Boss Lady

By madeingreece14

13.1K 443 117

This is an Outlaw Queen story. Robin works as a lawyer for "Miller's Books" but now his boss is dying and he... More

Coming Home
Show Me Some Respect
The Garage Incident
A Date At Gusteau's
Welcome To London
You Are Adorable
Come With Me pt.1
Come With Me pt.2
The Gloves Are Off

Come Back To Me

869 32 7
By madeingreece14

Robin and Regina arrived to their Hotel - 'Park Plaza Country Hall'. The cab left them in front of the enter of the hotel. Regina and Robin carried their luggage to the reception.

"Good Morning, sir." Robin said kindly.

"Good morning to you, sir and miss! How can I help?" The receptionist asked.

"We have booked two rooms for Robin Locksley and Regina Mills...?" Robin started to explain.

"Oh, yes..." the man searched something on the PC in front of him. "Yes, Robin Locksley room 22 and Regina Mills room 23." The man shifted his gaze back to them giving them a bright smile. "These are you key cards..." he said handed them their cards. "Your rooms are opposite... they are on the first floor." He said without the big smile leaving his face. "There is the elevator. You can ring the reception for your every request." He finally convlufed.

"Thank you so much... have a good day." Robin said headed to the elevator.

Regina was right behind him. "Did you booked two rooms which are opposite from each other? Are you insane?" Regina whispered before stepping into the elevator.

"Excuse me?" Robin turned around facing her. He raised an eyebrow with curiosity.

"That's totally inappropriate!" Regina, now, was shouting not caring if someone could hear her because they were into the elevator.

"Excuse me?" Robin repeated trying to understand her problem with the opposite rooms.

"That's ridiculous, Mr. Locksley! We're colleagues... nothing more. We're not even friends for having opposite rooms. I want my privacy." Regina explained with her firm voice -once again.

"Ms. Mills... I can assure you that you can have the privacy you want so badly. I'm not going to bother you. I'm here just for work; just like you. The only moment when we have to be together -suffering from the other's company- is when we'll visit the Festival. Does it sound good to you?" He attacked back.

With his words, Regina's eyes widened. She didn't expected his cold tone and harsh words. Now the situation between them was just professional and typical. Nothing more and nothing less. She was disappointed, but she was realist, too. "That's sounds perfect to me... finally you had a good idea. I'm not going to let myself get used to it..." she sassed without leaving her harsh voice.

"You don't let yourself getting used to anything, anyway. That's not a new strategy." He was a hard-player.

She gave him a killing look. The elevator stopped and the walked out of it. Regina was walking fast, several meters in front of him, avoiding his glances and comments. She found the Room 23 and she, immediately opened the door. She entered her room slamming the door behind her. Robin, as he saw her actions, did the same feeling his nerves reaching the red.

Regina left her luggage in the big, wooden closet. She went to the bathroom tidying her toothpaste and toothbrush. She checked herself to the mirror fixing her hair. She walked back into the room. She sat on the edge of the bed letting a long breath, that she didn't know that she was keeping. She took her jacket off throwing it on a chair. She laid back to the bed. She found the remote control for the TV. She turned it on. 'Britain's Got Talent'? What time is it? Oh, it's a repetition! She thought. She watched the program for half an hour trying to clear her mind from Robin and that tension between them.

After that her phone buzzed.


From him?

Robin 😷😤
"Get ready, we're leaving in an hour."

She read that and without answering back she get up from the bed. She opened the closet where she had left her suitcases. She found a pair of black, jean trousers, a white blouse and a long, black and grey, warm scarf. She wore them and then she headed to the bathroom. She fixed her long raven hair, letting them fallen on her upper back with big curls. She applied her make up; black mascara and dark red lipstick. She walked back into the room finding her white converse. She put them on. Then, she grabbed her black sunglasses placing them on the top of her head.

