💔Easliy Broken💔

Par FB5430

182K 908 2.6K

After all the hate and mistreat at Ronnie Anne's Party, The family mistreat him at The Loud House Disrespectf... Plus

The Embarrassment
New Friends
Lost n' Lonely
The Hard Cry
Love Hurts
Change from a Bleeding Heart
Opening My Eyes
Starting Over Again
We're Home
The Party
A Happy Ending
Author's Note: What's happening now? 5 years Later/Easily Broken 2💔/ And More
Artist Note: Idea Comfirmed/New Poster

Life of a Broken Heart

24.8K 121 395
Par FB5430

(It was the Next Morning)

(Charles woke Lincoln up for school) Lincoln: Morning, Charles.

Charles: Woof! Woof

Lincoln: What time is it?

(Lincoln check on his watch to see the time)

Lincoln: (Shocked) Oh my gosh, it's 8:30! I'm Late!!

(Lincoln got off the bed and hurried up for school. He quickly changed his clothes for school,He quickly brushed He quickly ate breakfast, and cleaned his bed. Until when he came downstairs, The whole family was glaring at him)

Rita:(mad) What took you so long?
You were gonna to make us late.

Lincoln: Well, I've overslept after we had a fi-

LynnSr.: (angry) No excuses, Son! You're in so much trouble! Now look what you got your sisters into. Wasting everyone's time.

Lincoln: What did I-

Rita: Conversation's off! Let's move kids!

(Lincoln walk to the car angrily)

(Lynn Sr. drove them all to school)

(Then when Lincoln came in the class room school every began to laugh in silent abit. Even Chandler)

Chandler:(mean)(chuckles) (whisper) Oh look it's Lover Boy! (Laughs with a classmate)

Agnes: Morning, Lincoln. Why were you late?

Lincoln:(average) You see Ms. Johnson, I've overslept.

Anges: Right. Well, come take a seat.

(As Lincoln walks to his desk some of the class quietly laugh at him again. Meanwhile, Chandler threw a paper ball at him. He grabbed the ball and opened it. It was a drawing of him and Ronnie Anne kissing. He blushes real hard as he starts get more annoyed from all of those in the classroom minus Ronnie Anne and Clyde that are still making fun of him after what took place during that night. Ms. Johnson then asks in concern)

Anges:(concern) Everything okay, Lincoln?

Lincoln:(annoyed) No. No it's-

(Chandler threatens Lincoln by glaring at him and punches his own hand which tell that it he'd told the teacher about the note he just gave him, he would be him up outside of class. So with so much distress, and also horror, he decided to give up and keep the note to himself)

Lincoln:(horrified) Y'know what Ms. Johnson, I think I'm fine.

(Ms. Johnson looks at the poor boy in concern. She knows that something's not adding up from the pain and frustration in face. She was confused she asked him one last time)

Anges:(confused) You sure?

Lincoln:(annoyed) Yes, Ma'am. I-Im sure

Agnes: Okay then.......Alright, class. Today is the last day of school. Who's got any plans for the summer? Anyone want to explain?

(Penelope raised her hand)

Agnes: Yes, Penelope?

Penelope: My family and I might go on Picnic.

Agnes: That sounds Intresesting Penelope. Who's next.

(Liam raised his hand)

Agnes: Liam.

Liam: This summer, I'm going to
Dairyland. (No this is not a joke; if you haven't heard of this place, watch the show again or look it up)

Agnes: That's sounds fun. Anyone else?

(Later then everyone told their teacher about their plans for summer vacation. Until their last person once again was Lincoln)

Agnes: And for last for not least. Lincoln.

(Lincoln became shy but he don't know what to say until he got and idea)

Lincoln: I was going on a trip later on. Maybe Clyde, Ronnie Anne can go too.
Somewhere around the world.

Anges: That's awesome, Lincoln. We're would you be going?

Lincoln: Well I always thought if we go somewhere fun like Paris, or Tokyo. I don't know.

Cristina: Well, I hope you have a fun vacation dumb prince.

(All the kids in the class room except for Clyde and Ronnie Anne was laughing. Clyde and Ronnie Anne was looking at each other in disbelief shaking their heads)

Papa Wheelie: Guys let's try to stop laughing at him.

Lincoln: Thanks, Papa Wheelie.

Papa Wheelie:(amazed) head to the gym and dodge him around!

(The kids laugh and then Lincoln get a little upset)

Agnes:(mad) Class that is enough!!
Do you guys want me to put Principal Huggins on the phone?

Kids except for (Ronnie Anne and Clyde): No!

Agnes: Then stop laughing at him. Here we are on the last day of school and your disrespecting another student. All of you except for Clyde and Ronnie Anne needs to apologize to him.

(The kids look at him so mean)

Classmates:(innocent smile) Sorry, Lincoln

Agnes: Class Dismissed!

(All the kids left except Lincoln who was apologized by the teacher)

Agnes: Lincoln, I'm sorry for all your classmates making fun of y-

(Ms. Johnson was Interrupted by Lincoln)

Lincoln:(poor) It's ok, Ms. Johnson. This was just a misunderstanding.
Thanks for sticking up to me.

Agnes: You know how I feel when I don't like to see my classmates bullied.
You sure you'll be ok?

Lincoln: Yeah I'll be fine.

(Lincoln takes a few steps before Ms. Johnson stood him real quick)

Agnes: Lincoln?

(Lincoln turns around as he got some attention from his teacher. She kneeled down to his level)

Agnes:(concerns) Y'know you can tell me anything right?

Lincoln:(distress) I know........ (smiles) But thanks, anyways. And Ms?

Agnes: Mh-hmm?

Lincoln:(smiles) Thanks for stooding up for me. (hugs ms. Johnson)

Agnes:(smiles) Of course. I just hate seeing my students mistreated.

(Lincoln waves goodbye as he turns around and left the class room in a sigh as his face changed back into a frown. He wondered what made his teacher do concerned)

Lincoln:(in his thoughts) That's weird. I was expecting her to be against me or something. (makes a deadpan face)
If I'm not surprised, maybe she saw the video? I wonder how many people saw it and where it went directed to?

(It cuts off to the gym and everyone was playing dodgeball)

Clyde: Wow, Lincoln. Maybe this morning must of been a bad start for you.

Ronnie Anne: Yeah, It's only the last day of school and their should be no reason to be laughing at someone.

Lincoln: Tell me about it, Guys. The day just started. And I'm already gonna believe that this is gonna be the worst day that can ever happen in my entire L-

(Lincoln was Interrupted when somebody hit him hard with the dodgeball)

(It was Chandler who eventually threw the ball hard at him then when he got up he saw him and became shock)

Chandler:(mean) Wow! Look at that dumb love bird! This dude is nothing but a Phony! Kiss the apple of your eye for me will you? Mwah!!!

