Can She Still Play?

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Bailey's POV

I sat in the back room of the locker room, with my mom, brother and 'dad'. I don't know whether or not I should call him dad or keep calling him coach Reilly.

My team left me, I honestly didn't want to lay on this bench bed thing, getting checked on. I wasn't gonna miss the game tomorrow. It's the playoffs if we make it, in which I know we will.

A doctor came up to me, examining me. I stayed still looking around the room except at my family and doctor. I didn't want to hear news that would break me. I closed my eyes and started loosing consciousness when I couldn't hear anything.

I looked around the room, seeing my mom leaning against the bench crying as hard as she ever has. Brandon was crying and pulling his hair out of his head, I saw him throw stuff and leave the locker room slamming the door.

Coach Reilly was there shaking his head comforting my mom, unless he's only here to get a guilt ride to be the champions. I cried at the sight of my mom, then seeing the doctor telling my mom what happened. I couldn't hear anything, just their actions.

I felt goosebumps on my skin, I started feeling really cold. I looked over at my body seeing the nurse place ice packs on me. I couldn't believe what I saw and closed my eyes, for good.

Connie's POV

We won our game against the Cardinals which means we made it to the championships. The team jumped and cheered with smiles across our faces except for two people who weren't as cheery and excited as the rest of us.

Charlie and Adam stood near each other smiling but would stop and look at each other talking softly between the two. I may be a girl, but I can tell what's going on. Besides I keep up with my girl Bailey.

"Adam, Charlie, celebrate it's the only time we will. Turn your frowns upside down, be happy, for me?" I said, Charlie started to cheer up but Adam didn't seem to change his mood, I know something that will change his  mood.

"Be happy for Bailey." I said, he looked at me and smiled a slight bit, I hugged him going back over to the group jumping and smiling as Coach yelled, "Championships, The Ducks are coming!" We cheered and did our cheer.

Once we all finished celebrating we went back to the change rooms to get out of our gear. A few people were staring at her locker, her gear wasn't there just her helmet. I finished changing heading out of the hockey arena. We all stood at the front doors waiting to hear from coach and Bailey's family's about what happened.

After 20 minutes, people started leaving not wanting to stay and had plans. After three hours the only people left, was Adam, Charlie, Guy and I. Peter was last to leave out of everyone, he stayed for a considerably long time, considering he's impatient.

We heard a door open, seeing Bailey's mom leave the building crying, as her brother followed. It can't be that bad can it? I thought, that's when I looked over and saw Adam eyes start to water, as small drops of water came down his cheek hitting the floor.

I knew at this point something was wrong, I cried into Guy's shoulder. Looking up often enough that Bailey hasn't left the back room.

"Connie, let's go." My mom called from the doors, I left saying good bye to the boys leaving the arena.

Bailey's POV

My mom and brother had left me alone with Coach Bombay and Reilly. I was about to cry, but knew this is what happened to me. It wasn't a surprise, maybe for others it is.

"Can she still play?" Coach Bombay asked. I held my head in my hands, looking at the ground.

"She can, but will need time and it may become worse." The doctor said, I shrugged not caring at this point, I just wanted to leave. I grabbed my bag still in my hockey gear leaving the locker room.

I saw Adam, Charlie and Guy sitting on a bench near the doors. I smiled looking at them, they came and rushed to me, I didn't know what they were doing and pushed them away from me.

"Guys, I'm fine. Just don't do that again." I said, they looked like they were gonna tackle me. I left the building not saying anything else. I walked home by myself looking at the street kids playing ball hockey.

As much as I wanted to play, I couldn't, I couldn't remember, anything. I may have a concussion with memory lost on the right side of my brain, I lost everything new that I've learnt over the last year. I can't play hockey anymore, I need to relearn. I think i remember how to skate?

I walked into the house devastated because I couldn't play hockey any more, which will be a major loss in my life, I can still play just not remember anything that boy taught me this year.

I sat in my room, looking at hockey pictures seeing the boys on my team, with my best friend Connie. I smiled writing down in a journal, that I was given to keep me from loosing good memories.

I flipped through a few pages before landing on one. I started reading.

' Thursday December 9th 1992,

I came home from a hockey practice one night with a few of the guys and Connie. That was the night I realized I had everything wrong. The guy I thought I liked, might like me, the boy I wasn't in to, likes me. The one who pretended when it was his actual feelings, did it for me.

I broke him inside and out, after everything, he hasn't given up on me. Yet I've ignored him and pushed him aside. That's the day I realized my feelings were just a strong as his were for me as mine are for him.' I cried knowing that I like Adam, not Noah. Realizing I've missed so much and looked beyond then in front. Although Noah meant just as much to me as any of the boys. Does guilt make you feel this way.

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