us tomorrow and tell us where he is. So why won't you-

Ronnie Anne:(livid) Sure, Ms. Loud. I will come by tomorrow! And I will bring Bobby with me.
You know what!? I'm leaving! (voice breaks and tears up) I'm tired of your excuses!! I will let Bobby no what you've been uo to! You guys are so disgusting! After days he had that was absolutely nothing, you don't never care for him! You guys are stupid for letting this happen to him! If anything happens to my Lincoln, don't dare coming by my house asking Bobby for apology!

Lori: Ronnie Anne! Wait!

(Before Ronnie Anne starts crying she ran out from the door in shame. Clyde was sorry for Ronnie Anne. But he glared at the family for the how guilty they are for Lincoln)

Clyde:(furious) I think you've done enough miserable things for the week. I tried to warn you  about abusing my friend.
Like that sleep over we had, you girls were showing off infront of him. I want 3 things you should know about. Can't he share something what you guys have and stop ruining everything for him? Is he always the punching a bag? Or is that on you ?

(Clyde head outside and tries to catch up to with Ronnie Anne)

Clyde: Ronnie Anne, Wait up!

(Lori closed the door after them)

Lori: Wow, I never thought of that.

Lynn Sr.: But at least we know one explanation.

Rita:(voice breaks) That were a bad family to him.

(As Rita starts crying everyone starts crying once again. It cuts to Lincoln still eating his hot dog. Until a Pigeon arrived before he can take another bite)


Lincoln: (thoughtful) Oh you want a piece of my bread ? Here you go.

(The Pigeon at the piecde of bread. But Then, more pigeons came around the first pigeon behind him. Lincoln gulped he begans to get nervous)


Lincoln:(nervous) Oh. Um.... you want the whole thing ? Here! Take it!

(5 of the ate it fast, Lincoln begans to get even nervous than before and began to sweat. The pigeons starts to get crazy closer to him like their ready to fight so he backed away from them)


Lincoln:(nervous) Sorry guys! I don't have anymore!

(The pigeons starts to get angry. So they chastise him by chasing him around. Lincoln kept running and running until he finally lost those paranoid birds. But once they were lost, Lincoln bumped into 3 kids)

Lincoln: Oh! Excuse me. I'm really sorry.

Alex: It's ok man. It was just an accident.

Cody: Um... Excuse me. You some got bird poop on your shirt. You guys got napkins ?

Lincoln:(disgusted) Eww...

(Marie took a napkin out her of pocket and gave it to Cody. He wiped the bird poop off his shirt)

Lincoln: Thanks.

(After the help they did, Lincoln and the 3 other kids get to know each other)

Marie: Hey, are you lost from here?

Lincoln: No. I'm not lost.

Alex: Your not from here right?

Lincoln: No I'm not from here. I'm from royal woods.

Cody: Well, what your doing in New York?

Lincoln: Well you see, it's a long story. I ran away from my family.

Alex:(average) Oh that's sad.
Wait aren't you that boy who got laughed on from that video ?

Lincoln: Wait you've seen my embarrassment?

Marie: Yeah! We heard about that. When we first watched it, it was pretty harsh. Were very sorry for you.

Lincoln: It's ok. It was just a huge mistake. My sisters were embarrassing me on my girlfriend's birthday. But it was also my date.

Marie: Ouch.

Cody: How about I'll keep you for tonight until your family comes back ?

Lincoln:(thankful) I can totally help with a place to stay. Thanks

Cody: Anytime. So, your name?

Lincoln: Oh. Nice to meet you. I'm Lincoln, Lincoln Loud.

Cody: Well, I'm Cody. And these are my friends. Alex.

Alex: What's up?

Cody: And Marie.

Marie: Hey.

(Lincoln the 3 kids shook hands to greet each other. But eventually, Lincoln have just found some new friends to keep him safe by his side)

Lincoln: Nice meeting you all.
But anyways, do you know where
I can find a comic store here?

Alex: Oh we were just about to head over there. Their having a Grand Opening today. But if like to join us, then we can show you were it is.

Lincoln: Sweet! You guys read Ace Savvy

Cody: Oh, we love to read Ace Savvy. But we read different kinds of comics.

Marie: So by the time we get there, we can show you what comics we like to

Lincoln: That's Awesome.

Alex: In that case let's head to the store!

Lincoln, Cody, and Marie: Right Behind Ya!

(It cuts to Royal Woods again at night in the Loud House. Everyone was already in their pajamas.It starts in Luna and Luan's room with Luna sitting on Luan's bed. She was crying about how much he misses Lincoln.
She began to take out her ukulele and sung"When Your Gone by Avri Lavigne " as she sings it shows memories of her and Lincoln.

Luna:(singing) "🎶I always needed time on my own I never thought I'd
Need you there when I cry
And the days feel like years when
I'm alone And the bed where you lie
Is made up on your side

When you walk away
I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now?
When you're gone The pieces of my heart are missin' you
When you're gone The face I came to know is missin', too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear
To always get me through the day
And make it okay
I miss you

I've never felt this way before
Everything that I do
Reminds me of you
And the clothes you left, they lie on the floorAnd they smell just like you
I love the things that you do

When you walk away
I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now?

When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missin' you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missin', too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear
To always get me through the day
And make it okay
I miss you

We were made for each other
Out here forever
I know we were
Yeah, yeah
And all I ever wanted was for you to know Everything I do, I give my heart and soul
I can hardly breathe; I need to feel you here with me

When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missin' you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missin', too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear
Will always get me through the day
And make it okay
I miss you🎶"

Luna Loud:(whispers) Lincoln, please come home....

(As Luna continues to cry, Luan comes in the room and starts comforting

Luan:(devastated) Hey, Luna. What's wrong?

Luna: I miss my bro, Luan. I wish he wasn't gone right now. It wouldn't be fun without him. I remember one time when I made his first concert unforgettable.

(Flashbacks to "For Bros About to Rock"

Luna: [satisfied] "That's my bro!"


Lincoln & Luna: (posing together) "ROCK AND ROLL!"

(End of flashback)

Luna: But eventually, I was suppose to be his guardian. I was suppose to be there for him. Instead, I've lost my trust in him. What if I'm not his guardian anymore? What if he hates me? What if I won't see him again?

Luan:(tears up) Don't say that, Luna! You still got his back! Your his big sister and your always nice to him. So what makes you think that?

Luna:(tears in her eyes)
I'm so ashamed that I laughed at him during the party. But since that happened I never noticed that we ruined her birthday. But yesterday when we never cared for him. He told the truth about all the things we did to him about the past before this incident even happen. After all the things I heard from the past, today, and yesterday, I feel like a bad
sister to him. (Crying) I LET HIM DOWN! I AM A TOTAL BEAST TO HIM!!!

(Luan's tears dropped even heavily she gets scared about what she's hearing from her older sister)


Luna:(crying) WHY ARE YOU CRYING!!!?