(Once again, All of the Kids except for Clyde and Ronnie Anne laughed at him)

Chandler:(mean) Such a Loser! (chuckles)

(Lincoln starts to become mad but the kids kept throwing dodge balls at him until he became dizzy)

A Few hours Later...

(Soon, lunch started and Lincoln, Clyde, and Ronnie Anne were eating at lunch the table together with their until suddenly the younger sisters came along and they made fun of him)

Lincoln: I'm sure everything will be ok.

Clyde:(scoffs) How can you be sure? Everyone keeps laughing at you, Chandler threw a note at your face, Everyone threw dodgeballs at you, how can you be sure?

Lincoln:(upset) Look I'm just trying to make it out of this and then I don't have to deal with this anymore. All I have to do is be strong, ignore them, control my emotions and everything will be good.

Ronnie Anne: Y'know you can't just act like your problems will go away all of a sudden. Y'know if you're upset, we're here for you.

Lincoln:(annoyed)(sighs) We're half through the day and people are making it feel like yesterday all over again. (roll eyes)

Clyde: I think the video is what made a lot of people on the side of your sisters more than how disgusted we already are on people putting your face out in front a lot of people.

Ronnie Anne: That was brutal.

Lincoln:(scoffs) (upset) So much breaking her own rule. Great! Now the whole school sees me as a dunce?

(The three notices the younger sisters walking near their table)

Clyde and Ronnie Anne:(annoyed)
And here we go again.

Lola:(bratty) Hey, Lincoln. What you got? Tuna sandwich?

Lincoln:(annoyed). What do you guys want?

Lucy:(obnoxious) Well after what about that funny joke Luan said, you wouldn't mind I do..... this!?

(Lucy took out her hand and slapped down the sandwich. Then, it fell on the floor. Everyone gasped and Lana starts treating him like a dog)

Lana:(bitter) Oh, what's wrong little doggy. You must be hungry. Oh, you poor nasty little thing, dropped your sandwich. Cmom boy. Get your sandwhich boy. Go. Go get it!

(All the kids laughs at him again. But, when Lincoln while Lincoln went to the floor getting his sandwhich, Lola went to his backpack and found something a little secret)

Lola: Oh, what's this? A Diary.

Lincoln:(upset) Give that to me!

Lola: Dear Diary, This evening was awesome. My best friend (secret crush) and I had the best day ever. We head to the arcade for lunch we had pizza. We even drank milkshakes together. That's how happy I thought about how Ronnie Anne will always be my side. Sometimes When I look at her she was angel. She was like a sister to me. My life at school has been a complete success.

(Everyone except for Ronnie and Clyde laughed once again)

Lisa: That's sad, Lola. Guess he's to Lazy for love isn't he.

(The other sisters and kids laughed once more)

Lincoln:(blushing in embarrassment) I'm not Lazy for anything! Give it here. That's none of you're business!!

Lucy: (mean) Aren't you a Scaredy cat? You're scared we would we this junk in front of everyone.

Lisa:(rude) Yeah, crybaby! Are you afraid of us or what? Maybe if it was locked, you wouldn't have to worry about this literature.

(All the kids and his younger sisters were laughing hardly enough except for his trusted friend and girlfriend. They were so annoyed from them laughing at him Clyde gave her some fake marshmellows that are made out of softed foam. They both put the marshmellows in their ears.
While Lincoln starts to shocked, everything starts to get silent while the kids are still laughing)

(Once again he became embarrassed and started to get sweats all over his face)

(He can feel his heart thumping. But this time, It felt strange like something was different. But then he starts getting a bit nervous. Until, he when stop feeling scared he began to stand up for himself. His tears are gone. Then his heart starts thumping even faster he clenched his fist and started to get angry. He was getting violent)

Lincoln:(furious) I'm not afraid of everything. That's my diary and you have no reason to read anything about my personal life about it. So give it back now, or I'll tell Principal Huggins on you.

Lola:(mad) Never!

(Lola and Lincoln began fighting with each other. Lincoln tried to smack Lola hard in the face. But eventually,
the other 3 younger sisters fight Lincoln back. Clyde, Ronnie Anne, "friends" and The other kids came towards the fight and some of the children were video taping the fight. Some of the staff members came saw the fight. Until when they stopped the fight, the 4 younger sisters were knocked out from beating up Lincoln. But worstly, Principal Huggins came around and report Lincoln to his office and the staff came with him)

Principal Huggins: LINCOLN LOUD!!!!!

(Lincoln became shock he got caught by the Principal and it's only the last day of school without no purpose of telling them that his sisters caused the incident)

Clyde: That was pretty harsh!

Ronnie Anne: True. But, I wasn't expecting this to happen.

Ronnie Anne:(thinking) Clyde, lunch will be over in 15 minutes. So, by the time the bell rings we will head to the office door and try listening from the front door and see what's happening. Clear?

Clyde:(serious) Clear!

Ronnie Anne: I don't do this stuff much like you guys do but..

Both: (energized) Operation sneaking out for our friend for the issue innocent responsibility of the fight consequences that he never started in the first place at the front office, and to think of a shorter name for this operation, is a go!

(15 minutes later)

(Ronnie Anne and Clyde began to sneak across the hallway. Ronnie Anne found the office right passed from the music and geometry class they head left where the office was located and the start to listen to the conversation)

Ronnie Anne: Alright, Clyde. Let me know you if you hear something shocking. So, try to come and tell me.

Clyde: Yes Ma'am.

(Clyde could hear the staffs and principal yelling at him)

Clyde:(shock) This is even worst than before.

Ronnie Anne: What is it?

Clyde: They'll all yelling at him just because they think he started.

Ronnie Anne: Ouch. Let's see what else could go wrong.

(Clye heard some more information from the principal and them it cuts to the office)

Principal Huggins:(angry) I don't know what to say but I'm going to give you a refferal! You have nothing to say about this. You have no business abusing some girls during lunch!

Lincoln:(witnessed) But, I-

(The Principal interrupted him which was unfair for they damage the sisters caused from the fight. So then, it cuts back to the hallway)

Principal Huggins:(unfair) No Buts!! You will be getting detention for the rest of next school year! UNDERSTOOD!!!!!!

Lincoln:(unfortunate with a low voice) Understood.

Clyde:(shocked) Oh my gosh!! That was so unfair!

Ronnie Anne:(concern) What
happened now?

Clyde:(shocked) He accidentally got a refferal for nothing and he's got detention! And he hasn't done a single

Ronnie Anne:(outraged) Impossible! He didn't do nothing to them. That should be his younger sisters who should get it. (Hands crossed)Their the ones that started the fight in the first place!

Clyde: I agree, Ronnie Anne.
Lincoln would never do such a thing like right now. He's innocent! He was just eating lunch with us until they started to bully him. That was so unfair.

