Glasses || zustin au

By gvnsandtvmblr

35.5K 1.9K 3.4K

In which Zayn, a twenty-four year old business man, takes interest in teasing a young barista named Justin wh... More

J & Z Looks


1.5K 99 315
By gvnsandtvmblr

Justin's name in this story is 'Justin Mallette.' :) I changed that around for reasons.


Justins Pov:

I let out a sigh once the final bell rang, indicating the end of the school day. I hopped out of my seat, grabbing my backpack and books before making my way out the classroom, heading towards my locker. When I got to my locker, I opened it and put the books that I didn't need inside; then I closed it. I then made my way to find Niall, rubbing my eyes.

I stepped outside, huffing in annoyance as the wind blew my hand, and I made my way towards Niall's care. But of course, I had to be stopped.

After I had finished conversating with humans, I made my way over to Niall's car, where he was sitting on the hood. When I approached him, he looked up from his phone with a frown.

"You look like shit," he says while getting off his car, going over to the driver's side.

I frowned. "Well hello to you too," I mumbled, going over to the passenger's side, getting inside and putting on my seat belt. As I did that, he turned the car on. He drove out the spot, heading towards the coffee shop. I laid my head down on the door, closing my eyes as well.

What he said about me looking like shit was probably true, to be honest. I felt like shit. My mood was shit. Everything about me was shit.

Since my mom came home late from work every single night for the past week, to relieve her from some of her duties, I decided to take care of things around the house. I made sure the bills were paid, the house was clean, and made sure everything was in order. Because of this, I've been going to sleep late, probably around three in the morning, and it didn't help that I have to go to school and work. All of this resulted in my tiredness and my shitty mood.

Don't get me wrong; I'm happy to help my mom. The woman works two jobs, occasionally over time on both, and to me, it would be selfish for me to sit around and let her do everything when she's probably more exhausted than I am. I can't just sit and let my mom try to fight through everything. She tries to assure me that she's okay, but we both know she isn't. What proves that fact is when every time I start to do things around the house, she would always end up being knocked out on the couch. I have to carry her to her room every night and make sure she was comfortable.

I just wish that I can help her more than I have been. She doesn't deserve to live like this.

My mother has always been a caring and loving person. She's also a very hard worker. She puts in the best time and effort when it comes to everything she does. But, unfortunately, she was cursed with a life like this. Sometimes I think that if I weren't born, then she wouldn't be living how she's living - working two jobs and running off a couple of hours of sleep every day. Maybe my father - who I've never met in my life, would still be here. She just told me that he wasn't ready for a child at the time and left, but she also thought that his family was influencing him as well because they didn't like her background. While my father was from a rich family, my mother family was poor, so they probably had it engraved in their mind that she was a gold digger.

But that wasn't her at all, and my father is a damn fool if he thought so.

I'm glad I don't know the fucking jerk.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt Niall touch my shoulder. I opened an eye to see that we're outside, parked by the coffee shop. Letting out a yawn, I got off the door and grabbed my bag, pulling out my work shirt. I stripped out my shirt, Niall doing the same, and put on the coffee shop shirt. After stuffing my other shirt in my bag, I opened the door and got out the vehicle. When I got out, Niall got out as well, locking the door behind himself. We walked to the entrance of the shop and went inside, met with the chatter of the few people in the shop.

We found our manager, who told us our shift, and I was fortunate enough (not really) to be on cleaning duty once again. I grumbled in annoyance, grabbing the cleaning supplies and going to do my job.

The first thing I looked for when I started cleaning was Zayn. I let out a sigh of relief, but I also felt a tinge of disappointed. It's been a few days since I last saw him. He was coming for a while, annoying me as always. It's weird how I always seem to be in an okay mood before he comes around, but when he does, I always become annoyed and flustered. I was annoyed because one, he always teases me, and flustered because...

He always teases me.

I swear, I've never become this flustered before he came in my life, and every since he comes in it, it seemed to be all I am. So I'm kind of glad he's not here.

For the next few hours, I spent my time cleaning after people, cleaning their tables, throwing their trash away, sighing in irritation every few minutes because of people laziness. But, it was my job, and I had to deal with it.

Two hours and thirty minutes later, it was finally our break. After I had set my stuff down and the manager took over Niall's shift for a bit, we went outside to his car and got inside. When we did, he turned it on, and we grabbed our backpacks, pulling out our binders and books to begin on our homework.

