The change up (Sequel to the...

By xxxdancemomsgirlxxx

3.7K 212 18

If packing up and going off to college isn't hard enough, Kat has lot to deal with when she arrives at colleg... More

New beginnings
Moving on
What happened tonight?
Case closed
Beach Day
I can't be that girl
You'll regret it
Hooking up with Byrce?
Chocolate frosted donut
You're my everything
Feeling the same way
Toy Story and Dates with siblings
We aren't dating
I'm sorry
Breaking it off
Copy Kat
Perfect or Psyco?
Seeing other guys?
Meeting his family
The view
Triple date
Mood change
I'm sorry
Let's go
I trust you
Did you enjoy the game?
Goodbye for now
The girl known as....
What if?
Smiling through the sadness
I'm in love with you 2x
But it's my dream
Mutual breakup
I just want to talk
Happy for you
Spaghetti and Meatballs
The day my life turned upside down

It's all good

87 5 1
By xxxdancemomsgirlxxx

Kat's pov

Last night was really confusing because I noticed that Bryce was acting weird around Ellie. I don't think he was acting weird because of Ellie but it's definitely suspicious. For some reason Nate seemed to go with the flow that Ellie had going on and it was weird. Bryce seemed embarrassed and I don't know why. As much as I want to ask them all what's going on I know that they'll all just say nothing.

I was walking to my first class as Cameron tapped on my shoulder. He also seemed kinda weird but I just decided to let it go.

"Hey". "Hey, I picked this up for you", he said handing me a brown bag. I looked in it to see my favorite kind of donut. "You remembered?", I asked with sincerity. "Why wouldn't I?, I practically bought  you a donut everyday last year at the end of the school year". "I just thought that since we-. You know what, nevermind", I said quickly changing the subject.

"We might not be romantically involved anymore but we're still friends, right?". "Yeah of course I was just being stupid there for a minute", I said. "It's ok, sometimes I still tell people that I go to Chino Hills high". "Now that's funny. So how are you and Malia?". "Me and Malia?". "Yeah I thought you guys were a thing?". "We're just talking for now despite what she says". "Do you like her?", I said biting my lip.

"Yeah she's a really nice girl but she's-", he was saying as Malia ran up to us. She ran up with two coffees in her hands and out of breath. "Hey guys. Cam this is for you", she said handing him coffee. In my head I was laughing mainly because Cameron hated coffee but I didn't show it. "Thanks", he said holding the S out. "Oh no problem. Sorry Kat I would've brought you some too but I didn't see you this morning". "Oh that's ok, Cameron bought me this", I said holding up the brown bag.

At this point Malia was looking a little disappointed but that isn't my problem. Malia knows that Cameron and I are just friends so she shouldn't be worried. "So Cameron, I was thinking that we could maybe hang out on Wednesday?", Malia asked seeming hopeful. Cameron looked over at me for a second and quickly turned back at Malia before he answered.

"Yeah that sounds good, we could go to your place". "Yeah that sounds great", Malia blushed. "Aw look at you guys, maybe once you start dating you guys could go on a double date with Bryce and I. And speaking of Wednesday it's my birthday". "Yay you're finally gonna be legal", Malia laughed. "How are you gonna be an adult?", Cameron laughed. "You're barely an adult, you just turned it last week", I said back to him.

"Well I gotta get to calculus but I'll catch up with you guys later", Malia said. "Oh and Luna is picking up pizzas for tonight so you don't have to cook", I said. "Ok, I'll see you on Wednesday Cam". "Bye", he said waving her off. She turned back around and kissed his cheek as she left.

"You guys are too cute, I'm really happy for you", I said. "Yeah about that-". "You make Malia extremely happy and she needs that because she's homesick". "Yeah I guess", he sighed.

When we got to class I sat next to Luna on one side and Ellie on the other.

Cameron's pov

"She told Malia that her and I were cute", I said to Taylor as he laughed. "Are you into Malia?". "She's a nice girl and all but she's not my type". "Then what's your type?, Kat?". "I told you, I'm over her". "Ok ok, I'm not gonna argue with you're feelings".

"It sucks because Malia's apparently really into me". "You should try things out with her". "I don't know, things could get bad". "Why, because of Kat?". "Yeah, they're friends". "But you didn't date Kat and plus Malia doesn't even know that you and Kat were a thing". "And she doesn't need to know". "She does need to know the truth about Bryce". "Yeah she does and I'm not gonna be the one to tell her". "Neither am I and you agreed that Nate wouldn't either". "So that leaves Ellie".

We both looked over at Ellie to see her and Kat laughing.

"Tell her to tell Kat", I said. "I am not asking my girlfriend to tell her best friend that her boyfriend's using her". "Ellie's your girlfriend?". "As far as she knows, no". "If you don't tell Ellie to tell Kat then I'll tell Ellie that you called her your girlfriend". "Shit Cam are you really blackmailing me?". "Yeah I am". "I guess I have too". "Why don't you fight back?". "Because Ellie and I are complicated".

"Do you love her?", I asked under my breath. He nodded his head yes as he looked at her. "How long have you two been hooking up?". "Since the night YOU broke her heart, and thank god you did", he laughed.

"Do you still love Kat?", he asked. "Uh-", I was saying as I got interrupted.

"Good morning class", the professor said. "Today we will be studying Spanish speaking countries. I am assigning a project and right now you will need to find a partner to study a county with and write a 20 page report on it so pick wisely".