Ronnie Anne: Were out early today and school is over in one hour. So why don't we check on him?

Clyde: Good Idea.

1 Hour Later....

(The bell rung and school just ended)

Agnes: Alright, Class! Goodbye and Have a nice summer! 😄🌞☂🕶🏝

(Lincoln and the gang head outside and talked at the front of the school)

Lincoln:(horrified) This was a total disaster! Now I'm doomed!

Ronnie Anne:(comfort) That's why we got your back.

Clyde: Yeah, Buddy. Nothing can be worser than....

(The 3 kids found lots of kids still laughing at him looking at their phones about something mysterious)

Clyde: (averaged) This...

(While the 3 of them walk to Liam and the boys who are also laughing, Lincoln was terrified)

Clyde:(obvious)Guys, what are you laughing about? Your supposed to be his bros.

Liam: We are still bros. to him.

Rusty: Yeah were just watching a funny video from last night.

Zach: It's from the party that one of (points to Lincoln) your sisters made.

Clyde:(shocked) What?

Ronnie Anne:(mad in a low voice) Luan. What did she do now?

Zach: She also made a remix of you. check it out.

(Zach pulls out his phone and it shows the remix)

(As they watch the video, Lincoln became even horrified than ever)

Zach: Oh and there's more.

Clyde: There's more? What else!?

Liam: It got 2 Million veiwers.

Lincoln, Clyde, and Ronnie Anne:
2 Million Viewers!!!?

Rusty: Yes!!!! And, it's all over the internet.

(He looks at everyone from the front outside laughing him. Until, The younger sisters came out who said the worst things to him the most with one word)

Lola:(rude) Hello, Brother or should I say life of the embarrassment. Your are nobody. Your just a dumb retarded jerk. (chanting) Loser! Loser!

(All of the sisters and the rest of the kids were chanting Loser! soon they were all Laughing at him. Suddenly, Lincoln's eyes were filled with tears and he lastly ran home from school)

Ronnie Anne: Lincoln, wait!

(Ronnie Anne ran after Lincoln while Clyde went and talk to the sisters)

Clyde: What was that all about?

Lola: Nothing just messing around with him. Guess he's a total loser after the fight this afternoon. He broked my nose.

Clyde: Well you guys deserved it. He's your older brother and you should respect him.

Lisa: Well our video is more special enough than him. Who needs him anyway.

Clyde:(livid) After all the things he done for you and you 4 are not grateful for him. But you know what I'm leaving. You are going to thank us for what's happening at home soon. It's his job to protect you and to look after you. You guys will are going to do something to work this out.

(Clyde walked away from school to meet up with Ronnie Anne and Lincoln)

Lana: Guess he's the worst Loud Kid in the house after all Isn't he?

(The sisters laughed and they all high fived at once)

(It cuts back to Lincoln who was still running from the school all the way home. Until, he sat on the ground were tree is right at the front of the house)

(His eyes were still full of tears.
But when Ronnie Anne came towards Lincoln, Clyde was already here. So later on Ronnie Anne pulled her hands out to invite him for a hug. As Lincoln started crying, he got up and ran to Ronnie Anne and she hugged tight like he never been hugged before. Clyde then came along and he also join the hug aswell. Lincoln couldn't calm down after all the damage his faked innocent sisters caused. So, they hugged even tighter to conforthim. Once they hugged him, he finally calmed down. But, he couldn't stop sniffing. Ronnie Anne patted his back.After that, he felt abit better)

Ronnie Anne:(ashamed) Lincoln, were
really sorry.... I wouldn't expect for this to happen if we had a party at my house.

Clyde:(mad) Yes. And the fight was completely unnecessary. The last day of school was suppose to be a day full of joy for summer to come. You were just Innocent.

Lincoln:(upset) Of Course I was innocent! But then, things exactly go wrong because everything Is always my fault. And Now, thanks to them, I'm on detetion for nothing!

(Clyde gave him a tissue and he blew his nose and Ronnie Anne hugged him)

Ronnie Anne:(comfort) It's alright Lincoln. Listen to me. Everything right now and yesterday is not your fault. I don't blame you for nothing if anything happens to you. I know your sisters got you into trouble today and all of that. But, you just need to know how to ignore them.

Lincoln:(irritated) I've tried that a million times and it never works.
I've also tried my best to stay calm and everything is always ruined because of me.

Ronnie Anne:(suprised) Wow that's just hard.

Lincoln: It is hard. But sometimes, I couldn't stop holding much pressure from them.

(A Tear dropped from his eye and Ronnie Anne wiped his face)

Ronnie Anne:(comfort) Lincoln not everything's your fault. You know, everyone makes mistakes. Not everyone is perfect from when it's worth for this somebody to love you.
Sometimes you have to take a chance to redeem yourself.

(The 3 sat on the ground on the tree together)

Clyde:(comfort) You may be the strong and abit brave person I know . But, since the embarrassment happened, you kept being worried and asking me about them and then you would be just be scared of them sometimes.

Lincoln:(upset) Scared or not, my sisters all made a failure. And hat's the worst part. Eventually, I feel so unsafe to be around anyone but you guys now. What if everything they said about me was true? Those monsters ruined my life! Since they basically got a lot of people on their side now, I don't think I would wanna be around anyone ever again. Everything used to be so great. But now I have nobody.

Clyde: You still have us. (smile)

Ronnie Anne: Yeah. (smiles)

(Lincoln smiles at both of his friends)

Lincoln: I supposed that's true.

(Lincoln's face turned back into a frown as soon as he has a thought of asking them something real clear)

Lincoln:(depressed) But, I have a question for you guys.

Clyde: What's that?

Lincoln:(low voice) Do you think I'm special?

(After hearing that Ronnie Anne and Clyde became confused)

Ronnie Anne: What?

Lincoln: I said, Do you think I'm special?

Clyde:(shattered) Of course you're are, Lincoln! Why would you wouldn't be?

Lincoln:(dejected) Because, when everything goes wrong, I'm always the mistake to this family. They never gave me a chance to accept me from who I am. As long as I'm in this family, people will always turn their backs against me. Like it's my fault I existed. You will too.

Ronnie Anne: We won't, Lincoln.

Lincoln: Yes you will. Ronnie Anne, you and your brother were once against me from Lori before and it can happen again.

Ronnie Anne: Just because I was on your sister's side for thinking that you hurt my feelings just because they used to force me to like, doesn't mean I'm not on your side now. Even after I realized what you're really going through, I still feel bad. And even then, I still changed because of you. I eventually became more softer. Even though our relationship was strong as we soon started to love each other for real, you were still one of my closest friends. And it can never changed that.

Clyde: She's right, Lincoln. And look at me. I always stood up for you since the beginning. I wouldn't turn your back either. Not even if they could stand a chance.

