monsters | riverdale

By slushei

462K 10.9K 3.5K

"We're all on the edge of madness; deep down, darkness is within all of us and we're on guard constantly tryi... More

The River's Edge
A Touch of Evil
Body Double
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Heart of Darkness
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The Lost Weekend
To Riverdale and Back Again
Anatomy of a Murderer
The Anatomy of a Murderer ii.
The Sweet Hereafter
A Kiss Before Dying
The Watcher in the Woods
The Town That Dreaded Sundown
When a Stranger Calls
Death Proof
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House of the Devil
Silent Night, Deadly Night
The Blackboard Jungle
The Wrestler
The Wicked and the Divine
The Tell-Tale Heart
The Hills Have Eyes
There Will Be Blood
Primary Colors
The Noose Tightens
A Night to Remember
Shadow of a Doubt
Judgement Night
Brave New World
Labor Day
Fortune and Men's Eyes
As Above, So Below
The Midnight Club
The Great Escape
The Man in Black
No Exit
The Stranger
The Red Dahlia
Requiem For A Welterweight
Fire Walk With Me
American Dreams
Big Fun
The Raid
Fear the Reaper
Prom Night
The Dark Secret of the Harvest House
Survive the Night
In Memoriam
Fast Times at Riverdale High
Dog Day Afternoon
Witness for Prosecution
The Ice Storm
In Treatment
Varsity Blues
Quiz Show
Men of Honor
The Ides of March
How to Get Away With Murder
To Die For
The Locked Room
Wicked Little Town
Killing Mr. Honey
The Preppy Murders
The Homecoming
Back to School
Fire in the Sky
Lock & Key
The Pincushion Man
Strange Bedfellows
Citizen Lodge
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The Night Gallery
The Pussycats
Band of Brothers
Dance of Death
Next to Normal
Riverdale: RIP (?)
Death at a Funeral
The Town
The Serpent Queen's Gambit
Folk Heroes
Angels in America
The Fog
Things That Go Bump in the Night
Blue Collar
American Psychos
The Witches of Riverdale
Return to Riverdale
The Stand
Night of the Comet

In a Lonely Place

10.3K 244 111
By slushei

It's eerie being in school before anyone else. It's like being on a movie set—minus the lights. It's ghostly.

Mickey received a text from Archie to meet him in front of the boys' locker room early. She agreed quickly because it was a better alternative to sitting through another awkward family breakfast. A war is brewing between her mother and sister. It's put Mickey in a weird position; she speaks to her mother more, but Veronica isn't speaking to Mickey.


She jumps at Archie's touch. "Archie!" Mickey punches his shoulder. "Don't sneak up on me like that!"

He composes himself from laughing and asks, "What were you thinking about?"

"I was thinking...why am I here so early to meet such a jerk?"

Archie closes the space between them, placing his hands on her waist. "I think you know why we're here, Mick."

She sucks in a breath.

First, he moves one hand to the nape of her neck. Then he moves in slowly. Their noses touch first and then—

Archie pulls away and knits his eyebrows together. "Do you hear that?"

"What?" There's a hint of irritation in her voice.

"Someone's here." He squares his shoulders and moves to press his ear against the blue door. "Someone is definitely in there."

"Then we should definitely go before they catch us." Mickey tries to pull him away, but he resists. When he opens the door, she stupidly follows him.

If they aren't going to get in trouble for making out before school hours, maybe she'll get in trouble for being in the boys' locker room. Again.

Archie is proved right when they walk into a steamy locker room. The two of them walk past the row of lockers.

Mickey freezes when she sees Jughead standing over the sink with a toothbrush sticking out of his mouth.

Jughead notices them through the mirror he's looking in. He swivels around to face them.

The two boys laugh at each other.

Jughead adjusts the towel wrapped around his waist and sits on the porcelain sink.

Mickey almost starts to check him out, but then she remembers why she's in school this early in the first place. "What are you doing here?"

"Taking advantage of the school's state-of-the-art facilities," Jughead laughs awkwardly and pushes hair away from his forehead. He turns his back to them and starts gathering his things off of the sink. "What are you guys doing here so early?" He deflects.

It's not hard for Mickey to plug the pieces together. He was living at the drive-in and now he's here. Jughead lives at school.

Archie is clueless though. "No, really, Jughead. What are you doing in here?"

Jughead says, "Give me a few minutes to get dressed and then we'll talk."

