A Night Out With The Ducks

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Bailey's POV

We have a practice in a little while, I'm getting ready, although I doubt anyone will show up, half of them are mad at coach and the rest couldn't care less. All I know is I'm here to play hockey and have fun, not being a brat about everything (Peter) and continuing as if nothing happened.

Coach said we had an important practice and to meet him at the Minnesota North Stars rink. I wonder what he planned, the new kid Adam is joining, I just hope the Team is welcoming. Took me awhile to warm up to them, as did they.

"Bails!" I hear mom yell from the kitchen, I rush up the stairs and into the kitchen. She had a snack and drink ready for me, she wasn't able to come, besides it's practice, not a game.

"I'm ready to go." I told her, she smiled and looked over at Brandon.

"Brandon, take her to practice please, I have to get ready for my shift." She said, she usually doesn't work evening shifts, but one of her Co-workers called in sick.

"Bye mom!" I spoke, she waved. I followed Brandon to the truck. He had no jacket or boots, just shoes. We arrived at the North Stars rink, Brandon waved bye to me and left to who knows where.

I walked in followed by Fulton and Peter. Peter of course came up beside me, didn't say a word though which surprised me. Fulton walked on the opposite side of me, carrying his stick and hockey bag.

"What do you think we're doing here?" I asked, Peter smirked and looked at me.

"I don't know, but wanna call it quits and follow me outta here?" Peter asked, more or less stated. I shook my head, motioning to the rest of the Ducks.

"What are we doing here?" Charlie looked us, I got confused.

"Practice, you didn't get the memo?" He asked, but he seemed kind of happy. I laughed and walked over to Connie who was laughing with me.

"Oh so are we going to the change room?" Tommy asked, we looked at him. Tammy was looking at the people in the stands.

"No Coach said to wait here. He'll be here in a min." Jesse said, I looked at Connie and she motioned her head to the right. I looked behind me to the right, I saw Coach walking in with Adam. The guys have been giving him grief, hopefully they trust him soon.

"Okay Ducks Follow me!" He said, we followed him to the entrance of the rink. Two of the Minnesota North Stars came off the ice. They stopped and looked at Coach, he waved and smiled. I didn't know coach has teeth, he never smiles.

"Whoa, hold up. Aren't you Gordon Bombay? We used to play in Pee-Wee hockey, remember?" The player asked, Coach nodded. The hockey players waved to us, we all waved back.

"Yea, and this is my new Team I'm coaching, the Ducks!" He spoke, the hockey players greeted us into the rink and left to their change rooms.

"Ducks, let's have some fun." He says, we follow him to the bleachers. We all put our skates on and skate onto the ice. Connie and Guy were skating around hand in hand. I noticed Peter kept trying to take my hand. I let him, once and only for five minutes.

We all slid onto our knees and into the boards, doggy pile style at the other end. I noticed Adam didn't seem to happy, like a lost puppy. I got up, skated towards him and helped him to his feet.

"Hey Adam, having trouble?" I asked, he shrugged.

"Not really, just leaving my team to play for...you guys. Then be hated by everyone except for you and Charlie." He said, I felt bad for him, leaving his friends and his reputation behind. He won't be the same, maybe as happy but never the same, he's a Duck now not a Hawk.

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