Elite: Ragnald

huntressmoon tarafından

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'My name is Cameron Strong. I am 16 and I work for the Secret Intelligence Agency'. S.I.A has recruited 5 te... Daha Fazla

Meet the Elite
Our Lives are Lies
Secret Society of Scandalous School Stories
Chance Encounters
Emerge Elite
Cataclysmic Reveals
Skilled in Denial
Engender Eventualities
The Missing Greene
Reappearance of the Stone
Reviewing Possibilities
Magic Doesn't Make Me
What has been Lost
Birthdays and Break-ins
Finding the Factory
Training and Mainframes
Goodbyes and Deceptions
Falling Apart and Falling Together
Party in Purple

Moving On from Tragedy

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huntressmoon tarafından

The energy coursed through my veins like electricity, and I could feel my core filling up more than it ever had. It felt like waking up- refreshing and leaving you with a sense of power that made it seem like suddenly everything was within your capabilities. 

Letting go of the stone with a sense of awe, my eyes lifted to survey the room and its occupants. Although initially everyone had been thrown back as a result of the explosion, Elite was climbing to their feet and looking at each other in a gleeful daze, disbelieving smiles slowly curling upon their lips. 

Annihilate stood up slowly, gazing back at us with horror and anger clouding his masked features, looking as though he was boiling over with rage at the complete foiling if his plans. 

I looked down at my hands in wonder, wiggling my fingers and grinning at the familiar wisps that danced around my fingertips. The color had changed from midnight blue to a darker sapphire, and I loved it. Going through the familiar motions of slowly building up a ball of energy between my palms, I turned to first unfortunate robot I saw and promptly directed my magic towards it, watching as the wisps seeped through its metal casing and within a few seconds, left it twitching on the floor with sparks flying off.

Oh, we had this now.

Having overcome the initial shock, the fighting had commenced once again, but this time it was ten times more chaotic. With jets of light shooting through the air and a familiar pale mint green streak whizzing amongst the bodies of enemies, there really didn't seem like any stopping us now. I felt the addicting high of battle, and it occured to me that I've never felt more alive than when dancing around the edge of death.

Powers can be addicting. The confidence you get when you know that there's something to rely on- something making it incredibly difficult for you to be defeated- begins  to make you reckless and egoistical. 

"You impudent child," Annihilate hissed, stalking through battle easily as he made his way towards me. The anger radiating off him in waves chilled me to the bone, and I hoped that my newly returned powers would be enough to hold my own against him. 

I didn't understand Annihilate's skill set. He didn't seem to have any flashy or obvious powers, but he was evidently far more durable than an average person. Geowater and Aerofire had spent nearly an hour throwing a variety of attacks at the villain, and despite that, Annihilate didn't have much to show for it other than a wide range of cuts and bruises, and the slightest trace of a limp. If he had managed to obtain powers from Ragnald, then I didn't know how I would fare against him with my months of not using powers.

Understandably, I was incredibly on guard as the villain approached me in a maddening rage and with the expression of a man whose pride had been severely wounded. The sound of his leather overcoat flapping against the air sharply hit my senses, and I almost flinched from the intensity of the murderous glare he was firing my way. "Do you understand what you have done? How much of my work you've laid to waste for your own selfishness?" he seethed, fingers twitching as he came to a stop across from me, the podium being the only thing separating us.

My muscles tensed, readying themselves to be thrown into quick action when need be. "You're the one who stole what never belonged to you, in the first place," I retorted with narrowed eyes, mentally praying that I wouldn't regret that statement too much.

Wordlessly, Annihilate pulled out a handgun from the holster on his hip, and I was faced with staring down the its barrel, frozen in place for a second. Before the bullet had been fired, I snapped out of the brief daze and managed to handspring out of the way in time to avoid getting shot in the head. In the moment of distraction, Annihilate swiped the stone off the podium by the metal stand holding it and whirled around to make a break for it into the crowd of combat.

"Streak!" I yelled out to draw attention to the situation and the girl responded immediately, her telltale streak being the only visible evidence of her presence as she circled him faster than he could blink. In a second, he'd been kneed in the gut and the metal contraption (along with the stone) was in Ollie's possession. 

She sped to a few feet away from the bent over man and tossed the stand into the air, casually examining the weapon of mass destruction as one would a pretty rock. "So much fuss for this thing," she commented offhandedly. Unbeknownst to her, Annihilate had already signaled his nearest goon to attempt to get the stone back from Streak.

As soon as the lithe woman made a swipe at kicking her head, Streak expertly avoided it, tossing it over to Comet with a yell of her name. The woman watched Ragnald go sailing theough the air, baffled for a second before she turned to face her younger opponent once again. Ollie shrugged with a grin, and promptly punched her in the face, knocking her out before speeding away. 

A man, maybe in his mid-thirties, had strayed away from his gang to engage in combat with me, and I knew he must've been a part of S.I.A from how effective his defense and counter-attacks were. Needless to say, I was a little preoccupied when three of his goon friends decided to join in on the fun. 

Talk about crashing a party.

