I'm In Love With A Plus Sized...

By ChrissyStyles2496

157K 6.8K 506

Jacob is one of those typical guys who never had a thing for girls who weighed more than a hundred and thirty... More

I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl
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I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.3
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.4
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.5
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.6
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.7
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.8
Big Surprise!
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.9
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.10
Another BIG surprise
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.11
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.12
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.13
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.14
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.15
I'm In Love With A Plus Size Girl Ch.16
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.17
Let's Spread Some Positivity ❤
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.18
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.19
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.20
New Idea!
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.21
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.22
Writer's block 😭
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.23
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.25
Why write a plus size book?
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.26
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.27
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.28
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.29
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.30
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.31
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.32
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.33
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.34
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.35
I'm In Love With A Plus Size Girl Ch.36
How long should this book last???
I'm In Love With A Plus Size Girl Ch.37
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.38
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.39
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.40
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I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.41
Surgery 😱💔😭😔
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.43
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.44
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.45
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.46
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.47
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.48
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.49
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.50
Bad but not so bad news

I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.24

1.6K 83 6
By ChrissyStyles2496

Sophia's POV

"I like you a lot"... What do he mean when he said that? Is he trying to tell me that his feelings grew stronger for me? Is he telling me that he wanna give us a chance? I wish I could have asked him before dropping him off at his house.I don't know why it wasn't on my mind while he was in the car with me.I still have to call my mom and see if she already have our tickets ready or not for us to visit her for her wedding with my dad.If she already paid for the ticket I would feel so guilty to ask her to pay for another one.Even though I told her that I would pay for our tickets but she insist that she will pay for it.But I pray that I found out about Jacob before I have to call my mother at ten O'clock,which is in an hour away from now.

{Phone conversation}

Sophia:*dials Jacob's number* Okay,now all I have to do is to push the call button.

*phone rings*

Sophia:Or not *answers call* Hello?

Jacob:Hey,baby girl,how you doing?

Sophia:Hey,I was just about to call you but you called me before I could.

Jacob:I couldn't stop thinking about you,so I had to call you.

Sophia:Awe,you was thinking about me?

Jacob:Yea,why wouldn't I? I like you a lot.I love your company, and hopefully we get to be more than friends soon or in the future.

Sophia:What do you mean "more than friends"?

Jacob:C'mon,I know that you know what I mean.

Sophia:*joking* I don't know I don't have good memory.

Jacob:Something that's more better than just friends.

Sophia:Best friends?


Sophia:You don't wanna be best friends?

Jacob:I do but I wanna be more than that,too.

Sophia:Close friends?

Jacob:*chuckles* That too,baby girl,but something more special than that.

Sophia:What's more special than being close friends?

Jacob:You being my girl


Jacob:*looks at his phone* Hello?

Sophia:I'm here,love

Jacob:Oh,I thought our call dropped or something.

Sophia:No,it didn't but I do need you to repeat what you just said.

Jacob:The hello?

Sophia:No,no,no before that.

Jacob:You being my girl?


Jacob:What about it?

Sophia:Were you serious or just joking?

Jacob:I was serious,why? Did you wanted me to be joking?

Sophia:No,because I hoping that you was being serious and not joking.

Jacob:*smiles* Really?

Sophia:Of course! I told you that I liked you a lot,too.

Jacob:I remember,baby girl,I was just making sure that you were being serious as well.

Sophia:I always know what I want,so of course I was being serious when I said that,love.

Jacob:I'm happy to know that.


Jacob:Will you be my girl,Sophia?

Sophia:*smiles* I thought that it would take forever to hear those words come out of your mouth.

Jacob:So,is that a yes?

Sophia:It's definitely a yes.

Jacob:*smiles* Good,but aye,I gotta go.Aaron is waiting for me at the treadmill.

Sophia:Is it a workout day or something?

Jacob:Yes,it is and Aaron is acting like a little girl over here.

Aaron:*yells* No,I'm not!

Sophia:*giggles & shakes her head*

Jacob:*chuckles* Alright,baby,I'll talk to you later.

Sophia:Alright,bye *hangs up & sighs* Okay,now I have to call my mom *dials number*

{Phone rings}

Tina {mom}:Hello,my little Angel.


Tina:How's my baby girl doing?

Sophia:I'm doing good,mom,just having some time in my life *blushes*

Tina:That sounds like the "I found someone that I'm interested in" tone.

