Boss Lady

By madeingreece14

13.3K 451 117

This is an Outlaw Queen story. Robin works as a lawyer for "Miller's Books" but now his boss is dying and he... More

Coming Home
Show Me Some Respect
The Garage Incident
A Date At Gusteau's
Welcome To London
Come Back To Me
You Are Adorable
Come With Me pt.1
Come With Me pt.2
The Gloves Are Off


838 31 7
By madeingreece14

Regina and Robin returned from their travel. It was Monday -just after their travel. Regina blinked her eyes open. She woke up.

Look who's finally woken up..." Emma said as she saw her best friend -Regina- running down the stairs.

"Good morning!" Regina said with a wide smile. "How is the bride-to-be?" Regina's smile became more wide.

Emma's eyes fell on the ground. "I could be better..." she said with both of her eyes full of tears.

Regina approached her. She placed her hand onto Emma's upper arm. "Emma, what happened?" Regina asked with concern in her tone.

Emma sat down on the couch. "Today is the wedding rehearsal... just for the couple..." Emma started.

"Yeah... I know... what's the problem? Don't tell me that you have stress?!" Regina said.

"No! It's not that... Killian and me had a fight... it's stupid..." a sob escaped from her eye. "That was a stupid misunderstanding!" She said. "Killian said that he didn't want to come to the rehearsal today... and the wedding is on a week..."

"Go talk with him! You have to!" Regina said to her.

"Regina!? You don't listen to me! I said that I have a wedding rehearsal today..." Emma stood up right in front of Regina.

"I listen to you, darling! Listen to me! I go to work, pretending that I'm sick... then I take the say off and when you will be somewhere else with Killian, me and the gardener... what is his name? Oh, Jefferson! Yes, we will do the rehearsal..." Regina concluded.

"Regina, are you nuts? That's not gonna work!" Emma said not stop crying.

"Yeah, it does!" Regina smirked. "Go get dressed! Wear something sexy..." with those words, Emma giggled.

Regina ran upstairs. She opened her wardrobe. She wore a grey pantsuit and a white, buttoned shirt. She put on her black high heels. Then she applied her make up. Black mascara and dark red lipstick. She ran downstairs. "Emma! I'm leaving!" Regina shouted.

"Wish me luck!" Emma shouted back.

"Good luck!" Regina yelled as she was already walking out of her house.


"Mate! Welcome back!" John opened Robin's door of his office. He had a wide smile on his face.

Robin stood up, he hugged him. "How are you, Little John?" Robin said with this dimple, smile of his.

"I'm fine! I'm fine! Tell me... how was the trip? How was the boss?" John asked as he sat down opposite from Robin.

Robin sat back down on his chair. "At first, Regina was so mean with me and I didn't know why. Then she met Roland and I think that I'm falling so hard for her... John, she's amazing... you have no idea!" Robin said full of excitement.

"Yeah... I knew that you're in love with her. Now tell me more!" John said.

"I saw Marian and he made me so upset... but Roland came to sleep with me. Then he met Regina... and... and... even with Marian, Roland never felt so good." Robin smiled once again. But then this smile faded. "Marian didn't let me take Roland with me this week. She said that they'll come in a week. Her brother's getting married." Robin explained.

"Oh, I see..." John shook his head. "What about Regina? Where is she?" John asked.

"Whoah! Do you mean that she's not here?" Robin frowned.

"Yeah! Zelena was asking for her..." John said.

"Oh... ok! Thanks John! I'll call her..." Robin said. He took his phone into his hand.

Beep beep

"Robin?" Regina answered the call.

"Regina! Where are you?" Robin said with concern in his voice.

"I'm coming... I'll explain... please come to the parking in five..." Regina said.

"Wha-... Regina, is every thing alright?" Robin asked once again trying to understand.

"Robin! I said come to the parking in five! I need your help!" Regina said once more and then she hang up.

Robin stood up headed to his office's door. He walked out of it and then he stepped into the elevator. He pressed the parking button and when the doors opened, he get out. He waited there for Regina. He was so nervous because he didn't know what was happening.

Finally, Regina arrived. She parked her car and Robin approached it. He open the door. "Regina! Are you okay?" He asked her. He placed his hand under her chin forcing her facing him.

"Yeah! I'm fine! But... I need your help..." Regina said as she stepped out of her car grabbing her purse.

"What happened?" Robin asked.

"I'm getting married today and I have to pretend that I'm sick for taking my day-off today..." she said.

"What? You're getting married? With who?" Robin jumped and he stopped facing her.

Regina laughed realizing what she said. "With our gardener..." she said but she laughed louder than before as she saw his eyes being wider. "I'm kidding... stay calm... My best friend's getting married on the next Saturday. The wedding rehearsal is today and she had a fight with her fiancé... so I have to do the rehearsal..." she explained.

"And why with the gardener?" Robin asked. They stepped into the elevator.

"Because I can't be married with myself... well, I wish I could, but-" Regina started, but Robin stopped her.

"I can marry you." Robin said making her clear her throat.

"But... but... the rehearsal is in an hour... you have work! Mr. have work!" Regina said laying her back on the wall of the elevator.

