Through The Thorns~ The Guild...

By StefanieMorton

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Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Author's Note

Chapter Twelve

249 15 2
By StefanieMorton

Through the Thorns


The night tortures me with nightmares about my mother disappearing. My dreams aren't safe, so I barely slept. The piercing yellow eyes of an unknown wolf, the howls of its pack, and the fear I constantly felt in my dreams made even an hour's worth of sleep useless. I woke, from yet another nightmare, covered in sweat, and panting as if I had just ran a marathon. I dart my eyes around my room for the thousandth time, searching for those eyes. There is no one there, again. I lay back down to calm my racing heart. I glance at the alarm clock sitting on my night stand. It's only four fifteen in the morning. I still have at least two and a half hours before anyone expects me to be up.

I use the extra time I have to plan how to meet the wolves that have my family. I have no intention of leaving this secret meeting without them. The note had said to come alone, and to tell no one, but that wasn't going to happen. In order to pull this off, I would need help. I call Katrina, one of the two people I can trust. I know Miles will never let me put my life in danger this way, but Katrina is my best friend. I know she would help me, regardless of how suicidal it sounds. She agreed to pick me up at ten, and we will drive me to Union Hall.

When our plan is final, we hung up. I feel that powerful force again surge forward, and I somehow just know that this plan will work. 

It's just after six, I guess I could officially be awake now. I get off my bed, put my slippers on, and make my way downstairs. When my feet hit the bottom step, I smell coffee. Dad must be awake already. I walk into the kitchen, seeing Dad, standing at the kitchen sink. He's holding a coffee cup in his hands, staring out the window over the sink.

"Morning Dad," I say softly to him. I can't even begin to imagine how he is dealing with mom being gone. 

When I speak, Dad turns his head and sees me standing in the doorway. "Morning, Hope." He smiles at me. "How did you sleep?"

I shrug my shoulders, and began the process of making a cup of coffee. "I guess okay. Although I feel like I didn't sleep at all."

"I know the feeling," he says more to himself than to me. "Hope, I think we should talk."

I place my spoon in the sink, and look over at him. I never like to hear those words from someone. "Okay, what's up?" I ask as I sit at one of the kitchen bar stools.

My Dad takes the seat next to me. "Your mother, well, she- what I mean to say is," He stumbles on his words, unable to find the right ones.

I place my hand on his sitting on the counter top. "Dad, chill. Just say what you need to." I encourage as calmly as I cam. I have a feeling I won't like hearing whatever he has to say just about as much as he wants to say it.

He takes a deep breath, and grabs my hand, as if I was supporting him. He looks me in the eyes, and tells me a story. "When your mother and I were younger, she had an ex boyfriend. He was part of this gang, but your mother didn't know. Well, when we started dating, he came after her. I got her back, but only for a short while. On her birthday, we took a vacation, and the same people took her again. Only this time she was pregnant with you. We were lucky to get her back the second time. With the resources this gang is known to have, we were very lucky. Now, I'm telling you this, not to scare you, but to prepare you. I thought we were out of all of this years ago, but I guess I was wrong. The people who have her-"

"Wait," I interrupt him. "So this gang took mom sixteen years ago is back again?" I ask playing along. It does frighten me that at my age my own mother had been kidnapped, twice. But I know that this gang doesn't have her this time. Instead, this time, it's someone much worse, and could be extremely lethal.

My Dad nods his head. "I'm thinking so. I can't be sure though, but I just have a feeling they do."

I nod my head, letting him think I was accepting his theory. I know it's wrong, but in order to save my mother's and brother's lives, I have to play along.

"Now, Hope," dad continues, "Promise me you won't go off looking for her. Let the police handle this."

"I won't," I lie. In fact, "I was kinda wanting to go out with Katrina today for lunch. I just want to be out of the house while all the police are here and stuff."

"That's a good idea." My dad agrees. "You already gave your statement, and if they need anything else from you I can just text you."

"Thanks dad." I smile at him. I go to put my empty coffee cup in the sink, and when I turn around my heart stops. Standing in the doorway to the kitchen is Miles. My brain scrambles at the sight of him. Why is he here? I told him I would text him when I get up and around. I didn't expect him to be standing in my parent's kitchen at seven in the morning.

"Morning babe," Miles greets, smirking at me. I can only guess what my face looks like. My dad is in the room and he had just openly called me 'babe'. Has he lost his mind?

My dad stands up, walks over to me, and places his hand on my left shoulder. "Hope, chill. Just go kiss your boyfriend." He smirks at me, and then walks out of the kitchen, giving Miles a fist bump before leaving.

What the hell did I miss?