Sophia:Actually it was an "I'm now dating the person I'm interested in"

Tina:Awe,that's good! Who's the blessed guy? Is he older or younger than you? Is he taller or shorter? Do he have a job? Is he good with kids?--

Sophia:Mom! *laughs* One,question at a time,please.

Tina:Okay,I'm sorry I'm just happy for my baby girl.So,answer those questions first, and then I'll ask you some more later.

Sophia:*chuckles and sighs* His name is Jacob and he's twenty-six years old.He's about three or four inches taller than me.Yes,he haves a job and I have no clue if he's good with kids.I haven't went that far.

Tina:Well,you should because I want some grandkids.

Sophia:*groans* How did I know that you was going to bring that up?

Tina:You're my daughter that's how.And I'm tired of waiting,Sophia,I'm getting impatient.

Sophia:Ask your second oldest daughter to have some kids.

Tina:Sophia,she's only eighteen.

Sophia:But her boyfriend is treating her like she's twenty-one.

Tina:I know and I gotta talk to your dad about that.

Sophia:How is she doing?

Tina:She's doing alright but when she's around that boy *shakes her head* she's something else.

Sophia:I gotta have a talk with her when I come to Jamaica.Which brings to this question--

Tina:No,I haven't done the tickets yet.Your father just got paid,so I'll do it after I hang up.

Sophia:Okay,but do you really wanna pay for our tickets? That's three--

Jennifer:*behind Sophia's door* Four!

Sophia:Four people you're paying for to come to Jamaica for your wedding.

Tina:Four? Please,tell me the guy that Jennifer bringing is actually a good one.

Sophia:Oh,trust me when I say this.He treats Jennifer like a Queen! You won't believe what he got for her after their little date.

Jennifer:*runs into Sophia's room* I'll send you some pictures later on! Sophia,put your momma on speaker.

Sophia:Did you just really walked into my room without knocking?

Jennifer:So? You do that to me sometimes.

Sophia:You don't be naked like I do.

Jennifer:Gross,that's true.You should live in one of those neighborhood where those people who loves to be naked lives.

Sophia:If I want to see a naked body,I rather look at mines.

Tina:Is that Jennifer I hear talking?

Jennifer:*pushes speaker button* Yes,momma,it's me! You're favorite adopted daughter.

Tina:*giggles* How you doing, baby doll?

Jennifer:I'm doing fine and yourself?

Tina:I'm doing fine as well.Just getting things started for the wedding.

Jennifer:That's great to hear.

Sophia:Umm,excuse me!


Sophia:I was in a conversation with my mom,and you're just gonna walk into my room,and take my momma away from me like that?

Jennifer:Geez,sorry! I wanted to talk to her,too.I miss her as much as you miss her.

Tina:Aww,don't worry! I got plenty of love for the both of you.

Jennifer:See? There's no need to be selfish like that.

Sophia:*sticks her tongue out*

Tina:So,who's the blessed guy you're bringing to Jamaica,Jennifer?

Jennifer:His name is Malik and to tell you now,you don't have to pay anything.

Tina:What do you mean?

Jennifer:Malik said that he'll pay for all the tickets.He haves no problem paying for them.

Tina:Are you sure,Jennifer? You know I have no problem paying for it either.

Jennifer:Yea,I'm positive! Since you're already doing other stuff,he thinks it's best for him to pay for it.

Tina:*sighs* Alright,I'll let him pay for it.

Sophia:What?! Why wouldn't you let me pay for it?

Tina:Because I wanted to do it but since Malik wanna be a gentleman,I'll let him pay for it.

Jennifer:Thanks,I'll let him know as soon as possible.

Tina:Okay,sweetheart, I'll get going now.I gotta make a few runs for the wedding.

Sophia:Alright,mom,we'll see you guys soon.

Tina:Okay,I love you guys,byyee.

Jennifer:We love you,too,momma.

Sophia:*hangs up*

Jennifer:I gotta go call Malik.

Sophia:You miss him already?

Jennifer:No,I have to ask him if he could pay for our tickets to Jamaica.

Sophia:But I thought he said that he would already.

Jennifer:No,I just said that,so your mom doesn't have to do so much for her special day.

Sophia:Do you think he'll pay for our tickets?

Jennifer:If he can pay for the jewelry he got me then he can pay for our tickets.

Sophia:Okay, go and make sure before it's too late.

Jennifer:I'm already ahead of you *leaves*

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