New Coach

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Bailey's POV

I was skating around on the ice with Connie, she and I have become closest of friends since I recently joined. It's only been a few months since I've officially been a District-5 player.

"Who does that guy think he is, driving on the ice like that?" I looked to the same direction as Connie, Guy came up behind us.

"I don't know, who ever that is, they should know better." I spoke, Connie and Guy agreed. We walked together to where the car is, we all stood together. Jesse looked at the car like it was a UFO.

The car door opened, a tall guy with blonde hair, who was wearing a long trench coat. Stepped out and looked at us.  The team looked at him, then we started to whisper to one another.

"I'm gonna be nice today, let me cut it short, I'm gonna give you a few minutes to get off our ice, and go home" Jesse said looking at him.

"I'm Coach Bombay the new coach of the District-5 hockey team." The guy looked at us, he moved his hand and grabbed a piece of paper.

We all backed up and looked at him. "Averman, Hall, Conway, Moreau, Germaine, Goldberg, Thompson, Karp, Mark...." he rambled on. We sighed, he walked around a bit.

We stood there, we didn't know what to do. Coach Bombay looked at us.

"Okay, you five vs you four."

"We have names you know" Goldberg said, the coach rolled his eyes, and turned in the other direction.

"I'm sure you do, I will learn them eventually, when I feel like it." he said, "Now go play" He yelled and walked over to his car. Leaned against and watched us play.

After 10 minutes roughly, Connie and I skated to Coach, he looked us up and down. "Hi Coach, I'm Connie, and this is Bailey." Connie spoke for the both of us. He nodded, we skated away and continued to play.

"Gee you guys do suck, if you need me I'll be in the car, fax me." He laughed and got into his car. We all looked at each other, Guy came closer to Connie and I.

"Attack the car!" He yelled, everyone went to the car and jumped all over it,  after that we all got inside. I was pushed to the ground with Charlie, we all started to shout "We want a ride"

Coach gave in, and his limo driver took us for a short ride, till the car came to a stop. Charlie and I peeped our heads up and saw his mom and my mom coming.

"Charlie get out of that car now!" She huffed as my mom yelled the same thing about me. Charlie and I got out of the car, we moped towards them, my mom and his mom have been friends since we moved here.

"What do you think your doing driving on thin ice with my kid." His mom shouted, My mom  came up to me and grabbed my hockey stick, I followed Charlie to the team to say sorry that our parents ruined the hockey practice.

Charlie went his way home with his mom and I followed my mom to the truck, we didn't live far from here.  I sat in the passenger side as my mom drove. Once we got home, I threw my bag on the floor and watched tv on the couch till eleven. Then eventually fell asleep.

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