Granted Wish

By weirdself

564K 22.5K 4.8K

After a fatal phone call from his doctor, Skylar has to make the right decision. But what is the right way to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Special! Nathan's POV
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Special *Nathan's POV*
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
*Special* Nathans POV
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54

Chapter 44

9.4K 343 58
By weirdself

Hearing the engine work underneath me is actually quite odd, since I'm used to only feeling some slight vibration. The tall and massive truck slowly creeps over through streets and towards our neighborhood which is located a bit outside of town. I look down at our hands, fingers locked and resting on his lap, we've never held hands while driving before but it's actually really soothing. Nathan turns his head to smile at me, his hair falling into his forehead in a messy way.

"Are you okay?", he asks, his thumb continuing it's circular motion on the back of my hand.

"Yeah, of course. How couldn't I be?", this time I chuckle, cringing at the croakiness of my voice. Gosh, this is so weird! But as we get closer to home, I'm starting to get a tiny bit anxious, not only because of the people waiting there but also their reaction to what my mom kindly dropped yesterday before Claire managed to shoo her out of the room. I don't want them to come ask questions, it was hard enough to talk to my therapist about it.

The truck rolls onto Nathan's driveway, coming to a halt next to the silver car already parked there. He shuts the engine of, pulling the keys out of the ignition but instead of getting out, he glances at me.

"Mind if we go say hey to my mom real quick? She's dying to see how you're doing.", he laughs quietly, sending shivers down my spine and a wide grin onto my lips. His laughter is quite cute, even if it's softer than his normal one.

"Sure, I'd love to hear her voice.", reluctantly letting go of his warm hand, we both unbuckle and get out of the car and into the pressing heat. Nathan grabs his bag, shouldering it and leading the way to the front door but before he had the chance to take out his keys and unlock it, it was already opened by a widely smiling woman.

"Skylar! How are you feeling? How did the surgery go?", her voice is calm maybe a bit loud and high but not uncomfortable.

"Hey. I'm good. Everything went well.", I return her smile, shifting my weight from foot to foot, it's so odd to hear, I still can't wrap my brain around the fact that I'm able to do so again.

"That's fantastic! I'm so happy for you!", without a warning, she pulls me into a gentle hug, rubbing over my back in small circles.

"Then I won't be holding you up any longer, I'm guessing your family is already waiting for you.", she holds both of my shoulders even after having broken the embrace.

"Sky, I want to go change real quick but you can head over if you want to.", my boyfriend suggests, tugging at his plain gray tshirt.

"No, I'll come with you.", I nod at my own statement, following him up the stairs and to his room where I let myself flop onto his mattress. I watch him closely as he opens his closet and pulls the shirt over his head with his back turned towards me. I've always been quite mesmerized by his strong and muscular back, every twist or slight movement clearly visible underneath his skin, intriguing me to trace over every single muscle and feel how it'll react.

He turns around catching me in mid-stare and causing me to blush madly and quickly lowering my gaze to the blanket beneath me. Out of the corner of my eye I can see him stalk over to me with a diabolical smirk as he lowers himself onto the mattress as well and pushing me onto my back and straddling my lap. The bruise seems less... colorful and also not as swollen as it did a few days ago.

"Do you think we have a few minutes?", he asks after lifting my chin to meet his bewildering green eyes.

"Uhm... I mean, why not... right?", I ask, unsure of it myself.

"Right.", he whispers next to my ear, carefully nibbling on it's lobe and causing me to jerk away from him for a split second. Wrapping my arms around his broad frame, I let the tips of my fingers slide over his back, making sure to get every nook and cranny like his shoulder blades, his spine and the small bumps of flexed muscles.

He's actually really sensitive, every once in a while I could hear faint pants escaping his mouth which is working itself along my neck and collarbones, only wanting to make me hear more of him. I run my hands down to where his pants start, hooking both of my index fingers into them and pulling his lower body closer to mine. His lips finally make their way to mine, sealing them together like that's what they're truly made for.

Trying to get better access, I lift and bend my right leg in an attempt to scoot up higher but forgetting Nathans lowered body above me and accidentally rubbing my knee right against his private part. He breaks the kiss abruptly, moaning in a way lower tone than his normal speaking voice. My eyes widen and I stare up at him with shock, I never imagined him to... sound like this. Carefully, I try to lower my leg again, noticing how his hips jerk slightly as the reverse friction tickles another moan from him, this time he put his head back slightly.

"If I get excited you'll have to take responsibility.", he whispers, gaze trained onto me in an almost dangerous way.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!", I try to defend myself and also trying to remain as still as possible.