Lincoln: I appreciate you both being real with me. But that doesn't answer's my question.

Clyde:(comfort) Lincoln, you know how we have always see you. Just because your sisters always tries to ruin your life, doesn't mean you're not special. But, being a special person comes from a special place. It comes inside. You don't even have to prove yourself as special as them. You may not have talents as they do, but being the special boy you are, you still have a lot of things that people don't. You just need to be yourself and need to tell them how you feel.

Lincoln: How is it possible? It's not like anyone would listen to me.....

Clyde: That's why you should express your feelings. Hiding and holding your emotions is unhealthy. You just got to let it out from in here. (points to the middle of his chest)

Ronnie Anne: You may not realize it, Lincoln. But maybe if you look inside yourself, you'll understand how special you are and how much you actually mean to people who would care about you. Even if someone just came into your life and they'd already seem the kind of person you've always been.

Lincoln:(annoyed) Unlike my family and any of those who are against me. Seriously, what would people like you or anyone see in me that I don't? (Covers his head with his arms)

(Ronnie Anne looks Clyde and then she looks back at Lincoln as she puts her hand on his back)

Ronnie Anne: Y'know what I see? I see
a boy who's really strong, smart, and intelligent.

(Lincoln puts his head up and looked at Ronnie Anne)

Ronnie Anne: He's very nice and he does his all no matter what. But yet he still asks for so much, even on most times when he would just be so hard on himself........

(Clyde soon joins in on comforting Lincoln as well)

Clyde: But he never gives up! Whatever he's does. It comes from his heart. Because that's basically one thing that one good friend could gives another.

(Lincoln gives a slight shock and then turns that frown back into a smile)

Ronnie Anne: Sure you never asked to have any of the things you have now.........But..... you try so hard to make everyone happy. Including yourself. You're a good friend. You're always there for people. You try to put others instead of yourself. And not much people can see that as we always do. But that doesn't mean you're not special. Cause at the end of the day, we both think that's enough. And that that's the best thing a person could be for their self and the best thing a person could have.

(Hearing these things from the support of his friends, Lincoln became more happy. He's happy to a least have someone to see him than the way everyone else have since the incident)

Clyde: Oh look over there! (chuckles)

Ronnie Anne: There's that smile! Don't loose it now. (chuckles)

(Lincoln begins to chuckles to for a few seconds)

Ronnie Anne: But that's what's we're talking about. You are filled with so much passion, happiness, and helpfulness. And you know what makes you special.... You're the peacemaker. You love to help people out, you stop fights, you love to to bring people back together. On the other side, you read comics, you liked the Smooch, You loved to go to the beach. And most of all you like to hangout with all your friends and come out to play with us.

Clyde: No matter what gets you into lots of problems, you're still the best special person that ever happened to our lives.

Ronnie Anne: And no matter who you are, we still love you.

(Lincoln was happy he had 2 nice friends that cared for him. He was so touch from the words of his friends. He happily had tears in his eyes he soon wipes them. He was finally cheered up. He hugged them both again)

Lincoln:(enamored) That was really nice... Thanks. I feel better now.

Clyde: No Problem, Lincoln.

Lincoln:(shocked) But what about my parents? What if they know about the incident earlier?

Ronnie Anne:(comfort) Relax dude, we got your back. You just need to try to calm down.

Lincoln: Ok. Because ever since the fight, I felt something from in here (puts hand on his heart) It felted like suffering or some pain coming from yesterday. It's so painful. I think my chest hurts.

Ronnie Anne:(concern) You're just heartbroken that's all.

Clyde:(concerned) Yeah. It's basically takes time to get through that feeling.

(The 3 thinked about the fight and about the embarrassment about what could og happen)

Lincoln:(concerned) And the video and all the things that happened last night, and the fight, that's gonna be the least of their worries. Including Mom and Dad. (Rolls eyes)

Ronnie Anne:(concerned) Yes. Because don't get me started after what happened yesterday, when we all would've lost our friendship. (Puts hands on hips) I deserve a better party than that. My mom said I might get another one.

Lincoln: You do! Because this is not just about you or me. This is about all of us.

Clyde:(neutral) That's right! All these years you've done for them in your life, and they turn your back on you just for one itzy-bitzy complicated relationship.

Ronnie Anne:(disappointed)
That too. Because there's no excuse of trouble when we get inside that house.

Lincoln:(furious) I think we've heard enough about all this trouble they've caused for now because I don't wanna talk about it anymore. It's really stressful. Were going to go in there and settle this out together.

Ronnie Anne and Clyde: Right behind you!

(So Lincoln, Clyde and Ronnie Anne head to the front door of the house)

Lincoln:(sigh) Alright. Act normal.
Just try to defend me but don't try to you know.........

Clyde: We understand. We can just let it out..........

Ronnie Anne: I guess that's all we can do for now.

Lincoln: What should I say though? Mom and Dad my already no about this.

Clyde: Dont worry buddy. We got your back.

Ronnie Anne: Yeah. Just be strong and keep your head up.

(They all took breathes them down before they even took one step of the door)

Lincoln: (take a breath)(nervous) Well, here goes nothing.

(And once he opened the door the, whole family glared at him. And it looks like the disgusting little rascals called sisters returnee home before he did)

Lincoln:(nervous) Let me guess... you heard about the fight too?

Lynn Sr.:(angry) Yes and since for that you're grounded for the rest of the summer! Have you lost your mind from abusing your sisters!?

Lincoln:(shocked) I stand corrected. But Dad, I can explain! They were making fun of me again during lunch!

Rita: No, excuse young man! Your grounded for fighting your sisters!

Ronnie Anne: Mr. & Ms. Loud! He's telling the truth! They really bullied him during lunch! Lucy threw his sandwich to the ground, they had everyone in the school start making fun of him and laughing at him, and he blew a tantrum in from of the whole school. It was they're fault not his!

Luan:(ignorance) Well, he shouldn't of start the fight in the first place!

Lincoln:(shocked) But, guys. It wasn't my fault! Everyone and my class was making fun of me today. They were watching the video you posted, (Luan) and all of sudden you guys don't even care?! They're the ones that got me into this fight. They made me lose my temper. They started this mess in the first place!! I got detention for the rest of next school year for getting embarrassed and it's my fault?!

Lucy:(mad) What do you think? You hurted us.

Lisa:(mad) Yeah. You were immature anyway. For some brother you are.

Lola:(mad) All you do is make our lives miserable.

Lana:(mad) I hope your happy.....
Because, you got what you deserve.

Lincoln:(groans) (angry) Unbelievable!
(crossed arms)

Clyde:(shocked) (mad) It's not fair!
I'm defending Lincoln. He would never do that type of thing. He's the bestest, helpful, kind friend there is. He's innocent. These goody two shoe angels started the fight! They embarrassed him infront of they whole school!