For the next twenty minutes of our thirty-minute break, we did our homework, and since we had the majority of the same classes, we helped each other. Since I was smarter than Niall (not to be cocky, but I have All A's while he has A's B's and C's), I did the majority of the work and explained it to him so he wouldn't look dumb if the teacher asks him to explain it. We managed to finish our math and science homework before we decided to head back inside. By this time, I was dead beat tired, and I still have two hours left of my shift.

Just great.

That was another reason why I was tired, on top of my job and doing things around the house; I still had to do my homework and study.

I'm so glad it's the weekend, and I was off until Monday.

Sleeping here I come.

We got out the car, Niall locking it behind us, we got side by side and made our way back to the coffee shop. I checked my phone before looking up at Niall, who was smirking at me. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Guess who's birthday is in two weeks?"

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion; then my eyes widened in realization.

It's my birthday in two weeks.

I mean, I'm finally turning eighteen, yay (note my sarcasm). To me, my birthday was just another day. My mom would get me a card and sometimes a cake, but that's all I did to celebrate it. She tries to buy gifts for me and give me money, but I just tell her to contribute that money to pay for stuff that's needed, and that was a gift to me. My birthday just wasn't a big deal to me.

But by the look on Niall's face, he had different plans this year.

"Mine, why?" I asked, hoping the warning in my voice was clear enough.

Niall grinned at me, opening the door of the shop. "Guess what we're going to do for celebration?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

I let out a groan. "Niall, whatever you're thinking - no."

It was his turn to groan. "C'mon man! You won't allow me or my parents to buy you a gift, but this isn't a gift. We're just going to go out!" He exclaimed.

By now, I knew what he wanted to do, and I sighed. "I'm not going to a bar and getting drunk Niall," I said, remembering that's what we did for his birthday. He would occasionally slip me drinks.

He smirked mischievously at me. "Good thing we're going to a club and not a bar, but you're definitely getting drunk. It's a must! C'mon, man. Even your mom wants you to get out for your birthday!"

"My mom?" I raised an eyebrow curiously. "Pattie Mallette, my mother, wants me to get out and get drunk?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "She wants you to let loose. You spend most of your time working and doing shit for the household. You need at least one day of letting go and freeing yourself of all your problems. Maybe a hookup or something. I'm pretty sure there's going to be a lot of guys and girls at the club who wants to bang you. Man, we're going to be so lit! It's going to be so much fun!" He exclaimed.

I was about to respond, but then I shut my mouth, not knowing what to say. My cheeks heat up. I was kind of embarrassed, to be honest. My own mom wants to go out and get drunk? Usually, a mom would want you to do the complete opposite of that.

I wonder if I should take back what I said about her.

Before I could respond, Niall was talking yet again.

"Hey, isn't that your little sugar daddy over there?"

Though he wasn't exactly my sugar daddy, I knew exactly who Niall was talking about. I looked over to where Niall was looking, and sitting at a table was Zayn, but he wasn't alone. Across from sat a long, curly hair man. I couldn't exactly see his features because he had his back towards me.

"Go over there and talk to him," Niall said, and when I looked over at him, he was smirking.

I huffed in annoyance. "Why should I? It's obvious he's occupied. Plus, I can't stand him," I grumbled.

Niall rolled his eyes. "Whatever, and are you sure about that? He may seem like it, but by the look on his face, it's obvious that he'd rather be somewhere else."

I moved so I could get a better view of Zayn, and Niall was right. Zayn had an annoyed look on his face while looking down his phone, his right hand balled into a fist and resting on his cheek. It was obvious the man sitting across from him was babbling. Occasionally he'd look up to the man, then look back down at his phone.

I smirked. Great, there's someone that makes him feel the way he makes me feel.

"Anyways," I started, "I'm not going over there."

"Oh yeah?" Niall asked. I looked over at him curiously, but he wasn't on my side anymore. Before I knew it, I was being pushed towards the direction of Zayn, losing my balance, and falling on the floor. I heard Niall laughing behind me as I let out a groan. I looked at him, ignoring my aching knees and stomach, and he had an amused expression, which didn't match my glare. "You'll thank me later!"

With that, Niall walked away, heading towards the back, leaving me an embarrassing mess. I looked back in front of me to see the majority of the people in the shop eyes on me, including Zayn and the man. I felt my cheeks heat up, and I look away. I'm going to fucking kill, Niall!