She sat back down on the bed looking on her phone. 10:40 a.m. I have twenty minutes! She said to herself. She kept watching the program on TV, but now her mind was on Robin. Why she should feel something for him? He has a girlfriend and he is her colleauge. A relationship in the office is not the best way to start a job. Especially if you're the manager of the company.

The time went by very quickly and now it was the time for Robin to knock Regina's door.

Knock knock

Regina jumped off the bed snapped out of her thoughts. She opened the door knowing who was behind it. There he was. So handsome. Regina's eyes came to rest into his blue, crystal clear, ocean -also known as his eyes. His dirt blonde hair was messy and quite sexy. He was wearing a dark green T-shirt and blue jeans. He was, also, wearing a pair of StanSmith's and his whole look came to be concluded with a black, leather jacket and his black sunglasses. He noticed that she was lost into his eyes and he smirked. "Are you ready?" He asked snapped her out of her thoughts.

"Um... yeah, I am! Let's go!" She said grabbing her black leather bag started to stepping out of her room. A hand grabbed her arm, stopping her.

"Where are you going?" He asked her raising on of his eyebrows.

"Where in hell do you think?" She said bothered by his 'stupid' question.

"We're in London, Ms. Mills. The weather here is very unpredictable. You have to take a jacket or a coat... I don't know..." he explained. She noticed the concern into his voice and she tried very hard to not look at him in awe.

"Oh! You're right! Wait a minute..." she said storming back into her room. She grabbed her black leather jacket and she came to stand in front of him.

That was the first time that he saw her with flat shoes. She was very petite and much shorter that him. He noticed that the collar of her jacket was covering her hair and with a soft move he freed them. She tried to hid the blush on her cheeks and her silly smile.

He saw that. Of course. He smiled, too, but he didn't hid it. They stayed there in front of each other just staring into each other's eyes. Regina blinked once or twice before clearing her throat and closing the door behind her. Robin cleared his throat, too. Regina tried to walk away, but he was standing right in front of her. Inches apart from her. She lifted her gaze to him once again, raising an eyebrow. "Um... could you... could you step out of my way?" She said trying to bring her firm voice to her words once again.

"Um... yeah... sure! Sorry!" He whispered and he took a step back.

Regina found her way to the hall with Robin right behind her. They walked till the elevator.

Ooh, the elevator... they thought together. They have some good memories in an elevator. Those memories was far forgotten this morning when they arrived there because they were fighting, but now they could remember it quite well.

Anyway, the elevator's doors opened and they stepped in. Robin laid his back to the wall and Regina did the same. Then her phone rang.

She searched for her cell phone into her bag. She took it into her hand, she saw the ID; Zelena. She changed the ringtone for her after their father's funeral. She answered it. "Hey, Ze!" She said taking a step away from where she was turning around facing Robin.

"Hey, sis! How are you? How is my beloved hometown?" Zelena said with excitement.

Regina could feel Robin's gaze onto her. She lifted her glance into Robin's who was checking her out. He was checking out everything on her. Like literally. She smiled and suddenly... she remembered that Zelena was waiting for an answer. "Um... London is fine... I'm fine..." she cleared her throats making Robin shifted his gaze into hers.

"Why are you talking like- oh..." Zelena giggled. "You're with Robin right now, aren't you?" She asked playfully.

Regina's eyes widened with surprise not knowing what to answer. "Um... yes... I am... with..." she looked at the ground.

Robin jumped from his seat approaching Regina, realizing her sister's question. They were inches apart and he smirked when Regina shifted her gaze staring into his eyes. "Yes, she's here with me, Ms. Mills!" He shouted wanting Zelena to hear him through the phone.

Zelena giggled once again. "Hey Robin! Taking care of her... please... she's my baby sister!" Zelena shouted too.

Regina rolled her eyes because of their childish. "Ok, sis! Bye!" Regina said very fast hunting up. Then she looked back at Robin. "You're very close to me, Mr. Locksley... keep a distance for your wellbeing..." she sassed.

