he promised || mileven

Av barbs_eggos

44.1K 1.1K 1.8K

mike and eleven, eleven and mike. the thing about life is that it can change in a matter of seconds. sadly, t... Mer

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2.7K 83 66
Av barbs_eggos

papa led mike into this huge building. it had "hawkins" and then more words written on the outside, but mike couldn't see because it seemed as if papa was in a huge rush to get him into the building.

"is this what our house looks like, uh, pawpaw?" mike asked once they were in the building. he was immediately confused about all of the people in white jackets running around frantically.

papa sighed. "yes, mike. now, let's go." papa pulled on mike's arm, making him walk faster.

a woman scientist ran up to papa. "dr brenner, did you get the girl?" she asked.

papa stopped walking. "not yet." he looked down at mike. "but he'll help."

mike raised an eyebrow. "what?"

"how will this little boy get her?" she placed her hands on her hips.

"trust me." papa said.

"do i have a sister or something?" mike asked.

"what? dr brenner, what is he talking about?" the lady looked extremely confused, and somewhat a bit scared.

papa rolled his eyes."mike, shut the hell up for a second."

mike frowned, but didn't speak.

papa waited a couple of seconds before carrying on. "we'll talk about this later, alright? just - just give me 10 minutes." he grabbed mike's arm again and walked down the hallway, leaving the confused woman standing there alone.

"what the hell was that all about?" mike asked.

"you... you talk way too much...." papa sounded frustrated.

mike stopped walking, and pulled back on his arm. papa let go, but immediately turned around to see what he was doing.

"where are we?" mike asked furiously.

"home." papa said.

"this isn't what a house looks like. where are we?"

papa sighed and rubbed his eyebrow. "in a place, okay? you won't get hurt if she comes."

"who's she?" mike took a step backwards.

"my daughter, eleven." he smiled remembering her amazing powers.

mike remembered the little girl with the shaved head and glistening brown eyes. "am i really your son?" he asked.

papa laughed. "did you only just ask yourself that? i thought you were smarter. of course i'm not your real father. you're just the bait."

"no... i-i promised i would keep eleven safe.... i promised..." mike took another small step backwards.

"not all promises are meant to be kept." papa frowned.

mike paused for a second before running the other direction away from papa.
he ran all the way down the white hallway, followed by papa close behind him. mike tried to run to the people in white jackets and get help.

"HELP ME! THIS GUY KIDNAPPED ME!" he screamed as he ran down the hall.

"STOP HIM." papa yelled after him.

a huge flock of scientists tried to block mike's path, but him being small, he squeezed in between them.

"PLEASE! HELP!" mike cried. he didn't even know where he was running - he just had to get away from this scary old guy. his heart was practically pounding out of his stomach.

even more scientists appeared in front of mike, making him stop running for a split second.

then, between 2 scientist heads, he saw it.

the exit.

he tried to dive through the huge number of people blocking his way, but they all grabbed his arms and held him from running.

"NO! PLEASE!" mike shouted.

papa was clearly out of breath from running, but he caught up after a couple of seconds. "thank you," he said to all of the scientists who were holding mike's arms.

"LET ME GO, YOU BASTARDS." mike yelled, but the people in the white jackets still held on firmly to his arms, even as he kicked his legs and tried to break free. you would think these guys were bodyguards, not scientists.

"mike." papa bended down and looked at him. "why would you try to run away?"

mike didn't say anything. he just looked up and glared at papa.

"cuff him and follow me, gentlemen." papa said as he turned around.

cuff him?

some scientists took out some weird junkie handcuffs and cuffed mike's hands behind his back, just like as if he was in prison.

they had to forcefully move mike to follow papa, who was walking pretty quickly.

"let me go. please." mike pleaded to the scientists.

"is he number 012, brenner?" one of the scientists asked.

"what? no. don't be foolish." papa replied in a disgusted tone that slightly annoyed mike.

they continued to walk down the white hallway until they were at this big steel door with a small window. the scientists uncuffed mike, and mike immediately tried to shove his way through all of the scientists, but they grabbed him and held him still.
papa unlocked it and the scientists pushed mike into the room, locking the door with mike in the room.

"LET ME OUT!" mike banged on the door. his voice was barely heard by anyone outside.

papa just gave him a disgusting smile and walked away, followed by all of the scientists.

"HEY! WHERE ARE YOU GOING? DON'T LEAVE ME IN HERE." mike yelled. no one heard him.

mike slid onto the ground and pressed his back against the steel door. the room had nothing in it except for a sink and toilet, covered in rust.

mike was furious. not at papa, not at his family, but at himself.

if he didn't follow papa he wouldn't be here.

if he didn't lose his memory, he wouldn't be here.

he started to sob silently to himself. he promised he would never leave eleven, and now look. he's locked in this room by this crazy old guy who wants eleven.

he felt cold, except this type of cold could only be warmed by eleven, and she wasn't here. he didn't know if he would ever see her again, and that's what made matters worse.

i love mike. thanks for 100 read aha <3

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