"You can be glad that your family is waiting for you .", he swiftly gets off of me, winking one last time before heading back to his closet to pull a random shirt over his head and turn to face me again.

"Holy shit, Skylar! Your face is really red.", he laughs, taking my hand in his and pulling me to my feet and into his arms.

"Everything's fine, you didn't do anything wrong.", he brushes a hand through my hair, chuckling a bit at my deeply embarrassed self. It's not the fact that I accidentally did this what gets to me, it's the thought of wanting to hear more of him which got me all... weird.

"Yeah, I'm sorry.", I mumble into his chest, taking one last breath of his familiar scent, now mixed with the one of freshly washed laundry.

"Don't apologize, love, you didn't kill me, did you?", he squeezes me closer to his warm body and I nod.

"Now, let's go to your place.", Nathan kisses the tip of my nose, smiling widely after releasing me. I nod again, not daring to actually voice something. And even as we make our way over to my house, I still can't get the sound of Nathans moan out of my head. Is that weird? Probably!

I ring the doorbell, waiting for someone to open it. Honestly, I have almost forgotten how it sounded but it's this soft, not too loud or explosive, bell which does seem kinda digital. Well, at least it doesn't scare you if you have spontaneous visitors or something.

I can hear faint footsteps heading towards us at quite an intense speed and sure enough the door gets violently torn open, revealing a hyper blonde girl in a light gray flowy dress.

"Sky!", Claire almost screeches, close to giving me another headache. She jumps up and against me, wrapping both her legs and arms around my body to steady herself. Surprised by the sudden impact, I tumble backwards, thankful for the protective hand guiding me back forward.

"Claire, no offense but you're really heavy for someone who has been laying in a hospital bed for the past four days.", I press out, slowly lowering her on the ground again.

"Yeah sorry, I'm just so excited and happy, like, how is it being able to hear again after so many years? And how are you feeling? Do the scars hurt?", she leans up and in to examine the white plasters behind my ears, not touching them though.

"I'm fine and no, right now they don't hurt but I took a few painkillers for a headache I had earlier. And gosh yeah, it's so weird to actually hear everything that's going on around you, it's insane. I mean, I don't have to stare at peoples lips anymore, hoping that they'll talk at a pace in which I can still manage to read them.", I sigh, taking Nathans hand in mine again.

"I bet! Ah, I'm just so glad and happy and thankful and everything actually. But I bet the best thing about this is finally hearing your boyfriend moan isn't it?  He probably sounds really good with the right movements.", she smirks, not only at me this time. Nathan simply chuckles while I feel more than caught by her statement.

"Oh, he loves it.", he lets go of my hand in order for him to slip his arm around me and placing it on my hip instead, nudging me closer to him.

"Nathan!", I almost hiss, slightly panicking on the inside, I never wanted Claire to actually find out about the things we do in private, she's way too nosy anyway.

"We're just playing with you, hot stuff.", she pinches the bridge of my nose, which she hasn't done in literally forever. Nathan presses his lips against my temple and I can't help but smile, accepting his silent apology.

"Anyway, let's head inside, people are already waiting for you.", she grins, taking my hand in hers and pulling me along with her. This reminds me so much of the old days, when it was just the two of us. Nathan follows close behind as we all enter the kitchen slash dinning room. My jaw almost drops at the amount of people just casually sitting or standing all over the place with snacks and drinks scattered across the big table. There's a banner pinned from the corner of the room to the small chandelier which read "Welcome home" in bright bold, rainbow colored letters.

All eyes fly over to me, making my heart accelerate a bit, although I know all of them, I'm still kinda anxious about being around them.

"Skylar, I'm so glad you're back home! How are you, love?", my mom is the first one to come wrap her arms around me, placing dozens of kisses on my forehead. Embarrassing much!

"I'm fine and very glad to be home!", her voice is so warm and, who would have thought, motherly. It's soothing to hear it again.

I'm not even going to describe in detail how many people hugged me, so I'm just gonna list their names instead, I mean, they all basically said the same thing. My parents and Alex (obviously), Anna and Timmy, Mika, Leslie, my Grandmother, Sienna (oh so help me) and to my surprise even Junia and Aurora.

So many hugs, it was almost terrible but I got to hold Nathan's hand in between each one, so that was good.


I hope you guys still like me.... I mean, I really am sorry for the long ass wait! And I actually have no valid excuse for why I didn't update, I just never felt like writing.

Anyway, I hope you like the chapter either way, and do check out my new book Sonder, it's my new child and I love it very much. I even printed the name on a cap lol! Devoted !

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