Friends are the family you ch...

Par Galfort

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Scott had tried out for lots of talent shows before and it never end up well, but The Sing-Off was different... Plus

Meeting Scott
The start of something new
School's out for summer(almost)
Dragons and Texas
Back to California
Of arrangements and hot tubs
Rhythm of love

Meeting Kirstin

70 2 7
Par Galfort

It took Avi another couple of hours to be done with the assignment.
He looked at the clock and sighed.
There were just 2 or 3 hours left before he had to get up again and he knew himself well enough to know that sleeping for such a short time was going to do more harm than good.
He walked closer to his friend, removed the copy from under his head and made sure that he was comfortable enough before grabbing his keys and walk out of the room.
Avi wondered a bit around before finding a nice place to sit.
It was very unusual for him to be awake at this time in the night since he really loved sleeping, but he had to admit that there was something really poetic about the campus when nobody was around and the stars lighten up the place.
No artificial light, no noise, just nature taking all the space that she could in a place like that.
Avi smiled and took off his pocket a little piece of paper and the pen that he was used to bring always with him and started to hum a little.
Earlier that day he had showed Scott his ideas about the first cover that they were arranging but maybe, since he had a bit of free time, he could do some work on the other one as well before their meeting the following day.
He started to go through the song, line by line, and he was so focused that he didn't realize the sunset had already come.
When the first rays of light touched his face, Avi raised his eyes from his work and took few moments to enjoy the moment.
He was really tired but seeing a natural show like that made him feel like it was worth it.
He stayed like that, eyes to the sky and a wide smile on his face, until the alarm on his phone reminded him that it was time to wake John and get ready for class.
When he got to his room he found his friend already awake, while his roommate was still sleeping.
-Man, where were you?!- John asked before he could say anything.
-The assignment took me more time that I thought and, when I finished it, it was too late to go to sleep so I just worked on some other stuff-
- You could have woken me up, maybe I could had done a bit more and you could had had some sleep. You look like you need it-
-This is because I do need it, but it doesn't matter, really. Just help me find some decent clothes now-
-Why? It's not like you have never cared about your outfit!-
-Yeah, I know, but since I failed in not looking like a zombie today, at least I could try to look as good as I can-
-Why? What's so special about today?-
Avi sighed.
He knew that if John would had known the real reason he would have made fun of the bass for the rest of his life but he couldn't lie to his friend, he would found out sooner or later.
-You know, if you don't say anything I'm just going to assume that you are into Scott and you want to look good for your meeting with him today-
-How do you know that I'm meeting Scott?! –
Avi's surprise made John laugh.
-Because it's pretty much all you're doing these days: meeting him or work on something to show him on your next meeting. Buy the way, he must be pretty handsome if he made you fall so much!-
-I'm not in love with him if that's what you mean. I just doesn't matter. And by the way it's not for him that I want to look good-the bass said, blushing.
-But it is because of someone, right? Are you going to meet someone without telling me?! I could feel a little betrayed here-
This was Avi's turn to laugh.
-I wouldn't say that I didn't tell you. I just didn't know when our meeting was going to happen and it's not a date, so......I just want Kirstin to think the best possible of me-
-So it's Kirstin that you are meeting!!! I should have known! Who else could come with Scott and made you so uncomfortable at the same time?
Ok, so you definitely need my help. Let me just look through your stuff and I will come out with the perfect outfit. You know I'm good at this. You just go to take a shower, maybe that will help you to wake up a little-
Avi didn't even reply but just followed his friend's instruction without any further question.
He was too tired to argue about anything.
Maybe not sleeping wasn't the best decision he could made.
He let himself enjoy the warm embrace of the hot water for a little, then turned the faucet knob all toward the cold side.
He felt his entire body contract and he wasn't able to breath for a couple of seconds.
It was kinda of a horrible feeling but he knew that it was the only way to wake up a little.
-Ehi bassman. You all right? You didn't fell asleep in the shower, did you?-
Avi laughed and got out of the bathroom.
-No, I didn't-he replied, taking the clothes John was handing to him.
-And I suggest you take a shower too. I'll be waiting in the cafeteria. And be quick. We are going to be late even today-
-I'll try to be as fast as I can but if I don't show up before you finish your breakfast go without me. I'll catch up, I promise-
-As you wish. Seems that maybe I can be on time today-
-Like if it's my fault if we are always late-
-Let's just say that is not usually mine-
-If you say so Kaplan-said John with a smile before closing the door of the bathroom.
Avi shook his head and walked down the stairs, grabbed some croissant from the cafeteria and a cup of coffee and headed straight to the building where they had the first class of the day, walking in in the exact same moment as his teacher.
For the first time in that year he wasn't late.