Rita:(mad) Well if he wants to hit somebody, he can take that somewhere else.

Lynn Sr.:(mad) What do you have to say to yourself?

(Lincoln had just became angrier after seeing his goody two shoes sisters get off free and still get blamed for something he didn't do. To think that anyone aside from Ronnie Anne or Clyde would believe him. It's not like as if they could walk down to the other person and point finger back at the other person that was really to blame.
In his defense, this made Lincoln for more hurt than ever. Hurt like he was beaten all way down to the pulp)

Lincoln:(frown) I'm sorry. (mad)
You know what, I'm not sorry. (pointing at Lola, Lana, Lucy, and Lisa) You brats I call sisters started the fight! You guys should be the ones grounded and not me! And, if all of you except for Ronnie Anne and Clyde don't believe me that innocent, then fine by me. If you just keep lying on me, and accusing me for whatever, just because you assume that everything that I ever done especially when it is your cause to blame is my fault, you guys should be ashame that this was the worst school day of my life! Especially so much for being the last day of school and it was a terrible way to end it off. And then Lori breaking up last night was all you cared about?! She deserve that. How ever she ruined Ronnie Anne's Party! She didn't even support her at all. Not only you guys hurt me but you hurt Ronnie Anne too. Because she would've deserve the best night that would be happening in her life than this!All of you guys are such phonies!!!! No such thing!!!

Ronnie Anne:(mad) How could you do this to him!? Is there something wrong about him you don't like about?

Clyde:(mad) Do you guys hate him?

Lori: Maybe....

(After hearing what Lori said, Lincoln's heart sank)

Lincoln:(sadly) They hate me?

(While the family became shock about they just said)


Ronnie Anne:(furious) Don't you guys dare to say another word! Ever since last year or should I say the past, you guys treat him brutal and infair! He's family! He's your son and your brother. But instead, you pushed him away like your the bad guy. So, blame everything on yourselves when these main events come through. I hope you all learn your lesson. I hope your happy

Clyde:(mad) Were out of here!

(They once again slam the door again as they left)

Leni: What?

Lincoln:(mad) Does nobody in the house never hear me out?!

Luan:(mad) Nobody has to.....

Lynn:(mad) What's you'd problem?


(Lincoln hits all of his younger sisters except for Lily. He made the 4 troublemakers cry. Losing all of his temper. The parents had enough of his attitude he had to send him up stairs)

Lynn Sr.:(mad) Upstairs now!!!!!

Lincoln:(shock) But-

Rita:(mad) Upstairs Lincoln!

Lincoln:(shock) Da-

Lynn Sr. and Rita:(mad) GO!!!!!!!

(starts getting raged heading up stairs)

Lincoln:(angry) FINE I HATE YOU!

(He went to his room as he grunts and slammed the door)

(It cuts back to Lincoln in his room. He became frustrated and then he put his pajamas on. He lastly got in the bed and took a nap. Suddenly, he had the most shocking scariest dream)

Lincoln:(angry) Pfft. I dont need them. And I dont need them now.
The least they can do is just apologize.

(Lincoln starts sleeping)

(Beginning of Dream)

(The dream starts and takes place with his pajamas on in his bedroom. Until Lucy came up to his room and she knocked on his door. Then he open the door and she came in unpleasant with a dark voice)

Lucy:(dark voice) Come down stairs we have a meeting to discuss with you downstairs.

Lincoln: What's happening?

Lucy:(voice gets darker) Just get here! Now!

(Lincoln and Lucy head downstairs and the other sisters and Mom and Dad were waiting for Lincoln. So when the meeting started, they told him a the worst message he willever last hear from them)

Lincoln: Hey what are you doing with all of my stuff?

Lola:(cruel) Were sending them to the foster care... To get rid of you!

Lincoln: What!? Why!?

Luna:(deep voice) Because we don't love you, Lincoln.

Lynn:(deep voice) We hate you! You're a disgrace and you must be dealt with at once!

(Lincoln became heartbroken from hearing that. Soon, he starts to tear up and he starts to feel unwanted. Eventually, their voices starts to get even deeper than before.)

Lincoln:(heartbroken) But, your my family....

Lynn Sr.:(demonic voice) We're not your family anymore, Lincoln. You're just garbage.

Rita:(demonic voice) You are not our son!

Lori:(demonic voice) And your never our brother!

Luan:(demonic voice) Your not a Loud! (laughs) Get it? But, seriously Lincoln. You don't belong here!

Leni:(demonic voice) Your a total mistake!

Lana:(demonic voice) Your nothing but a burden!

Lisa:(demonic voice) You ruin everything!

Lily:(blows raspberries and does a demonic giggle)

Lynn: We wish you never existed!

(Lincoln was shock about what Lynn said. He got puppy eyes full of tears, that he began to stutter)

Lincoln:(stutters with voice broken) But-But-But......

Lynn Sr.:(demonic voice) No excuse, Lincoln! Your out of here!

Lincoln:(frustrated) No I am not!

Rita:(demonic voice): Yes you are! Your not considered as family!

(The whole family starts pushing him out of the door. Lincoln try his best to push them back to get back in the house. But, they push him back but then once more, Lynn kicked him to hard he fell to the floor and suddenly everything started to look bigger and he looked a little smaller)

Loud Family:(demonic giant voice) Goodbye, Lincoln.

Lincoln:(poor) Wait,Please! Let me in!(Reaching his hand up to them)

Lynn:(demonic giant voice) Your not one of us Anymore.

(The Whole Loud Family laughed evilly until Lincoln fell from the sidewalk. He screamed with his eyes closed. Then everything turned black but he was still alive. But then, the room turned white then, he opened his eyes again)

(Next, was a white plain room he was just alone.He was shivering a until it the room showed his a plain door)

Lincoln:Hey, what's this?

Then when he opened the door, he got in and saw a dark room showing lots of his memories.

Lincoln:(scared) Ok, this is getting too
creepy right now.

(He kept walking seeing more
memories and started to get alittle scared. Until theroom became blank)

Lincoln: It's getting dark.

(Then it turned to Ronnie Anne's party)

Lincoln: Why is it showing this stupid party?

(The room showed Ronnie Anne in front of him)

Lincoln: Ronnie Anne? Maybe let's see what happens if I talk to her.

(He he was going to touch Ronnie Anne as he called his name)

Lincoln: Ronnie Anne? Why is she crying?

(We was getting her attention.
But, she turn around to his face and slapped his hand)

Ronnie Anne:(crying) What do you want Lame-o?

Lincoln: Ow! What was that for?

Ronnie Anne:(crying) For what you did to me, Lame-o!

Lincoln:(confused) What!?? What did I do to you!?

