Reverse!Bill Cipher (Will Cip...

By KK-Shadows-Within

8.1K 272 66

You - as the reader - were a little unsure when your two cousins, Dipper and Mabel, accepted your request to... More

Nice To Meet You... I Think
Something's A Little Strange
A Day Out
Let Me Help
Chapter 6: Say What?
Chapter 7: Unexpected But Not Unwelcome
Chapter 8: Confrontation
Chapter 9: Of Course There's A Catch
Chapter 10: Betrayl
Chapter 11: Not Dipper...?
Chapter 12: A New Gravity Falls
Chapter 13: This Is Not Meant To Happen
Chapter 15: Me?
Chapter 16: Back To The Reverse
Chapter 17: Helpless

Chapter 14: Blood

244 14 1
By KK-Shadows-Within

Dipper and Mabel's two great uncles were people that you had extremely vague memories of from your dimension. You had met them a grand total of once in your entire life and they were a lot like your cousins; a fact that had caused you to spend as little time as possible in their immediate company.

As per usual, this dimension was causing you a lot of confusion.

Stanford and Stanley had initially been a little skeptical (You were starting to think that perhaps you weren't a nice person in their dimension.) but after Dipper explained, things changed a little. Not too much regarding Stanley who still watched you and Will cautiously, however Stanford had found a great interest in your 'deal' with Bill.

"This is fascinating," he said as he studied your eye up close. The light he was using was making you see spots but you didn't complain. "I've never seen a long-lasting effect such as this before."

You swallowed, trying your hardest not to move your eyes to where Will was standing in the shadows of the lab. "Is it going to be there forever?" you asked nervously. "Should I start investing in a pair of permanent sunglasses?"

"Thankfully not," Stanford said, finally moving the light away. "It appears that the yellow pigment is starting to fade and the pupil is returning to normal."

"Then what caused it?" you asked.

He wrote something down in a journal and Dipper did the same. "I don't know," he eventually said. "I've seen many variations of Bill's possession before and they've got similar traits but they do change depending on the person. I know for a fact that there was once a case where he had to share a body with the person's actual spirit."

"Does he normally leave tattoos?" you asked.

Stanford's eyes narrowed behind his glasses. "No, not that I know of," he said. "What type of marking did he leave on you?"

"Some kind of zodiac," you explained. There was something about the situation that made you feel like keeping secrets was a bad idea. "I haven't taken much time to study it in depth but there's an image of him in the center and lots of little symbols around it."

"Can I see it?" Stanford asked. "I have a suspicion about what it may be."

You blushed almost automatically. "It's a bit um..." you coughed. "High up on my leg."

"Ah," Stanford coughed awkwardly. "Right. I'm suppose there's no true need for visual confirmation. I'll show you a zodiac Bill often uses and I need you to just let me know if it looks similar or different." He paged through the journal before picking up a second one. "I was hoping to never have to get involved with Bill again," he muttered as he stopped on a page. He turned it to face you. "Does this look familiar?"

You stared at it. There were some things you recognized but others you didn't. "Partially. A few of the symbols are different."

Stanford grimaced. "I feared as much. Perhaps you can take a picture of the zodiac and I can work off of that. I need to find out what he's planning."

Mabel jumped out of her seat so quickly that she actually hit her head on one of the overhanging counters. "I'll help!" she exclaimed, clutching her head. "You can't get a good picture of your leg without some help and I'm the most trustworthy person in the room."

You knew there was a secretive intention behind her words but without a proper excuse, you gave her a small nod. "Alright."

She raced forwards and grabbed your arm, nearly yanking it out of its socket as she dragged you up the stairs and into her room. You had been in her bedroom multiple times before but you still got a headache the moment you stepped in. The amount of glitter was absolutely ridiculous. The only thing out of place was the red cross over the face of the unicorn on her wallpaper.

She grabbed your shoulders and spun you to face her. "What did you and Will do?" she asked excitedly.

You stared at her blankly. "What?"

"Don't act dumb," she told you. "I have a sixth sense for this kind of thing. I've never been wrong before and I doubt I'm wrong now. Are the two of you together in your dimension or something?"

"No," you reassured her quickly. "We just kissed today."

"I knew it!" Mabel shouted triumphantly. She clamped her hands over her mouth quickly, as if she hadn't been expecting her voice to be quite so loud. "Sorry," she apologized. "Is this really the first time anything has happened between you two?"

You gave a small nod. "Well, I guess I helped patch up his arm the other day but that doesn't mean something."

"Of course it does," Mabel told you earnestly. "It shows that Will trusts you enough to let you have an opportunity to harm him. Trust is one of the most important things in a relationship."

"We're not in a relationship!" you said, a little sharper than you had anticipated. You didn't want her to get the wrong idea though. It didn't matter whether you wanted it to be true or not. You paused. Where had that thought come from?

Mabel huffed, picking up her phone and tapping her fingers against the screen impatiently. "Fine. I get it but that doesn't mean I'm going to let it go."

"Well, you're going to have to," you said as you adjusted your outfit the best you could in order to reveal the zodiac. It was quite high up on your leg so trying to do it modestly was quite hard.

Mabel stared at it with narrowed eyes. "He could have at least made it match your skin tone."

You raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

"I'm just saying," she said, snapping a picture. "Neon yellow really doesn't suit you. Especially with the types of outfits you normally wear and it is in one of the worst possible places. Can you imagine how painful it'll be if you have to get it removed through laser surgery or whatever it is that they do?"

"I'm kind of hoping that isn't going to be my only way to remove it," you told her.

Mabel cringed. "Marks from Bill's magic tend not to come off," she admitted. "Whether it be scars, or anything else."

You wanted to try and protest against the thought but from her tone, you gathered that she was speaking from personal experience. "You know, you guys haven't really told me about what happened when you first encountered Bill," you said.

Mabel's smile returned and she shrugged, turning off her phone. "I'm not the best person to tell you that. I was trapped inside a huge bubble for the majority of the time." Then she left without any more information.

You watched her go and shook your head. She was out to confuse you; you were sure of it.

As you went to follow her, a small coughing fit overtook your body. It wasn't a particularly bad one but when you moved your hand away from your face, specks of blood covered your palm.

"It isn't important," your mind told you. "It's not painful or anything. You don't want them to see it."

You gave a small nod of agreement and washed your hands in the sink before heading back into the basement, claiming you had to use the bathroom as an excuse for why you took so long.

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