(They both continue to cry until Luam began to calm. But Luna is still hurt about Lincoln)

Luan:(weakly comfort) But seriously, don't say stuff like that again. He'll come back to us again.
Infact, tomorrow we might try to find him. And one more thing, He will never hate you.Because he's family and he loves you, Luna. As long will find him when we know, he will still be your brother. He'll never let you go or give up on you. Just don't those thoughts get into your head. He'll be trusting and asking you when he needs you. Your not a bad sister, Luna.
You just need to know what's best.
Your music makes us happy and All that type of stuff. Remember when we play in a band together? ("House Music") We played together like a family. Even when we went to the park your music is still here. But Luna, I think your a special sister to him. Because your full of love and compassionate, your the bestest sister I've ever knew In my life.

(Luna cried happily he hugged Luan tight)

Luna:(enamored) Thanks, Luan.
I couldn't even help myself knowing what will happen to him.

Luan:(Guilty) Me either, Luna. After when I made the video in front of everyone, I never knew how bad being a instigator into someone's life could be harsh. I didn't realize it would hurt him that bad. Especially when I hired Lincoln to my Funny Business, I never gave him a chance to
entertain himself. I'm kind of felt like a jerk to him. I was very jealous about him taking my place.
("Funny Business")

Luna: Luan, you should not be jealous on Lincoln just because he was doing his best.
Did you notice how hard he was working if it weren't for you?

Luan:(sadly) No.

Luna:(serious) Well you know Luan, I know your the best comedian in the house,
But you can't blame nothing on him just because of what he's good at. You need to be soft with him and try to appreciate his actions. How would you feel if that was you who had a boss when he/she don't appreciate about what your good at?

Luan:(shame) Oh, never thought of that.

Luna: Exactly. Just like when we never appreciate your jokes.
But sometimes, we could help with some laughter.

Luan:(enamored) Aww... My Luna.

Luna:(sweetly) My Luan.

(They both hugged each other)

Luan: You know, I think I'll stop making jokes for a while.

Luna: And I'll stop making jams for a few days. Until Lincoln comes back.

Luan: You wanna play solitaire to make us feel better?

Luna: Sure.

(Luan took out some solitaire cards to make her and Luna better. It Next cut's to Lori and Leni's room. They were sitting on Leni's bed also crying
about Lincoln. They were looking at pictures of Lincoln from Lori's phone)

Lori:(crying) Today has been the worst day ever!

Leni:(crying) Tell me about it! I can't stop thinking about Lincoln.
I feel so stupid treating him like this. I remeber that time he saved me from being sick.
("One flu over The Loud House")

(Flashes back One flu over The Loud House)

(Luna is right behind Leni and Lincoln notices)
Lincoln: "LENI! DUCK!"
(Luna sneezes and her mucus flies toward Leni)
Leni: "A duck? Where? Is it sick?"
Lincoln: (dives in front of Leni in slow motion) "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!"
(takes Luna's snot and hits the floor)
Leni: "Lincoln, you saved me. Why?"
Lincoln: "'Cause you've got a good heart. And you deserve to survive more than I do." (sneezes on Leni) "Dang it."

(End of flashback)

Leni: It was a sweet thing when he saved me from being sneezed by Luna.
Especially when he taught me how to drive, wouldn't be going anywhere
because of him.

Lori:(Guilty) And you know? I think he's a good leader after all than me.
He's always on action, he stopped us from fighting, and he's the reason to make the family go alright. I couldn't forget that time were I broke his game on purpose. I noticed that when I've yelled at him, I found out that I was selfish around my family than Bobby. But since I was laughing at Lincoln from the party, Bobby broked up with me. I've guess I now know how it feels when someone gets embarrassed from their own personal privacy.

Leni:(sad) That's true, Lori. I think we girls should all know that. If only Lincoln wasn't gone right about now.

Lori:(sad) I even remember one time when he and Bobby became bros.
I was very stupid to act jealous towards him. (A Fair to Remember)

Leni: (shameful) We should be. Because we were so stupid we beated him up over some dumb money and a stupid quarter just we wanted it to ourselves.

Lori: (unhappy) That's true, Leni. Those times were very selfish. We are family and we are supposed to be caring and sharing one another. But that time with Bobby, if I wouldn't be jealous at Lincoln, Bobby would've already broked up with me.

Leni: You know we deserve that consequence. We should've been fair to him.

Lori: I'm think I'll stop making contacts for a bit.

Leni: Yeah that's true and I think I should stop making designs as well. Until, the family gets right, I'm going to change.

Lori: I agree with you.

Leni: You wanna watch Dream Boat with me?

Lori: A show can help make me get a grip from crying all day.

(Lori gets her laptop and puts on Dream boat for her and Leni to watch. Next room goes to Lynn and Lucy's room. Lucy was in tears facing the wall while, Lynn gets ready for bed)

Lynn: Are you ok there, Luce?

(Lucy didn't respond)

Lynn: Lucy?

(Lucy was poor bur she still never responded to Lynn)

Lynn: Lucy!

Lucy:(annoyed) What!

Lynn: You alright?

Lucy:(upset) Yes. I just don't feel like talking to you right now.

Lynn: Are you sure Lucy? I've never seen you acting this way.

Lucy:(depressed) Yes, I'm sure I'll be ok.

Lynn:(swearing) Cmon, Lucy. Just tell me what's wrong.

Lucy:(sad) Not now.

Lynn:(begging) Cmon. Just speak to me about your-

Lucy:(annoyed) No!

Lynn: But, Lucy just-

Lucy:(angry) I said I was alright!

Lynn:(frustrated) No, your not!

Lucy:(furious) Well you know what!? I said I was ok! Just.. leave me alone!!

Lynn:(upset) Why can't I just help you!? Can you at least talk or explain to your big sister for a moment, Lucy!!?? Just tell me!!

Lucy:(livid) How many time am I going to you to stop annoying me or irritating me!!? Just leave me alone! If I don't want to talk, don't need to talk! This is enough!

Lynn:(upset) Just let me-

(Lucy blew up angry as she began to yell at Lynn. She had a storm on her head and starts to get close to her)

Lucy:(stormy) I Said Enough!!!!

(Lucy punched Lynn in the eye. And then they began to fight. But then they stopped fighting and reliaze something. Since one person is not here in the family, The fight cannot be considered as If there was somebody who's the only one that can stop the fight with one name. Lincoln. The girls felt guilt and sorrows in their hearts they reliazed about how they acted of what they become. Monsters! They began to cry in shame)

Lucy:(crying) wait a minute..........

Lynn:(crying) I KNOW, LUCY!!


(The girls were crying for a long long time hugging each other. Then when they stopped crying, the took a deep breath and started to get weak after they cried out from a very bad day)

Lucy:(dejected) I'm sorry,Lynn...... I was too angry to explain about what as going on it me.

Lynn:(down) It's ok, Luce. I'm sorry for bothering you. I should of never ask about-

Lucy:(pleased) No, No, No, That's Alright. It was worth nothing.

Lynn:(satisfied) Well, care to tell me your problem now?

(Lucy nodded her head in agreement and she begins to tell her the problem)

Lucy:(heartbroken) Sigh. Well, I just miss my Big Brother. I even just finished a poem about him it's called "Far Away" (reading)

"Far Away"

"My only brother has run away.
He's been out of the town far away.

From a bad and suffering week,
I have realized I've become a freak.

After a sad and moody day,
I have nobody else to play.

Without him, I'll get lots fears,
That'll make my eyes full of tears.

After the note I heard that was mis-spoken, This suffering and pain leaves me poor and heartbroken.