Mickey and Archie wait outside of the locker room. Neither of them say a word, but their minds are definitely racing.

In those few minutes, the school lights turn on and people start walking by.

Jughead steps into the hallway finally and gestures for the two of them to follow him.

When they stop in front of one of the closets, Mickey opens the door for Archie to walk through and she walks in behind him.

Jughead leans on the doorframe, watching his friends see all his belongings scattered all over the closet.

Archie looks around the room and squats down by Jughead's cot. "How long?"

Jughead crosses his arms over his chest, "Well, since they shut down the drive-in. That's where I was living before."

"Did anyone know about that or this?"

Mickey and Jughead share a quick look. The last thing Mickey wants is for Archie to know she kept Jughead's situation a secret. She doesn't want or need Archie to be mad at her.

"Why the hell are you not living at home?" Archie asks, forgetting about his last question.

"The truth is, things aren't good at home," Jughead admits.

"With your Dad?"

"Yeah. He kind of fell off the wagon. After your dad fired him, to tell you the truth. Hasn't had a job since," he explains. "He keeps promising that he's gonna get his act together, but my Mom couldn't take that rollercoaster anymore, so she grabbed Jellybean and went to live with our grandparents." The bell rings and Jughead grabs his bag from a hook. "Come on."

The three of them file out of the closet.

"God, Jug, why didn't you tell us? We're your friends!" Archie exclaims. "And where does your Dad think you are?"

"He thinks I'm couch-surfing." He closes the closet door and the three of them begin their way down the hall.

"Well, screw that. Live with me," Archie offers.

"This is temporary, man." Classic Jughead. He'd rather suffer in a janitor's closet than be helped. "I'm going to figure something out. Just don't tell anybody," he whispers as people walk by them. "Especially not Betty."

Mickey rolls her eyes. "That's the last thing you should be worried about."

"Betty?" Archie scrunches his nose up.

"She's not gonna care," Mickey states. "She's the nicest girl in the world."

"If anyone's gonna be a snob about it, maybe Veronica." Archie immediately realizes what he says and gives Mickey an apologetic look.

"Right, well, exactly. Don't tell her, either." Jughead walks off.

"I'm worried about him," Archie sighs. "We have to be there for him, now more than ever."

Mickey nods.

"I have to get to class. We'll talk or whatever later?"

"Yeah, sure." Mickey rushes to catch up to the raven-haired boy, who was walking in the opposite direction of Archie. "Jug, wait."

He stops walking and turns around to face Mickey, "I'm going to be late and so are you."

"Archie was right, you know? We're friends and I just want you to know I'm here for you."

Jughead scoffs, "We're friends this week? I can't keep up with you. I don't need your pity, Mickey."

"I'm just trying to be a good friend."

"Is that what you're trying to do? Because you haven't been too friendly lately."

She gets annoyed by his attitude. "I haven't seen you around trying to fix anything between us. It seems like you're perfectly fine with never talking to me again." There are a lot of things she wants to say to him and that wasn't one of them. It's been weighing heavy on her, but every time they talk, it goes like this.

He squints his eyes in confusion. "That's not how it is at all and you know it. Don't try to turn it around on me when this is all you." Without saying anything else, he continues on to class.

Betty is currently catching all of of her friends up on her family situation during their free period. Polly was pregnant, and instead of being supported, she was shamed by her parents.

Interesting enough, Jughead and Betty confirm they have something going on without even saying anything. There's comforting a friend and then there's comforting someone you like and they all notice.

Of course, Mickey just mashes down any feelings about the two of them and puts on her best poker face, but there's only so much she can witness. She tries to make an escape. "I have to—"

"Another meeting with Reggie?" Kevin raises an eyebrow.


"You've been spending so much time with Reggie lately." Kevin is trying to figure out what's going on with his friend, but a small part of him is trying to dig up some gossip.

"Oh...yeah." There isn't any way to deny that. "I'll catch up with you guys later."

When Mickey steps into the hallway, she leans up against a locker and sighs in relief.

"Mickey, wait." Betty. She moves to stand in front of Mickey. "I feel like we haven't had a chance to get as close and your sister and I, but I know something's going on with you. Whenever I see you...I don't know. Just...if you need someone to talk to, you can come to me."

Mickey plasters on a fake smile. "Thanks, Betty. Don't worry about me, you have so much to going on and—"

"Sometimes I need a distraction from all that or I'd lose my mind."