As the professor said this I looked into Kat's direction as she looked into mine. She couldn't have Luna because Isaiah would be her partner and she couldn't have Ellie because of Taylor so why not me.

"Partners?", I mouthed. She nodded her head yes at me and returned her attention to the professor.

"And go", she said waiting for us to pick partners.

"So what county were you thinking of doing?", Kat asked already knowing that I would let her pick.

"I was thinking what you were thinking". "So you were thinking Puerto Rico?". "Yup", I said tapping my index finger on my head. "Let's do it", she said giving me and awkward high five and looking down at the ground.

"When do you wanna work on it?". "Let's do it on Thursday". "Sounds good", I said walking back to my seat.

"You're working with Kat?", Taylor asked. "Yeah I'm working with my friend Kat". "I'm not surprised". "Working with your girlfriend?", I laughed mocking Taylor. "I'm about to beat your ass ", he laughed.

Kat's pov
After class

I was on my way back to my door when Bryce grabbed my hand out of nowhere

"Hey baby", he said pecking my lips. "Hey". "How was Spanish class?". "Boring, how was business ?". "Boring, everything around here is boring, that is except for you and me". "Yeah that's true". "Let me walk you to your dorm". "Ok", I said gripping his hand.

When we got into the house no one was home so I could relax. Bryce followed me into my room and sat down on my bed with me.

"So on Friday I have an away game so I'm leaving on Thursday night ", he said. "That sucks that you're leaving again". "Yeah but at least when I go pro we'll be rich and you and our kids can get anything you want", he teased. "Yeah I guess". "Don't be sad, I'm here now". "Mhm", I said.

He grabbed my face and kissed me slowly. I put my arms around his neck as he gripped his hands around my ass.

I didn't mind but for some reason it didn't feel right. Of course I wasn't gonna stop kissing him but the same thought continued to run through my head. As we kissed Ellie walked in and we immediately pulled away.

"Sorry", she said. "It's ok". "Hey Ellie", Bryce said. "Hi", she said uncomfortably. "So El, are you going over to Taylor's?", I asked. "Yeah". "Could you give Cameron this", I said giving her a sticky note with a smiley face. "Yeah", she said looking at it and smiling.

"He got me a donut this morning so I just want to thank him". "Isn't he a good friend?", Bryce said looking at the note with a smirk.  "Yeah he's a great friend", I smiled back at Bryce. "Well I'm gonna head out, have fun but not too much fun", Ellie said as she left.

Right as she closed the door Bryce reconnected our lips together.

"I love you", he said in between kisses.

He "loves" me and I don't feel the same way. Love takes time and I know damn well he doesn't love me. I've only ever had 2 guys tell me that they loved me and I believed them and maybe for Bryce, lust was taking over.

I let go of the kiss and stared at him as he rubbed him hands up and down my thigh. I know what he wants from me but I'm not sure I have the stability to give it to him.

I could hear the silence in the room and it was off putting. Maybe it was the fact that I didn't "love" him back or maybe it was guilt that I was feeling but whatever it was it didn't make me feel too good.

"You should go, I have a paper due tomorrow", I said excusing myself. "Ok I'll see you tomorrow baby", he said kissing my cheek as he left.

As he left I felt a weight lifted off of my shoulders. I didn't have to impress him anymore and I didn't have to reassure myself that it was me, he wanted and not my body.

Cameron's pov

As soon as I opened the door to the dorm Nash came up to me and high fived me.

"Congratulations bro", he said shaking my hand. "For what?", I asked out of confusion. "I heard you have a date with Malia on Wednesday night", he smirked. "Where'd you hear that from?". "Malia tweeted it out". "That's high key weird and it's not a date. Her and I are just friends". "That's what you always say about the girls you like", he nodded.

"I've only really ever liked 2 girls and they didn't work out to well". "Yeah but Kat and Ellie are so Chino?". "Chino?". "Yeah they're like every girl from Chino. But Malia, she's just so....". "Perfect", I interrupted.

"Yeah she's hot, she's from Canada, and she's the nicest good girl and man you should mess her up a bit". "Yeah she's all those things but she's too perfect". "How can a girl be too perfect?". "I feel like everytime I'm with her, I have to find a way to impress her".

"Dude she's freakin hot and she thinks that you're hot so why impress her when you can just make out with her?". "Nash it's not that simple", I said trying to make a case for my feelings.

As I was trying to make my case I heard a knock on the door. Ellie walked in smiling looking for Taylor I was guessing.

"Where's T-". "He's in his room", I interrupted already knowing who she wanted.

"Oh and before I go, this is from Kat", she said holding out a sticky note with a smiley face.

"I swear she's a child", I laughed. "Oh I know, trust me", Ellie said laughing and walking into Taylor's room.

"What's this?", Nash said taking the note out of my hand. "It's a smiley face". "From Ellie?", he said sounding grossed out.

"No, from Kat". "Dude what the fuck, that girl is crazy". "Kat isn't crazy, it's actually kind of-". Don't say it, I thought in my head. "Cute? Yeah bro that's not cute, that sounds like something a Chino girl would do. What is it with you and her anyway, you broke up like 4 months ago".

"We never dated so we didn't break up and her and I are just friends. If you don't believe her and I are just friends you should know that she has a boyfriend", I said. I said those words a whole lot now that people were starting to ask questions.

"And you're going to have a girlfriend so it's all good", Nash said confidently. "Yeah it's all good", I repeated.

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