"You look adorable confused." Miles says as he walks over to me. The way his hips sway with each step makes my mouth water. His cotton shirt clings to his shoulders and chest. Miles wraps his arms around my shoulders and pulls me into his chest. He smells like fresh linen and woods. Slightly musky, but manly.

I wrap my arms around his waist, enjoying being close so him to him so early in the morning. I wasn't worried about him knowing my secret plans with Katrina. Just like he promised me, with time I've been able to control what he hears inside my head. Now, only what I want him to know gets through.

"Morning," I breath into his neck. "What the hell just happened with my dad and you?"

Miles chuckles, "Him and I have come to an understanding."

I pull away from him. "Explain, please."

"He's wiling to accept us being together." When I give him an even more confused look, he continues. "He wants me to be your home school teacher."

"And he knows we're a thing?" I clarify.

"Yeah, I came by last night and talked to him about us. It's fine Hope. Don't worry about this okay? I have it handled. You just focus on relaxing while we find your mother." Miles brings his hands up and cups my face. He tilts my head up to him, and places a soft kiss on my lips. It feels amazing kissing Miles with no threat of getting caught doing so. The worst that could happen is my Dad walking in, but Miles said he had that covered. 

"I'm going to lunch today with Katrina," I tell Miles after we part. "I don't want to be here with a house full of cops."

"Understandable," Miles replies leaning against the counter with his arms folded over his chest. "Want me to come with you?"

I made sure my heart rate stays normal. "Naw, I'll be fine. If I think I need help I'll call you or dad." I try to sound unworried, and wave off the whole thing, but inside I'm screaming for help. I didn't know if I would see Miles again. If anything goes wrong with mine and Katrina's plan, both of us could easily die. If it comes down to a fight, would my instinct to survive kick in? Would I be able to save Katrina?

I push all the thoughts away, not wanting to think about them, or possibly slip pass to Miles.

Miles continues to smile at me, "Sound fair. I don't want you to feel like just because I'm here now you have to change who you are, or your every day routine. But we will need to set up a time for actual school work."

"We can set something up when I get back, okay?" 

"Okay, go have fun." Miles swats me on the butt as I walk away from him. I blush, and quickly rush upstairs. I take a shower, and then pick out what I would wear. If I need to shift, I don't want it to be in any of my favorite clothes.

Settling on a plain black shirt and a pair of old blue jeans, I feel like I'm good to go. My hair falls straight at my shoulders. I don't want to dress up, I just don't have it in me this morning. So much was going through my head, but I have stay in control. I walk back down the steps, intending to say good bye to dad and Miles, but instead stop short to over hear the two talking.

"And you're sure she doesn't suspect anything?" My dad asks.

"I don't think so. She seemed just fine in the kitchen." Miles answers him. "I'll keep an eye on here while she's out. I won't let her out of my sight."

I was shocked. But thank God the powerful force kicks in. I can feel it, all over my body. Everything becomes clear, and I instantly know how to lose Miles. Without listening to another word, I back away from the entrance to the living room quietly. I turn around, and head back to my bedroom. Locking my bedroom door, I climb onto my bedroom window, and gracefully climb down the vines. 

I call Katrina once I'm out on the street a block over. "Change of plans, pick me up in our spot. I'll explain when you get here."

"Okay, I'm on my way." She hangs up, and I start jogging.

Our spot is a park halfway between her house and mine. I could make it there before here, and today I have the extra energy to do it easily. I'm not sure what the extra power is, but I know my wolf, and the powerful force, are in control of it. Together, they feed me the energy in perfect doses. It feels like an extra boost of just the right amount of adrenaline, constantly. I know it takes Katrina around ten minutes to get there, and  I male it to the park with five minutes to spare, impressed with myself. The best I could do before I made the transition was two minutes. 

Katrina pulls up, and I jump in  the passenger seat. "Miles and Dad are up to something." I tell her calmly. It sounds strange, talking so calmly, but assumed it was my wolf controlling my emotions. 

"What do you mean?" Katrina asks alarmed as she pulls the car back out onto the street.

"I overheard them talking before I climbed out my window. They-"

"Wait, why is Miles there? Is he insane? Your dad can't find out about you two." Katrina interrupts, glancing over at me.

"Oh, yeah. I forgot to tell you that part. Miles is staying with us until we find my mother, and apparently Daddy Dearest has given Miles and I his blessing. It's a crock of shit I think. They were talking about Miles keeping an eye on me while we go out today. That's why the change of plans. I can't have them following me. It's bad enough I've pulled you into this."

"Hey, you didn't pull me into anything. Your mom is like a mother to me, you know that." Katrina says sincerely. "She's the closes thing I have to a mother anyway. So, don't think you're forcing me to do this, because you're not. I want her back too."

"Thank you," I tell her honestly.

"Don't mention it." Katrina says shaking her head, focusing on the road.

