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Bailey's POV

"Pass it here!" Fulton yelled hitting his stick against the ice. I passed him the puck so he could shoot on the net. We were playing the Hornets, these guys are good, but we're better.

Fulton set him self up and took a shot, he scored making the score 2-2. It was only the second period in, we were hopeful that we'd win.

Most of the team and I are on speaking terms others not so much. I haven't spoken to Adam since the other night.

"Line change" Coach shouted, the five of us came off the ice switching with the others. Connie and I drank water watching the rest of the period. Coach said next period he'll put Connie, Guy, Charlie, Adam and I on together, he says the five of us work well together.

Jesse got the puck passing between him and Averman. The two of them and Terry knocked a couple guys down as Peter came in between a few guys taking a shot at the net, but the goalie saved it.

They went back to defense on our side, helping out Goldberg. The Hornets took a shot but Goldberg dove for the puck and caught it in his glove. He dropped the puck as Averman skated around and behind the net getting the puck bringing it up the ice.

"Flying V!" Coach yelled one of our famous plays.  Jesse leading the play, with Terry and Averman on each side, with Karp and Peter further behind.

Karp and Peter passing between each other, the puck making it's way up to Jesse. Jesse had the puck and went for it, the other four knocked down a few of them and kept them out of his way.

Jesse took a shot and scored, we cheered banging our sticks against the boards. He came back to the group cheering. Third period was starting, I was on the ice with Connie, Guy, Charlie and Adam.

Adam went centre ice as Connie and I played left and right wing. Charlie took left defensemen although he usually plays left wing, and Guy plays any position really. Adam got the puck passing it back to Connie, she skated till she called me out.

I waited patiently for her to pass it when Adam came up centre ice taking the puck and passing back to Guy as Guy took a shot and scored. We cheered, I was upset, did they plan that ahead of time?

The game finished 5-3, we won, if we win our next game, we make it to semi-finals then the playoffs. Against the Hawks obviously, they've already claimed first place.

I walked out of the locker room alone, my brother was talking outside with someone. The same person he talks to every time, why him all the time? I walked up to Brandon and Coach Reilly.

"Hey there Bailey." Coach Reilley said, I nodded standing silently beside Brandon.

"Brandon why are you always talking with Coach Reilly. He's a coach for a different team." I said, he looked at Coach Reilly, as Reilly gave him a thumbs up, what's going on?

"Bails, Coach Reilly is Dad." He said, I gasped nearly fainting, he can't be his last name is Reilly. Mine is Thompson, this can't be happening.

"What!" I yelled, I swear everyone in the parking lot was staring. I shook my head.

"Bailey, I wanted to tell you sooner, But I never could. It was hard enough leaving you two." What about my mom? Does she know, she must, she knows he coaches hockey.

"So you tell me this before I get to the playoffs, you're trying to distract me!" I said, I started crying a bit, this was too much. Knowing that I was the only person who didn't know he was my dad, is disappointing.

"You kind of asked..." Brandon said, I gave him the stink eye, crossing my arms.

"I'm gonna walk home, I'll see you there, Bye Coach Reilly." I walked away with my hockey bag and stick in hand. I saw Connie walking around probably coming to swing by, I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. I realized I had lessons again tonight with Noah, but I don't know if I'm gonna go.

I don't even know what's going on between us, or anyone for that matter. I walked inside closing the door behind me, I then heard a knock a few minutes later. Connie. I opened the door to see her smiling wide. I smiled a slight bit letting her inside.

"So, what did you think of that game, we basically creamed them." She said, I was laughing inside.

"It was good, now we just have to keep up our winning streak." I stated, she nodded grabbing an apple from the fridge eating loudly beside me. I walked to my room as she followed behind me.

We sat on my bed talking for hours, laughing and goofing around. I knew I'd regret going to see Noah tonight, but it's all too much for me right now. Connie's spending the night at my place since it's Friday.

We went to the basement turning on a movie with popcorn. We sat on the couch together wearing our pjays, which consisted of shorts and a t-shirt. We eventually went to the spare room and went to bed.

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