Love and a Crossbow (Daryl Di...

By mrowland71

11.3K 563 62

Michonne always thought she would never find love again, since all this went down, but when Daryl Dixon, her... More

Love and a Crossbow (Daryl Dixon And Michonne)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 6

583 29 1
By mrowland71

"I don't know how long I can stay here, Michonne." Daryl said, as our apartment was quiet, and all of the building was. "Too quiet, for me at least." I nodded along with him, as we sat across from eachother at the table. "We need to find a place of our own, a place, that we can take care of ourselves."

"You're telling me you want to start all over?" I asked him, and he looked to his hands, twiddling his thumbs a bit. I looked into his eyes, as they met mine. I never realized he had blue eyes, crystal blue eyes that pierced into my soul. Maybe it was the dirt around his face, or the fact that  I never even really looked into his eyes. "I understand partly where you are coming from, but... maybe we should wait." He sighed a little.

"For what?" He asked. He did have a point. I just didn't want to leave anybody behind.

"The others, maybe more who are looking, are coming this way, are coming for us." Daryl shook his head and laughed a bit, I rolled my eyes, knowing he was going to say something stupid.

"Faith, hope all this prayin' hasn't done shit. As I've told Beth forty thousand fucking times. We can wait. But I sure as hell ain't got no hope." I laughed and he raised his eyebrows at me.

"We are still missing Glenn, Maggie, Sasha and Bob, and Tyreese isn't gonna leave here without Sasha coming back." Daryl agreed with me on this. Tyreese wasn't going anywhere until he knew his little sister was in safe hands. "We shouldn't move anyway, Mica's sick, and she might die soon, we can't just abandon the medicine they have given us." Daryl shifted his head from side to side, not completely buying the whole Mica sick thing, but he eventually gave in, knowing Mica was just a child. "I'm gonna go to sleep, maybe some others will turn up tomorrow."

"Maybe." I heard Daryl say, and I laughed. "What?" He asked, turning to face me, as I positioned my leg on one of the stairs.

"Maybe you do have hope."


"Glenn! Glenn!" I heard Maggie's voice from anywhere. I opened my eyes, to heard the southern accent again of Maggie's and I rubbed my eyes free of sleep. Of course it was just a dream, but we had to find the others. I sat up in bed, and threw my legs on the side of the bed. I grabbed my pants that were on the side of the bed, and pulled them on. Georgia summers were hot, and I needed the cool. Once my pants were fastened, I slid my boots on that needed a good clean up, they were caked with mud. I grabbed my katana that was sheathed, where it should be when I heard Maggie's voice again. I opened my door and walked down the stairs, to see cereal left in the bowl with milk. Carl would never abandon his Cinnamon Toast Crunch, not in a million years. I opened the door, to be met my the hot air, that still never satisfy me. I walked out, closing the door safely behind me, and walking down the hall, and down the steps to see a sight I never thought I would see. Maggie, Glenn, Sasha, Bob and another girl were facing us, smiling and communicating with Rick and Carl, exchanging hugs. Tyreese was with them too, almost in tears with Sasha and they weren't letting the hug go. Daryl was standing in the corner admiring the reunited full group, but in someway, it just didn't seem full. Most of the Greene family was gone, and our group wasn't the same. I walked over to Daryl and he smiled to me.

"I had hope, and look where it got us." I told him and he grunted in response.

"I still ain't got no hope, 'Chonne. All this hopin' and shit is a waste of time. Look what this world has turned to, did anyone ask for this. No, but hey, I'm just along for the ride." I nodded and walked over to the group, Maggie extending her arms, to wrap me in a hug.

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