Por 080253h

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It's all about us saving the world from the Lycan leader Marius, who has a plan to destroy all covens once he... Más

Transformation-part 1
Transformation-part 2
Transformation-part 3
Transformation-part 4
Transformation-part 5
Transformation-part 6
Transformation-part 7
Transformation-part 9
Transformation-part 8
Transformation-part 10
Transformation-part 11
Transformation-part 12
Transformation-part 13
Transformation-part 14
Transformation-part 15
Transformation-part 16
Transformation-part 17
Transformation-part 18
Present, Past & Future-part 1
Present, Past & Future-part 2
Kill Or Be Killed-part 1
Kill Or Be Killed-part 2
Howard & Selina's Bond
Fusion Mindset Process-part 2
That Family Bond
Howard, Selina & Benjamin
The Family Reunion

Fusion Mindset Process-part 1

35 3 0
Por 080253h

I had enough of you & your stupid plans on conquering this world with your dark powers. Light will always destroy darkness but I am aware that in reality the sun that always appear in the light of days won't survive without the moon that always appear in the darkness of night. Your plan is madness & that is why I'm gonna make sure that I end your evil ambitions once & for all, Selina, tells Tyrant. You are only a weak young woman who will have your soul tormented for eternity after I kill you. I have lived during the times when the devils & angels were having their very first war against each other, Tyrant, tells Selina. That is why I must purify this world from your evil corruptions that threaten to spread across this entire universe, Selina, tells Tyrant. I'm gonna enjoy sending you to the afterlife where you can join your weak family who had no business living in this world, Tyrant, tells Selina, before he starts laughing not knowing that she's dashing at him until it's too late when she gives him a powerful hard punch to his face that sends him flying backwards through several skyscrapers. YOU FUCKED UP BIG TIME BY BRINGING MY FAMILY INTO THIS & YOU CROSSED THE LINE BY CALLING THEM WEAK & THAT THEY HAD NO BUSINESS LIVING IN THIS WORLD!!!! YOU CAN SAY NEGATIVE THINGS TO ME BUT I WILL NOT TOLERATE ANYTHING NEGATIVE THING THAT YOU HAVE TO SAY ABOUT MY FAMILY YOU FUCKING BASTARD, Selina, angrily tells Tyrant. I don't understand. I should be getting more powerful when she's angry but I don't feel any changes in my power level at all. What is going on here, Tyrant, tells himself as he flies upward out of the skyscraper that he crashlanded into. In case we never see each other again I would like for us to take this moment & have us shared flashbacks of all the good & bad times we had together. Selina, tells me. I would surely be dead after this fusion technique of ours ends so I agree with you, I tell Selina, as we both start having another but different Mindsight Process Flashback. Selina & Howard's 1st Mindsight Process Flashback(Transformation-part 5)- Did you come out here so you can fight me, I ask Selina, who sits down behind me looking the opposite direction with her back against mine. I didn't come here to fight you. I came here to talk to you, Selina tells me. You've done enough of that already, I tell Selina. Will you just shut up & listen to me. I want to tell you about my background, Selina tells me. Is your background worth listening to, I ask Selina. You'll have to figure that out for yourself. Is it okay for me to begin, Selina asks me. It's not like I have a choice so go on & tell me, I tell Selina. I was born in 1383 in the Nordic Coven, my parents are Viktor & a demigoddess named Blood. I stayed in the Nordic Coven with my mother, my twin suster Nicole & my adoptive father Sky, but all of that changed when Viktor, came to the Nordic Coven & took me away from my family. Viktor, told me that my family abandoned me because I was a monster & I believed him & every since then he trained me to become a warrior. Then I became friends with a slave called Benjamin, but then he left the castle with his family to escape from Viktor. I didn't have a nice childhood because I had to train everyday & Viktor, would abuse me if I ever disobeyed him. When I was fourteen, my mother found out that I was with Viktor & she begged him to let me see them & go to school. I didn't have much education so it was a good idea. Viktor, agreed & I began school from there. I reunited with my family poorly since I still believed they abandoned me. But then my family told me that Viktor, took me away & that's when I started to rebel against Viktor. I also started to fall in love with Benjamin & we eventually got together. When I confronted Viktor, about him taking me away from my family, he confirmed it to be true. I was really mad at him & from then on I started living with my family. I also met Selene, during this time & she was human at the time. I had a normal life until Viktor, warned me that