I am lonely like a stone.
Without Lincoln, I felt so alone.

Lost in depression, lost in the pond. I still can't believe my brother gone.

If only I wish there's a away we can make him come back and stay
Until then, you'll never be gone another day.

Far Away.

Lynn:(shock) Dang it, Lucy. You almost made me cry.

Lucy: I know, Lynn. Without Lincoln, how am I suppose to
get some help when I need to work on my poems? I never felt so alone. I can't do this without him...

(Lucy began to cry again. She missed Lincoln that she felt lonely without him. Lynn began to pat Lucy's back)

Lynn:(comforting) It's ok, Luce.
I never knew how much you love Lincoln.

Lucy:(in tears) I can't forget the day when he saved me from being embarrassed. Just like himself. ("Sleuth or Consequences")

(It Flashes back to Sleuth or Consequences from the living room)


(the other sisters cheer and celebrate their freedom)

Lucy: "Why did you do that?"

Lincoln: "Because you were right. I can handle the teasing. I'm quite comfortable with who I am. Obviously! But don't worry. Someday, you'll be, too. Until then, your big brother's got your back."

Lucy: (smiling and grateful) "Thanks, Lincoln."

(End of flashback)

Lucy:(melancholy) If I took the blame it wasn't for him, then I should be the one running away. But thanks to him, he saved me. And I was never embarrassed.

Lynn: I still can't believe you were the one that clog the toilet.

Lucy:(shame) Yep. It was me. I was also the one who read The Princess Pony.

(Lynn started to laugh at Lucy. So she glares at Lynn)

Lucy:(average) Are you done?

Lynn:(stops laughing) Sorry, Luce. I couldn't help it. But yeah, I miss Lincoln too. I was such an idiot when he was sorry for when I lost my game. But instead, I was rude and brutal to him. Calling him bad luck. I've cause him to be abandoned from our own activities, But mostly from our family. I felted like a jerk. ("No Such Luck")

Lucy: (heartbroken) Maybe we should've been to rough on him. I just feel empty inside without him. I even cause him to have the worst day ever when it was that one time we went to the park and I ruined it by telling him a bad fortune from those stupid cards.

Lynn: True. But serisously, I had to admit those fortune cards were so lame enough for him to become a scaredy-cat.

Lucy: Speaking of Fortune, I might not use these cards for a while. Or make my poems. From this day forward, this is my last poem until Lincoln comes back.

Lynn: Yeah, you should throw them out or something. But for now, I'll take a break from sports for a while. Without him, I can't have a teammate to play with outside.

Lucy: Don't you injure him sometimes?

Lynn: (average) Oh. Right. Good point.

Lucy: Well, I am for now on. Until Lincoln comes back with us, those cards won't be here no more.

Lynn: That's a good job for you, Lucy. That way he will earn your trust again.

Lucy: I hope so, Lynn. I hope we find him.

Lynn: Me too, Lucy. Me too.

(They became silent for a moment before on of them began to speak)

Lucy: Lynn?

Lynn: Yeah, Lucy?

Lucy: Do you think he would still  love us after the way we treated him?

Lynn:(caring) I've thought about the same thing of what you said. But, maybe he'll love us again someday when we find him. Don't worry, Lucy. Because He's in our hearts and I'm sure he'll never give up on us. As long as we miss him, here's something I always got to do until we bring him back home.

(Lynn gave Lucy a picture from old memories in the family years ago)

Lucy:(confused) Hey, what's this?

Lynn:(advised) This is a picture of you and Lincoln from when you were young. You were a cute baby while Lincoln was a cute toddler. But as long as you miss Lincoln you can just look at the picture or pretend he's here like he's your imaginary friend or what ever. I know he'll coming back someday for us.

Lucy: Thanks, Lynn.

Lynn: Anytime, Lucy.

Lucy: What do you wanna do?

Lynn: I don't know. And you?

Lucy: Nothing much.

(Lucy suddenly gets and idea)

Lucy: Lynn, how about we just we read some scary book stories just to calm down.

Lynn: I'm not use to scary stuff but, ok. What kind of books?

Lucy: How about GoosePimples?

Lynn: Alright?

(Lucy and Lynn began to read books to calm them down)

(Next it cuts to the twins room. Lana's cap was off while she was crying. Lana even missed Lincoln petting Hops. She began to cry while Lola became surprised about how upset she is)

Lola:(surprised) Wow, Lana. I've never seen you this sad since Lincoln left of.

Lana:(sorrowful) I couldn't stop thinking of him. I miss Lincoln being around.

Lola:(sadly) I miss Lincoln as well.
I mean what was I expect to happen when I was petty to him.

Lana:(sorrowful) I'm just too upset, Lola. Nothing's fun without him. I can't stop remembering the time when we worked together on saving the frogs from a dissection ("Frog Wild").

(It flashes back to Frog wild at the school)

Lincoln: "Let's go!"
(They move out and Lana breaks out her locksmith equipment and grabs one of her keys to open the door to Mrs. Johnson's room, but it fails)
Lana: "We have a problem. It's a surface mounted deadbolt with a tumbler locking mechanism."
Lincoln: "In English, please?"
Lana: "We'll have to find another way in."
(They sneak through the vents and come across a shaft. They open it and Lana ties a rope around her waist while Lincoln holds it to lure her down. She dives in with Lincoln straining a bit from the velocity of the leap and Lana lowers herself to find she's actually in the principal's office)
Lincoln: (gasps) "Principal Huggins? Wrong room. Wrong room!"
(He struggles to pull Lana back up and Hops uses his tongue to pull her up just before Huggins notices)
Lincoln: (exhausted from pulling) "Good job, Hops."
(They high-five with Hops' tongue. Soon, they finally find Mrs. Johnson's room under the floor and make it in)
Lana: (to the frogs in the tank) "What's up, frog-ays? We're here to rescue you!"
Lincoln: (grabs the tank] "Let's go!"
(Just then, the doorknob is rattling, meaning Mrs. Johnson is coming. The two gulp in fear. Mrs. Johnson enters the room to find the frogs are gone)
Mrs. Johnson: (gasps) "My frogs!" (runs to the window)"PRINCIPAL HUGGINS! PRINCIPAL HUGGINS!" (runs out of the room to tell Principal Huggins and closes the door)
(Lincoln and Lana reveal themselves to have been behind her desk instead of having escaped with the frogs)

(End of flashback)

Lana:(regretful) We were like a team, right little guy. (To Hops)

(Hops sadly nodded in a agreement)

Lana: Even when we got out of school, we saved some ducks from being cooked at a restaurant.

(Flashes back to Frog Wild Again on a sidewalk)

(Lincoln and Lana are walking home after school)
Lana: "I'm sorry Principal Huggins gave you detention."
Lincoln: "That's okay. All that matters is that the frogs are safe and things can go back to normal."
(They walk by Jean Juan's French Mex Buffet, come back to it and see a poster advertising a new dish added to their menu)
Lincoln and Lana: "Tonight's special: roasted duck enchiladas?!"
(The two look at each other and run off with the restaurant's entire shipment of ducks, trying to set them free and going through their animal saving episode once again)

(Flashback Concluded)

Lana: I realized I had fun with our only brother rescuing animals.

