The Mighty Ducks~ A Hawks Girl

By King_of_the_fanfics

112K 1.7K 332

Bailey Thompson is a district-5 hockey player, she may not be one of the best players on her team. When they... More

New Coach
Our First Game
Before the Game
Can't Make me Cheat!
Your Home!
The Ducks
Coach Reilly?
Try, Try Again
Road Rat!
Don't Say A Peep!
Ducks Forfeit!
A Night Out With The Ducks
A Hockey Coach
Prove It!
"I wasn't Playing Along"
Adam, Wait!
You Lied to Us
"What Are You Doing Here?"
I Just Want To Play Hockey!
Jersey, Team, State
Semi-Finals #1
Semi-Finals #1(Part 2)
Can She Still Play?
Tagged (2021 update)
Thursday December 9th 1992
Playoffs- Good Game
Playoffs- Don't We All Win?

Really Guy...

6.8K 93 6
By King_of_the_fanfics

Bailey's POV

Once I finished putting all my hockey hear into my bag, and waited for Connie, we walked out together, as Guy caught up with us.  The three of us walked together to my house.

"What did that guy tell you?" Connie, at first I was confused then realized who she was talking about.

"Oh yea I thanked him for helping me back up, then he told me to watch where I was going." I said, Connie nudged my shoulder and Guy kept trying to put his arm around her, typical.

"Nothing else?" She asked, I shook my head, we were at my house. The three of us walked in, my mom, had made supper. Guy walked in and my mom walked over to us.

"Who is this young man?" My mom asked, Guy walked up and shook her hand. Then came back and stood beside me.

"This is Guy, he's a friend and a player on our hockey team." I told my mom, she smiled.

"Hi Connie, did you and Guy want to stay for supper?" She asked, no mom, Guy isn't suppose to stay, I was thinking. This was suppose to be a Connie and I night, free of Guy, and he's definetly not staying the night.

"Sure Mrs, Thompson, Guy and I would love too."Connie said.

"Yea, my parents wouldn't mind that I'm here, they know Connie and Bailey." Guy told my mom. My mom nodded, and placed our plates on the table. I sat in my normal spot and Connie sat beside me, and Guy sat on the opossite side of the table in front of Connie. My mom and I on each end.

"Hope you guys enjoy it, I made pizza, and by made I mean bought pizza and made them deliver." The three of us laughed, we grabbed slices of pizza and started to eat.

"How was the game?" Mom asked, I finished eating what was in my mouth, but Guy started talking.

"Not the best, we lost 4-0. I find we're getting better, half of us don't fall as much. Except Charlie and" I knew Guy was gonna say my name but I only fell, once, maybe twice." Connie and Charlie. But you know Mrs Thompson, were all great friends on the team." He said.

Connie and I looked at him, he simply smiled and continued to eat. Thanks Guy, I could of managed. We finished eating, Connie and I were heading to my room.

"Bailey you have company, take Guy with you guys." She thinks every one needs to be included, even Guy. I looked at her and smiled a fake smile.

"Yes Mom, come on Guy!" I said in a low tone, Guy smiled and followed us to my room.

"You're not staying the night, just so you know. Connie is, you're not!" I spoke to him, he put his hands in the air in defeat. The three of talked about anything for around two hours. We walked down stairs and grabbed Guy's bag. My mom looked at us.

"Where's he going? Do you have a curfew?" My mom asked him, he shook his head.

"No, but we have practice tomorrow and he's a boy, and Connie and I are girls. He can't sleep over mom." I told her, she looked at Guy then back at us.

"Why not, he's a nice boy, Guy can stay the night, he can sleep on the couch or in your brother's room. "

"UGH! Fine, Guy let's go!" I told him, he smiled again at us, and smiled at Connie which made her smile.  He followed me to my brother Brandon's room and dropped his hockey bag. I threw an extra blanket at him. He smiled once again and thanked me.

"Yea yea, this is the first and last time that you're sleeping here." I told him, he laughed and walked towards the bed, he grabbed a comic book and layed down. I rolled my eyes and laughed leaving the room to the basment, where Connie and I are sleeping.

"Finally he's gone till morning." I puffed, Connie laughed, and slid under the covers.

"We should hit the sheets, i'm tired aren't you from the game?" She asked, yawning, I nodded and agreed.  We both layed down and fell asleep.

~~~~Few Hours later~~~~

"Pst... Bailey, I'm lonely upstairs." I heard someone say, I rolled over and ignored who ever it was. The person kept tapping my shoulder. I eventually fell asleep again.

"Whatever, I'm staying down here."

~~~~Next Morning~~~~

Connie's POV

I twisted and turned in my sleep till I woke up slowly. I looked beside me and saw Bailey fast asleep, then yawned and turned to my right, I was trying not to scream. Guy scared me, he was  asleep beside me.

"Guy?" I whispered, he was laying down beside me, we were face to face. He looked me in the eye.

"Yes?" He said all cool like. I smiled

"What are you doing down here?" I asked, he shrugged his shoulders.

"I couldn't sleep, and I got lonely."I simply looked at him, I felt kinda bad, he was more or less forced to stay, but he wanted too. I looked beside me and saw Bailey slowly waking up. She smiled and looked at me, then saw Guy.

"How are you awake so early? You didn't do anything while I was asleep right Guy?" She said, looking at Guy and I. He shook his head, I looked at Bailey reassuring her, he did nothing.

"We should go upstairs and eat, we have practice in an hour." Bailey told us, I nodded and Guy followed behind me, he grabbed my hand and held it up the stairs, I looked at him in aw. Once we reached the top I let go and so did he.

"Where's your mom?" Guy asked, Bailey looked at us.

"Work, she works from 7 till 4 at night, but usually she ends up being late when she comes home." We nodded and took a seat at the table, she grabbed three bowls, three spoons, the carton of milk and a box of frosty flakes.

"Thanks" Guy and I said, Bailey nodded. The three of us ate in peace as we ate our cereal. I brought extra clothes to change after, this was planned before Guy showed up, I don't mind that he's here.

"We're gonna go get changed, stay here Guy." Bailey told him, I winked at him and followed Bailey to her room where my bag was. My hockey bag was with Bailey's in the basement. I finished changing and so did Bailey.

"Here Guy." Bailey threw Guy some clothes, he opened them up and placed them in front of him. they were a bit big.

"They're big but it't the size you wear every day anyway, so they should work."I laughed at bit, at what Bailey said.

" I don't wear big clothes, just baggy clothes." Guy said back, we laughed, he went up stairs and came back wearing his new clothes.

"Should we grab our hockey bags, and get ready to leave?" I asked Bailey, she nodded.  The three of us walked upstairs grabbed our bags and headed down stairs to get our shoes.

The three of us walked out the door, and down the rink.

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