Soulmates Are Harder Than I T...

By BoredSoLetsWrite

104K 4.7K 11.9K

Sometimes the universe doesn't think things through well, sometimes decides to mess with someone's life and n... More

Chapter I: Parties Sure Suck
Chapter II: Bathroom is the safest place
Chapter III: What even are soulmates?
Chapter IV: He shouldn't be jealous
Chapter V: Double Date, Double Mess
Chapter VI: Everything Was Not Okay
Chapter VII: Crushing Is Awful
Chapter VIII: Lafayette is unhelpful
Chapter IX: The Ride To The Ball
Chapter X: The Ride Is Not Going Well
Chapter XI: Finally arrived in South Carolina
This Story Has A Trailer Now
Chapter XII: Getting Settled In An Unsettling Place
Chapter XIII: Bonding Through Suffering
Chapter XIV: Downhill And Under The Table
Chapter XV: Sex and Busted
Chapter XVI: True Feelings Meant To Stay Hidden
Chapter XVII: Small Moments Of Peace
Chapter XVIII: Going Back To New York
Chapter XIX: I'm Pretty Sure This Is Illegal
Chapter XX: Finally Reach Campus
Chapter XXI: Please Tell Him
Chapter XXII: Getting Intimate
Chapter XXIV: Post-Sex Awkardeness
Chapter XXV: I Won't Let You
Chapter XXVI: I Need To Fix This
Chapter XXVII: I'm Sorry
Chapter XXVIII: What I was trying to avoid.
Okay so about the ending...
Chapter XXIX: The Calm Before the Storm
Chapter XXX: Love Isn't Fair
Chapter XXX: Once Upon A Time (2)
Reactions To Angsty Ending
Hey. Long Time No See

Character Q&A ANSWERS

2.5K 88 579
By BoredSoLetsWrite

* How are you so oblivious?
Q: I'm not oblivious! What are you talking about?

* Does Jumin Han is gay?
Q: I don't know, does jumin han is gay?

* Do you think you might me developing feelings for John even though Eliza is your soulmate? If so, how do you plan on handling it?
Q: Eliza is my soulmate, and I care for her very much. John is just my friend, but I also care for him. I don't know if I like him as much as I like Eliza. *shrugs* Eliza is my soulmate, not John.

* Do you like Eliza or John?
Q: Eliza is my soulmate!!

* How the heck did you not know John was gay?
Q: I thought he wasn't because I'm out date he didn't seemed to be interested in Lafayette so I just....... thought fate was being rude and giving him a dude ??

* You have two soulmates dear child. HOW HAVE YOU NOT FOUND THIS OUT YET
Q: ummm, Eliza is my soulmate, and my only soulmate that I know of... so I only have one.

* choose John
Q: But— But Eliza is my soulmate !!

* Would you break up with Eliza to be with John?
Q: I have my soulmate, and John has his soulmate, that's just how it is.

* If John and Eliza were in trouble and they were on the point of dying but you could only save one, who would you pick?
Q: I would probably sacrifice myself so the both of them could live but let's hope it never has to come to that, Kay? 😉

* Whose idea was to give John the turtle plush?
Q: Eliza told me John liked turtles and I umm I have e him one because,,,,, well he's my friend 😅

* What the heck he gotta doo to be with you?
Q: I'm sorry, who's he?

* Man up and confess your feelings m8,,, do you understand that John is ur soulmate too?? research.
Q: Ummm nope, Eliza is my only soulmate. YOU research 😎

* BOI! I am frustrated at John's "Father". Please, beat him in the face and punch the crap out of him for me. I'll be watching at the background at the ball! See you there!
Q: I gotchu !!!

* Looking at the situation, how do you emotionally feel about both Laurens and Eliza? Also try reaching out to John's dad and try helping him see what he's doing it's wrong and that he should just ACCEPT HIS BEAUTIFUL SON!!!, and also if you have the time, D E C K  HIM BRO 👏 👏 👏; and be wise with your decisions, two people's hearts are at stake here and you must consider both of the parties feelings.
Q: I feel a strong connection with Eliza, she is wonderful kind and honest, but I also feel one with John, and it's confusing. // I'll see what I can do about Henry Laurens but I hope there will be a lot of D E C K I N G going on. // Which hearts? Someone else likes me? I only knew of Eliza, and she's my soulmate, I'm true to her.