We pull up outside Union Hall at 10:45. "Phase one," Katrina says trying to sound like a spy. It makes me chuckle, breaking the tension starting in my back.

"Remember, seven minutes." I remind my best friend before opening the door.

"I got it, see you then." She gives me a small smile, trying to hide her nervousness.

Katrina drives away, like planned. I'm not sure who would be out looking for me, or where they would be. I need for anyone looking to see my alone, and being dropped off. But it's just a distraction. I take a deep breath, and start climbing the front steps. I have no idea who I'm looking for in the sea of people. I'm scared out of my mind, but somehow my wolf and the force keep me from reacting to the emotion. I stand beside a candy vending machine, scanning the crowd for anyone who looks out of place, and my family. No one seems to be just standing around like I am. I scan the crowd again, and spot a guy in the back corner of the large room. 

He's standing there, just like I am. Through the crowd, I see the man take his white jacket off, and place it on a seat beside him. He leaves his hand on it, and looks directly at me. My wolf pushes forward, and I know this is who I'm looking for. I smash my wolf back, not wanting to cause a scene in front of so many innocent people. Miles has taught me a thing or two in self defense while shifted, but I still have trouble controlling it sometimes. 

The man continues to stare at me for a few more seconds, and then walks away slowly, leaving his jacket hanging over the back of the chair. I walk swiftly to the jacket, knowing there will be some type of instruction inside it. I lift the dirty white jacket, not wanting to touch it. It looks old, and ratty. I doubt it's been washed in years. I reach inside one of the outside pockets. Nothing. I try the other, and find a cell phone. I turn the screen on, and waiting for me is a phone number, ready to be called. I look around, trying to spot the man who had left it. I sigh in frustration. Why did they have to go through so many obstacles to talk to me? I'm right here dammit! I'm not hiding like them. I walk out of the congested room, and into one of the woman's restroom. I hit the send button, and place the phone to my ear. 

"Go outside," A deep male voice sounds after one ring. "There will be a black SUV waiting for you there." Then he hangs up.

I guess this was non-negotiable. I quickly text Katrina to follow a black SUV, instead of coming inside like we had planned, and delete the text in case they take my phone. I put the phone that the man left in the jacket in my pocket, and walk outside. My whole plan is now ruined, but I should have known better than to think it would be that easy to get my family back.

The back door to the black SUV opens before I even make it to the car. I slide inside and prepare myself for anything. There's a man driving, and the man I saw inside is in the passenger seat. In the back seat with me is a women. She's beautiful. Her blonde hair falls gracefully around her face, only reaching her chin. Her bright green eyes are kind, but guarded. "My name is Elizabeth, but you can call me Liz." She speaks with a southern accent, obviously she isn't from around here. "You must be Hope, one of the fated Guild Leaders."

I keep my face neutral. "I am. What do you want with me? Where's my mother and brothers?"

Elizabeth laughs quietly to herself. The car starts, and we pull away. I hope Katrina is able to follow us without being caught. 

"I don't want anything to do with you, or your family." She says, sounding bored.

"Then what am I doing here? Who does?" I'm so confused.

Elizabeth looks at me, feeling sorry for me. "I can't tell you. But your family is safe. No one has hurt them."

I glance into the front seat. The driver doesn't seem to be paying any attention to us, and White Jacket is talking on the phone quietly to someone. 

I start to get irritated with the women. "Why can't you tell me who has them?"

"Look," She says sounding just as impatient as I feel. "I've been given permission to drug you if you can't behave. Even your wolf, nor Esmerelda, will be able to fight the drug. So sit there and just wait. All your questions will be answered once we get there."

I have no clue where 'there' is, nor who this Esmerelda chick is. I sit back in my seat, annoyed. I want answers, but also need to know where we are going and being drugged wasn't going to help that. In case something does go wrong wherever we're going, I need to know how to get out. A sharp pain shoots into the side of my neck suddenly. I look over to the blonde women, and see a syringe in her long, perfectly manicured fingers. "Sleep tight, Hope." She says, faking sweetness. 

"You bitch!" I try screaming at her, but the drugs are already in effect. I feel fuzzy, and way to dizzy to comprehend what's going on, I fall into a black abyss.


I feel odd. One minute I'm sitting in Hope's parents' living room, and the next I'm on the floor, panting. My wolf trying to rip itself forward, but whatever is going on with me is stopping him. I have no idea what was going on. I just know Hope is in trouble. 

Mr. Steven's rushes over to, "Miles? Miles, you okay?" He asks with true concern in his voice.

Mr. Steven's touches my arm, and suddenly my wolf makes his way forward. I feel myself explode, and before I can blink, I'm standing on all fours.

Standing on top of Hope's father.

Thanks for reading!


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