They notice Veronica come out of the lounge as well and Mickey quickly says goodbye to Betty.

The Lodge sisters are still not on speaking terms because Mickey decided to sign the contract over to Fred. Veronica thinks Mickey knows about their mother forging Veronica's signature. They both know it's best to give each other space until things blow over.

Right after Mickey steps away from Betty, someone sends her a screenshot of Cheryl Blossom's tweet:

#PollyCooperKilledMyBrother, NowhereToHide, SharpenYourPitchforks.

The tweet started a "friendly" search party for Polly.

Mickey is less than happy because whenever she decides to wear her good shoes, they end up covered in mud.

Eversgreen Forest is the center point of the getaway car, the Sisters of Quiet Mercy, and the closest bus station. That's why so many people have gathered in the middle of a bunch of trees searching for the missing, pregnant Cooper sister.

After about twenty minutes of walking with Archie, Mickey grabs his hand to stop him from walking. They just look at each other as everyone walks past them.

"What're we doing?" He looks over his shoulder cautiously.

"Finishing what we started," she closes the space between them.

Archie cups both sides of her face, gazing into her eyes for a moment. Then he takes a step back. "We can't. It's not right. Not right now."

"You know, Arch? There's only so much teasing a girl can take," she half-jokes. He isn't in a playful mood though and she has to assure him that Betty doesn't resent him for not being around lately. Then she sends him off to chase Betty's perfect blonde ponytail to talk.

The Blossoms make their appearance in the middle of the search, guns present. They want this search party to turn into a manhunt for Polly, the murderer.

Later that evening, Mickey ends up at Pop's. She went home after the search, had a drink or three, and decided she needed a big burger to make up for a less than ideal day.

Archie and Jughead are already in the diner with their fathers when Mickey walks in. They both notice her and they notice her notice them.

Mickey rolls her eyes when Archie approaches her. "Jeez, it's like everywhere I go, someone I know is there. Small towns suck."

He notices the flask in her hand and puts it into her bag. "I thought you were done with the drinking," he whispers.

"I'm not drunk, Archie. I had a few lady-like sips," she insists.

"And if my Dad notices, he's going to tell your Mom."

"Hey, you two!" FP calls them out. "Come back over here and join the party."

Mickey waves at the three guys at the table. Then she looks at Archie, "I can keep straight. Relax. Be cool." The two of them return to the table and Mickey slides in to sit next to Jughead and Archie sits on the other side of her.

FP and Fred sit across from the teenagers, reminiscing about their younger days.

FP says, "Mickey, I was telling the boys about senior year. Fred started a band and the girls were all over him."

Mickey can barely focus on the conversation happening at the table. For a second, she thinks it's because she might be drunker than she thought. Then she realizes it's because Archie's hand is creeping up her upper thigh underneath the table.

She swats his hand away, but from the corner of her eye, she can see him smirking. He intertwined their fingers underneath the table.

FP begins talking about Jughead. "He doesn't care about that stuff, Fred. Football, sports. Takes after his Mom in that respect, and I mean that as a compliment," he smiles at Jughead. "I'd rather see you spending your time writing, thinking up stories. You still do that? Nose in a book? Typing away?"

Archie clears his throat, "Yeah, yeah, Jughead works on the school paper with Betty."

"Betty? Ooh." FP perks up. He taps on the table excitedly. "Who is Betty? Is that your girlfriend?"

Mickey turns her head to look at Jughead with a fake, questioning smile. She's getting good at those. "Is she, Juggy?"

FP continues, "I always assumed you two," he points between Jughead and Mickey, "were...y'know. Especially after I saw you two together at the drive-in."

"I wanna know more about the band. What was the name of the band?" With that question, Jughead puts an end to that awkward conversation.

In the midst of it all, Archie had let go of Mickey's hand.

Things become uncomfortable when FP gets riled up about Fred wanting to pay the check.

Jughead reaches into his pocket, "We invited you guys out." He pulls out a few bills. "Let me pay."

FP snaps at him, "Put your damn money away."

"FP, take it easy," Fred warns.

"You owe me this," FP states.

Fred sits back, "Go ahead. You get this one. You know, if I'd have known, I would have gotten another milkshake." He's playing it off to keep things cool.

When it was time to go, Fred invites Mickey over to the house. "You sure you don't want to have a little more fun with the guys?"