I had to get married & he arranged me to marry a Death Dealer called Derek. I liked Derek, but I didn't want to marry him & he understood why. I also knew Sonja & we were really close. I managed to keep my relationship with Benjamin a secret even when I was engaged to Derek. My father threatened my family because I wouldn't do what he wanted. I begged Viktor, not to hurt them & he promised he wouldn't but he forced me to help him kill Selene's family which I couldn't do so I hid in the shadows & saw how terrible Viktor, really was as he did the killing & turned Selene, who he forced me to train to become a Death Dealer. After Selene's family was killed, Viktor, went on & killed my family but my twin sister Nicole & my younger brother Daniel, survived. By the way after my family was killed I went with Viktor, so I could protect Benjamin, Nicole & Daniel, but I eventually left the Coven when I reunited with Benjamin 6 centuries later, Selina tells me. I am so sorry about what happened to most of your family Selina. I take back all of the harmful words that I ever said to you, I tell Selina. It's okay, Selina tells me. Is their anyway that I can make it up to you, I ask Selina. Treat me like a partner & help me end this fucking blood war, Selina tells me. Deal. When this is all over I will tell you my background story, I tell Selina. You promise, Selina asks me. I promise, I tell Selina. I can't wait to see my husband Benjamin & my son Wolf, who suppose to be coming here from their long vacation in Hawaii, Selina tells me. You must be happy, I tell Selina. I am but it won't be the same without my half-sister Taresa & my nephew Wayne, who are no longer with me, Selina tells me as I hear her crying behind me. They will always be with you just like they will always be with me. They will always be with us, I tell Selina. Thank you for telling me that partner, Selina tells me before we both turn around to each other & hug each other as we shed some tears. We are gonna avenge our loved ones together, I tell Selina who's expression change from sadness to happiness. Selina's & Howard's 2nd Mindsight Process Flashback(Transformation-part 9)- It seems like we are gonna have to do some more test on you. Selene, may be the ultimate but to me you are far superior my child & your powers will make Antigen skyrocket up towards glory, Dr. Jacob Lane tells Selina. You won't get away with this you fucking bastard. I will get out of here & when I do I will come for you & rip out your fucking heart, Selina angrily tells Dr. Jacob Lane who injects a needle into her arm that puts her to sleep before he walk out of the room. How is my other test subject doing, Dr. Jacob Lane tells me. Where am I & who the hell are you, I ask Dr. Jacob Lane. You are in a place called Antigen & I am Dr. Jacob Lane, Dr. Jacob Lane tells me. Do you really believe that these straps will keep me tied up, I ask Dr. Jacob Lane. Indeed, Dr. Jacob Lane tells me. You couldn't have been more wrong. I'm not stupid as you may think I am & that is why your not gonna get away with none of this, I angrily tell Dr. Jacob Lane before I start to transform into my hybrid form which is enough for me to break the straps from around me that scares Dr. Jacob Lane away. I start to chase him when I get the scent of a familiar person in the next room where I walk in & see Selina, strapped on a table before I transform back to my normal form. You are loosing a lot of blood, I tell Selina who seems to be unconscious as I carefully pull out some of the tubes from her body. Is that you Howard, Selina asks me. Keep your mouth shut. Your not in a good position to be talking right now. You lost a lot of blood so do me a favor & save your energy, I tell Selina who looks up at me smiling. Idiot, Selina tells me while I manage to grab some bloodpacks & give to her. We don't have much time now start feeding, I tell Selina who grabs a bloodpack out of my hands & start feeding on the blood from it. I hear multiple footsteps coming this way so hurry up & regenerate yourself, I tell Selina as I lock the door to the room that we're in. Thank you, Selina tells me. Your welcome. I don't think that Antigen would mind if we steal a couple of shotguns & pistols, I tell myself as I grab two loaded shotguns & four loaded pistols from a nearby weaponry wall. We will have a fair chance of surviving if we jump out of the window, Selina tells me as she walks to the window. How is it like, I ask Selina. It's a good distance from here to the ground without any guards. Are you coming, Selina asks me. I walk to the window & realize that it's a bad distance from where we are at to the ground below. Are you fucking kidding me, I ask Selina as I place a shotgun in her hand & two pistols in each of her pants pockets. It's gonna be just like jumping off a springboard into a swimming pool, Selina tells me as she lends out her right hand