Ronnie Anne:(frustrated) Nothing. But your sisters told me all about you.

Lincoln:(worried) Oh no!

Ronnie Anne:(frustrated). Oh yes! They fold me about how bad you are. You are weak, fake, unreal, terrible, not funny, not cute, not handsome, ugly, and truly mean!

Lincoln:(quietly) Ronnie Anne would never say that....

(Lincoln became shock about what she just said which kind of almost hurt his feelings. Then it showed evil eyes behind her. And those eyes revealed that the sisters were behind her laughing at him saying all the things they said to the past and they were lost of kids also laughing at him)

Lincoln: Ronnie Anne, please! Stop! You were suppose to be on my side! I thought you were my girlfriend.

Ronnie Anne:(mad) Not anymore. Your sisters are my friends now. And so as Clyde.

Lincoln:(shock) What!?!? You too, Clyde!? But, your my bestest friend.

Clyde:(sad) Sorry, Lincoln. But time to move on. Why can't you be a better friend?

Lincoln: I am a good friend. You guys stop telling lies about me.

Ronnie Anne: Well not anymore.

(Everyone except Clyde were looking at him doing an evil laugh at him.Lincoln got even smaller than before. Ronnie Anne then pool out a pan and hit him with it. And finally, the dream was over)

(End of Dream)

(The dream was officially over. But when Lincoln woke up he gasp with
tears in his eyes. And on the strange feeling from that dream. He felt his heart beating racing and covered his face in a pillow)

The Next Evening...

(Lincoln woke up again after he overslept from a very bad dream.
So then, he starts to talk to the viewers again)

Lincoln:(to the viewers) Alright! So just then, I had a bad dream about my whole family trying to get rid of me and send me to a foster home. But then, ever since day one which was my first embarrassment at the party, I've never felt so strange.Then, Everytime I get make fun of by my sisters since when the fight happened earlier, I can feel this weird strange feeling in here. (Put his hand on his heart) It felted like pain. That's the second time my chest keeps acting like that, so painful. What if it was from my sisters? It could be but I think they are hiding a secret from me. Or worse. I think he's deeper than that. I had enough pain for the day. Maybe for a long time. One more total disaster from my family and this is the last draw.

(Later, Lincoln head downstairs to check on his family. They were looking at Luan's video on the internet that was made from the party. They were all laughing at Lincoln getting embarrassed. Lincoln angrily continued to walk downstairs while the family were still making fun of him)

Luan: Well looks like 2 million hits is best to laugh on for everyone else.

Lynn Sr. Well said, Luan. I bet your channel is worth a shot to be popular.

Lola: And then, by the top of our game, we'll be rich and famous.

Lincoln:(mad) Still laughing?

Luan:(shocked)Lincoln, Wait! We can explain! (nervous laugh)

Lincoln:(livid) Don't you dare explain, Luan! Your sorry selves ain't gonna make the laughing stock out of me!

Luna: Unfortunately Brah, your already one. Were starting to get lots a fans who loves us.

Lincoln: Well this is the worst mistake you had ever did! DELETE IT NOW!!

Lynn Sr.: Lincoln Loud! Stop yelling at your sisters you don't have to right to- (interrupted by Lincoln)

Lincoln:(livid) Spare it Dad! This week has been totally awful! Ever Since, I head to that party, you guys been acting too rough and unfair to me!! Yesterday, I was having a nice time with Ronnie Anne until you girls came along and embarrassed me in front of all of my friends!! And then you broked my Bun-Bun!! (takes out Bun-Bun) on purpose!

Lori:(mean) That toy was super lame.

Lincoln: Bun- Bun is not lame, and for your sassy mouth he's not just a toy! He's my friend! I had that when I was a toddler, Ms. Not so caring!

Lori:(furious) Hey, you take that back!

Lincoln:(livid) And on top that, Today's last day of school was also unpredictable! You 4 (to Lucy, Lana, Lola, and Lisa pointing at them) made school miserable for me!Your the reason why I'm now the laughing stock at school,Your the reason why I'm bullied by Chandler again, Your the reason why I've got embarrassed at Lunch and got caught by the Principal, And your the reason why I got detention for the rest of year! Thanks to you everyone at school hates me like I'm a fool, I have posted some of my friends except for Clyde and Ronnie Anne, and I'm tortured. Not only that, but I'm grounded all because I've been bullied by 4 Tasmanian Devils I call sisters. But then you guys never even Cared And YOU'VE NEVER SAID SORRY!!!!

Lori:(shocked) Woah! Lincoln, Calm down.

Lincoln: Calm down"? I'll never calm down!, You guy's make my life miserable here!!!

Lynn:(annoyed) Name one time.

Lincoln: (livid) You were teasing me just because I was bullied by Ronnie Anne when we first met (Heavy Meddle). You took Clyde away from me during my sleepover(Overnight Sucess). You were forcing me about the money I've found But then, you wanted it all to yourself(It's a Loud, Loud, Loud, Loud House!) How about that time I was making a Pie Sale for school Huh? You at my chocolate recipes for the Pies. They're weren't even for you. Then you were laughing at me like I'm some of a bad joke!(Lincoln Loud: Girl Guru).Or that time You took over my pool that was just for me just because you got us kicked out of the other pools (Linc or Swim). Even that time when we went to the Grocery Store you got us kicked out and I've never got a Chance to get my Cereal (Cereal Offender). The time where all of you especially you Mom and Dad (to Lynn Sr. and Rita) you guys don't appreciate my gift for your anniversary (It's Loud, Loud, Loud, loud House!) Especially when Lynn called me bad luck! You force me to come to your game! (to Lynn) But all of sudden, you label that name to me when I was sorry for you losing the game. But then when you all believe in the superstitions, you all kicked me out! You 2 said that you will never get rid of us! (to Lynn Sr. and Rita) But it looks like that right now! I was Also banned from your activities. (No Such Luck) And that time about that stupid protocol, (To Lori and Leni) you too were fighting over a stupid dress!! It's just a dress! But when you guys didn't need help you kept kicking me out of my room and banned me from helping you and then my job for me is LEAVE!! (Brawl in the Family). You guys never appreciate me from helping you guys. That's what brothers do! And when something happens you always get what you want! But you guys never care about me!

Leni: That's not true, Lincoln. We do care about you.

Lincoln:(livid) Yeah well if you guys really care about me then, how come I have lots of memories of how miserable my life is when I have times being around you?! Huh, huh?

(The family was shocked of what he said)

Lincoln:(livid) And then when I get something, you guys make things go wrong and bad things happen to me! You even meddle to much on! I'm always the one who gets hated on! And, I get blamed in your actions for nothing!

Rita: Sweetie-

Lincoln:(livid) Is there something wrong about me?