Lola:(jerky) And you call yourselves the Animal Control.

(Lana and Hops glares at Lola looking serious)

Lola:(Innocent) But sometimes, I wouldn't be so messy, (looks shame) If I could of never told you guys about Lincoln calling Ronnie Anne. Without Lincoln, how will I get help for my beauty pagents? (sighs) I really love him. But for now I think I should stop doing pagents for a while. I'll rather have Lindsey Sweetwater to win after the pain I caused.

Lana:(sad) And I think I should take on playing in the mud. I'll rather have hops and the other pets keeping me company.

Lola: Hey, you wanna watch blarney with me. I think I had enough tears for one day.

Lana: I bet blarney could help take our minds of this.

(Lola gathered around Lana's bed. She took out her tablet and puts on Blarney the Dinosaur. Next room heads off to Lisa and Lily's room.
Lisa was just sitting on the bed looking down sadly)

Lisa:(depressed) Well Lily, I don't have nothing to do tonight.
It's been a bad progress today. Well it seems like we can just keep ourselves
company. Your just a baby. wouldn't be knowing what's going.

(Lily was sad giving her puppy eyes)

Lily: (sad) Winkon...

Lisa: What's that, Lily?

(Lily took a notepad and a crayom out and wrote something for her to communicate)

Lisa:(reads) I miss Lincoln. So you do know what's going on.

(Lily nods her had yes)

Lisa: Well, me too. I just wish he was left out that dangerous place. Who knows what can happen next?

(Lily wrote another thing to say)

Lisa:(reads) I can't stop remembering when Lincoln and Clyde were watching me while you and the rest of the family were at Aunt Ruth's. ("Two Boys and A Baby")

Lisa: (scoffs) Like nothing happened.

(It cuts back to "Two Boys and A Baby"
with Clyde and Lincoln feeding Lily)

Lincoln: (feeding his literal baby sister) "Open up the hangar, Lily. Here comes the airplane." (Lily knocks the spoon out of his hand) "Okay, a little turbulence." (gives the food to Clyde)
Clyde: "Here. Let me try." (Lily gives him the same results) "It looks like she doesn't wanna eat."
Lincoln: "She's just a baby, Clyde. We can make her eat. I mean, how hard could it be?"
(Later, the kitchen is a complete mess because Lily refuses to eat anything)
Clyde: "You know, I read in this book called "Food for Tot" that if you show the baby you like the food, she'll like it, too."
Lincoln: "Why where you reading a baby book?"
Clyde: "I was waiting to see my therapist. Her lobby has a great reading selection."
Lincoln: "It's worth a try." (picks up a jar) "Mmm! Lily. Chicken and gravy. Doesn't that sound good?"
(He and Clyde eat a spoonful of the stuff)
Lincoln and Clyde: "Mmm! Yum yummy!" (suddenly stop and notice a dog on the label)
Clyde: "Lincoln, why is there a dog on the label?"
(The two scream in horror realizing they were eating dog food. Lincoln throws up under the table and Clyde washes his taste buds. After that, they notice Lily actually eating now. After that experience, they wash themselves off with the hose)
Lincoln: "Well, that was disgusting. But at least I'm not scooping poop at Aunt Ruth's."
(Lily suddenly feels a certain bodily sensation and makes a mess in her diaper)
Clyde: "Speaking of poop..."

Lisa: At least you had lots of fun, Lily.
Your Lucky you and Lincoln had fun at home while I have to deal with Ms. Chicken Pox.

Lily: (sigh)

(Lisa started to get tears in her eyes)

Lisa:(tears up)) Well, Our poor Elder brother is out there with sadness. Just hoping he won't get Illness their. I just felt like I miss him. I couldn't thank him enough for proving my hypothesis. I'll stop making chemicals for a while. But I was wrong to take his popularity at his classroom. Without him, I won't get his help for my experiments. But I'll just remember from deep down, he's my assistant. (voice breaks)
My 1# 100% guaranteed successful assistant!

(Lisa begins to cry then goes Lily.
They also missed their big brother.
They were crying until Lily had an idea. She points to the crayons on the table)

Lisa: Oh you want to go coloring, enjoy yourself.

(Lily heads to their table at their room. She took out a blank sheet of paper and a crayon. Then, she was drawing a picture. While Lisa was upset, she notices that Lily was drawing a picture of her and Lincoln.
She was suprised about what she did)

Lisa: (gasp) (In her mind) I think I know what she's doing. Since she miss Lincoln, and she drew a picture of her and Lincoln together, (smiling) then maybe I'll try to do the same as her.

(Lisa walks to the table where Lily is and asked if she can join her)


Lisa: Lily, your art of you and Lincoln is so cute. But do you mind if I can join you?

(Lily nods yes in agreement again.
Then, she wrote another thing to say)

Lisa: (reads) After all, I would love you to share with you. Because your my family. I love you big sis. (stops reading and had tears in her eyes) Really?

(Lily nods in agreement again)

Lisa:(cries happily) Aww.... Lily.

(Without hesitation, Lisa softly hugged Lily and tears went down through her cheeks. Lastly she wiped

Lisa:(happy) Cmon, Let's draw color us and Lincoln together.

Lily: (babbling and put a thumbs up)

(Lisa got a chair and sat in the table with Lily and they start coloring
together. It cuts to Lincoln's door. And in front of Lincoln's door, was Charles, who sat wimpering at the door. He missed Lincoln as well. Then came along was Cliff, Walt, and Geo. )

Charles: (sadly wimpers)

Cliff: (sadly meows)

Walt: (sadly tweets)

Geo: (sadly squeaks)

(Walt flew to the door nob and opened it. When they found the room there was nothing in their but a shelf and his bed. They became even sadder than before. So Charles and Cliff sadly got on Lincoln's bed just for the night to fall asleep. Walt flew outside to the shelve in front of Lincoln's window and fell asleep. And Geo Well, he decided to sleep in Charle's Dog house to keep him warm. It Next cuts to Lynn Sr. and Rita's room downstairs.
They were both crying looking at photos of Lincoln from the family album)

Lynn Sr.: (crying) Oh Honey, our only son is lost out there.

Rita:(crying) I know Dear, Lincoln is out there somewhere in another state.
I was stupid to sign him up to football. He may be addicted to video games, but it's his hobbie and I forgot how much he don't like sports because Lynn injures him alot.

Lynn Sr.:(crying) And we where stupid to sell all of his stuff from the room just because of a dumb superstition. I even acused him when the toilet was clogged.

Rita:(crying) Why can't we be good parents to him?

(The parents cry some more, they begin to suffer of all the pain they cause to him)

Lynn Sr.:(sobbing) Lincoln was right!
We are bad parents to him!

Rita:(sobbing) We lost his trust in us.
I don't know how he will love us again after what we did from the past and right now! Oh!  My Baby!

Lynn Sr.:(sad) Don't worry Honey, The Cops will call us tomorrow and tell us where he is. Then were going to find him.

Rita: (sad) I know. I hope finds someone or somewhere to keep him company.

Lynn Sr.: (sad) We'll find out soon as long he's safe out their until the find him.

(Rita looks concerned for her husband and starts speaking up to him)

Rita:(in tears)  What? What is it, Honey?

Lynn Sr.:(sad) No.