Q: Imma D E C K him apparently

* What are your opinions on butter?
Q: Good Shit Right There 💦💦💦


* what's the hardest part of not letting Alex know you're soulmates?
Q: That I'll never be with the one I'm supposed to be with

* what is your greatest fear..?
Q: The Kool-Aid man... he's just unnatural *shivers*

* How long do you think you'll be able to keep this up? Also, what's your favorite kind of turtle?
Q: As long as possible, and my fav is a soft-shelled turtle 🐢

* Scale of 1-10 how hard is it to keep the big secret?
Q: DUUUUUUUDE LIKE A BIG 100,000,000,000

* Here have a hug *opens arms*
Q: *hugs* thanks! Really needed it :3

* Do you believe Alex when he said he "had been thinking of you, not Eliza"?   aND ANOTHER THING   You said how Alex was pretending to be your soulmate, and you'd make the most out of it as if he knew he was, but, when he went in for a kiss in private, you declined. And, this isn't really a question, but tHAT MADE ME SO FRUSTRATED AHHHHHHH
Q: I believe Alexander is a horny man that would get turned on to dogs doing the do, smh. And I Didn't Want Kissing From His Dirty Lips At The Moment

* Are you going to be able to handle what's next?
Q: What's next? I'm confusion

* Do you think you'd be open for a polyamorous relationship with Alexander and Eliza, even though you're gay?
Q: If it were a polyamorous relationship I wouldn't mind dating Alex, but I wouldn't date Eliza. Wonderful girl but,,,, she's a girl.

* U is the hottest man
Q: U is the hottest person too

* What do you like most about Alex?
Q: The way he cares and is passionate about what he does and what he believes in.

* Why don't you just tell Alex that he's your soulmate????
Q: Because I don't want to ruin his life.

* Laurens, bro. Stay Strong. Even though it's tough, you have to tell Alexander. He deserves to know and quite frankly he obviously likes you back. And your dad can SUCK A DICK! You are the best BOI and I love you. I will be dancing at the ball in the background. I will be in a navy blue dress with long blonde hair and glasses. I'll see you there!
Q: I can't tell Alex, can't let it get out in the open. My dad can't suck a dick, too gay for him. ,, I LOVE U TOO BABE!! I'll make sure to look for you in the ball!

* you poor man, deep breaths. Your dad's a butt and I'm so sorry. Are you going to try and convince Eliza that polyamory is the way to go., or pretend it never happened?
Q: My dad's an Ass™ !! And if we could pretend it never happened, it would be mcgreat

* Baby! I'm so sorry for what has happened to you! Like your dad calling you names and stuff and now this soulmate thing! It must be hard! Listen. Whatever happens next, be prepared for it. And I'm sorry again for what has happened to you. Maybe watch a nice movie with some ice cream and your plushy turtle, maybe even some comfort food if you want. Also, I'm sending you a hug in a letter. Just open it and hug it whenever you feel sad, ok? I'll be with you every step of the way through this!
Q: *hugs you* See this human being? This human being is mine now. *hisses at everyone*

* ooh no baby what is you doin??
Q: McFucking my life with bad decisions and fear of kool-aid

* What's your favorite thing about Alex Owo
Q: The way he primps and preens and dresses like the pits of fashion 👌🏻😉💯😤💦🔥

* How gay is your gayness?? ;^)
Q: My Gay is Gay For My Gayness

* When are you telling Alex like????
Q: Most probably never but thanks for asking, honey 🌸


* How does it feel knowing Alex has another soulmate??
Q: It's quite shocking, to be honest!

* Will you accept my hug. *opens arms*
Q: of course I will accept your hug!! :3 *hugs you*

* Why is your emoji for Alex a palm tree...?
Q: Because he's from the Caribbean and the Caribbean has loads of palm trees >:3333

* Are you gonna let John have Alex?
Q: Well, I think– *mouth covered by author.

* ??? Have you ever heard of polyamory and would you be willing to let that go down with Alex and John.
Q: We'll see what both of them want but I really have no problem with sharing Alex.

* If you decide to keep Alex/or let him go, would you still be friends/or try to be friends, with John/both?
Q: If I could still be friends with them both no matter what happens, I'm happy enough :33333

* Let John have Alex
Q: 33333: the author is not letting me say spoilers !!

* how do you feel about Alex having 2 soulmates?, would you consider having a polyamorous relationship to be in the making or do you think there will be conflict amongst you three?
Q: I doubt there will be conflict, but looking at the situation... I'm not sure how it will end up.

* Will you let John have Alex?
Q: *shrugs* not truly sure what to do at this point, babe


* How do you think the relationship between Hamilton, Laurens, and Eliza will influence each other in school now that Eliza knows?
Q: I'm not quite sure, I don't know Eliza nor Alexander that well, but for the sake of John, I hope not too bad.

