I'm Only Human (Justin Bieber...

By UndercoverGirl26

7M 106K 65.9K

Popstar sensation Justin Bieber has been the victim of paparazzi for months and months now. They’ve bothered... More

~ Prologue ~
Ch. 1 - Music To My Ears?
Ch. 2 - She's A Fan
Ch. 3 - Cali, Baby
Ch. 4 - Turned Up
Ch. 5 - Questions
Ch. 6 - Text Messages
Ch. 7 - Being A Guest, Getting A Guest
Ch. 8 - Only Her
Ch. 9 - What It Meant
Ch. 10 - He's Dead
Ch. 11 - San (Die)go
Ch. 12 - Fun Gone Wrong
Ch. 13 - Where Did We Go Wrong?
Ch. 14 - Going Through It Alone
Ch. 15 - Heartbreaker
Ch. 16 - Make It Right
Ch. 17 - You Kinda Ruined Me
Ch. 18 - Guy Problems
Ch. 19 - Quite A Large Mess
Ch. 20 - Time Is Ticking
Ch. 21 - The Real Question Is...
Ch. 22 - Canuck Beaver
Ch. 23 - Giggly
Ch. 24 - Allegations
Ch. 25 - Not Broken
Ch. 26 - Rainy Moods
Ch. 27 - Won't Give Up
Ch. 28 - Misery Loves Company
Ch. 29 - If You Give Me A Chance
Ch. 30 - You Just Don't Give Up
Ch. 31 - Build It Up Or Fall Apart
Ch. 32 - Radio
Ch. 33 - Where To Look
Ch. 34 - Getting Nowhere
Ch. 35 - Better
Ch. 36 - Trying To Move On
Ch. 37 - Don't Hate Me
Ch. 38 - Do You Believe Me Now?
Ch. 39 - Wait... What?
Ch. 41 - Belieb In The Biebs
Ch. 42 - Trapped
Ch. 43 - You'll Be Happy
Ch. 44 - Can't Believe This Is Happening
Ch. 45 - Face-To-Face
Ch. 46 - I Understood
Ch. 47 - Hidden Mistake
Ch. 48 - Her Secret
Ch. 49 - Ache
Ch. 50 - Lingering Feelings
Ch. 51 - Now or Never
Ch. 52 - Accusations
Ch. 53 - After One
Ch. 54 - Walk The Distance
Ch. 55 - You And Me
Ch. 56 - Me And You
Ch. 57 - Problems
Ch. 58 - Jackie's Situation
Ch. 59 - By Your Side
Ch. 60 - The Surprise
Ch. 61 - Midnight
Ch. 62 - What Ever Happened To That Girl
Ch. 63 - Unexpected News
Ch. 64 - In Some Deep Shit
Ch. 65 - More Guy Problems
Ch. 66 - Still Alive Today
Ch. 67 - Fuzzy
Ch. 68 - Silent Night
Ch. 69 - Coincidence
Ch. 70 - Should We?
Ch. 71 - Memories
Ch. 72 - Well...
Ch. 73 - Slim Chance
Ch. 74 - Messing Up
Ch. 75 - For Now
Ch. 76 - An Agreement
Ch. 77 - The Miller Family
Ch. 78 - Stars That Sparkle Your Name
Ch. 79 - Don't Know What To Do
Ch. 80 - Unforgettable Scent
Ch. 81 - Apologies
Ch. 82 - An Old Friend
Ch. 83 - Warmed My Heart
~ Epilogue ~

Ch. 40 - Concert Numero Uno

83.9K 1.2K 894
By UndercoverGirl26

 ~ Chapter 40: Concert Numero Uno  ~

[ Jackie’s POV: ]

I fluttered my eyes open and looked out the window before groaning.

I am so not a morning person.

I rolled over on my bed and closed my eyes, hoping sleep would soon take over again but, instead, my phone vibrated loudly on my nightstand. I groaned again but, me being me, I just couldn’t ignore my phone. So I reached over and picked it up, checking the new notification I got. The minute I read it was from Twitter, I knew that Justin had tweeted a few seconds ago. It’s the only reason I turned on the notifications anyway: so I’d know whenever he’s on Twitter. My heart skipped a beat as I read Justin’s new tweet:


beautiful day in NYC. who’s got tickets to my show? see u there ;)

I bit my lip. He’s in New York? That’s all the way on the other side of the country. It seems so far away. And I knew that part of me wishes I was there with him. I mean, it looks like he’s starting his mini-tour around the U.S. Maybe there’s one show in Canada, but that’s not the point.

I miss him.

I’d be lying if I said that one night with Tyler had fixed my broken heart. Sure, I have a date with him tonight, but it doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten Justin. It just hurts that he might’ve forgotten me already.

I sniffled, opening up the twitter app and reading some of the other beliebers’ responses to Justin’s tweet. There were a lot of people telling him they love him, others saying inappropriate things, and others who were claiming they were in New York for his concert. After getting tired of reading the replies, I went to my timeline to see what other things people were tweeting, and I came across a few update accounts, posting pictures of Justin last night. Apparently, he was in Los Angeles, attending a party for Khalil or some story like that. I clicked a few of the pictures until I came across one that showed him with some blonde.

Why does she look so familiar? Haven’t I seen her before somewhere?

I zoomed in on the picture, but I couldn’t make out the face so I kept looking at other pictures. There was one that showed Maejor Ali sitting somewhere, so I figured he was with Justin at one point. But then I noticed a person somewhere in the background of the Ali picture. The girl was wearing the same outfit as the blonde that was with Justin in the other picture, so it must be the same girl. Except you could make out her face better in this picture.

And then it clicked.