Lucy: Lincoln-

Lincoln: Do you guys hate ne?

Luan: Lincoln-

Lincoln: Do you guys not love me?

Lynn Sr.: Lincoln-

Lincoln: Or is there a secret of me?

(The Parents was shock. They was about him a shocking theory. But they were afraid to tell him)

Lynn Sr.: Lincoln we can't tell you.

Lincoln:(livid) Why not!?

Rita: Sweetie we just don't want to-

Lincoln: Hurt my feelings!?

(The parents became shock that they didn't know what to say)

Lincoln:(livid) Shocked!?

(The family started at him nervously)

Lincoln:(livid) You should be! Because you guys are too fake to me! You've all been lying to me, you've been mistreating me, and you've unever loved me! I thought you guys were my family...

Luna: Lincoln we are your-

Lincoln:(livid) Well it doesn't look like it! I don't feel like family. If family how come nobody listened to me when it was those brats fault? How come you guys still blame me for everything I'm not compatible with my mean
hypocritical sisters!

Lola: We're not hypocritical, Loser!

Lincoln:(livid) I'm not a Loser Drama Queen! That's alot coming from a spoiled brat. Make that the second Regina George, how about that?! You force people like me to do whatever to get what you want, when you want it! You don't even realize how many times i've see always seen you. How I've always seen you. And you're cheap and horrible!!! You're just a spolied brat! That's what you are!

Lola:(mad) You pay for this!

Lincoln:(livid) And you!! I couldn't be amazed with Spooky (to Lucy) after she ruin my day at the park! Everything is so edgy when you're around Wednesday Addams over here! (points at Lucy)

Lucy:(Gasp) Curse You!

Lincoln(livid) Sure I had the best time at the concert but look who got me in jail after being scammed and made me get tickets sold out and almost embarrassed me. Thanks a lot, Ms. Music makes my ears bleed who has paper clips for earrings!!

Luna:(gasp) (looks at her earrings)
That's bogus brah...... These are the best one's I got!

Lincoln:(livid) Oh Shut up! Those aren't even real earrings! They're just the type of stuff that's worth 75 cents to make it happen by bending it off!! It's just trash! You're wearing trash! The next time you wanna make someone else's ears bleed or completely deaf, because of how can't understand the resemblance of how your loud music violates people's eardrums, how about you leave it outside!!!

Luna:(mad) (scoffs) You're lucky I don't in violence either!

Lincoln:(livid) How about the Bully?!
Lynn?! Mrs. Tough Girl!! You Hotshot!
You're just ruthless! You've not had always shown the wreckless jerk that always were. You've shown your careless, imbecile, abusive, obnoxious, ignoramus buffoon!!! Do you not even realize what people could learn your actions?! (raises and eyebrow and puts hands on his hips) Do you know about that?! Do you not even care at all?! How selfish and aggressive you all when around people especially in this house! You're a phony, y'know that?! You're a jackass!!!

Rita:(surprisingly angry) Lincoln!!

Lincoln:(livid) No Mom!!! Or should I even call you that?! This is what I feel everyday. I'm not letting this go! I will not tolerate to be put up with any of this any longer, so I can say this!

(Lynn's rolls her while she mumbles)

Lynn:(annoyed) Whatever......

Lincoln:(livid) Lynn, you are such a wreckless, malicious, little dunce!!!
You don't care about nobody but yourself. Even when it comes to the safety of this family or somebody else on the outside. But as long as it's good for you it's alright, even if it comes for you to win anything especially on an argumentative, daily basis. You're so heartless. Just like during that bad luck incident, you play reckless with people whatever you want to, when you want you want, without no logical thought!!!
You're only argumental issue, is to push somebody else like me down the stairs or put somebody else in more danger than we're already in rather than somebody is being put up to a place where it gets so serious that we might as well just get weak and die and at the of the day, that side on you're account still makes you stronger. As long as it all counts for to win!!! And that's selfish! Very selfish. You're so a wimp. A sore loser. People lose everyday!!!
You're like as if somebody got hit by the bus because you're too busy to think about the danger you've bought into a person's life without stopping!!! You're an ass-hole!!!

Lynn:(cracks her knuckles) (mean) You better watch it, Stinkoln. You're lucky you would've got the rest of it.

Lincoln:(mad) I wouldn't even care, Dirty Skunk!

Lynn:(mad) Say something else to me. And your nose will be bleeding right through my ass. (clench fists at him)

Lynn Sr.:(mad) Language, LJ!

Lynn: Sorry Dad.

Lincoln:(livid) I also couldn't have fun with my game thanks to Ms. 24 hour Converastion! (to Lori) Everything you guys did you all make my life miserable and I hate it! You're another selfish one. All you care about is Bobby-boo-bear and Bobby this and Bobby that?! I'm sick of hearing that! No offence but still. You're selfish for that one time you forced me to go on a date with Ronnie Anne when we didn't even like each other. But when she almost left the restaurant you nearly blamed me for your relationship with him! That's stupid! You barely gave me a chance to explain of what was really happening! When I was really teased by those that cause me to say what ever I said that made her upset. Apparently on that part of the story you wouldn't even care. You tried to threaten me over all of that when I was telling the truth about everything! And nearly you blackmailed me twice! You never even said I'm sorry.........

(Lori looks at him in a shocked expression as he turns the whole family)

Lincoln:(livid) All of you are quite the same!!! None of you had ever apologized to me!! Not ever!! No confession, no guilt, no sign of regretfulness, comfort, none of that has ever took place!!! EVER!!!

(With Lincoln finishing with his rant on how all the same repeat actions that his family has ever done was starting to get pretty old and how tired he is of being
black sheep. Is was at this moment when the family starts getting way too far)

Lori:(mean) Well guess what Lincoln, you're right. We've all made bad mistakes. We've done so many things that were so unforgivable and when we never had the chance to take the blame our own actions just to redeem ourselves. You may got us but we got something to say to you.

Lincoln: And what's that?

Lori:(mean) What's that? That you a dork. You're such an ungrateful brat!

Lynn:(mean) You make things worst out of things and you ruin everything!

Lisa:(rotten) You're truly a dummy! You have no sense what do ever.

Lana:(disgusted) Your gross!

Lincoln:(livid) Says the Tomboy!

Lana:(livid) Whatever. You were much worse from the time you clogged the toilet. You're so irresponsible and immature.

Lincoln:(livid) See! There is is again! You guys, blaming me! Don't not anyone one of you know how to be responsible for your own actions! Always pointing the finger at me like I'm some criminal!

Lola:(harsh) You've always been to criminal in this family. You're only purpose is to ruin everything that could've always get this close to have something for ourselves. But you make it all about you!! Face it! You're a such mistake!

Luan:(hateful) And, we hate you! You're really such a disgrace. I wish there were normal brothers that are not like you. I wish you never even exist!!!!

