Soulmates Are Harder Than I T...

By BoredSoLetsWrite

104K 4.7K 11.9K

Sometimes the universe doesn't think things through well, sometimes decides to mess with someone's life and n... More

Chapter I: Parties Sure Suck
Chapter II: Bathroom is the safest place
Chapter III: What even are soulmates?
Chapter IV: He shouldn't be jealous
Chapter V: Double Date, Double Mess
Chapter VI: Everything Was Not Okay
Chapter VII: Crushing Is Awful
Chapter VIII: Lafayette is unhelpful
Chapter IX: The Ride To The Ball
Chapter X: The Ride Is Not Going Well
Chapter XI: Finally arrived in South Carolina
This Story Has A Trailer Now
Chapter XII: Getting Settled In An Unsettling Place
Chapter XIII: Bonding Through Suffering
Character Q&A ANSWERS
Chapter XIV: Downhill And Under The Table
Chapter XV: Sex and Busted
Chapter XVI: True Feelings Meant To Stay Hidden
Chapter XVIII: Going Back To New York
Chapter XIX: I'm Pretty Sure This Is Illegal
Chapter XX: Finally Reach Campus
Chapter XXI: Please Tell Him
Chapter XXII: Getting Intimate
Chapter XXIV: Post-Sex Awkardeness
Chapter XXV: I Won't Let You
Chapter XXVI: I Need To Fix This
Chapter XXVII: I'm Sorry
Chapter XXVIII: What I was trying to avoid.
Okay so about the ending...
Chapter XXIX: The Calm Before the Storm
Chapter XXX: Love Isn't Fair
Chapter XXX: Once Upon A Time (2)
Reactions To Angsty Ending
Hey. Long Time No See

Chapter XVII: Small Moments Of Peace

2.6K 137 276
By BoredSoLetsWrite

Short chapter full of fluff to make up for all the angst that's about to happen.

They entered John's bedroom, and he quickly walked over to the cabinet that held all the pajamas, and looked at Alex. "Wanna sleep with me today?" he said smiling brightly.

"Sure, why not?" said Alexander nodding quickly, looking around. John took out some pajamas and threw them over at Alexander.

"Get dressed, okay?" said John as he picked out his own and went over to the bathroom. He got rid of the suit, and looked at himself in the mirror, and smiled. Alexander wasn't completely his, but he felt something, and for John, that was enough to get him through the day. He got out the phone from the pocket in his suit and texted Eliza.

To: Eliza🔬
Eliza... I have something to tell you.

To: John🎧
Spit it out :3333

To: Eliza🔬
I may or may not have told Alex that I like him, but I didn't told him that were were also soulmates... so I kinda wanna cuddle with him 😅

To: John🎧
Honey, you do you
I've been investigating on this two soulmates thing and apparently it was pretty common like centuries years ago, but it just started dying down because population started growing and shizzz like that
Once the person with the soulmates makes a decision, the feelings for the other will disappear... unless it's polyamorous, in that case, it's all cute and romantic !!
That's why you should tell him, let him make the decision. You can't control that!
I'm giving you until the end of the semester, remember that. 🤗

To: Eliza🔬
I'm still cuddling with him >:3

To: John🎧
I'm in a My Little Pony marathon, so who's the real winner here 🌸☺️

John chuckled faintly and walked out dressed in his pajamas, finding Alex laying on his bed, lurking in his phone. "John, I was meaning to ask you, did you really cried when you were supposed to dissect the turtle?"

John chuckled and nodded. "Well, we had to kill it too. I was so sad I cried, because it was such a cute turtle, Eliza had to comfort me." John said as he got under the covers.

"Sounds interesting, I wish I was there, see the, apparently, cute turtles." Alexander said, scooting closer to John's body, his hands making their way over to John's hair, who was up in the ponytail, it was free, and very, very soft. He started massaging his scalp, earning a small purr and smile from John.

"Stop." he chuckled. "My hair is my weakness."

"Funny, your hair is my weakness too." said Alexander and leaned to kiss him.

"It's glad to be in bed and not about to fuck, because apparently that's all we did whenever we encountered ourselves to be alone. It was being in a motherfucking bed when it got too personal."

"Beds are comfortable, I will never understand ho people do it in closets or any small rooms of the college, it's just, unnaturally small." Alexander rolled his eyes and John chuckled.

"We're going back to campus tomorrow, yeah." said John after a few minutes of silence. He had his eyes closed, Alexander kept playing with his hair, it was heaven for him, and he was about to fall asleep.

"Correct, so you should go to sleep. Also we're taking another route so I'm hope traffic will be better." said Alexander. Not realizing that John was already asleep.

When he noticed, he smiled, and pecked John's lips for a brief second, and decided to sleep too.


Next morning, alarm started sounding at 8:00 am, Alexander secretly thanked God for making him remember, and not be late to be ready and go. He turned off the alarm and turned to the peaceful John, damn was he a heavy sleeper. He started shaking John's arm gently, waiting for him to wake up of anything.

John slowly started opening his eyes, making small, cute sounds of annoyance. "Stop waking me up, I just wanna sleep, it's Sunday. Have a little consideration, yeah?" he mumbled turning to the other side, Alexander couldn't help but smile at the little actions.

"Wake up, sleepy curls, we have to go to a fast food for breakfast and stuff, then take another 12 hour ride up to New York, and arrive on Campus, once there I have a lot of work to catch on–"

"If I stand up, will you shut up?" said John, still laying down. Alexander chuckled but nodded.

"Sure, I'll shut up, but you have to get ready and all that shit, I maybe be planning some stuff, heck, maybe we'd even get to stay at one of those small motels, I always wondered what they look like." John shrugged.

"Like an ugly discount of a hotel." said Alexander shrugging and laughed. "But the pay is cheap and the service of most motels are quite good and efficient, so I really have nothing to complain about.

John stood up, just nodding. He took some joggers, a shirt that was probably one of those things everyone thinks cringe-worthy, but he was too tired to even cringe, so he just threw it on.

Alexander also got dressed, and after they were totally ready, Alexander grabbed the suitcases, and walked out, going straight to their car, and from there to the nearest fast food to their house, Burger King. "Well, breakfast time!" said Alexander smiling.

"End my suffering!" groaned John.

"Stop being such a drama queen." said Alexander following his eyes.

It was going to be one hell of a ride back.

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