Robin did what she told him with a disappointed look on his face. Then the elevator's door opened and they stepped out of it. They headed to the exit of the hotel without talking or looking at each other. Then Robin decided to break the silence. "The Festival is held at the London Eye. It's near... do you want to walk?" He asked.

"Yes. Let's walk! It's a lovely day!" She said looking at the gorgeous European sky.

They started walking to the London Eye. Regina was so excited. London! She's in London! Wonderful architecture, culture and people. They stopped to a cafeteria. They approached the cash desk for ordering their coffees. Robin tried to paid but Regina cut him. "I'm an independent woman! I can do it by myself!" She said sharply. She paid for her coffee and then they left the shop. Finally, they arrived in front of the London Eye! What an attraction! It's huge... There was a poster for the Festival and they approached the entrance. They showed their passes and they started walking through the stalls with books of several companies. They spoke with some representatives from several world-known Book Publishing Companies. Regina bought some mystery books and Robin some classic books. They didn't spoke for anything personal or something. No, they were just discussing for work and new investments. As they were walking a voice stopped them.

"Robin? What are you doing here?" A female voice called him and when he realized who was it he froze.

Regina turned around facing a young lad with brunette, long hair and with beautiful features.  The brunette saw Regina with wide eyes making her frown. Robin finally spoke. "Marian?"

Marian approached him and she hugged him tightly. Regina turned her glance not wanting to see this action. They pulled back. Robin was very upset because of Marian's presence there. "Regina, this is Marian. Marian, this is Regina." The two women did a gesture.

"I'm his boss..." Regina tried to clear the situation between her and Robin.

"Great, because I'm his wife." Marian said with a huge, fake smile.

Robin raised both of his eyebrows with surprise. "Ex wife... remember?" He added.

"Well, there's still a flame... right honey?" Marian asked caressing his cheek but he immediately pulled away.

Before Robin could answer Regina jumped off. "Oh, I see... well I have to go now... leaving you two have a little time together... obviously has been a while... Robin send me a message for our flight tomorrow." She said with her bossy tone.

"Um... I need to go too..." Robin tried to say.

"No, honey! Let's have some time together and with our son... remember we have a son together..." Marian said with a fake caring tone.

"Right, Mr. Locksley... spend some time with your family... when you're done don't bother me... I have a lot of work to do." Regina said and then turned her gaze facing Marian. "Mrs. Locksley, it was very nice to meet you..." Regina said stretching her hand for Marian for gesture. "Have a nice day..." she whispered turning around and she left the couple alone.

Robin turned around immediately giving to Marian a killing look. "What the hell do you think are you doing?" He yelled making Marian jump.

"Robin, dear, I love you and you love me too! You can't hide it anymore... I can feel it!" Marian said excitedly.

"No, Marian! I'm not! Not after what you did to me... you cheated on me! I can't forgive that..." he shouted once again.

"Robin, Roland needs both of his parents. We can't take that right from him... you can't ruin our family!" Marian tried to explain.

"You, Marian! You, ruined our family a year ago! I love Roland more than anything in my life... he can live with me whenever he wants, but I can't accept you back! Get it? We signed the divorce together, remember? We're not married anymore! You can't say that you love me because your little, bastard boyfriend broke up with you!" Robin was whispering now but he was so, oh so, angry.

"Robin, come back to me!" Marian whispered trying to kiss him but he took a step back.

"No, Marian! That will never happen!" He shook his head, negatively. "I want to see my son now..." he said to her changing the subject.

"Of course..." Marian was sad, he could see it but he couldn't care less. She made him sad too... he didn't want revenge; the only thing that he wanted it was a peaceful life, full of love and passion.

They started walking to Marian's place where Roland was.


