Friends are the family you ch...

By Galfort

1.2K 44 117

Scott had tried out for lots of talent shows before and it never end up well, but The Sing-Off was different... More

Meeting Scott
School's out for summer(almost)
Meeting Kirstin
Dragons and Texas
Back to California
Of arrangements and hot tubs
Rhythm of love

The start of something new

74 2 5
By Galfort

-Little brother!!-Avi heard Joshua's voice shouting, but before he could understand where it was coming from, two strong arms where squeezing him.
-Easy Josh! You are killing him!-said Esther, walking towards her brothers with a big big smile.
The Kaplan sibling had not seen each other since Christmas and it was already May.
-I was just trying to make up for missing his birthday last month-
-We'll, he is not going to have another birthday if you don't let him breath-she had to remind Josh before he let go of his younger brother.
-Sorry Bro, just got carried away-
-No problem. And, by the way, I've mused your birthday too so I think we are even-Avi said, as soon as he was able to breath properly again.
-Soooooo, how did your meeting go? -asked Esther, changing the subject.
-What meeting? -
-Avi was supposed to meet a boy, what was his name? -
-Scott-Avi replied, fixing his eyes on his shoes and passing a hand through his hairs.
-Yeah, right, Scott. He was supposed to meet Scott to talk about the project of an acapella group-
-Another one little brother? Are you never tired of singing? And how come she always know everything and I don't know nothing? –
-She asked me-was all the younger one was able to reply, still not looking at his brother.
-Ok, fair enough. So, tell us, how did this meeting go? -
-I think I'm going to try this-Avi said more to Esther than to Josh.
-You think or you are going to? -She asked and only at this point Avi raise his gaze.
-I'm going. I'm definitely going. No doubt about it. They are amazing, the project is great and I want to be part of it-
-Damn that's a change of attitude! -Josh exclaimed making everyone laugh.
-He's right! I wonder what did this Scott say to make you so enthusiast about the whole thing-
Avi smiled softly.
-He actually didn't say anything to convince me. I went there thinking "OK, let's s what he has to say" but the moment I sat in front of him I felt like if I was so already in and I actually started to talk about this project like I was already in, like if there was nothing to take about. I think I've taken both him and myself aback-
Esther laughed and Josh smiled.
Josh had a real talent for music but he never tried to pursue it, he still wasn't sure why, and, looking at the passion that was shining in his brother eyes, he was starting to regret that decision. Maybe if he would have devoted himself to the music he would have been happy as his brother was when he was talking about singing and playing the guitar.
-I bet he was! I mean, I've read the mail you sent him and it really looked like you were going to decline his offer-
Esther said, still laughing.
-I know. Well, I've thought that he should had had pretty good convincing skills to make me leave my actual group but my heart told me not to hesitate and go for it and so I did it. Like you told me Es-
-Happy that you followed my advice.
You know that this means that I want to meet these guys now, right? -
-Slow down sis. I still have to meet most of them myself.
But I will let you meet them when the time is right-
She seemed satisfied and let silence surround them for few seconds.
At last until Josh stomach didn't start to growl like a wild animal.
-Time to eat now. We can keep talking in front of..... Well every kind of food. Right now I'm so hungry I could eat really anything-Josh said, pushing siblings down the street.
-So, since you are the one living around here, where are you taking us dragon? -
Avi's smile widened hearing his childhood nickname.
-Follow me, there's a nice barbecue place few blocks away-
-Barbecue, I've should have seen this coming! -
-Yes Josh, you definitely should have seen this coming. It's still Avi, remember? –
The oldest one laughed a little before pulling his brother close in a tight hug.
-I've missed you bro! Both you and your barbecue obsession! -

