Riverdale: What no one saw co...

By xiomara_xox

19.4K 363 24

Betty couldn't believe it! The loner boy from the south side of town just kissed her in a fit of passion and... More

Chapter One
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter Five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty- Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty -Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty

Chapter Nineteen

380 6 0
By xiomara_xox

After rapidly throwing together an ensemble of an outfit, a pink sweater and a pair of skinny jeans. She had spent less than five minutes in the shower her head running wild with theories. Pulling her hair into her signature tight pony tail, she texted Jughead telling him to meet her on her driveway as soon as possible. Grabbing her black bag and her phone, she headed straight out the front door, ignoring the fact she needed to grab some breakfast. Her stomach was pulled to far into knots for her to digest food any way.

Vacating through the front door, he was already awaiting her. A wide smile on his face, he probably assumed she wanted to talk about last night. And how it was amazing. He loved being close to her. She hated that she was about to possibly ruin the image he was creating of his clean, responsible, law abiding father.

"Hey there..." He walked towards her , meeting her half way. He wrapped his hand around hers on instinct, making Bettys heart skip what felt like ten beats.

"Hey ..." Her smile felt forced. He knew her like the back of his hand, he picked up on it automatically.

"What's wrong? Has something happened? With your parents?" His face was full of concern, Betty loved how much he cared about her, almost as much as she hates what she is about to do to him. She thought about keeping it to herself, but he deserves to know. He deserves to know the truth.

"No... not my parents.. but there is something you should know." She took a deep breath, he was staring intently at her. "This morning I had a look at the evidence and theories from the murder board my Dad stole from sheriff Keller. Most of it was what we already knew... That Jason was killed a week after we had thought , that the killer attended Riverdale High" She danced around the subject, stalling for what was about to come. "Then I found this.." She pulled out her phone , the bright screen displaying a image she had taken of the photo. She handed it to him, a wave of despair hitting her like a brick.

His face turned hard and stern quick.

"Is this what I think it is?" He asked his voice hoarse.

"Evidence that the serpents were involved in Jason's murder. Yes,"

He handed the phone back to her , not making eye contact. A million question ran through his mind . But he knew what the first thing he needed to do was...

"We need to speak to my Dad... he's the first person I want to talk about any of this."

" Of coarse, when do you want to go?" She asked softly, recognising that he was upset, in the strange way that Jughead displays his emotions.

" After school, I need time to let this sink in..." He said his head facing the ground.

"Okay... Hey," She said linking his left arm in her right and lifting his chin up. " Don't allow yourself to get worked up over this.. It proves nothing of your Dads involvement . Its going to be okay" She said . He had been there for her when she needed him the most, now it was time for her to return the favour.

"I guess.. thank you." He smiled, but it was a sad smile. Forcing Bettys heart to break in two. He squeezed her hand in response. Together , they walked to school arm in arm. They made casual conversation, not mentioning the elephant in the room.

They continued through the school day, falling into one another in intervals. They acted casual around Veronica and Archie , but even they could tell something was off. Jughead was not acting like his sarcastic, loud mouthed self, instead he sat quiet- observing.

The final school bell rang loud in Jugheads ears, his head rumbled , his thoughts displaced.

He had free period final lesson, so he was already waiting outside room twenty-three, Bettys Child development class. He was ready to cut deeper into his wound, he was ready to get this confrontation over with. He was ready to find out the truth.

He stood staring at the door, when Betty came out. Her eyes glistening , her face glowing. A small part of him turned giddy when she looked at him, if he wasn't so worried he would of been able to feel himself smile. She walked towards him, a sad smile on her face.

"Are you ready ?" She asked.

"As ready as I will ever be.."

The walk to F.P's trailer was in silence, yet not an uncomfortable one. Alike the morning, their arms were interlocked in a way to support and protect one another. Although, the paor were tense, they held a calm sense about them.

That was until they reached his Dads trailer. when Jughead lost his breath.

"We don't have to do this yet if your not ready.." Betty said. "Its not to late to turn back.."

"No , we have to do this... I have to do this." H squeezed her hand and muffled a smile.

With a sudden urge of strength, Jughead push open the door, stepping inside. His hand tight around hers to guide her in.

"Dad..." Jughead shouted.

"Hey there .. didn't expect to see you two here. "

Hi Mr Jones," Betty spoke shyly.

"Would you like something to eat or..."

"Actually we cant stay for long.. we need to ask you some questions. " Jughead asked looking at F.P but not in his eyes, it hurt too much.

"I was wondering how long it would take you to question me... well then, ask away I swear to tell the truth." He said placing his hand on his heart symbolically.

"How were the Serpents involved in what happened to Jason?" Jughead asked his face vexed. Betty stayed quiet not wanting to intrude.

"As far as I know the boy wanted money, so some of the guys arranged a drop of for him on his way out of town with you sister Betts" The mention of Polly forced her heart to fall into her stomach. " And then when he disappeared we figured he pawned the drugs and ran off with the money... but then-"

"-he turned up dead in Sweetwater river." Jughead finished.

"Yeah, but as I said , I wasn't involved in the arrangement or helping the kid so I don't know much. "

"I'm going to ask you point blank, did you have anything to do with Jason Blossoms murder?" Jughead asked, finally looking straight into his fathers eyes.

"No, I didn't. I don't mean to be rude but I was on my way out, I have a meeting with Fred Andrews that I cant miss." He said grabbing his black coat and walking towards the door.

"Of coarse Mr Jones , thank you for your time " Betty said , herself and Jughead following F.P out of the door.

" Please , call me F.P" He smiled before walking off to his truck and driving away.

Jughead hadn't spoke a word. She turned to him putting both her hands in his.

"Do you believe him?" She asked breaking the ice.

"I do..." Jughead confessed, his eyes looking at his shoes.

"Well then I do to , we will cross him out as a suspect." His heart warmed for her trust in him. He looked up and smiled. In that moment he was ready to tell her he loved her, just from that small act of kindness. But before he could, his emotions had over whelmed him . Forcing him to slowly lean in, forcing their lips to collide. And in that moment Betty felt fire works. Power between them. It felt like all her Christmas' at once. He rested his hand on her head and as they pulled away from the short but sweet kiss, he began to stroke her hair - looking into her eyes.

His eyes were rimmed with tears, but a sincere smile was spread across his face. It was time, he was ready..

"Betty, I lo-" He was interrupted by the two different phone chimes. They shared a confused look by the strange occurrence. Both pulled out their phones to reveal a text from the same number. It read:

"The edge of town, just inside the woods in the area below the Riverdale entrance board."

"What is this ?" Jughead asked, slightly pissed that some blocked number had interrupted what had taken him a week to build up courage to do . The sky had turned pink, verging on purple. It would be dark soon.

"There's only one way to find out..."

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