Playoffs- Don't We All Win?

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(^How he looks at you at the end of the game.)

Bailey's POV

I sat alone still, my mom must of went home or something because she never shoved again. The game has been steady and amusing although I'm not in it, still interesting to watch as always.

"Bailey!" I turned around  seeing Adam's dad sitting a few chairs down by him self. He waved getting up to see me, it's half-time, so it wouldn't bother anyone. Most people are gone to get food at the concession stand because they're too impatient to wait till the game's over.

"Hey Mr Banks. How's it going?" I asked, he pulled down the seat beside me, sitting down adjusting him self. I looked down at the rink not seeing anyone.

"Great, great, are you doing fine?" He asked, I shrugged looking around Seeing coach Bombay walk up the steps.

"Yea fine, kinda lonely. I'm not on the ice" I said, he nodded. I looked back down seeing Coach walking closer and closer.

"Adam told me what happened, is everything alright?" Mr Banks asked, I was kind of shocked that he told his dad. I mean I didn't even tell him, let alone seen them since what two, three days ago?

"Hey Bailey, game good so far?" He asked, I nodded smiling.  I felt a bit light headed but need to stay focused. This is the game that's we've been waiting to play at since the season began.

"Good I guess, My concussion is still here, and I haven't learnt or remembered much of anything."Coach came closer to me, for minute I didn't know what to do, he wrapped his arms around me.

"Hope you feel better soon," Bombay said, I nodded seeing him leave only having 10 minutes left till half time is over. Adam's dad stayed sitting beside me, the game was about to start.

The lights dimmed down, the score board lit back up. I saw the two teams coming back out to the rink. I looked at my team seeing, them come out one bye one, I smiled as I saw them.

Adam's POV

The second half of the second period was about to begin. Coach placed me on the bench letting me play the third period since I stayed out of the second period.

I sat down taking a sip of my water staring at Larson as he skated down the ice, giving us the stink eye. Connie looked at me asking what was up with him. I shrugged saying it was nothing. But her being a girl and knowing everything, got me talking.

"I  'stole' what was his, if you know what I'm saying. Apparently he's upset with me because I shoved him on the ice." Connie moved closer down the bench sitting beisde me, she wrapped an arm around, I laughed a slight bit becasue our gear is so heavy and bulky her arm didn't wrap around.

"You know you didn't steal anything, nothing's happend. She's lost everything and if you're the one, you can regain it, Adam." Connie said, staring directly at me. I knew she meant well and wanted to help but at this point, nothing's worth it.

"Adam, it's almost your turn to play, get your helmet." Coach said calling off names, I grabbed my helmet seeing Connie stare at me, I smiled as well thanking her. I  jumped over the boards starting on the ice, switching off with Terry.

I skated down the ice fast, and got the puck  from Charlie. The puck got stolen from, King and Brown took it. I rolled my eyes sighing, trying to pick up my pace, but kept shaving ice which didn't help in any way.

Jesse and Averman stood in as defense because ours got knocked to the ground, Averman got it passing back to Jesse,  I stopped in an instant almost running into Larson, he may be upset with me, but I'm not ruining our years of friendship.

I continued skating with the puck between my stick and the ice. I deked the players a few team almost loosing the puck. Charlie and Jesse were behind me on my back incase anything happened.

I looked down for a split second before feeling weight pushed on me. I looked up and saw the goal post before my eyes. I closed them tight hoping everything was fine. I felt pain throbbing through out my shoulder and neck. I couldn't move, nor I could I open my eyes.

Bailey's POV

The game was so well, the second period just finished. Mr Banks and I cheered, the period was over, the score was tied again with 2-2. The next period is gonna be so fun to watch.

Adam was placed on the rink with the four others and Goldberg. I saw Noah was on the rink with his brat friends. I never liked them, they were always so harsh till noah forced them to be nice at one point.

Adam got the puck from Jesse, I think or is it Terry? I have no clue anymore. I tried not to laugh at myself, Adam skated down the ice near the Hawks' goal. I was cheering so loud I couldn't keep my thoughts on one thing.

I looked back at the net, seeing the siren go off. But Adam was laying flat, limp on the ground. I covered my mouth gasping. I stood up seeing him not moving but Noah by his side. The sports medic came to his help.

Mr Banks left the stands, I followed behind him quick trying not to fall. He was getting wheeled out of the rink . I stood beside him, he had a bruise on his cheek near his eye.  Coach came down from the bench running across the ice with a few of our players.

"He gonna be alright?" The medics' said yea, Coach went back to the game. He scored but got injured from those brat kids. I left the game following Mr Banks our of the rink. They wheeled him into the back room that I was in when I was injured.

Adam laid limp on the stretcher, his dad said he'd be back. He needed to call some people and get his stuff. I took his gloves and jersey off, standing beside him in the room.

He woke up slowly, I moved his hair out of his face, very sweaty. Playing with it and brushing it back out of his face. He leaned forward staring at me, I looked down not knowing what to do. He moved his legs off the bed and sat up, I helped him to stand up. He wasn't suppose to leave but he wanted to see the end of the game.

"Adam, you shouldn't-" I started he, told me to stay quiet and help walk with him, his shoulder looked bad and his cheek was purple. I wrapped an arm around his waist not wanting to hurt his shoulder any more. Walking together like and old couple, we made our way behind the Hawks' net, behind the glass watching the shoot out that was going on.

We watched as Charlie was last to break the tie for the shoot out, either we win or loose. I looked over at Adam, seeing him have pain in face, I wanted to cheer him up.

"Adam, I wanted to give you soemthing before the game. But couldn't find you."  I said, rummaging through my coat pocket not finding the note from my journal.

I saw Adam's arm move closer to me, he smiled slightly hiding the pain. I looked down, grabbing a piece of paper from him.

"I found it near the locker rooms." He said, I smiled opening it up. He looked down at me, I looked up at him, I moved his hair again out of his face laughing. He smiled, we heard the siren go off, looking at score board seeing we won.

The whole team must've saw us, they rushed over to Adam and I trampling over us, I lost my balance and panicked, stumbling. I fell on the floor which isn't good considering my concussion. Adam fell with me as  he was balancing on me.

He groaned out of pain, I looked at him, considering I was laying beside him. He layed his head agsint the ground, I placed my hand beneath his head, he placed his on my cheek smiling.

I leaned towards him and kissed him as the team piled over us cheering that we won and confetti exploded every where.  I kept kissing Adam and this time, we weren't pretending, this was for real.

"Not letting go, not loosing you this time." Adam said, I chuckled, playing with his hair with my other hand, resting my head on his chest.

"Never lost me, just won me over." I said, hearing his heart beat,  I kissed him one last time before getting up to leave to the back room again. I closed my eyes, feeling his lips brush agaisnt mine.

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