"No, I should head home. My Mom is probably worried," Mickey lies. "Thanks though."

Fred chuckles, "I'll probably see you sneaking into my house later. You two and your loud movies." He joins FP outside.

The three teens linger by the door quietly until Archie asks Jughead to meet them outside.

Jughead looks between the two of them briefly before going outside.

Mickey leans into Archie with a grin. "Your Dad might be catching on to us. To be fair, you do keep your TV volume too high."

Archie shakes his head, "I don't think so. Especially after that."

"After what?" She frowns when she notices the weird look on his face. "What's wrong?"

"Especially after he heard you and Jughead might be a thing." He says, "You kissed him the last night at the drive-in and when we started talking about Betty...—do you have feelings for him?"

"I was just curious," she dismisses his claim. "Is that so bad? It doesn't mean anything."

He scratches the back of his neck and sighs. "It's just...this is all so tangled up. I feel like you care about Jughead more than you're letting on."

Mickey folds her arms over her chest. "Why are you making this into a big thing?" She can feel herself getting more aggravated at they keep on with the conversation. "I haven't been spending my time with him. I've been with you."

"It's been great." He carefully says, "But maybe I was a distraction. From however you're feeling about Betty and Jug being—"

"Fine," she cuts him off. "I get it."

"I just think we're better as friends."

She points to the three guys waiting on him outside. "You should go."

"So," Mickey leans on the locker next to Reggie's the next morning. "How was your wild night out with the other Lodge?"

Reggie is riddled with guilt. "Mickey," he starts to explain.

She holds her hand up to shut him up. "You're a pig, Reggie."

He notices a few peers eyeing them and the guilt washes away. "What do you want me to say? Your sister's hot!"

Mickey is ready to tear him a new one, but then something else grabs her—and everyone else's attention. Jughead is being escorted out of school by the Principal and Sheriff Keller. He says something to Archie and Betty in passing before hanging his head.

She rushes over to Archie and Betty once Jughead is through the doors. "What's going on?"

"We don't know." Betty pulls out her phone.

"We have to call his Dad," Archie takes his phone out too and dials. He presses the phone to his ear and a few seconds later, he says, "He's not answering. We'll keep calling on the way to the station. Come on!"

"I'll meet you there," Mickey says

"What do you mean?" Betty looks at her with wide, watery eyes.

"It's Jughead," Archie emphasizes.

"I said I'll meet you there."

The trailer door is slightly ajar when Mickey reaches it. "Hello?" She pushes the door open completely. "Mr. Jones?" She walks into the trailer and spots him passed out on the sofa with empty beer bottles scattered around him. Mickey wastes no time moving over to him and shaking him awake.

"Mickey?" FP sits up slowly, confused as to why one of Jughead's friends is in their home.

"Jug is at the station and this is what you're doing?"

"What'd he do?"

"Why don't you get off your ass and go find out?"

"Jughead...he doesn't want to see me like this. I'm a disappointment."

Mickey places her hands on her hip and scoffs. "I'm not going to feel bad for you. Not when Jughead's being held for questioning at the station."

"I don't want you to pity me." It seems the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

"I think you do. You play the victim and it's not okay. All Jughead wants is his family back. You can at least try. Now, I'm going to the station. I think you should get yourself together and go too. Jughead will want to see you there."

Jughead sits up straight when the door to the interrogation room opens. He feels relieved when Mickey is escorted into the room and sits across from him. He doesn't say anything until the deputy leaves them alone. "They have my files. Remember how I told you about my time in juvie?"

Mickey shifts uncomfortably in the hard chair. "Yeah. You were playing with matches at your elementary school. They put you in juvie for attempted arson."

"They're using that and the fact that the football team harasses me for possible reasons."

"Possible reasons why you would have killed Jason Blossom?" Just saying it out loud makes it even more ridiculous.

The brim of Jughead's eyes are already pink as tears begin to spill. "But I didn't do it. You believe me, right?"

They haven't been on speaking terms, but there's no suspicion in her mind. She reaches to rub his forearm. "Of course I believe you. This won't stick."

"I don't want this pinned on me because I'm the bad seed, the kid from across the tracks." He sniffles, "Is my Dad here yet?"

"No. Before I came here, I went to see him and—"

"You went to see him? At our trailer?"


"Oh, God." He covers his face with his hands, mortified.