As soon as he got home Scott threw himself on the bed, reaching for his laptop.
After the coffee with Avi he had joined a couple of friends to study for the test they had the following week and now he was so tired that was actually surprised that he had made it back home without falling asleep on the first bench he had seen on the street.
All he wanted to do right now was getting a bit of rest before going to a friend's room to rehearse something with their Acapella group, but he knew that Mitch would have not waited for much longer before starting to become annoying.
As soon as Scott opened Skype he saw that his friend was already online while there was no trace of Kirstie that was probably still having classes.
He didn't even have the time to decide what to do that Mitch was already calling him.
-Mama wants her details-the black-haired boy said immediately, without hesitation.
- "Hello Scott, how was your day. I hope everything is fine"-The blond replied, trying to mimic his friend's voice.
-Everything's good. Thanks for asking, you're such a good friend Mitchie-
-Fine. Hi Scottland, how was your day? –
-Pretty nice, I'm just a little bit tired but thanks for spontaneously asking.-
-Cut the crap lovely boy. You know I'm very interested in your life but right now we have more urgent matters-
-Right down to business uh?
Ok. But I won't tell you until Kirstie is here and I can see that she is still offline so get comfortable and wait cause I'm not gonna say everything twice just because you are so eager-
-I just wonder where is our tiny princess. She is never late to one of our "meeting"-
-She is probably just still in school.
Sometimes you get crazy schedules in college that make you wish you were still back in high school-
-Tell me I didn't hear correctly. Are you really regretting Martin high?-
-It wasn't that bad actually, you know? -
-No, I don't since I don't have anything to compare it to. But I suppose it could be worse-
-Definitely, trust me. I heard some stories about high school from my friends that will fit perfectly in a horror movie.
Oh, look Kirstie is online now!
Let me add her to the conversation! -
In few second a smiley face popped up on the screen.
-Hey baby face, what's up? -exclaimed Mitch, happy to see his friend after so much time.
-Nothing interesting. Just college. What about you? -
-Nothing interesting, just finals. Can't wait to be done with school and fly to sunny L.A.-
-So, we are going, are we Scott? You said you had news-
-And I have, don't worry pretty princess. I was just waiting for you to get online. You know how much I hate to repeat myself-he replied, smiling.
-But now you are here and I can officially say that we got ourselves a bass!!!!!!!!-
-So, this Avi guy is in then?!!-
Kirstie sounded almost more excited than Mitch and Scott couldn't avoid laughing a little.
-He's more than in, but wait to get so cheerful-
-He said no to the idea of flying Kevin over? -Mitch asked, pretty sure that he could not be wrong.
In his shoes Scott would had reached the same conclusion, but, knowing how things were, he couldn't avoid laughing again.
-What's so funny?!-the younger one asked, perplexed.
-Well, I don't care if you believe it or not but I didn't even had to ask. The guy came out with the same idea as Kirstie without me saying anything. He actually said her exact same words.
It was almost scary to be honest. Are you sure that you've never met him Kirst?-
Now was her turn to laugh.
-The fact that we had the same idea doesn't mean that we are connected, but just that we think alike, which is pretty awesome now that I think about it-she said, smiling.
-Well, now that this is settled I was thinking about writing again to Kevin and see if he is willing to come here if we pay half of his plane ticket-
-If he doesn't than he is truly dumb and we don't need him!-Mitch exclaimed, making his friends laugh.
-I'm not sure that's actually true, but after this we can definitely say that we have tried everything. By the way, since we are here, why don't you both help me to write this thing?-Scott asked.
The other two nodded and the blond boy started to look into his computer to find his conversation with the beatboxer.
-So, how did ended last time? -Kirstie asked.
Instead of replying, Scott pressed the "Share screen" button to allow his friends to see exactly what he was seeing.
-Ok, nice move Scooter. Now if he replies we will all see it. Well, first thing first: just say hello to the guy. That's always a nice way to start a conversation-
-Thanks Mitch, I would have never thought about it! What would I do without you in my life?!-
-I don't know, probably die-
Kirstie chuckled.
Were moments like this that made her miss her friends even more.
College was awesome, but without these two dorks nothing was as good as it could have been.
-You two! Would you just stop playing around and get down to business? It's not like we have that much time, especially if Kevin still doesn't want to come-
-Well a bit of positivity would not hurt Kirstie-Scott replied, using the exact same words she had said to him last time.
-All right, all right. Just.....start to write something!-
-Ok boss, just give me a sec-Scott laughed and then started typing.