John walked in the classroom ten minutes after the lesson had started.
The professor sighed but didn't say anything since it was the last class of the semester, so the boy seated next to his friend and handed him a folder.
-Damn! Did I really forget the project in the dorm?-
-Look like it bassman, but, lucky you, I've seen them-
-Lucky us you mean. Do I need to remind you that this is OUR final paper?-
-No need, that's why I brought the folder-
Avi smiled, hitting his friend on the shoulder.
-So, boys, I know this is the last class of the semester and this means that none of you would pay any attention to what I will say today, so I suggest that you all put your projects on my desk and then we will have a nice discussion about the topics you have researched on it.
Sounds fine for everyone?-the professor asked.
Most faces in the classroom dropped.
-Avi, in order to talk about that I should have studied in the first place and I haven't!-John pointed out worried.
-Don't worry. You know most of it and I've got your back for everything else, and, by the way, I'm pretty sure Mr. Ramirez would never ask us anything?-
-Why is that?-
-Because he's trying to make some people fail the test, so he will focus on the ones that hadn't pay any interest in his lesson for the entire year and we don't fall in that category-
-You don't but I wouldn't be so sure about me-
-But you are with me so you will be fine. What about trusting me for once?-
-I always trust you-
-I know. Now shut up before he gets pissed at us-
John nodded and turned his head to the teacher that had already begun to pick people.
The period allowed only few discussion and John's heart trembled very time the professor raised his glaze to choose his next victim, but Avi was right and he didn't pick them. Still, as the bell rang, he jumped from his seat, bolting out in the hallway, followed by a laughing Avi.
-I told you. No need to worry-
-You're right. So.......-
-So what?-
-You know what time is it?-
The bass glanced at his watch.
-It's almost lunch time, so this means.......-
-Yes sure, it does lovely boy. Let's go and meet your friends!-
-Who said you were invited?-
-Don't worry, I don't want to join you or anything especially since I know you will talk about "work" all the time, but I want to put faces on these names you keep mention to me-
-Fine then, you can come. We were heading in the same direction anyway-
They started to walk, talking about what they were planning to do in the last week of college, and during the summer. They were so deep in conversation that they didn't realize they've reached the square in the middle of the campus.
Avi felt two strong hands on his shoulders and next thing he knew someone was hugging him.
-Ehi man! I thought you will come later!-
-You know I'm always on time Scott-
-Yes, you are. Hi, I'm Scott by the way-the blond added, shaking John's hand.
-Nice to meet you. I'm John. Avi told me a lot about you-
-Did he?-
-Yes. It's hard to make him talk about something that is not this acapella thing-
-And here I was thinking he had actually told you about me ME, if you know what I mean-
Avi blushed and John laughed.
-No, I'm just joking really. I know that I'm not his type-Scott added, making John laugh even more.
-Oh my God, now I know why you didn't want to let me come along. You know that......-
-That you will be an evil pair with the only purpose to do anything to embarrass me? Yes, of course. I mean, you are both pretty good to exploit my natural awkwardness-
They both grinned, enjoying Avi's uneasiness.
-Speaking of awkward I'd like to introduce you Kirstin-Scott said, pointing at a tiny girl that was already walking in their direction.
-Hi!-she said, waving her hand to the boys.
-She is pretty man!-John whispered in Avi's ear, making blushing again.
Scott giggled.
That was going to be fun.
-So, not to be rude or anything, but I'm kinda hungry, so where are we heading?-the blond asked, breaking the sudden silence.
-Well, there is this nice little cafè just few blocks away, you could go there-John proposed, since Avi seemed still speechless.
-Wait, are you not coming?-Scott asked, a bit disappointed.
-No, I have a paper due tomorrow and I can't let Avi do all the heavy work again-
-Damn! I've forgot about this one. I'm so not going to make it this time!-Avi shouted, slapping his hand on his forehead.
-Don't worry, I've got you. You just hang out with your friends and I'll do the work-
-You really do that?-
-Of course! I still owe you one for the project you did pretty much on your own tonight, so I'll work on this one and we are good, ok? -
-Maybe I can swing by your room when I'm done tonight and help you a little-
-Don't. You could use a night of sleep. At least a full one in a week. I've got this, don't worry. Do you trust me?-
-Of course I do America!-
John laughed.
-Than it's a deal. See you tomorrow in class-he said walking away.
When he was out of sight Scott looked at him.
-Not a full night of sleep in a week? No wonder you looked so horrible these days-
-Scott, it's not polite!-the girl scolded him.
-But it's true! I mean you have seen the man now-
-And I don't think he looks horrible. Tired yes, but I still have to meet someone that is not tired during finals-she protested, then she turned to the bass.
-Don't listen to Scott about that, he doesn't know when to shut up-
-I think I've learned that by now. And by the way, don't worry, I wasn't offended, it's not like I don't know how bad I look-
-Wow.......your voice is so......I can feel it through my bones if you know what I mean-she said, amazed, making him blush.
Scott laughed.
-I know you get embarrassed easily, but if you keep blushing this often everyone would think the natural colour of your face is tomato red!-
Now all the three of them were laughing.
-Well, let's go eat now-the bass exclaimed, leading the other two through the streets of the campus.
-I was thinking......We could go to the cafe John pointed out before or we could go to this new sushi place that opened just a week ago. It should be pretty good or at least that is what everyone is saying, I haven't been there yet, but I love sushi so I figure I should try it sometimes. I don't know what you like, but if it's ok we could go there, it's not far from here-
-I don't know about you Scotty but I'm all for sushi!-Kirstin exclaimed excited starting to jump around a little.
-Well, just so you know Avi, I think you have just conquered her heart-Scott whisper in Avi's ear and he didn't even have to look at his friend to know that his face was bright red again.