Rita:(in tear) Oh Lynn. Please...... 

Lynn Sr.:(sad) I just feel like a terrible father to my own son. All these times yelling at him and I wasn't being fair.
I don't wanna lose him.

Rita:(in tears)  No, Sweetheart. It's not your fault. Your an amazing father.
It's just the stress in this whole house you wouldn't mean to yell at him.
Trust me.... I know we can find our boy.
I can feel him right now. I know it in my heart. Just stay calm and try not to worry so hard. I hope he's safe dome one. Remember. Were in this together.

Lynn Sr.:(sad) Yes.

Rita:(sad) Let's just have sleep on it tonight and find him tomorrow. ok?

Lynn Sr.: OK.

Rita: Goodnight,  Honey.

Lynn Sr.: Night, Rita.

(The parents turned off the lights . It cuts to the Santiago's house. Ronnie Anne was in her room crying. Clyde was trying to comfort her. She was to upset about how much she misses her boyfriend. Bobby came to her room to check one her.)

Bobby: Hey, What's wrong ,Sis.

Ronnie Anne:(crying) Lincoln ran away!

Bobby:(shock) What!!?

Ronnie Anne: (crying) Yeah. Lori told me that he ran away last night.
They acting mean to him again after he got embarrased again after school and during lunch. So thanks to them he's in detention for the rest year and he's the laughing stock out of the whole school!

Clyde:(mad) He even got caught by The Principal!

Bobby: (mad) That's pretty harsh!
That's why I broke up with Lori
the other night! But if she don't change her ways, I'm threw with away from my life!

Ronnie Anne: (upset) You should! After what they did to him was unacceptable!

Clyde: Don't be upset because Ms. loud told us that the police will locate him. So were going to find him tomorrow.

Bobby: Alright, Good. So should I come with you guys or-

Clyde: They said the police is gonna call them tomorrow as soon as he is being located. That's why we're going.

Ronnie Anne: Yeah, you should too! So pack your bags now! You too Clyde!

Bobby: Were on it!

Clyde:(sighs) I hope he's safe.

Ronnie Anne:(sad) Yeah. I hope he's alright.

(It cuts back to the Afternoon at
New York City. Lincoln and 3 of his new friends were on their way to the comic book store. Cody was on his phone using the navigation to find the comic book store as they were walking together)

Alex: How many minutes left, Cody?

(Cody check on his phone with the navigation)

Cody: We're 6 minutes ahead to the comic book store.

Lincoln:(tired) Well that's a relief. I'm starting to get tired from walking. I think I need to use the restroom somewhere.

Marie: Yeah, you Guys. I think I can help with a break for a few minutes.

Cody: Alrighty, then. Let's stop right here for a minute.

(The kids stop walking while Cody put a pause on his navigation)

Lincoln: Now where can we find a restroom?

(The kids were thinking where to find a restroom. But Marie gets an idea)

Marie: Guys, I think I know a place.

(It cuts to The Mall where thr kids arrived at)

Cody: The Mall. Good thinking, Marie.

Marie: Thank you, I mean there is always some public restrooms over here.

Lincoln: Speaking of the Mall, my sisters always love to go over there.

Alex: Speaking of your sisters how many do you have?

Lincoln: 10 sisters.

Cody: Oh my gosh! You got 10 sisters!?

Lincoln: Yep. Its still sad to know I'm the only boy.

Alex: That sounds kind of sad. And tough

Cody: How about tomorrow we can come here to make you feel better.

Lincoln: That will be nice of you guys.

Marie: The bathroom should be here somewhere.

(The kids were confuse where the bathroom could be at. Until Lincoln noticed something is on the exit)

Lincoln: You guys there's a bathroom on the exit.

Marie: Ok, good. Let's take a break for a minute. What do you say?

Lincoln: Ok.

Cody: Alrighty then.

Alex: Let's go.

Marie: Ok.

(5 minutes later..)

Lincoln:(relaxed) Ahh... I feel better now.

Alex: Me too.

Cody: Well let's head back to the track.

(The kids left the mall and continued to walk across the sidewalk)

(It cuts to Lincoln, Cody, Alex, and Marie walking down the sidewalk on their way to the store. But finally, they made it)

Navigator:(on phone) You have reach your destination.

Cody: We're finally here Guys.
Let's go inside.

(The kids went inside the comic book store. It was a nice store but it was starting to get crowded)

Lincoln:(joyful) This is amazing.

Alex: I know. I never seen a comic book store this nice than ever.

Cody: Well what are we waiting for? Are you guys ready to read?

Lincoln, Alex, and Marie:(exicted)

Cody:(exited) Alright, Guys.
Let's do this!

(It cuts to Lincoln and 3 of his friends looking at each comic. The were first looking at the Ace Savvg Comics.
Next they were reading marvel read Marvel. Then they were reading
Captain Under Pants. And Lastly they read The Peanuts. The Last thing they did at the store is that when they saw a signing for a new Ace Savvy comic book, they went to the creators and got signed by them. After the signing they got the book for free.
Later, they head out of the store)

Lincoln:(joyful) Oh, Wow.
That was so much fun.

Cody:(thrilled) Yeah, that was fun! We actually met the creator of Ace Savvy.

Alex:(delighted) And we got the comics for free.

Marie:(Cheerful) That was the best day ever.

Lincoln: Yep. I'll never admit hown fun it will out here.

(Suddenly their stomachs began to grumble)

Cody: You Guys, I think I'm starting to get hungry.

Lincoln: Me too. I can use a grub.

Marie: Me 3.

Alex: Don't worry you, guys. We'll just head to burping burger.

Cody & Marie: Yes!

Lincoln: Burping Burping? I love that place. That was one of my favorite place to eat back at home.

Alex: Really.

Lincoln: Yes. Do you guys know the melody?

Cody: Oh Yes.

(The kids start singing the Burping Burger song)

Lincoln:(singing) Hungry y'all? Look no further! All: Come on down to Burpin' Burger! Grade B beef and special spice!When it comes back up, it's twice as nice! (belch)

(They all laugh. Then they start walking to burping burger)

Lincoln:(energized) Alright, Guys to the Burpin Burger!

(It cuts to the next morning at
The Loud House. Everyone was watching TV after breakfast. Suddenly, the phone has rang)

Rita: Lori answer the phone.

(Lori answer the telephone)

Lori:(on phone) Hello? Who is this?

Police:(on phone) This is the Police department ma'am.

Lori: Ok. Hold on.

Rita: Who was it?

Lori: It's the Police.

Rita: Alright. Everyone come gather around family the location will be revealed. (to Lynn Sr.) Honey, the police has called.

(The family gathered around Rita to notice where's Lincoln's at)

Rita:(on phone) Hello?

Police Officer:(on phone) Greetings Ms. Loud. Good news. He have located your child. He's still living. He's safe.

Rita:(happy) Good. (to Family) Oh gosh you guys! He's safe. My baby's OK.

(The family began to cheer. Then, they
remained silent for more information)

Rita:(on phone) Is there more information.

Police Officer:(on phone) Oh yes, Ma'am. We located his phone and we know where he is.

Rita: (to family) They know where he is. (on phone) Alright, where is he?

Police Officer: (on phone) New York, City.

Rita:(shock) He's in New York!