Regina opened her door. She walked into the room slamming the door behind her. She sat down laying her back on the door. What in hell just happened? His ex wife? What's my sin? She said to herself. Regina could see the love into Marian's eyes but something wasn't right about her. Did Robin want her? Did Robin love her? And all those kisses with Regina? That was a cruel joke... everything was fake... every single moment! How could he do this to her? Why she should always feel things for some bastards? She wanted to cry, but nothing was true and she didn't want to let no one pull her down. She was a strong, independent woman... she didn't want a man to be happy.

She decided to take shower, relaxing from the whole complicated situation. She get up from the ground, removing all of her clothes placing them to the right spot. She headed to the bathroom and then she entered in the tub. She let the hot water run to her bared body, letting all of her muscles relax under the warm liquid. She washed her hair with her favorite apple and cinnamon shampoo and then her whole body with her vanilla shower gel. By her every action she was trying to delete Robin from her mind but it was inevitable. Now she was hating him! He made fun of her the whole time... maybe he just wanted to be promoted by having a relationship with his boss. That was it! She would make his life a living hell! She was about to make him regret the time he approached her then at the funeral...

That would be her revenge... finally, someone to destroy!


Robin took Roland with him to the hotel. When they arrived Robin and Roland walked to Robin's room. Roland was very happy for seeing his 'papa' as he was used to call him.  Roland was running up and down the hall giggling. Roland, finally, stoped in front of his father. "Where is your boss now?" Roland asked as Robin was searching for his key card into his pocket.

"I think, she's in her room..." Robin claimed still searching for his key card.

"And where is her room?" Roland asked with his five-year-old, cute voice.

"Just behind you. The Room 23..." Robin said starting getting impatient for where his key card might be.

"Oh..." Roland said turning around reading 'Room 23' on the wooden door behind him. He approached the door and he started knocking it, playfully. As Robin heard the noise behind him, he immediately turned around seeing what his son did.

Knock knock knock knock...

Regina's voice sounded through the door. "Locksley, what do you want?" The voice became louder as Regina was heading to the door and finally opened it. Her eyes fell on the little, cute boy in front of her. His beautiful, big, brown eyes, his funny curls and that breath-taking dimples made her heart melt. "Oh..." she breathed. Then she shifted her gaze to Robin who was looking at her with wide eyes because she was wrapped with a towel and her hair were wet, laying on her back.

"Hi! My name is Roland Locksley and I'm his son!" Roland said excitedly pointing Robin who couldn't speak. "I am five!" He said showing five of his fingers. "Nice to meet you Miss Daddy's Boss..." he said. Cuteness filled the hall.

Regina chuckled as the boy gave her a big, dimpled, smile. She lowered herself facing the little boy. "Nice to meet you, Roland! You can call me Regina..." Regina said giving him a beautiful smile. Roland took her hand into his, kissing her knuckles. "Wow! You're charming, aren't you?" Regina giggled because of his action.

"Just like my papa!" Roland said excitedly.

"No... you're papa is not charming..." she said and then she leaned on him whispering into his ear. "He's a bit clumsy..."

Robin frowned with her action. Roland chuckled with her comment and Regina shifted her gaze to Robin with a raised eyebrow. "Yeah... you're right!" Roland agreed with her. "So... Miss Gina, do you want to play with us?" Roland asked making a cute impression.

Regina's heart melted. Robin, finally, decided to speak. "Kid, I don't think that Miss Re-gi-na isn't busy... she have a lot of work to do..."

"No, papa, please! Miss R... Re... Miss Gina come play with us... pleaaaaaase!" He said

"Um... fine... okay... let me get ready and I'll come play with you, deal?" Regina asked smiling at him.

"Yeah! Deal!" Roland said grabbing his father hand. "Bye, Miss Gina!" Roland said waving at her.

Regina waved back. Why was she smiling? She wanted to destroy Robin, but his connection and his relationship with his son made her heart melt. Did she really wanted her revenge on him?


A/N: Hey, readers! I hope you enjoyed the chapter... I'd like to live your feedback, because I want to make the whole story better for your expectations! Love you all! Mwah! 💋

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