* What's going on with your love life ?
Q: It's going wonderful !! I have a feeling Hercules will ask me to marry me and I'm ,,, how you say ?? Ecstatic? Yeah! That's the word!

* Hug?

* what a cutie omg,,, pls tell me your plans on making Hercules wear a rainbow headband sometime
Q: He has one for every sexuality possible !! ✨🌼

* How did you feel pretending to be Laurens soulmate? Would you comfort him if things went totally downhill for him and didn't go as planned?
Q: John is like my little brother, I would do anything for him.

* Did you invent the frenchkiss?
Q: Of course I did, want me to show you? 😉 *gets smacked by Herc* Fine I won't 3:<

* Hey Laf, you're doing amazing sweetie, that's all
Q: And you're doing amazing too, chéri! Here, have a flower: 🌼!!

* How are you so sexy?
Q: It's in my genes, amour 😉

* Why is your hair so fluffy?????
Q: The correct care and treatment makes my hair go from floof to FLOOF™


Q: I'll give you BEAR HUG !!! 🤗🌸

* Would you consider making yourself a rainbow headband? just a thought.
Q: I have a headband of every sexuality but I'm bi so I don't wear it. I do have it tho!

* Do you yell your name everywhere you go?
Q: People Often scream it for me!! ,,,,,,,, that sounded sexual, dammit

* Thoughts on Laf playing Laurens's soulmate.
Q: John is my lil bro, if he asked me I would also pretend to be his soulmate. And I trust Lafayette ^•^

* Would you pretend to be Laurens's soulmate if you had to?
Q: Of course !!

* How do you feel about Laf pretending to be John's soulmate??? Does it make you jealous at all?
Q: of course not!! I trust them both and I know they don't have feelings for each other.

Henry Laurens:

* Why you such a dick
Q: I'm just clear to the facts.

* Why are you such an A S S hole ??
Q: I'm not an asshole, it's not my fault our world is plagued with homosexuality

* FUCK OFF. Please and thank you.
Q: I don't appreciate your comment.

* you think you need to calm down??? Suck a dick or two???
Q: My actions are completely understandable and correct.

Q: I'm trying to FIX my son!! 

* Why are you such a cunt lmao
Q: I'm being as reasonable as possible. I love my son, but he needs to learn.

* Could you please go fuck yourself?
Q: Not likely.

* Why you such a butt?
Q: I just see the truth and the wrongdoings of my son.

* What I would like to know is why you're so rude to your SON??? News Flash - It's no longer the 1800s. Grow up and learn to accept that your son's gay. And if you can't even bring yourself to give John a little respect, at least keep your opinions quiet.
Q: It's no longer the 1800s, but I need to teach my son that that kind of behavior is still very much WRONG and UNNATURAL

* why are you a meAnI pants!!!
Q: I'm doing what's correct! I'm not mean!

Q: I'm 50 years old, I'm not dying anytime soon.

* Why are you a dick // Also when will you finally die just asking
Q: I'm rational, and I'll die if possible in many years to come. I'm healthy.

Q: Such language

* Why are you such a horrible person lol
Q: I'm the one that can see the wrongdoings of my son, I'm only trying to fix it

* am I allowed to kill him?
Me: sadly no...

* Why do you exist you hoe. Why do you not accept Johnny boi?
Q: I love my son, but he's homosexual, and it's wrong!!

Q: I won't accept his mistakes !!

* Will you ever actually consider John's feelings and try to understand him and try to accept him? Change is inevitable, my friend, at some point you'll realize you're making a mistake by not being involved in your son's life the way you're supposed to be; like a REAL father, a REAL DAD would accept their child for who they are.
Q: I love my son, I really do; but it's still no excuse to his actions, which are completely wrong. I'm trying to help him but he's making it too hard.

* Do you like Bo Burnham? Because there's this song I thing you should listen to it's called EAT A DICK
Q: I won't eat a dick, that's homosexual behavior.

* Why are you such a dick?
Q: I'm rational

* How are you such a dick when you don't even have one? aLSO B I T C H TREAT YOUR SON RIGHT
Q: I treat him this way so he can learn

* Can I hit you please, just leave the door is like right over there <<< NOW LEAVE BITCH
Q: You should respect your elders

* Why do you think being LGBTQ+ is wrong?
Q: The world shouldn't change to these modern and incorrect views, it is incorrect and it is sin. I don't support sin.

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