Suddenly, a shadow loomed over me, and my eyes widened. When I slowly looked up, I met the eyes of Zayn, and he had an amused expression.

Oh God, somebody kill me.

He held out a hand for me, and I took it. "You're awfully clumsy, know that yeah?" Zayn asked amusingly, helping me stand up.

When I was on my knees, I sent him a glare before standing fully up. "Whatever," I mumbled, dusting myself off.

"You look like shit," Zayn commented. I stopped what I was doing, looked at him and glared at his amused, but worried expression. Asshole!

"And you look like you got stuck in a war between God and the devil," I grumbled, then mentally slapped myself for that stupid ass comeback.

"Really?" He asked, smirking. "Because I'm sweet, but I'm also smoking hot? Why thank you, my good man," he bowed.

I wanted to smack that smirk off his face. "Only you would think of that."

"And only you would think of a stupid ass comeback like that," he retorts, scoffing. "I mean really? When have you ever heard a comeback like that?"

I glared at him, about to respond until we hear somebody clear their throat. We both looked over to the source of the sound, and it was the man, who had one of his eyebrows raised. Now that I saw his features, he actually looked..nice. He had a youthful but mature structure, mesmerizing green eyes; he didn't just look nice, he was stunning.

"Oh," Zayn cleared his throat. I looked over at him, and he was biting his lip and rubbing the back of his head awkwardly. "Harry, this is Justin, and Justin, this is, uh... Harry."

"His boyfriend!" Harry pipped up, and my eyes widened. I looked over at Zayn, and his eyes widened until they weren't anymore and he was sporting a glare.

"Incorrect," Zayn scowled at Harry, causing him to pout. I let out a small chuckle, ignoring the weird feeling in my chest, and Harry glared at me.

"Whatever," Harry huffed, glaring at me one last time before taking a sip of his coffee.

What's his problem?

"So Justin," Zayn started, and I snapped out of my thoughts. I looked at him, meeting his amused expression. "Missed me?" He asked.

It was my turn to scowl. "As if. Keep dreaming, asshole."

"Oh C'mon," he grinned suggestively. "You know you miss me. I make your life interesting and entertaining."

I rolled my eyes. "Interesting, yeah. Entertaining... I beg to differ. More like... a living hell"

Zayn lets out a fake gasp, covering his heart with a hand and feigning hurt. "I'm wounded, Justin. You've really hurt me." I could help but roll my eyes. Idiot.

"Hey!" Harry whined, "I'm still here!"

Zayn glared at him. "Oh yeah, leave then," Zayn says, and my eyes widened from his bluntness. Wow, that was rude, but the look on Harry's face was priceless. "I agreed to take you out, and I did."

When Harry recovered from his shock, he glared at me before looking at Zayn without a pout. He got out of his seat, grabbing his coffee, and without saying a word he walked away, heading towards the exit of the coffee shop. I watched until he was out before turning to Zayn, who was sighing.

"Sorry about him," Zayn mumbled, "He is... annoying."

I decided not to call him out on his rudeness, even though I badly wanted to. "Him, or you?" I asked. Zayn gaped at me, and I couldn't help but smile. "Not to be nosey or anything, but who was that?"

Zayn's awkward expression was back, and he went back to scratching his head. "Uh, just somebody. I ditched him the night I last came here, so I told him I'd make it to him."

It was my turn to look awkward, added to my confusion. "Wow, really? What were you doing hanging with him that late-" When I saw the look on Zayn's face, my eyes widened in realization. "Oh..."

Instead of Zayn responding verbally, he nodded his head, and we fell into an awkward silence. I felt that feeling in my chest again. Was I jealous? No, I couldn't be. Why would I be?

But, despite it, I was, I couldn't help but ask, "Is it an occurring thing?" I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't answer it, though.

Zayn looked surprised by my question, and I was surprised when he did answer it. He bit his lip before saying, "I... er... you can kinda say that? If I call him up, he's always more than willing to be there. Like the night I came here last, I was stressed and called him up, but I got lost talking with you that I forgot. I only do it when I'm stressing, though. I wouldn't say he's my whore or anything because I don't pay him or anything. Oh shit, I sound so desperate and like a fuckboy," he groaned, and I couldn't help but chuckle at his embarrassment. I'd never expected this reaction from him. "And I'm talking too much. Ignore me," he grumbled.

My amusement was high. Here go Zayn, the usually cocky, always confident and snarky, lost for words and embarrassed.