The lunch went weirdly smooth.
Scott had predicted some very awkward first meeting between Avi and Kirstie, but the two seems to get along in the most perfect way and he was glad.
Even if she didn't make a fuss about it, he knew Kirstie was full of insecurities that gave her many problems when come to meet new people, and Avi.....
Avi simply didn't seem comfortable with pretty much anything, but maybe that was just because they hadn't known each other for long, maybe with time the bass will become comfortable enough with him and with the others as well.
-So, where are you bring us now?-asked Scott, turning to Avi, to whom Kirstie was showing how to make the origami of a flower with his napkin.
-I thought we were going to work a bit on the last song we have spoken about-the man replied, without taking his eyes off of Kirstie's hands.
-Seriously? We had worked enough yesterday. I thought that maybe today we can take a day off-
-We don't have time to take a day off. And I have something that I want to show you.-
-You showed me yesterday, remember?-
-I've got something new on which I need your opinion. Both your opinions actually-he added, gesturing at the girl next to him.
-When did you find the time to work on something else. Didn't you have a paper to write last night?-
-Yes I did, but I finished it around 4 or something and getting only two hours of sleep is worse than not getting none, so I decided to do something productive in that time. I didn't think you would be so annoyed
-I'm not.....-Scott sighed.
-I'm not annoyed. I'm actually grateful for your hard work, I'm just worried that maybe, but just maybe, you are overloading yourself and this is not healthy-
-Look, I appreciate the concern but no need, really. Tomorrow's paper is the last one and John said he will take care of it so, I will be able to sleep tonight if this worry you so much, and by this time tomorrow I will be free as a bird to focus completely on our group so I won't overload myself.
This had been a very busy week but it's only a week and we got a couple more before the audition, right? And now that Kirstie is here everything will be even easier-
Scott didn't seem very convinced but he didn't say anything.
-C'mon Scott! Don't tell me that I wasted the only two hours of sleep I could get for something you don't want to hear, that would be very mean-
-C'mon Scotty! Let's work a little bit. Isn't it why I came here in the first place? He can show us around another day!-Kirstie said, looking at his best friend with the puppy eyes to which she knew he could not resist.
-Fine, fine. I'm not able to fight the both of you combined. But I won't be locked up in some small dorm room while the sun is shining-
-We can go to the park is that's your problem. I don't like wasting a nice day either-Avi replied, leading them toward the campus.
He stopped only when they reached a big green area where lots of student whom had their same idea were already laying.
-You think people won't mind if we start to sing and everything?-Kirstie asked, a bit worried, but Avi laughed.
He seemed more confident every passing minute.
-Don't worry. This university is known for music, like opera and stuff, so it's not actually unusual that people go around singing, that's one of the reason why most of the students that you see here have all headphones, so they can't be disturbed by any noise from the outside world and can focus on their own music-
-So what we are about to do is pretty much the normality here?-Scott asked.
-Pretty much, yes. Isn't it great?-the bass replied with a wide smile.
It wasn't hard to tell how in love he was with his university.
The other two nodded.
-Show us what you got bassman-
-All right Scott. I've been working a little on the "Telephone" rhythmic section. It's kinda hard since I can't work much with Kevin , but I think I may have something good, let me show you-Avi said, pulling out few music sheets from his backpack.
-Ok, let's get to work-
Kirstie got a little closer, not that she could be a big help while the notes where just on the paper.
Weird as it could sound, she had never really studied music.
Her mother had tried to convince her to learn how to play piano when she was a kid, but at the time she was just too lazy to commit to musical studies and now she was regretting the opportunity she had missed.
Of course, she had been in lots of choirs in the past years, but she had always relied mostly on his ears, a method that had always worked more than fine, but that didn't help her much to expand her musical knowledge.
In high school, she had never thought about her "ignorance" as a disadvantage since she had always had Scott and Mitch to help her, but now, seeing one of his best friend and an almost stranger discuss about intervals of thirds or whatever they were talking about made her feel so left out.