It’s the girl… From… from that TMZ article. The one who claims she’s pregnant with Justin’s kid? What is he doing with her? You don’t mean to tell me that TMZ was right on this one too? Just like the whole weed thing?

I felt myself getting lightheaded. I couldn’t deal with this. The article TMZ posted about her claimed this happened not too long ago, and it was around the time I was fighting so hard for him, but he was pushing me away. So… what, he just went out and had sex with this chick? All while I was pouring out my heart so deeply? Did he ever give two flying shits about me? Or was I his girl-of-the-week?

I closed my eyes, feeling my heart pounding harder. I wanted to curl up into a ball on this bed and just disappear. I could feel tears surfacing in my eyes as I was beginning to think I probably wasn’t any more special to him than any other girl.

But before a tear could even slip from my eyes, my phone vibrated again right in my hands. I opened my eyes and my heart nearly jumped out of my chest.

I got a text… from Justin.

I let out a gasp, tapping on the text to open it. I read it over and over, feeling the butterflies in my stomach.

From: Justin <3


You still have my heart.

I remember when he made that reference about giving me his heart. And I still remember his exact words when he gave it to me.

“Don’t make me feel like I’m making the wrong choice,” I remember him lowering his voice. “I… I think I trust you so… I’m giving you my heart. Okay? I’m giving it to you. Don’t break it…”

It’s moments like that in which I’ll never be able to forget. I just didn’t think he’d still care. I thought he just forgot about me.

Should I even text him back? Would he see it? Would he reply to me? What should I even say? I don’t want to screw it up or sound desperate.

I laid there in my bed, brainstorming on what I should say back to him. I thought long and hard and I couldn’t find what to text back, especially with my newfound knowledge. Why am I freaking out over one little text? Why can’t I just reply with something — anything — to let him know I saw it?

I just panicked. I sighed and locked my phone, throwing it next to me on the bed. I slowly got up and brushed my hair before entering the bathroom to brush my teeth as well.

It’s just one text. Why am I so shaken up by it?

[ Justin’s POV: ]

I looked at myself in the mirror as I was in the backstage bathroom to my very first show of this tour I was starting. I sang a few of my lyrics softly, rehearsing them the way I always do before a concert.

I then stopped and pulled out my phone, going to Jackie and I’s conversation and seeing she hasn’t texted me back yet. I don’t know why I was hoping she would. I mean, I get it. She hates me. But she has to understand that I only did what I did because I care about her.

Even so, would it kill her to talk to me?

I wanted to let her know I don’t hate her. I wanted to let her know I gave her my heart and she still has it. Nothing’s changed. But now, I’m beginning to think she doesn’t feel the same way.

I sighed, trying to shake off these feelings and focus on my concert. Just hearing the screaming fans out there gets my blood pumping.

Just as I was starting to feel the energy, my phone beeped, alerting me I had gotten a new text message. My heart skipped a beat and I prayed it’d be Jackie. But it wasn’t.

From: Alicia Louise


I heard you’re starting the first concert of your tour. Hope it goes well :) xoxo

What the… fuck? Are my eyes deceiving me? What could Alicia possibly want? It can’t be that she truly just wants to wish me good luck. I mean, I broke up with her. I thought she’d be upset with me or angry at me, or something along those lines, but this? I didn’t expect anything like this.

I sighed, rubbing my temples in an attempt to calm myself. I splashed my face with water and dried it off with a towel before walking out of the bathroom. I spotted Alfredo talking to Scooter and he glanced at me, his face lighting up as if he had wanted to tell me something.

“Oh! Justin, you’re on in a few minutes. Let’s get you on those wings,” he said.

“Alright, leggo,” I nodded, putting on the sunglasses I always wear when performing All Around The World.

I was about to put down my phone on a table somewhere when it beeped again. I was still curious to see if Jackie had texted me back so I couldn’t help but to check it.

From: -unknown number-


hey Justin, it’s me. Katie. You said to text you if I needed anything. Well, I wanted to let you know that the media has pictures of us together from last night. Should I be worried? Aren’t we trying to keep a low profile or something?

I choked on my own spit.

The media has pictures of Katie and I?

How? How is that even possible?

I paced back and forth, trying to dig my brain for a solution. I was planning on keeping a low profile with Katie, but will our secret be out so quickly? I breathed in and out, trying yet again to calm myself down. I could feel the butterflies imploding my stomach.

Why did Alicia text me? What does she want? How did the media get pictures of last night? What am I going to do about the fact that Katie, whom I barely know, is carrying my child? Why hasn’t Jackie texted me back? Called? Tweeted? Emailed? I don’t give a fuck what she does as long as she contacts me.

“Let’s go!” Scooter signaled me over. “The concert’s beginning.”

I groaned, putting my phone down on the table near me and running over to the wings mechanism. They strapped me in securely and, soon enough, I was being lifted across the stage in front of thousands of screaming fans. Once I was put safely on the stage, I looked around for a bit and the song All Around The World began playing. I did the usual routines and began singing.

By the time I began to sing the second chorus, my head began spinning.

Alicia. Media. Jackie. Katie. Alicia. Media. Jackie. Katie. Alicia. Media. Jackie. Katie.

It just wouldn’t stop. I tried so hard to shake off the thoughts but the words began to get louder and louder in my head to the point where I wasn’t quite sure what the lyrics to my own song were. I could feel my heart pumping quicker and quicker, my vision blurring off the audience. But I continued the routine. Every dance move, every gesture, I did it. I tried to fight through the stress, but it just wasn’t working.

And then, everything went black.

The last thing I remember was the thud and impact of my body hitting the ground.


Dun, dun, DUUUNN!

In honor of the story reaching past a million reads, I hope you guys enjoyed this surprise chapter. Thank you so much for sticking with this story. It really means the world to me :)

- Nina xx

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