Family: New York!?

Lana: Lincoln's in New York city!?

Police Officer: (on phone) Well, thank you for contacting us. And have a nice day.

Rita:(on phone) You too.

(Rita hangs up the phone)

Rita:(energized) Alright, everyone! Get ready to pack your stuff!
Were heading to New York.

(The kids began to cheer as they were heading upstairs)

Girls:(chanting) New York!
New York! New York! New York! (cheering) Yay!!!! Lincoln Loud, here we come!!

Lynn Sr.:(energized) That's the spirit, Girls! (to Rita) Honey, I'll order the flight.

Rita: Ok. I'll go pack my stuff.

(Lynn Sr. was ordering a flight from delta airlines on their computer.
It cuts to Lori and Leni's room. All of the girls already packed their stuff.
They were so excited to go to New York.

Lori:(excited) I'm so exited to visit New York! This gonna be so much fun.

Luna:(awesome) I know. New York is a very cool place.

Lynn:(excited) Cool Buildings,

Leni: (joyful) Smooth Places

Luan: Cool Clothing, (laughing)

Lola:(excited) So many nice lights on the buildings. Eeeeh!

Lori:(excited) And lots of cool jobs here.

Lana:(thoughtful) You guys, I know your so excited to go to the best place of the world, but aren't your excited to have our only brother back home with us?

Luna:(confidence) That's right Lans.
Were not just here to have fun but to get our brother back and were going to make things right with him with a real apology. (shame) After all the things we done to him from the past and now, we should be very sorry. (tolerant)So for now on, it's time that were going to stop making his
life miserable here and make him
feel respect, appreciate, responsibility, attention, sharing, caring, and love from his family.

Lynn:(sensitive) Luna's right we need to show him how sorry we are.
I mean c'mon you guys he done so much for us. Like playing with me with my sports.

Lori: Or protecting us.

Leni: Or helping us. But he loves my fashion.

Luan: Or looking after us. But he helps me with my business.

Luna: Or taking care of us just like we tame care of him. Even helping me with my jams.

Lola: He even helped me with my pageants.

Lana: Or stop us from fighting.

Lucy: Or my poems.

Lisa: Don't forget about him helping me with my experiments.

Lily: (babbling) Boo-Boo.

Luna: She says he make her boo boos better.

Lori:(sweetly) Everything he did for us was sweet of him. And we never appreciate it. But those days are over because were about to show love to him and stop being fake to him.
This is not a game, were gonna start showing him how special his family is
to him. It's time to have him back again. He have a privilege to get things as us. He have a right to be our family. After all, he us our only brother and we should care for him more. So when he's back with us, were going to give him a big suprise and tell him how much we love him.

Sisters: Sounds good to me.

Lori:(intelligence) It does. Now who's
always there for us?

Sisters:(energized) Lincoln!

Lori:(intelligence) Who should we care for!?

Sisters:(energized) Lincoln!

Lori:(intelligence) Who should we gave love and respect to!?

Sisters:(energized) Lincoln!

Lori:(intelligence) Who's always there to help us!?

Sisters:(energized) Lincoln!

Lori:(intelligence) Then, who are we
doing this for?

Sisters:(energized) Lincoln!

Lori:(intelligence) Well are you guys ready to bring our brother back with us!?

Sisters:(energize) Yeah!

Lori:Well let's do something about it! C'mon, girls!

(The Girls gather around together like a team and put there hands together and did some cheers)

Lori: For Lincoln!

Sisters: For Lincoln!

Lori: Alright girls, let's go!

(The Girls ran downstairs with their suitcases. It cuts downstairs in the living room where the Girls and their
parents are ready to go)

Lynn Sr.: Are you guys ready?

Family: Yes.

Lynn Sr.: Alright, come get your tickets. Were going on a plane.

(The family all got their tickets for the flight. But they didn't notice who those 3 tickets go to)

Lynn:(wondered) Um... Mom, Dad, who are those 3 tickets for?

Rita: Were saving these 3 for Ronnie Anne, Bobby, and Clyde. There coming to help us find Lincoln.

Lori: Oh, yeah. I forgot they were coming.

(Somebody knocked on the door.
Leni opened the door and it was Ronnie and with Bobby and Clyde)

Ronnie Anne: Morning, Guys.
Have the police located him yet?

Lynn Sr.: They said he was in New York.

Ronnie Anne, Clyde,& Bobby: (offscreen) What!!? New York!!!??

Clyde:(suprise) What on earth would he be doing over there?

Rita: I don't know but we will find out when we get there.

Lynn Sr.: Alright! let's head to the airport.

(The kids cheer while the family head out. Everyone put their suitcases in the trunk of the airport vans including Lincoln's friends and Bobby. Everyone head in the each vans of the airport. The first 5 on the first van are Lynn Sr., Rita, Lynn, Lisa, and Lily.
The second 5 on the second van are Leni, Lana, Lola, Luan, and Lucy.
And the last 5 on the third van are Lori, Luna, Bobby, Ronnie Anne and Clyde. Then the 3 vans head off to the airport. It cuts to the Delta Airlines.
the trucks arrived and the rest of the family and friends gather their suitcases and went inside the airport. Then Lynn Sr. pays for the flight he ordered)

Airline Employee: Hey, Sir. Welcome to Delta Airlines. How may I help you.

Lynn Sr.: Yes, I've booked a flight to New York.

Airline Employee: How many passengers?

Lynn Sr.: 15

Airline Employee: That will be $163.

(Lynn Sr. takes out his credit card from his wallet and gave it to the Employee for his payment and then gave it back to him)

Airline: Alright, Sir. Enjoy the flight.

Lynn Sr.: Thank you. (to family) Alright, Let's move it!

(It cuts to the Family putting their suit cases on a counter getting checked out of their stuff inside to make sure things are safe.
It cuts to the family running to the entrance for the plane but then they began to slow down when they saw a employee lady next by the door)

Rita: Did we made it to the flight?

Stewardess: Yes, you have made ot just and time.

(The family cheered that they were right on time. It cuts to the family running for the plane that arrived.
Then it fately cuts to the plane flying away)

(It Next cuts back again to New York at Burpin' Burger. Lincoln, Cody, Alex, and Marie were eating hamburgers and fries and a soda for a drink. Then, they were burping together)

All: Excuse me. (laughing)

Lincoln: I never thought having some friends who can take me out to lunch)

Alex: I know. But you think we can find another thing to do before we head to our tree house?

Cody: Sure. We can do that.

Lincoln: What tree house?

Marie: Oh. We have a tree house were we can get to hangout and express our issues.

Lincoln: Really? Maybe I should go if I want to.

Cody: Yeah come with us we have losts of stuff their.

Alex: We read comics there.

Marie: And it's so much fun. I'll bet you'll be happy when you join us.

Lincoln:(happy) Oh, what the heck!
I'll be there!

(The kids high fives Lincoln as they were chuckling until a announcement came)

Food Employee:(announcing) Attention, Costumers! The Milkshake Challenge will begin in 5 minutes!

Marie:(chuckles) Guys, I think we found something challenging.

5 minute Later...