Sisters: Yeah!!!

(Lincoln frozed as they said that. Suddenly it zoomed to his heart
beating until it stopped and broken into pieces)

(Then it zooms out to Lincoln)

Lincoln:(heartbroken) Ok... I get it now. If these are your true feelings about me then fine I'm out of here. You guys made my life miserable here. If I'm not mentioned as your son and brother anymore, then fine! You can find another sibling or son you can trust! I don't want to be the part of this family! Because you guys hate me! After all the things I've done to make you guys happy! But instead you don't appreciate me about nothing! I've tried my best to work things out or to fit in with you guys. Instead you push me away like I don't belong here! (tears up) If you guys don't love me, then go ahead and say it out Loud! You'll I hope your happy when I'm not around, YOU'LL NEVER BE BOTHERED OR ANNOYED HAVING ME AS A BROTHER AGAIN!!!!!!!!

(Lincoln's tears dropped down from his cheeks)


(Lincoln ran upstairs then slammed his door)

Leni:(shock) Lincoln, w- wait..

(It cuts upstairs to Lincoln's room and he's crying. He's so hurt that he was abandoned then he spoke to the veiwers again)

Lincoln:(to the viewers with a sad voice and tears in his eyes) I can't believe it. Clyde and Ronnie Anne was right. Maybe they do hate me. I'm tired of being the black sheep. But, what I see is that I have a family who's been treating me like a punching bag. It's sad because the only caring people in my life right now is Ronnie Anne and Clyde. (He takes out a picture of his family and started to look angry at it) Everything will always get worse. It's very hard for me because they are a bad, hypocritcal, mean family and they'll get things right or any better! I'm through being their son and brother! I don't want to see this picture no more!(Lincoln then threw the picture and it broked on the floor)

Lincoln:(broken) And now, thanks to my sisters, (blew his nose on tissue) I'm a laughing stock I I'm in detention for the rest of the year and everyone thinks I'm a fool. How come I'm always the black sheep of this family? Why am I always the one to get blamed? (wipes his tears) Everything is my fault. Just Why... I just want them out of my life....

(Lincoln continued crying for all the sorrow had throughout the whole entire day of emotional, mental, verbal abusive, physical pain. Poor Lincoln changed his clothes and got ready for bed)

2 Hours Later...

(2 Hours Later, Everyone was already asleep except for Lincoln who'shaving a hard time falling asleep after having a bad day at school. So he talked to the viewers again)

Lincoln:(to the veiwers in a lower voice) Well it looks like I couldn't sleep after a very hard day I had. But dont worry, because I got an idea. Until my family will change, this will be for their own good. So I'm going to run away from home. This will teach them a lesson about how much they've been treating me, how much they've been abandoned me, how much they don't care about me, and how much irresponsible they are towards me. I'm going to New York City.

(So Eventually, as the plan has begun, the music starts playing a rock song "Opposite Sides by Manchester Orchestra")

(Lincoln went on his laptop and went on Amtrak.com and ordered a ticket for a ride to New York and found the cheapest trains for only 94$. He got dressed and packed all of his stuff in his suit case except for Bun-Bun because he was already broken. It's only been one night since he was ripped by the people in his life who despises him)

(Lastly, he wrote a note to let them know where he's gone missing. Lastly his shoes and his jacket were already on and then he safely head out of the house from his window. The music stops playing. Before he left he took off he had one last look at his house until he sadly said one last word to the house)

Lincoln:(heartbroken) Goodbye, Loud Family.

(As he just left the house for good, it was already raining outside. Lincoln ran away from home and from Royal Woods. While he was walking on the sidewalk in the cold rain, all wet, he had tears in his eyes)

(Then it cuts off to the outside of the train station)

Lincoln: How will I pay for the ticket without them knowing I'm a kid?

(Lincoln look at some men downstairs at the train station getting in some trains.Suddenly, Lincoln had another Idea. It cuts off to a Employee Lady who just registered another costumer with a ticket. Lincoln came to the employee dressedas a man with a black top hat, glasses, a brown mustache, brown shoes, and a suit his size)

Train Employee: Welcome to Amtrak Express. How may I help you?

Lincoln:(manly voice) Yes ma'am, I would like one ticket to Pennsylvania, New York city.

(The Employee Lady accessed the payment for New York Train)

Train Employee: Lincoln Loud, Sir?

Lincoln:(manly voice) Yes Ma'am, that's me.

Train Employee: The train will arrive in 10 minutes. Your still on time.

Lincoln:(manly voice) That's fine with me.

Train Employee: That will be $94 please?

(Lincoln hands her $94 for the ride)

Lincoln:(manly voice) Thank you.

Train Employee: Your welcome, Sir. Have a nice ride. Your ride will be on A P42

(Lincoln left from the employee and sat on a bench to wait for the train)

10 Minutes Later...

(Lincoln went into the train and took a seat by himself alone looking sad. As the train started leaving he looked down with with tears in his eyes so poorly before he looked at the window. He looked at the landscape staring through the window he sadly went to sleep)

The Next Day...

(The Next Morning, The Loud Family were downstairs together sitting at the table except for Lynn Sr. who was cooking breakfast for the family)

Rita: Lori, Honey, can tell Lincoln to come down for breakfast?

Lori:(annoyed) Sure, mom.

(Lori was so annoyed coming to
Lincoln's room. So, she went up to the room and try to call out Lincoln from his room)

Lori:(annoyed) Lincoln, wake up breakfast will be ready in a minute!

(There was no respond from Lincoln)

Lori:(annoyed) (groans) Lincoln, come downstairs now! I know you can hear me!

(Still no respond from Lincoln)

Lori:(mean) Don't make me come in there, Lincoln! If you don't wake up and open this door this instant I will come in and turn you into a human-prentzel!!

(Again, there's still no respond from Lincoln)

Lori:(mad) I had with you, Lincoln! I'm coming in there!

(Lori came inside the room and got git confused when she saw nothing in his room. Until she suprisly gasp when she found a sad notes from Lincoln)

To Be Continued...

A/N: Hey guys, Marie's back again with part 2. If you guys like this chapter write on the comments
below and I hope you enjoy part 2.
In the Next Chapter, Lori found a note that Lincoln wrote the other night and told the family about his sad threat that they did since the embarrassment. But, Lincoln is still on the train on his way to New York City. And when he got their, he met 3 new friends(OC) that are averaged as him.

Here's some Questions:

What will Lori find out?

Will they find out he's gone missing?

Will the family notice how Lincoln felt?

How will they find Lincoln?

Will Lincoln be safe out there?

How will Clyde and Ronnie Anne react when they hear the news?

Find out soon right here on 💔Easily Broken💔 chapter 3. Peace out😃✌📕

Continuer la Lecture

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