Robin approached her. He placed his hand onto her hips, bringing her closer to him. Now they were inches apart. She smirked. "Stop calling me 'Mr. Locksley'... and the work can wait..." he placed his lips on the soft skin of her neck. He started placing open mouthed kisses all over her jaw line. "I..." kiss "have..." kiss "to..." kiss "marry..." kiss "my fiancé" last kiss. He lifted his head looking into her beautiful eyes.

"Oh..." Regina was breathing heavily. "Tell me more about her..." moan "you know... about your fiancé..." her head fell back giving him more access. Her hands travelled from his chest to his shoulders. She brought him closer.

He groaned. Kissing, biting and shucking harder and harder. "She is the most beautiful woman on the world..." he moved his hands to her ass squiring it lightly making her jump, with a little moan. "She's breath taking... I want her so badly... I want all of her..." he groaned once again.

"Ah..." Regina moaned. "She is sounded so lovely..." Regina giggled.

"Oh, she is..." Robin said between kisses.

Suddenly the doors opened and they pulled away. Regina fixed her hair and Robin cleared his throat. They stepped out of the elevator. They walked to Zelena's office. Regina knocked the door and then she stepped in.

"Regina! Where in hell have you been?" Zelena stood up and then she approached her baby sister.

"Ze... I..." fake cough "I feel sick... I want to throw up..." Regina said placing her hand to her stomach.

"You're lying! Regina, I know you... you're a terrible liar... I already told you!" Zelena smiled.

Regina's eyes widened. "Zelena... please let me go home... Emma needs me..." Regina pleaded.

"Why?" Zelena asked. Regina opened her mouth for starting explaing, but Zelena stopped her. "No, don't tell me... if you wanna go home... go! But tomorrow you'll have more work to do."

Regina ran to her sister and hugged her tightly. "Thanks, thanks, thanks! I'll take Robin with me..." Regina said without letting her sister answer because she was already out of her office.

Regina was running. She found Robin, so she took his hand into hers leading him into the elevator. As the doors closed. "What happened?" He asked her frowning.

Regina smiled. "We're getting married!" She shouted.

They started laughing. As the elevator stopped and its doors opened widely they stepped out. Then they drove to Regina's home. Regina opened the door and they stepped in. Regina turned to look at him. She noticed that he was wearing suit so he was fine. "Like what you see?" Robin smirked.

"You have no idea..." Regina bitted her under lip.

"I wanna bite that lip too..." Robin closed the gasp between them.

Regina placed her hand onto his chest. "That has to wait..." she leaned in so her mouths were inches apart. "After the wedding..." she placed a small kiss on the corner of his lips. "...honey..." she teased. Finally, she turned around and then she ran upstairs.

Knock knock

"Robin! Open the door for me, please!" Regina shouted from upstairs.

Robin headed to the door. He opened it. "Father! Nice to meet you!" Robin said as he saw the priest standing in front of him.

They made a friendly gesture. "Nice to meet you too, Mr. Jones!" The man said.

Jones? "Please come in..." Robin said leading the priest into the house.

"My wife -Reg... um... Emma- is coming..." Robin smiled to him.

Then they heard some steps from the stairs. They turned around watching Regina walking downstairs. She was wearing Emma's dress. It was tight and long. Her upper chest and her shoulders were uncovered. She had fixed her raven hair in a dark bun. Her red lipstick was matching perfectly with the iced White of the dress. She was walking down the stairs very slowly being careful not stepping on the dress. Robin couldn't take his eyes off of her. Regina lifted her gaze from the stairs looking at the priest. "Father!" Regina said. Her gaze fell into Robin's. She smirked watching his gaze running all over her body, capturing every single corner of her. Regina, finally, came to stand in front of them. She made a friendly gesture with the priest.

He smiled at her admiring her beauty. "You must be Emma!" The priest said.

Regina smiled. "Yes! I'm Emma..."

"Shall we begin?" The priest asked.

"We shall!"Regina said as Robin couldn't speak because of this gorgeous woman right next to him. Regina turned her glance looking at Robin. "Honey... are you okay?" She said as she placed her hand onto his upper arm.

"Um... yeah!" He cleared his throat. "Yes! I'm fine!" He said.

"Okay..." the priest started. "You'll stand here, right opposite from me and I'll stand here. So... your rings?" The priest asked.

"Um... yeah! Here they are!" Regina said opening a small, red, velvet box with Emma's and Killian's wedding rings.

"Okay! Let's do this very informally." The priest said.

So Robin and Regina took out their rings and put them on. Robin looked deep into Regina's eyes making her melt.

"Nice. So your vows?" The priest asked.

"Yeah... here!" Regina handed a little card at Robin.

"Mr., please start reading your vows... oh, at the wedding you have to know them by heart." The priest said.

Robin looked at the small piece of paper. He started reading. "I marry you, with that ring and I'll always be there taking care of you and loving you with my whole heart. I'll be always next to you, even if they'll be times that we'll have to be apart. You'll always be the reason to live. Because you're my day, my night, my light and my darkness." He concluded. His speech was so beautiful. Regina couldn't help but staring at him. Finally, tears started running down her cheeks. She was crying. Robin was so sensitive... and she had a lot in her mind those days. Her father's death and her boyfriend broke up with her. She didn't want a relationship yet, but this man in front of her had something different on him.

