Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Through the Thorns



For fifteen hundred and fifty years, I have lived inside the bodies of others. Watching them live out their lives, finding love, having children, but most only caring for themselves. It sickens me to my core to see how truly awful people are becoming. Over the many, many, years I have witnessed the suffering of countless people. There seems to be a constant need for war. Everyone wants what the other has, and will slaughter entire countries to get it.

My family of once powerful witches and warlocks, now have no powers at all. Throughout the years my ancestors have married people with no magic, causing our abilities to fizzle out. No longer can any of them practice magic. They have been hunted, and some put to death for their witchcraft. Once, I was in a body of a young girl, Kalli. We were chased, and eventually burned at the stake. When it came time for us to burn, I wanted our suffering to come quickly. We burned for five minutes before finally dying. When my long slumber came again, I welcomed it with open arms. That was the first and only time I was grateful for this cures I put us under.

Being a prisoner of someone's body, unable to speak for yourself, unable to move myself, unable to be really seen, is a level of hell I never knew existed. I had to remind myself every single second that we will succeed in restoring the balance. That this nightmare, is the price I must pay for being with Cauis. I look for him, and sometimes Septimus although those are very rare occasions, anytime my host starts scanning a room. I just wish there was a way to know if I looked at one of them. A sign. Anything.

But there is never anything.

I wake again, now to magnificent dresses and dances. I seem to be at some type of celebration. All around are noble men and woman laughing and dancing. People eat little sweets that are scattered around a large, long banquet table. Musicians play an upbeat melody from somewhere. The room is full of decorations, some hanging from the ceiling.

A loud, demanding thumping echoes through the room, gaining everyone's attention. Heads turn towards the sound, and wait eagerly. The murmurs that filled the room are now silent, the drunk men along the far wall quiet down.

"Her Royal Highness Princess Mary Tudor, Her Majesty Queen Catherine and His Majesty King Henry!" A man shouts from the corner of the room that my short host can not see through the crowd. The room suddenly erupts in applause, and a loud fanfare comes from the musicians. A set of double doors open, and in walks a tiny girl, who is carried into the banquet hall, by a strikingly tall man. He towers over everyone in the room, demanding their attention and respect. Beside him is a fair skinned woman wearing a beautiful red stitched dress. The trio walk deeper into the room, stopping and talking with people along the way.

I feel someone come up to my host, "What a little twat." A man with a deep voice says. He takes a deep drink from his cup. His cheeks are flaming red from how many drinks he has already had. "All this for a one year old. If I had the coin for such a party, I would not see it spent on a brat like her."

"Hold your tongue." My host hisses at him. "That is our future Queen. If the King hears even a whisper of your disrespect for his only legitimate daughter, he will see you drawn and quartered through the streets!"

Through The Thorns~ The Guild Leader Chronicles Book One (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now