at me. I can handle it without holding a person's hand, I tell Selina before we both jump out the window & land safely on the ground next to a Audi R8. At least they brought my car here. Get in. I'm driving, Selina tells me as she use one of her fingernails to unlock the door on the driver's side which creeps me the hell out until we are found by Quint Lane. I figured that you two would try to escape but I had no idea that both of you would join forces to do so. I'll defeat you both easily, Quint tells me & Selina before he transforms himself into a large lycan that we have never seen before which is enough for us to get into the Audi R8 & speed off with the super-lycan chasing after us like we're prey. Hang on to something, Selina tells me as swerve around many tight corners like crazy that makes it hard for me to slow the super-lycan down & get better accuracy with my shotgun. It's getting hard for me to get a great shot with you driving so crazy on this curvyass road because of these curves so can you do me a favor & drive on a straight road so I can blow the super-lycan away, I tell Selina. I know where a construction site area is that has plenty of explosives. Should we try it, Selina asks me. Sure but don't expect me to pay for nothing & I mean nothing, I tell Selina. What did my little sister see in you, Selina asks me. I don't have to tell you anything, I tell Selina. Fair enough. We are about to enter the construction site area, Selina tells me. This is our chance to lose the super-lycan so you & me can go our separate ways, I tell Selina. Fair enough. Pick an explosive & hit it after we pass it, Selina tells me. I can handle that, I tell Selina as I recharge my shotgun before I shoot at a explosive tank that not only explodes next to the super-lycan but also unleashes a powerful shockwave that knock us into the water. I manage to get myself unbuckled from my seatbelt but see Selina, unconscious in hers which force me to take immediate action as I swim next to her driver's side & unbuckle her from her seatbelt & drag her out of the water & lay her on the surface of part of the construction site before I begin CPR on her that ends up saving her life. Thanks, Selina tells me. No problem, I tell Selina who looks at me with a smile which brings her back to reality. Selina & Howard's 3rd Mindset Process Flashback-(Transformation-part 10 & Transformation 12)- I was thinking about letting you die but I knew that it wouldn't be right for me to do that you so I decided to have a change of heart & save your life whether you wanted it or not, I tell Selina. I was planning on going back to my birthplace which is the Nordic Coven to see my family since I was seperated from them for a long time but I got captured by a group of masked people with the Antigen symbol on the left side of their outfits. I let a manipulating vampire elder bury himself in my head & turn myself away from my family which is something that I will never forget because it was a fucking mistake that I made for trusting a asshole like Viktor. Most of my family are gone now & the only ones who are close to my deceased family now is Lena & her father Vidar. I seen so much war & so many innocent people die everysince I became a Death Dealer whether it was from the hands of Viktor & many others living in the Budapest Coven but even I also had some parts in it since I too had to do evil things to get what I wanted before the Vampire Elder was layed to rest until the time the bastard was scheduled to be awakened from his long fucking slumber. I killed lycans when I was brainwashed by Viktor, which is something that I really regret but I can see that understanding what choices I was forced to take was probably somewhat similar to yours since you also took choices of your own when you were killing vampires, Selina tells me. The only way that I really understand it all is that we both had to do what we had to in order to survive so we are in a way kind of alike, I tell Selina. Lena, was right on the money when she said that listening to each others' background stories really heal people's hearts & make friendships stronger. I have a score to settle with my aunt Semira & you have a score to settle with Marius, Selina tells me. What exactly did your aunt do or say to you that makes you want to kill her so bad, I ask Selina. I'll explain it to you as I flashback through it. Selina & Howard's Mindsight Process Flashback-(Transformation-part 12)- I refuse to die this way & I refuse to let you help me. I have to do things on my own from this point on, I tell Selina, as I look at my life or death wound. I'm gonna help you whether you want it or not so do me a favor & get yourself ready for your damn medicine that I am willing to give you, Selina angrily tells me before she bites down on her left wrist that she lends to me. I am not fucking thirsty, I angrily tell Selina, who