(The Milkshake Challenge has begun and Lincoln and his friends were sitting on the stools right by the counter. They were ready for the challenge. 10 more costumers were there sitting on a stool)

Food Employee#1: Alright, People. Here are the rules! If you stop drinking, you will be out. Whoever drinks the whole shake without stopping, will win and get $20,000. Get ready to start drinking!

(The costumers gets their cups closer them)

Food Employee#2: On your mark! Get set! GO!

(The contestants began to drink fast. They start with the small cup. 2 boys stop drinking They're were 12 customers left. They were next drinking the medium cups. Until 5 customers were out. Next was the large cups. There were 7 customers left. Soon, 3 costumers were out.
It was time for the final round.
The final round was to drink out of jumbo cup. They're were 4 last customers left which was Lincoln, Cody, Alex, and Marie)

Food Employee#1: Alright, Guys! This Is your Final Round. Your gonna drink ot of our new Jumbo cup! Whoever
wins, gets the $20,000. GO!

(The 4 Kids began to drink the jumbo cup. Marie was already out from 5 minutes of drinking. The boys were still drink. But, Alex was out from 10 minutes of drinking. The 2 boys were still drinking. 15 minutes later,
Cody was out from 30 minutes of drinking. Lincoln was the only one drinking without stopping who already finished his last cup)

Food Employee#1: We have a winner!
(takes Lincoln's hand up to victory)

Marie: Yay, Lincoln!!

Alex: Alright!

Cody: Way to go, Lincoln! You did it!
You one the prize!!!

Food Employee#2:(impressed) Congratulations, young boy! You have won the Challenge! You get the $20,000! You've also won and extra prize!

Cody: Extra prize?

Alex: He never told about an extra prize.

Food Employee:(happy) Oh, that's right! You also won a free coupon for 5 days of vacation at The Park Hyatt New York Hotel.

(Everyone was cherring and having a nice time. The employees gave Lincoln a medal the check of $20,000.
And the coupon. Everyone was still cheering the Lincoln began to chuckle with joy.)

Lincoln:(in tears with joy) YES!!!!.....
(voice breaks) Yes!!!!! (Laughing with joy and tears in his eyes)

(It cuts back to the city of New York at Sunset. The kids were at Tree House talking. But they were happy for Lincoln for all the fun he had. Lincoln was so happy to have friends that does things like him. They were at the tree house sitting on their pillows and started talking)

Lincoln:(surprised) Wow. Your tree house is nice.

Marie: Thanks. I thought about organizing the house so we just put some posters and a few lots of good fun stuff up here.

Alex:(agreed) Yep. It is fun up here than staying home all day. We can relax, read,

Cody: Talk about all problems and true feelings,

Marie: And sometimes tell some secrets or eat some snacks. Were even do creative stuff and tell scary stories.

(They all sigh in relaxation)

Lincoln:(happy) This was the best day ever. I'm glad I met you guys to keep me company. Thank you. You guys are the best.

Cody: No Problem, Lincoln. We really had a blast with you.

Alex: Yeah, we had some much fun
with you around.

(They continue to walk as Alex started to ask us a question)

Alex: Lincoln, would like to tell us about yourself?

Lincoln: Well, sure. About me, you may think I love to read Ace Savvy, But I'm more than that. I play video games, I do plans, and always help my sisters need.

Marie: That's what we like to do.
But you wanna know about our Talents?

Lincoln: Sure. What are you Talents.

Cody: Well my Talents is that i'm rich.

Lincoln: Woah! you are?

Cody: Yes I am. And I got alot of stuff at my house.

Lincoln: That's cool. But I'm glad your buy us something to eat.

Cody: Thanks. And I'll do it again tomorrow when we meet each other.

Lincoln: Awesome. (to Alex) What about you Alex?

Alex: I'm not rich but I do like writing.

Lincoln: What do you write about?

Alex: I write stories about heros.
But, I've put some justice into it.

Lincoln: That's what I did with my pal back in town.

Alex: Really? You made a comic too?

Lincoln: Yep. That was a time when I was going to make a comic in Ace Savvy style with the help of my sisters and my friend. So, I got a chance to win and met the creator.

Alex:(surprise) You did!? (quietly) Lucky.

Lincoln: I know right! And trust me, that was fun! (sigh) Well Marie, what's your talent?

Marie: My Talent is that I love to draw.

Lincoln: (impressed) Oh my gosh, I love to draw too! Drawing is fun. What do your draw about?

Marie: I draw stuff from my imaginations such as cartoons, stick men, and some kinds of doodle or whatever it is. I really want to draw anime because I'm a fan of anime.
I like to get to even wath some shows of it. But sometimes, it's hard to draw the eyes, hair, and the fingers. I've never new manga or anime gets so challenging.

Lincoln: Your even a fan of anime?
I'm a fan of manga. And I like to read manga sometimes. It's just gets so entertaining.

Marie: Yeah, it does.

Lincoln: Well since your all talking about talents, it reminds of me and my sisters back at home. Well unfortunately, (sadly) I don't have a talent.

Cody: Speaking of your sisters, can you tell us their names, age, and their personalities?

Lincoln: Ok. Well, let's start with my oldest sister, Lori. She's 17 and she's always on her phone talking to her friends. But she's more talking with boyfriend, Bobby 24/7. She can be mean. But sometimes, she can gets nice to spend time with me and my family together. Next is my second oldest sister, Leni. She's 16 years old.
She loves fashion, So she makes dresses and she always likes to go shopping at the mall. She may be a dumb blonde, But, she has a big heart.
She's always clean and beautiful.
Next is my third oldest sister, Luna.
She's 15. She loves music and she likes rock and roll. She's British. Her dream is to be a famous rock star someday when she grows up from her true hero Mivk Swagger. But she's very close to me. She's very sweet though.
Then it Next goes to my fourth oldest sister, Luan. She's 14. She's a funny comedian. But her jokes sometimes don't make since. She even have a business to attend to birthday parties.
She has 2 soulmates Mr.Coconuts and Colonel Crackers. But on April Fool's Day, she gets crazy pranking on us. And trust me her pranks are real dangerous.
Next is my 5th Oldest Sister, Lynn.
She's 13. She's kind of an athelte of the house. Sometimes she plays too rough. She may hurt someone abit, but you can't mess with hurt went you go outside and play on the fields.
Then Next comes my 5th younger sister, Lucy. She's 8. She likes spooky stuff. Especially Halloween. She has a soulmate Edwin. She's a emo.
She makes poems. But she's always close to me. She sometimes spooks us around our of Know were.
Next are The twins, Lana and Lola. Lana is the oldest twin and Lola's the youngest twin. They're both 6.
Lana is a tomboy who likes to play in the mud and lots of animals. She even likes dirt, bugs and eats trash. She have lots of pets in her room like reptiles. She's always dirty while her opposite twin Lola is clean. She's a bratty little girl and always tattle tell for people. She's a beauty pageant. She also loves fashion. She's all about the spolight. Next is my second younger sister, Lisa. She's 4. She's a smart kid. But she had PhD when she was a baby. She helps us with our homework. She always put experiments on us torturing us. But she's my #1 smart girl.
And last but not least, Lily. Well she's only 1 years old. But, she don't have any talents yet. Shes only a baby and she's always innocent. And she's very cute. So, there you have it. My 10 sisters.

Marie: Cool. But, how come you don't have talents?