Somebody mark this day down in history. I'm so going to use it against him one day.

But, there it was again, that feeling.

I shouldn't feel this way, especially towards a man who is older than me, and also irritates the living hell out of me. It was obvious he was doing his own thing.

"Can we move on from this subject?" He asked, and I slowly nodded my head because I wanted to too. "Want to sit down?"

I shook my head. "I should really be getting back to-"

Before I couldn't finish my sentence, a voice made me jump. "Oh, nonsense! This place is practically empty!" I turned to see Niall standing beside me, a mischievous smirk on his face. "And besides, as long as you get it cleaned up before you get off, then you're good! Sit, sit you two!"

I narrowed my eyes, then turned to Zayn. He had an annoyed expression on his face but still did what Niall told us. I sent Niall a look that clearly spoke for itself, before going to sit down as well.

What I did not expect was Niall to join us.

When I looked at Zayn, he looks even more annoyed than before.

And honestly, I felt him.

"So Justin!" Niall exclaimed, and Zayn and I looked at him. "Does Zayn here knows that your birthday is soon?"

My eyes widened, catching onto what Niall was doing. He smirked at me, and I sent him a pleading look. No no no, please stop him, somebody.

I looked over at Zayn, who was smirking, watching as he sat up in his seat, putting his hands together in a fist. "Oh really?" He asked. "When is soon, exactly?"

I opened my mouth up to respond, but not in time as Niall said, "The first of March."

I mentally face-palmed, on the edge of taking the sugar canister and smashing it against Niall's head.

Zayn hummed, looking Niall in the eye. I could tell his annoyance was still there, but amusement was overcoming that. "Since we both know his ass won't tell me, what would you think Justin would like for his birthday?" He asked, talking as if I wasn't even there.

I couldn't help but scowl. Zayn looked over at me, his sinister grin widening before looking back at Niall.

Niall scoffed. "Some dick would do him wonders," he replied, and I literally choked on nothing as Zayn burst out into laughter.

I felt my cheeks heat up as I got over my coughing fit. First, I couldn't believe Niall said that, and second, I couldn't believe the look on Zayn's face when he recovered from laughing. It looked like he was actually considering it!

"Maybe," he chuckled, wiping his eyes. He then looked at me, eyes glinting. "Does that gift sounds good for you?"

Despite my heated cheeks, I scowled. "Keep your dick to yourself," I mumbled. "Especially if you're going to fuck that guy."

My eyes widened a bit when I saw a sad expression flashes Zayns handsome face, but he quickly masked it. Why was he sad? Did what I said actually affect him?

"Are you jealous?" He tried teased me, despite the weariness in his voice.

I dismissed it, though, sensing he wouldn't want to talk about it, especially in front of Niall. "No. Why would I be?" I scowled, not even believing my own words. Zayn and Niall must've known that, because they both snorts, and I replace my scowl with a pout.

"I would ask who this 'guy' is, but that's none of my business. That and somebody just walked in," Niall sighed, standing up and pushing his chair in. "I'll see you later." He smirked over at Zayn, who tried his best not to scowl. "It was nice talking to you, Zayn."

"Yeah," Zayn gave a fake smile as Niall walked off. As soon as Niall was in his view, it dropped, and that scowled he surprised was back. He looked over at me and grumbled, "I don't like him."

I was taken back by his confession, but at the same time, I was expecting it. The looks he shot Niall was proof enough. Smirking amusingly, I asked, "Why not? Niall is perfectly harmless. He means well." Zayn grumbled something incoherent, and all I caught was the last part, which was, -ous. "What?" I asked, tilting my head.

"I gotta go," he said abruptly standing up. I jumped back a little. "See you later, cutie," he smirked before grabbing his phone and walking away, leaving me scowling. As he walked out the shop, he turned and looked at me, sending me a wink before walking out, the door closing behind me. I felt my cheeks heat up, and a small smile playing on my lips. When I realized this, I tried my best to replace it with a frown.

I still dislike him.

And when I looked down, there were three twenty dollar bills, causing my eyes to widen in shock.

I defiantly dislike him.



Zayn low-key is Justin's sugar daddy. Lmao.

All of you don't understand how hard it was for me to write this chapter. I had no idea where I wanted it to go, but it was needed. This is just a filler chapter, a much-needed one at that.

Justin met Harry and Justin feels jealous oooh. :)

Until next timee.

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