Road Rat!

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Larson's POV

The door to our locker room opened, we ignored who ever came in thinking it was Coach. Then I heard gasped and trash talk. I looked over at the door, once I had half my gear on . I saw Bailey walk in and stay close to the door.

"What is a girl doing here? Espeacially a Duck!" I heard McGill say, she half smiled to the guys. I saw her, I waved her down. She walked over to me, jumping and steping over everything on the ground.

"We uh, got our skates mixed up..." She told me, I looked down at my bag and saw her skates. I looked in her hands and saw my skates.

"Oh, did you play your game?" She nodded, I kind of felt bad, she had to use my skates instead of her own.

"Yea but I think they're lucky, I scored and we only lost by two." She spoke, I smiled. I saw Banks and McGill coming towards us. Making cute faces and McGill turned around hugging himself making it look like he was making out with him self.

Banks started laughing, I wanted to laugh but at the same time didn't I turned around and hit McGill with my jersey. Bailey tourned around and looked at him.

"You sick road rat!" She yelled at him dropping my skates in front of me. She shoved McGill into Banks causing them to fall into Stafford.

"I think your friend is a bit upset." I rolled my eyes and went to my locker. I tied my skates up and threw my jersey over top of my shoulder and chest pads. I looked down walking out to the bench. I felt bad, not because of me but because of their actions.

I skated around and started warm ups with the others who were out on the ice. Banks and McGill joined after they stopped messing around with Stafford.

Bailey's POV

I wasn't mad or upset, more like relieved, like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. It felt good to finally own that road rat, he may be stubborn and rich but in every one else's opinion he will be a road rat, forever.

I grabbed my bag and stick. I walked out to my mom's car, I threw my stuff in the trunk.I got in the car, my mom started the car and drove back home.  I was starting to fall asleep, I have school tomorrow, I know I should go, but I'm thinking of being 'sick'.

I don't know yet, I'm probabaly gonna go to the basement couch, listen to Brandon work out. I sat on the couch, I sprawled a blanket across myself.

Supper may take awhile,my mom decided to make a ham with mashed potatoes since she hasn't been home.  I laughed at the thought, I decided I was gonna watch a movie. I didn't know what, so I put what ever was on.

I heard the stairs creek, I looked behind me, Brandon wasn't in the workout area. I looked at the stairs, he was just about to reach the top. He's probably gonna help mom cook, since he is 23. I decided not to help and to ignore their judgement and watch cartoons for the rest of the night.

"Bails..." Someone started shaking me gently, I looked up and saw Brandon. I closed my eyes and waited till I got adjusted to the light. He laughed at me.

"Supper, c'mon upstairs." He said, I nodded. I turned the tv off and threw the blanket on the floor.

"Bailey!" I heard my mom say, I sighed.

"I'm coming, dinner can wait!" I yelled walking up the stairs, she stood at the top looking down at me.

"Someone is at the door for you." She said, ugh Connie couldn't of came at a decent hour. I huffed and puffed my way to the door. I opened it and saw Larson standing there. I crossed my arms and looked at him. He was holding a pair of skates.

"What's hockey with out skates?" He said, I kind of laughed, just a bit, no a tad.

"I don't know you tell me." He laughed and shook his head, I motioned for him to step in. I closed the door, it was getting cold, by this time every year, it's roughly -20 some. Didn't want the house to freeze, or him.

"You never grabbed your skates, after you talked trash to my team mates. So I brought them to you." He said, I shook my head, I took them from him, our fingers gently brushing agaisnt each other. In my head I was saying whoa. I don't  know why.

He looked at me and smiled as I did the same, I heard foot steps behind me. My mom walked up to us. Then looked at the table.

"Well supper is ready,-"She was cut off.

"Oh sorry Mrs Thompson, I can leave. Just wanted to give Bailey something." Noah said, my mom put her hands on her hips. Oh no, she's gonna invite him to stay.

"Well, Bailey, if you'd like you can invite him for dinner, then we can drive him home?" Mom asked, I shrugged and looked at Noah. He nodded in a polite way. He took his snow boots off and placed them beside mine.

He walked bseide me, he seemed a bit shy. I sat down as he sat across on the other side of the table. My mom passed around the potato's and the ham, he took some then passed it to Brandon.

"So what's your name sweet heart?" My mom asked, she always calls my friends some sort of cute name, to make them feel welcome. Sometimes I think it's not very welcoming.

"Oh um, Noah Larson" He said, then looked over at me and smiled in which I returned it.

"What a lovely name, do you play hockey?" She asked, I looked at him and gave him a pleading look, hopefully he'll say yes but that he doesn't coach me.

"Uh Yea, I play for the Hawks." My mom was still smiling bright eyed. I laughed as did the rest of the table.

"How long have you been playing?" Brandon asked, he turned and faced Brandon.

"Since I was 4, I'm 12 now." He spoke, Brandon shook his head up and down as nod. We all continue eating, mom and Brandon were talking as us two were busy eating.

"Noah, I can drive you home after?" Mom asked him, he shrugged.

"If you don't mind." Mom nodded and continued eating. Noah and I finished eating, so we went down stairs. He saw the work out equipment and walked over to it. He placed his hand and glided across the equipment.

"Brandon works out a lot." I said, he laughed and came over to the couch where I was. He sat beside me, watching some cartoons. I couldn't keep my eyes open, I started bobbing my head, till I couldn't tell I wasn't bobbing my head anymore.

"Bails, Noah?" I felt someone shake me, I opened my eyes slowly and noticed I had fallen asleep on Noah as he had fallen asleep on me. We must've been tired from our games today. He was still asleep, I rubbed my fingers through his hair, then poked his cheek.

"Huh what?" He asked, I started laughing.

"C'mon Noah, were gonna bring you home." Brandon said, I got up and followed Noah and Brandon up the stairs. "Moms in the car waiting for you guys." Then I realized I had to go because he was my friend.

We grabbed our jackets and boots, then walked outside to the car. Mom pulled out of the laneway, Noah directed my mom to his house as I looked out the window.

Once we got there, my mom stopped in front of his house. He thanked us for dinner and the ride home. I told him I'd see him soon, he waved bye to us and ran up the porch to his door.  Mom started the car and drove home.

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