-So what do you think Kirst?-
She was so lost in her thoughts that she hadn't noticed that the two boys were staring at her.
-Hey girl, are you ok?-Scott asked, putting an hand on her shoulder.
-Yeah, sure, fine. What were we talking about?-
-You didn't hear a word, did you?-
-I was......thinking-
-Typical Kirstin. By the way we wanted to try out our parts. To see if they will fit-
-Yeah sure. Even if I don't think it will be of any help without Mitch and Kevin. I mean, something that doesn't work with just the three of us could work if we add them. I don't know if I made myself clear-
-You are right. There's no point in try something if we are missing pretty much half of the band-Avi agreed.
-Than what do you suggest?-
-Well, why don't we jam a little, get to know each other voices better. I may or may not have a guitar up in my room-he suggested.
-You play the guitar?-
-Well, yes. I play the guitar, banjo and a little bit of piano, but I haven't played that in a very long while-
-Wow bassman, you are really full of surprises-Scott said, clearly amazed
-Well, I would love to jam a little and I can't wait to hear your singing voice-Kirstie said, looking directly at Avi, who turned his gaze from her wide smile to his almost broken shoes.
-Jam is a good idea, but we are going acapella so I think we should stick with it, right?-Scott added.
-Fine. I didn't want to get up anyway-the bass replied, making everyone laugh.
-So, what do you want to sing?-
-I'm not sure. I don't even know what kind of music do you guys like-Avi murmured.
-I like Sara Bareilles a lot-Kirstie started.
-Well, I'm deep into R&B.-Scott replied. -What about you?-
-I'm a folk lover. But I love Sara Bareilles and R&B as well-
-So.....Favourite singer?-Kirstie asked.
-Simon and Garfunkel for me or Iron & wine. Hard to choose they are both amazing-Avi exclaimed.
-Well, I've already said mine, even if it's a tight completion between Sara Bareilles and Kelly Clarkson and I bet I can guess Scott's one-
-It's not fair! You've known the guy for ages!-
-Trust me boy, you don't need years to guess his favourite singer, it's pretty much the only thing he talks about-
-I've never heard him say anything about and I've known him for, what? Two weeks?-
-Well, I bet it's because you talk only about work-
-Hey are you going to have a go on me about that too? I thought you were on my side!-protested, punching the girl softly on her shoulder.
-Did anyone tell you that you shouldn't lay hands on a lady?-She almost shouted, massaging the place where he had hit her.
-I'm sorry Kirst, did I hurt you, because I didn't mean, I was just joking!-
Avi seemed so genuinely worried and the other two could help but laugh.
-She is messing with you man, she is perfectly fine-
The bass turned to the girl that smiled with a guilty look on her face.
-Is there someone that doesn't want to mess with me?-
-You make it way to easy Avi, I'm sorry. But I'm swear I'm by your side-she said, punching him on the shoulder like he did with her.
-You better be-
Scott watched the two keep jokingly bickering with a very wide smile.
Avi was so focus on what they were doing that he was afraid he would not like Kirstin playful attitude, but to really enjoy each other presence.
Actually, with Kirstie around, Avi seemed a little bit more relaxed and Scott couldn't be more happy about it. He hated being around anxious people, because if there was too much tension around him he would get anxious as well and he wasn't good at dealing with it.
What was supposed to be a jam session had quickly turned in something completely different because Avi and Kirstie were so eager to know each other better that they kept coming up with questions about literally everything, from musical tastes to favourite subject in high school.
Scott was really happy to see Avi talking about something different and was even more glad that they were all learning new things about each other.
If they were all going to get along so well there was nothing to worry about.
Ok, maybe they had to worry a little about the competition, but for a moment, on a sunny Californian day, seeing two for his friend talking happily in a park, he didn't really care if they would had won because he felt that the friendship that was just starting to grow was special and that was all that matter to him at the moment.


Things are still going a little slow, but I thought that it was important to describe these tiny little moment better, so, here we go.
Tell me what you think about it!

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