"What about you, Ms. Swan?" The priest snapped her out of her thoughts.

"Um..." she cleared her throat, but her tears couldn't stop running. "I agree..." she finally said.

"Would you like to repeat them for us, please?" The priest asked kindly.

"No..." she said with a broken voice as she was crying rivers. She turned around leaving both of the men behind her. She ran upstairs very quickly. She headed to her room, she opened the door and then she walked in, slamming the door behind her.

She fell on her bed, started crying more and more and more...


"What happened to her?" The priest asked as he was facing Robin.

"Um... Father...we have... I have to talk to you..." Robin said leading the priest to the couch. "Please, take a sit..." Robin said pointing the couch to the priest.

They sat down. "Is everything alright, son?" The priest asked very confused.

"No... and I'm so sorry for what we did. Today you had a wedding rehearsal with Mr. Jones and Ms. Swan. We're not these persons. I am Robin Locksley and that amazing woman who just ran upstairs is Regina Mills. This is her house and Ms. Swan works here. They are best friends and Regina wanted to help. So... here we are. I'm so sorry for that... we didn't mean to destroy the wedding or something..." Robin said as he looked down on the ground.

"Oh, son..." the priest stood up and Robin mirrored his moves. "I understand... and I respect your help... what about the others?" The priest asked with concern in his voice.

"They'll be fine. They had a fight just all the other couples. I'm sure that everything's gonna be fine." Robin said.

"Okay... um... I would like to talk with your amazing woman upstairs..." the priest said with a smile.

"She's not my amazing woman. We're not together..." Robin explained.

"But the way you look each other..." the priest smiled. "You know, son, I have seen hundreds of weddings before and I can understand when a wedding's gonna work and when not. If you two were getting married, I can assure you that you're wedding would going to work." The priest concluded without the smile leaving his face.

Robin just smiled.

The priest turned around headed to the stairs. He went upstairs, he knocked and open several doors before finding the one.

Knock knock

Regina jumped off because of that sudden sound. Then a voice sounded through the door.

"My child... can I come in?" The kind voice of the priest sounded.

"Of course..." Regina said with a broken voice.

He opened the door finding her sitting on the bed with her legs crossed and the whole dress was spread out on all over the bed. He approached her and then he sat on a chair next to the bed. "Are you alright?" The priest asked with concern.

"No... I'm not alright..." Regina whispered placing her head into her hands. Then, suddenly, she lifted her head again. "I'm so sorry, Father... we did something wrong... we're not-"

"Yeah, yeah I know..." the priest smiled to her, raising one of his hands wiping away some of her sobs. "Mr. Locksley explained." The priest said.

Regina shook her head and then she looked down. "Mr. Locksley... is he still here?" She asked.

"Yes, dear, he's downstairs. Do you love him?" The priest said.

"I... I don't know if what I feel is love, but I want him next to me all the time. I can't stop thinking about him... and I torture him saying that I don't want a relationship now, because I don't know if I can make him happy..." Regina confessed.

"I see..." the priest

"Yes... I don't know what to do..." Regina whispered and a sob escaped from the corner of her eye.

"Dear, the only thing I can see between you and him are deep, loving feelings. Don't let him go, because then you'll be miserable... Let him love you and let yourself love and be loved... you deserve this!" The priest concluded.

"Thank you so much..." Regina whispered once again.

The priest stood up and he placed a soft kiss on her forehead. Then, without saying anything, he left the room.

When he went downstairs, he found Robin. Robin jumped off of the couch. "Is she-"

The priest cut him. "She loves you. This is what you want to ask, isn't it?" The priest smiled to him.

Robin shook his head and then he smiled.

The priest approached him. "Don't go to her. Let her come to you when she's ready... you love her too. I can see it." The priest concluded with a wide smile.

"Thank you... thank you so much..." Robin whispered. Then he leased the priest to the door and waving 'goodbye' to him. Robin closed the door and then he sat on the couch.

He turned on the TV, finding a good movie to watch. He sat there the whole night; waiting for her, but she didn't come down. He was laying on the couch, when he, finally, fall asleep. Her image was all the night into his mind.


Regina was tossing and turning on her bed. She couldn't sleep. The only thing in her mind was him and his dimple smile, his dirty blonde hair and those amazing blue eyes.

She loved everything on him. Even that little beard of his.

The only thing I can see between you and him are deep, loving feelings. Those words couldn't leave her mind. What if she was loving him? She never felt love in a relationship of hers. It was going to be disastrous or something?

She didn't care... she couldn't be in a relationship right now. That would end her. All those losses were not the best qualification for a new start... not yet. She needed time... some time to move on and forget some things and persons who hurt her in the past.


Love was the answer.

But she was blind and she couldn't see it.


A/N: Hey guys! I just finished that chapter and I think that's quite different than the other ones. I hope you like it and I'd like to read your feedback for this chapter.

I'll be back with a brand new chapter, soon... until then... Mwah! 💋

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