House of hell •|• Jacob Perez...

By MagnolinQueen

8.7K 1.6K 337

Completed Cover made by graphicdemons Vollchecker When I first met the boys everything was cool. We had fun... More

UPGRADE!!! New Cover
chp.1 meet 6/8
chp.2 santo
chp3 plz dont hurt me
chp.4 8/8
chp.5 the plan
chp.6 what's so funny
chap 9. a few months later ( its starting)
chap.10 kidnap
chp.11 Where am I?
chapter 13 my family
chap.14 wake up
chapter 18
chapter 19 crazy
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35 part 1
chapter 36 part 2
chapter 37 part 3
vote here
new 2018 book: lifeless
chapter 38
Another Mb Book?
hey fans

special chapter (part 4 /the end)

113 22 7
By MagnolinQueen


A smile crossed my face as I heard the gun go off. I couldn't help myself as I walked back into the house to see what was created. As soon as I walked into the room the boys were in, there was blood splattered everywhere. I look to my right to see Nick's face full of blood. He turned his head towards me and start shaking and begging. "I'm not gonna hurt you nick...but I'm not gonna help you either." And with that I walked back outside. As I walk out the house I could here him screaming and yell but I just ignored him and walked to my car and off to the airport.

I walked into the ceremony with Chresanto as he held my hand. We exchanged looks at each other and I smiled as he kissed me and rubbed my stomach. We looked around and spotted a table in the front, where we would be able to see and hear the director and the producer do their speeches.
" Good afternoon everyone. I so happy that you all were able to gather here today to celebrate our one year anniversary on our hit movie " house of hell". I wanna congratulate our cast and crew and anyone else who supported or was part of this film. When our movie first came out we were an automatic 4 star rating but now we have successful reach 5 stars." Everyone clapped and cheered. After the ceremony everyone went out and party,having a good time.

Over the past year of making this movie has been awesome. And I got to meet a lot of new people that I have become close friends with. Santo and I are engaged and getting married soon before I have our baby girl. Rayan, Jacob, Elijah and I are best friends. Morgan and Craig are dating, Jacob is shooting other movies, and I'm helping Santo with his music career. Life is great and I'm also appearing in other movies.

The next day

I woke up and got up fixing breakfast for myself. After I ate I got in the shower than prepared for a long day of filming. I pasted bye Santo's home studio hearing his loud music playing. I open the door and call his name but he did hear me, so I just walked over and kissed his cheek and told him that I was leaving. It took about 20 minutes to get to the film palace where I work at. I walk into my bosses office to see if he had any other specials for me.
"Well good morning Johanna, how are you?" "I'm well, how about yourself?" "Same, listen downtown Florida studios are looking for a new cast member for their new movie " confusion " are you down?" "Hell yeah! What's the genre? " "mystery/thriller." "Wow! Great! What role will I be playing?" "Well they saw who good you were as a killer and they want you to play a very special role in this movie."

I evily laugh inside my head. Looks like I'm not done yet.

Hope y'all enjoyed. Not the way I wanted the ending to turn out but its something. I just glad I'm finally done with is book.

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