looks at me with her eyes that turn to a shade of electric blue. TAKE MY FUCKING LEFT ARM & DRINK. I AM NOT FUCKING PLAYING WITH YOU DAMMIT, Selina angrily tells me. Fine. You win, I tell Selina, before I grab her left arm & begin drinking some of her blood which not only heal my wound that I feel working within my body but also make me see memories of her that play within my mind until I had enough as I let go of her left arm. It's fair that we both help each other from this starting point if we want to continue on living, Selina tells me as her eyes go back to her normal brown color. We really don't have much of a choice, I tell Selina. It would probably be best if we both get moving before the squad of Antigen find us chilling in this old abandoned house unless you want to be captured again, Selina tells me as she loads her pistol with a mag. We're gonna have to walk or run on foot which is only slow us down but we could use that black kawasaki motorcycle stationed in the parking lot, I tell Selina, before we both jump out of the livingroom window & make it safely in the parking lot. Should we give it a test drive first, Selina asks me. We don't have time for that because we already got unwelcomed guests coming for our asses & if you don't mind me swerving for a change then we shouldn't have any problems, I tell Selina, who click-clack both of her pistols before we both get on the kawasaki motorcycle & drive off with three Antigen suv's that chase behind us. I got plenty of bullets for your Antigen asses, Selina yell out at the guys in each Antigen suv as she unload bullets after bullets on them. Hang on. I'll get us out of this, I tell Selina. Don't worry about me. I am capable of handling myself when it comes to things like this so how about you do me another favor & just shut up & drive, Selina tells me. I can handle that, I tell Selina. tell Selina. I always knew that something like this would happen during my lifetime but I surely didn't expect something like this to happen so soon. Being chased by humans who are no better than us makes me sick to my stomach. How do you see all of this transpiring so far big brother, Selina asks me. I can't really say for sure but I believe that the way certain things have transpired in the past was not meant to be, I tell Selina. I believe that as well as you do which is why I'm glad that I decided to spare your life when I first saw you. The things that I reflect back on before I even got turned into a vampire by Viktor, will always haunt me because I was the one who turned my back on them but when I'm with you I realize that I did it for the right reasons so I could protect them. My mother & father are both gone & I have no idea if my twin sister Nicole, my brother Daniel, my husband Benjamin or my son Wolf, are even alive, Selina tells herself. I'm sure that they are out there somewhere looking for you hoping that they will ever see you again. Never give up hope, I tell Selina. I won't. What would I do without you in my life big brother, Selina asks me. If I had to guess I would think that you would just give up, I tell Selina. You are probably right, Selina tells me. Now we got another problem to deal with, I tell Selina, as we both notice a Antigen helicopter flying in the sky behind us. If things wern't already bad enough, Selina tells herself. Hold on tight to me. I see a ramp that should get us at the helicopter's level, I tell Selina, before I give the black kawasaki motorcycle an additional speed that helps as the ramp takes us at helicopter's level which is at a good height for us to ditch our two wheeled ride & takeover the flying ride. Are we gonna jump on that, Selina asks me. We are. Now jump, I tell Selina, before we both end up making it safely on the helicopter & throw off the members of Antigen from it. I see two rocket launchers, Selina tells herself as she grabs one of them & aims it at the three Antigen suv's. I can pilot this helicopter, I tell Selina, as I grab the wheel & get myself strapped up. Ok. I'll put them three Antigen suv's on the blow up list, Selina tells me before she blows the three suv's with the rocket launcher. Not bad at all little sister but do you have your phone on you, I ask Selina. What do you need my phone for, Selina asks me as she pulls out her galaxy 8 phone from her pants pocket & hand it to me. I'm gonna charge it & do my best to find Nicole, Daniel, Benjamin & Wolf, for you, I tell Selina. Would you really do that for me, Selina asks me. I would do anything for my little sister, I tell myself. Selina, gets in the co-pilot seat & gives me a tearful hug along with a kiss on my right cheek before she straps herself up. Thank you, Selina tells me. I didn't ask for a kiss, I tell Selina. It's a gift, Selina tells me as she scrolls up & down her phone which brings her back into reality.

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