-Candace, you won't believe to this!!-Kevin shouted to his sister, who was lying on the big couch in the next room.
-What about big man? -she answered without getting up.
-Remember the guy who asked me to fly to L.A. to try out for that acapella thing? -
-Yeah, sure, but I thought you said to him that you won't go-
-Well, seems that he is not going to take my no as an answer. Do you want to know what he replied? -
-I have the feeling that you're going to tell me anyway, so.... -
-"Hey, Kevin, is still me, Scott. Sorry to bother you again but it would mean really a lot to me and my friends if you could at least try to come"-he started to read out loud before his sister stopped him.
-Does this Scott realize that go to L.A. cost actual money? -
-Just listen Candace because here comes the craziness-
-I'm all ears-
- "I know that planes are not really cheap so we thought about a possible solution. We could pay for half of the ticket so you don't have to face the entire expense on your own. Would this work for you? If you could come we will be forever grateful, but if you are still decided not to come it's fine. Just let us know as soon as possible, all right?"-
-Wait wait wait. Did I hear correctly? Are they going to pay for your flight? -
-Well, half of it, but yes. This must be pretty important to them-
Now Candace was right next to him, looking at his face like if she just had some sort of revelation.
-You are going to go, Are you not? -
-Well, I will be graduated, so I will not have to worry about school, and they are going to pay most of the expenses so I don't see why not. I mean, not like there is much to lose-
-So, you are going. And how are you planning on telling this to mum and dad? -
-Just give me few days. I will come up with something. By the way is not like I'm dropping out of school forever, this will take me at most one semester. I can take one semester off and still become a doctor or whatever-
-This is not going to make them happy-
-I know, but I have to try, I feel like it's the right thing to do now.
College is awesome and everything, but if I don't go to L.A. I may regret it for my entire life and this is the only risk I'm not willing to take. You know I am bad at dealing with regrets-
-Yeah, I know. So what are going to say to Scott?-
-I'm going to tell him when I can fly there, hoping that everything will work out and then, when we will have everything organized, I will tell mum and dad about it-
-Tell us what son? - said a deep voice from behind his shoulders, making him jump.
-Well, I suppose that your plans are just been destroyed. Now you have to tell them right now-Candace whispered in his ear before walking away.
-Wait, are you not going to give me moral support on this? -
-Your choice, your talk with mum and dad, but I wish you good luck if that's help-
-Such great help. You are a devil sometimes Candy-
-I know brother mine, I love you too-
-Son, stop bickering with your sister and tell us what's going on-
Kevin sighed.
The early return of his parents from church had taken him by surprise.
He had hoped to have at least a couple of days to organize things with Scott and making his own mind about the whole situation before telling them he was going to fly to L.A. for a project that could possibly make him lose an entire semester at the university.
Now he had to convince them before even have the time to completely convince himself.
That was going to be the hardest thing he had ever done.
-Ok, mum, dad I think it's better if you sit down for a second-
-Do I have to worry Kevin? -his father asked, looking straight in his son eyes.
-No, not really at least-
-Did you do something bad? -his mother asked worried.
-What? No, no. Look, I didn't do nothing. Yet-
He whispered the last word, hoping his parents didn't hear him but, of course, he was wrong.
-What do you mean by "yet"? -
-I mean that......Look, there is no good way to put it so I will go straight to the point. I'm going to fly to L.A. after my graduation-
-I thought you wanted to keep going to Yale, the best medical school is there-his mother looked puzzled and he understood perfectly.
Kevin had talked about getting a medical degree at Yale for years, he had never said anything about California.
-I'm not going there for school-
-Are you going to take a vacation with your friends? -
-No, not really, I am....... Somebody asked me if I wanted to try out for an acapella show and I really want to say "yes". Before you ask, they are willing to pay for my plane ticket, but, if everything goes well, I will have to take a semester off from university-
Kevin didn't have the courage to look at his parents faces after blurting out something like this.
He knew how many sacrifices they had to do to help him getting where he was and the last thing that he wanted was to make them feel like they have wastes time and resources for......him.
That was why he had said "no" to Scott in the beginning, but something in his heart had kept telling him that not going to L.A. would have been one of the things he would have to regret at some point and he was ready to take the risk of regretting anything.
-Look son. I get that you love music and everything, but......You got into Yale, you just came back from China and you are going to be a doctor, do you really want to waste all this for....... singing?
And by the way where is this passion for acapella coming from? -
His father sounded so disappointed and Kevin felt his heart shutter a little.
This conversation was really going to be truly painful for all of them.
-I'm not going to waste anything. Medical school will still be there next year and I will be a good student, even better that I've always been, but..... Dad, for the first time I feel like I have a shot with music. I have to try or I'll live with this regret forever. Do you want this for me? -
-I don't want you to waste any real opportunity. That's what I want for you and that's why I'm trying to talk you out of this. You have the chance to have a good a satisfactory life with a medical degree, why are you throwing it out of the window for some.....dreams?-
-I'm not throwing anything anywhere dad. You know I would never. How can you even think that?
You know how much I appreciate what you did for me, but I have to take some risky decisions if I want to be happy. Do you want me to be happy? -
-Of course we want you to be happy sweety, but are you sure that this is the right way? -his mother asked and Kevin was ready to swear that there were tears in her eyes.
-Let me fly to L.A. mum and let's see how things will turn out. Just let me try my own way-
-Well, we don't have the power to stop you, do we?
You are and adult now so you can make your own decisions but we'll see how far this will go. Just pray that you have not taken the wrong path son, because turning back will not be easy-his father said in the sternest tone he had, before walking away, leaving his wife and his son alone in the room.
-You know, he is not wrong sweety. Are you sure you really want to do this? -
-Let me try mum. Let me see if this can be something in my life-
-I couldn't stop you even if I wanted to but I still think you are making a mistake-she said exiting the room as well.
Kevin sighed.
Well now he knew his family wasn't going to be by his side in this, at least not for the moment.
He took his phone from his pocket and started to text Scott.
He was going to prove them wrong, he was going to prove that music could have an important place in his life. He was going to make a living out of it.
He, Scott and his friends.
He felt Goosebumps on his skin and knew that a new adventure was just starting.


So, this is really short and probably full of mistakes(i will be grateful if you point me out any mistake, especially since english is not my first language)and for that I'm sorry, but these last few chapters are like an introduction to everything.
i hope you like it anyway, let me know what you think.

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