Soulmates Are Harder Than I T...

By BoredSoLetsWrite

104K 4.7K 11.9K

Sometimes the universe doesn't think things through well, sometimes decides to mess with someone's life and n... More

Chapter I: Parties Sure Suck
Chapter II: Bathroom is the safest place
Chapter IV: He shouldn't be jealous
Chapter V: Double Date, Double Mess
Chapter VI: Everything Was Not Okay
Chapter VII: Crushing Is Awful
Chapter VIII: Lafayette is unhelpful
Chapter IX: The Ride To The Ball
Chapter X: The Ride Is Not Going Well
Chapter XI: Finally arrived in South Carolina
This Story Has A Trailer Now
Chapter XII: Getting Settled In An Unsettling Place
Chapter XIII: Bonding Through Suffering
Character Q&A ANSWERS
Chapter XIV: Downhill And Under The Table
Chapter XV: Sex and Busted
Chapter XVI: True Feelings Meant To Stay Hidden
Chapter XVII: Small Moments Of Peace
Chapter XVIII: Going Back To New York
Chapter XIX: I'm Pretty Sure This Is Illegal
Chapter XX: Finally Reach Campus
Chapter XXI: Please Tell Him
Chapter XXII: Getting Intimate
Chapter XXIV: Post-Sex Awkardeness
Chapter XXV: I Won't Let You
Chapter XXVI: I Need To Fix This
Chapter XXVII: I'm Sorry
Chapter XXVIII: What I was trying to avoid.
Okay so about the ending...
Chapter XXIX: The Calm Before the Storm
Chapter XXX: Love Isn't Fair
Chapter XXX: Once Upon A Time (2)
Reactions To Angsty Ending
Hey. Long Time No See

Chapter III: What even are soulmates?

3.4K 163 140
By BoredSoLetsWrite

Soulmate: A person with whom you have an immediate connection the moment you meet -- a connection so strong that you are drawn to them in a way you have never experienced before. As this connection develops over time, you experience a love so deep, strong and complex, that you begin to doubt that you have ever truly loved anyone prior. Your soulmate understands and connects with you in every way and on every level, which brings a sense of peace, calmness and happiness when you are around them. And when you are not around them, you are all that much more aware of the harshness of life, and how bonding with another person in this way is the most significant and satisfying thing you will experience in your lifetime. You are also all that much aware of the beauty in life, because you have been given a great gift and will always be thankful.
Normally, people notice when they find their soulmates. Scientifically proven, human beings only see things in black and white, with faint hues, the only full colored thing is the people with soulmates, that way, they'll be able to identify who has soulmates and who's your soulmate. Once you find your soulmate, pheromones in each of the beings create an irresistible attraction to one another, making each want to be with the other non-stop.

"Yeah well that's not my case." said John and closed his laptop. He was currently at Hercules and Lafayette's apartment, resting on the couch. "There's nothing in this article talking about people with two soulmates, heck, I'd even take unrequited soulmates, I just want something!" he flopped down on the couch, crossing his arms. Hercules, who was currently playing something on his phone, put it away and looked at John.

"I know nothing about soulmates of that sort, maybe ask Laf." he shrugged. "But, you sure it was him? Maybe you bumped into someone."

"No, I'm a hundred percent sure that it was him. He came to high-five me, and once we touched hands I felt tingles go all up to my arm and chest and the whole chebang. Next time I look, I'm no longer black or white."

"No, you're tan, with freckles."

"It's not funny, Herc!" John groaned and buried his head in the pillow besides him, hugging it tightly. "I could've lived my life normally without a soulmate! And because of a high-five, I found my soulmate, who already had a soulmate!"

"Listen, all we have to do is look up if someone can have two soulmates, we'll have our answer." said Hercules reaching over to the laptop and opening it. The only sound in the room was the clicking of the keyboard, and John's groans. "Can you stop groaning? You sound like you're dying." Hercules chuckled faintly.

"I am dying! On the inside!" John said dramatically. "What did you find?" he sat down besides him.

"Well, there's nothing on anyone having more than one soulmate." he said scrolling through all of the articles, Wikipedia pages, even science pages. But never something that said 'people with two soulmates' and John was starting to lose hope and planning his life as a loner, when Lafayette entered, loudly.

"Hey!!" he slammed the door opened and it hit the wall. "Sorry." he said to the wall, the turned to John and Hercules. "So I was at the library, looking up books on soulmates, and I found something." he said three a book in John's lap.

"What did you find?" asked John flipping the pages in the book.

"I mean, read the book." Lafayette sat on the other side of John. "Gimme here, I'll read the page." Lafayette took the book and opened the page.

"The first time you glimpse at each other you are immediately drawn to each other, extremely different than ever recognizing anyone you have ever met before. You already know them, feel who they are. Then you speak and realize this is the most amazing person you have ever met and you feel unnaturally comfortable with them. Instead of wanting to know the "basics" about them it is like meeting an old friend you haven't seen in—"

"We already know that! I want to know about the people with two soulmates!" groaned John annoyed and crossed his arms.

"Taire et de me laisser terminer." said Lafayette, not taking his eyes off of the book. (Translation: Shut up and let me finish.)

John rolled his eyes, but stayed silent.

"Instead of wanting to know the "basics" about them it is like meeting an old friend you haven't seen in ages and it is time to catch up. This is the person you have been searching for. In that moment the longing stops but you don't realize until you are forced to be apart. This person completes you on a spiritual level and anything could happen, good or bad, one look in their eyes brings a smile to your face and peace to your heart. Suddenly everything you have worked for in your life becomes clear and the path you were unsure of following is now being lit for the both of you to follow. All your fears vanish and you no longer question your purpose in life because together the purpose evolves on its own. You find their insecurities as parts of their soul you need to heal. Mutual understanding and respect. Days filled with laughter. Even if you are sitting next to each other, touching each other, it still feels like they are miles away because that person could never be close enough yet at the same time it feels like you are melting together and your spirits are dancing. In occasions, a person may have two soulmates, from which they have to chose who to stay with for the rest of their life."

"So I have to compete against Elizabeth Schuyler or some kind of bullcrap!?" John said and groaned louder. "My life is just wonderful!"

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