Lincoln:(look) Its hard this but, I don't really have any interesting in my life.
I may have activities at home, But that doesn't mean I have a dream or a career. My 10 sisters think I'm nothing.

Alex: Oh that's okward. Do you have friends?

Lincoln: Oh. I have friends at school. But my true friend, Clyde is always there to help me. I even have a girlfriend.

Marie: Lucky! Who is she?

Lincoln: Oh. Her name is "Ronalda"
or I like to call her Ronnie Anne for short. She's the angel of my dreams.
She's helpful as Clyde, has the same Chaos family as me, she's a tomboy,
and most of all, were both in common.

Marie: Awwww.... That's sweet.

Lincoln: Yep it is. I wondered someday when we grow up in the future, I wish
to have her as the lady of my life.

Cody: You know it!

Alex: Well, how about you tells how you got here.

Lincoln:(sad) Oh. Sure.

(Lincoln starts to gets sad and begins to tell his new friends his story. Then it shows all the memories as Lincoln started talking about the incident.
But, when he finishes his story, he became alittle upset)

Lincoln:(sigh) It starts like this. (narrating)
At first I walked home with my girlfriend Saturday on sunset.
Before I went to the house Ronnie Anne gave me a invitation for
her birthday party at her house.But when I went inside my house, my sisters wanted to
know my things I didn't want to tell them about the day I had. So then, one of my sisters
saw a kiss on my cheek. Until, Lori ask about my girlfriend kissing me.
And the kiss came from that earlier when we were at an arcade hanging and eating. But when I gave Ronnie Anne my gift, she kissed me on the cheek.So then they were making fun of me and then later I called Clyde and I wasworried about not coming to the party. But then he tries to calm me down soI decided to go, and next, I called Ronnie Anne and she said she'll meet me at her birthday party. So before dinner, I asked my mom about going to the party that next day and she said yes. So then the next morning, I was looking all handomse and all of that until my sisters arrived and they were makig fun of me again. I head downstairs to get ready to leave and my mom try to stand up for me. Until tonight, because during this evening I was at my girlfriend's house and the party was about to start. I meet up with her brother Bobby, Lori's boyfriend. So then I met up with Clyde and our other friends Rusty, Zach, and Liam. We were talking to each other, I was a little worried. But, Clyde kept me calm.
Next we were having a nice time singing happy birthday, eating cake, looking at her presents and dancing together. I danced with Ronnie Anne but then we've imagined that we were alone together floating in the universe. We were having a great moment together talking. I mean sure were both in common. But, she's special to me. We were about to kiss but the next thing you know is that our imagination popped out which means we've stop. Because my sisters arrived and Luan was video taping me. Everyone except for Ronnie Anne, Bobby and Clyde were making fun of me. They were laughing at me, making jokes of me, and they were calling me names. I felt so scared and gotten embarrassed, I've began to cry and ran out of the party.

Cody:(shock) Woah. That's embarrassing.

Alex:(mad) I know how that feels.

Marie:(blows from tissue) That was so sad.

Lincoln:(sad) It was. Your not gonna believe what's gonna happen next
after I tell you this. And then I'll tell you the next day.

Cody: Alright, tell us more.

(As Lincoln continue to tells his story,
it keeps showng

Lincoln: (narrating) Alright so back to my story, I was at home now and I was in the basement
crying. My parents were confused about what was going on with me. So then when Ronnie Anne and Clyde came along, they were comforting me.
I cried so hard, that I was feeling painful. But when my friends told my parents the information, they were worried about Lori who deserved to be broken up with Bobby from how mean she was. My friends were mad that they never cared about me that all they cared about this night is Lori.
So they went home. But when my sisters arrive to my room I was first angry at them but then they got angry back on me. So they snatched me and threw me out my door and then we began to fight.

Alex:(shock) Oh my gosh! What did they do!?

Lincoln:(mad while narratoring)
When they began to fight, they were hitting me. They've punched me, they've smacked me, they've, kicked me, they scratched me, they yanked my hair, and they've slapped me. Then lastly when they stopped fighting they threw on the floor hard, I had some tears in my eyes. So then I yelled at them and said that they were the worst sisters of my life. So then they got mad and Lori began to slap me hard. After I told them they've never respected me, they've came into my room and broke my stuff animal bun-bun. It was my special thing when I was a child. So anyways, I was hurt that they brokle him than they slammed the. Door when they push me. The next day was the last day of school so once I came downstairs after I got ready, My parents blamed me. Then when I went school and got made fun of but I was late. The only ones who weren't laughing was Ronnie Anne and Clyde. They stood up for me feeling sorry for me. I even had a fight with my younger sister causing me to beon detention for the rest of the year. I was embarrassed again. So after schoolI was being picked on and everybody watched the video Luan made.So I ran home. Ronnie Anne and Clyde stood up for me again. Later, I had a bad dream about my family getting rid of me they were saying hateful stuff to me and pushed me out of the house. Then it showed my girlfriend and friend replacing me which they will never do because it was just a dream.So when I woke up from that dream I've felt some pain in my heart andthought it will be from my sisters. Then we had a huge argument. So, I told them all about my memories from the way they treated me from the past and now. Then Lynn said the worst thing that she wish I was never they're brother or to be born. My was hurt from hearing that. So, couldn't sleep in the night. Ill never forget how bad that night was. So I've packed my stuff and wrote note. I even left town with the train. And that's how I decided to ran away from home.

(It cuts to present wen the story was over)

Cody:(mad) Real harsh, man.

Alex:(angry) That Sucks!

Marie:(mad) That sure was!

Lincoln:(sad) Yep i'll never forget house really bad that night was.

(3 of Lincoln's friends were very sorry for him)

Cody:(comfort) Lincoln, don't be sad ok?

Alex:(comfort) Yeah, we'll take care of you until your family gets here.

Marie: (comfort) Cody said he will keep you to protect you from danger.
So until your family is here. Will make sure your Alright.

Lincoln: Thanks, Guys. Your the Best.

( 3 of his friends embraces him a hug to make him feel better)

To be Continued.....


Marie as MarieButler9 (me)

Cody as JustinMaverick15

Alex as LittleAlex61910

A/N: Hey guys, Marie here. And if your seeing the cast, our was and
Ispiration by Me, LittleAlex61910,
and JustinMaverick15. LittleAlex61910 was mentioned as Alex with white hair and black scarf. JustinMaverick15 was mentioned as Cody with the Mohawk and red shirt. And Marie was mentioned as me with the glasses. If your enjoying me with this, The OCS was my idea.
I am so sorry I took to long I got tired many times putting to much work. But, I hope you like this new chapter. In the next chapter Lincoln will be meeting Cody's family for his chance to stay until his family finds him. But, his family is still on a plane on their way to New York city to find Lincoln. And Goose Pimples was a parody GooseBumbs. But in this chapter, they'll find a place to stay incase if they never found Lincoln yet.
😏So anyways, here's my next questions.

Will Lincoln be excited to me Cody's Rich family?

How will Lincoln react about how much does he really misses his family and friends?

Will the Girls be excited to visit New York or to Go get their Brother back?

Find out more soon of 💔Easily Broken💔.📕📕😉✌ Enjoy and I'll see you on Chapter 4. Peace out, you Guys!

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