"Jug, there's nothing to be ashamed about." She pulls his hands away from his face so that he's looking at her. "I tried to get him here and who knows? Maybe he'll show up. And if he doesn't, you still have all the rest of us."

He squeezes her hand just as the door opens again. Her time is up.

"We're not leaving, Juggy. We're right outside," she tells him before walking out. She passes Betty on the way, who is next to talk to Jughead.

Archie is sitting in the lobby alone until Mickey joins him. He fills her in on his Dad covering for Jughead with an alibi for the time around Jason's murder.

All they have to do is wait for Jughead's release, which takes a couple of hours.

When the lean boy walks into the lobby, Betty is the first to give him a long hug.

The five of them walk out of the station together. FP approaches them with some crappy excuse that everyone knows is made up. He starts ranting about the station's mistreatment. He even pushes Fred a couple of times, determined to go inside and let everyone have it.

Jughead begs him not to make things worse.

Fred wants to help Jughead, but it's not his place to get in between a father and a son. He wouldn't want anyone to do it with him and Archie.

Jughead starts to cry as he talks to FP and it breaks all of their hearts as they watch. Still, Jughead agrees to go back home with his father.

Mickey's phone vibrates and it's her mother texting her about a planned call from her father. "I have to go."

"Do you want a ride?" Fred asks.

"I can use the walk," she tells him. Honestly, she's hoping she takes long enough to miss the call.

Once Mickey reaches the train tracks, something makes her cross them instead of continuing home. She doesn't care about her father or talking to him. Right now, all she can think about is Jughead.

Jughead lets her inside of the trailer without hesitation.

She notices FP on the couch again with some new beers as she follows Jughead into the bedroom.

Jughead takes her hand into his once they're in the room. "I talked to my sister," he says sadly. "And my Mom. My Mom's getting her GED and Jellybean wants to be called JB now." His laugh doesn't reach his eyes. It's like he's laughing to keep from crying.

"Oh, Jug," Mickey frowns.

He bangs his fist against the wall a couple of times in frustration. "The thing is, I know what he says—all the promises—mean nothing. I felt so angry outside of that police station and I just wanted to shake him, or make him see with sober eyes for a second to see how much this affects me."

"Why didn't you?"

He pulls his bottom lip in between his teeth and squeezes his eyes shut.

She wipes the tears falling down his cheeks.

Jughead grabs her wrists to stop her from wiping his tears. He opens his eyes and he's at a lost for words. But he's looking at her with all the trust in the world.

"Jug, I have to tell you something."

He shakes his head, "Don't. Not right now. I can't handle anymore drama tonight. Stay with me, okay?"

She almost agrees, but then her phone vibrates with a text. It's from Betty. "Betty wants everyone at Pop's."

Apparently, the Blossoms agreed to help newly-found Polly. It was all well and dandy until Cheryl dropped a massive warning about her parents' true intentions. That's what Betty wanted to tell her friends at Pop's.

"Don't worry, Bee," Veronica says into her phone as her, Mickey, and Polly walk into the Lodges' apartment. "My Mom will want to help."

"Help with what?" Hermione walks into the main room. She holds her hand out to Polly. "Hermione Lodge," she introduces herself.

Mickey walks past them and goes into the kitchen while Veronica explains to the situation. The situation being Veronica offering Polly a safe place in their apartment. Clearly, Mickey's not all for it. There's enough drama in their household.

A few minutes later, after helping Polly settle, Hermione and Veronica walk into the kitchen. "What's wrong, sweetie?" Hermione questions her daughter.

Mickey says, "She can stay, but I'm staying at Archie's."

"You can't just pick up and go when you please," Hermione tells her. "That's not how it works."

Veronica says, "Let her go. Polly needs a welcoming environment."

Fred opens the front door and smiles, "Look who decided to use the front door."

Mickey greets him quickly before rushing up the stairs to Archie's bedroom. She freezes by the door when she sees Jughead stringing Archie's guitar on Archie's bed.

Archie stops pumping up the blow up bed and looks at her with wide eyes. "Didn't you get my message?"

"My phone died," she tells him. "What's going on here?"

Jughead puts the guitar down and gives her a suspicious look. "I could ask you two the same thing. This is a usual encounter? Late night visits?"

Archie clears his throat. "Jug's staying with us for a while, Mick."

"Well, I just need a place to crash for the night," she says.

"Take the bed," Archie insists. "I'll sleep on the couch downstairs."

"Great," Jughead mutters. "Just great."

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