However, I did keep watch on the stone in my peripheral vision, watching as it got passed around like a giant and deadly game of Pass-the-Parcel. Eve to Noah, Noah to Jordan, Jordan to random goon, random goon to enemy agent, agent to Scott, and Scott to Sky. 

Annihilate seemed to have also been watching this rather interesting sequence of events, and he had decided that enough was enough. As soon as the stone in its metal claw landed in Justice's grasp, he was there behind her and lunging for it. The blonde narrowly avoided getting tackled and turned to face the villain with a vicious glare of her jade green eyes. 

Surprisingly, he faltered for a second, something unrecognizable flashing across his face before his expression hardened. "Enough of this ridiculous game. Hand over the stone," he demanded, holding out his hand. Was he offering her a choice?

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion even as I ducked to avoid a punch, and consequently, a black eye. 

Sky sneered. "Go fetch," she taunted, throwing Ragnald up into the air where it was snatched up by Aerofire. Taking out the last of my opponents, I caught the metal stem of the article holding the stone of energy in place as Aerofire dropped it down to me when he flew overhead. 

I tensed when all eyes turned to me, and when Annihilate yelled for someone to get the stone, I did what my natural instinct screamed at me to do: I ran away from the approaching army of evil, crossing the glass bridge to get to the other side of the lab. It was a large blur of throwing energy projections resorting to just physical fighting amidst tossing the stone around once again. I had thrown the stone back to my brother when he had swung over to the new 'battlefield' using a grappling hook he had apparently obtained at some point.

After that, the stone had landed in my possession twice. Or, rather, thrice as I slid between the legs of some guy blocking my path to Sky who promptly dropped Ragnald onto my palm before taking off to combat something else.

"Guys, we need to leave now!" Aerofire shouted over the sounds of attacks, and it was then that I remembered the fact that Ryder was going to blow the facility up. "Detonation in five minutes," he added loudly.

It was this announcement that had it clicking for basically everyone in the lab. Putting two and two isn't difficult after information like that. There's only so many things you detonate that require escaping for survival. Barely moments after, Annihilate's goons were among the firsts to get out of the lab and to the nearest exit.

Scrambling to my feet from the crouch I had paused in, I followed after my team, and just as I reached the glass bridge, I was roughly pulled backwards. Of course, this went unnoticed until Elite was practically by the doors, and when they realized that Annihilate was a scornful piece of shit who had a really sharp knife to my throat, I was already cursing everything in existence that could've possibly had a hand in my luck being so drastically crappy.

"The stone," he hissed in my ear, and in response my fingers curled around said stone even tighter.

I mean, how cliché? 

Just as I was about take my chances with elbowing the creep, he was wrestled off me and I could only blink in surprise at how dramatically the situation was turning out to be. Pride and gratefulness are the only two things I can use to describe my emotions then when it registered that it was Easton who had come to my aid before I had even asked.

Ultimately, I'm sure I would've handled it, and this Easton knew, but the fact that he was now ruthlessly beating up his new boss told me that this was his way of trying to apologize when he knew words would only fail him. 

"You promised you wouldn't hurt them," Easton ground out through clenched teeth, punching the villain pinned beneath him. "You promised. That was the deal." Annihilate grinned, spitting out blood to the side, "I lied."

My mouth fell open. Deal? 

Somewhere in the facility, an explosion went off, shaking the ground and snapping me out of my daze. I needed to leave. But not without Easton, I decided, looking back at my godfather. 

Another explosion- this one closer- followed and I called out desperately to the man who raised my brother and I. "East, come one. Let's go," I beckoned, inching towards the bridge. His wild gaze snapped to mine, hope shining withing its depths. I had reaccepted him, and it was too good for him to believe. 

At last, having called him once more, Easton stood up and followed after me as we moved to make our way across the bridge together. I had already reached the other side when he called out to me.

Turning around to be met with Annihilate attacking him from behind, my heart caught in my throat as yet another loud explosion went off, and this time, it brought fire with itself. The machines had begun falling and the sparks they brought had ignited the flames that were now slowly surrounding the room.

"Cam, go!" Easton screamed amidst the struggle, and tears of horror pricked my eyes when the bridge began to give out underneath them. If I threw energy, I could risk hitting East, and I didn't know how he would recover from that, if at all. With my emotions running wild, my control would have minimized, which meant that I wouldn't be able to control the magnitude of the attack. 

Moreover, if I were to run out onto the bridge now and help, the whole thing would collapse under the added weight. 

Somewhere in the background, I could make out Aiden yelling for me to leave, but I couldn't when I was so close to losing the remaining parent figure in my life. I was frozen with no idea on what to do. 

Heat had begun to rise to scorching levels and amidst the sounds of mine and Easton's crying, and Aiden's pleading, Annihilate's cackling rang out like the very announcement of his victory despite having lost. 

Then the final explosion took place, a whole new line of fire erupting with it like fiery rage that had successfully displaced me off my feet and sent me flying backwards.

I registered the feeling of arms wrapping around me mid-air, and the weightlessness of being carried out.

I sensed the absolute heat rolling off any and every surface, threatening to burn everything it touched, including my skin which already felt like it was slowly melting off my bones.

And I felt the indescribable despair and utter hopelessness as the bridge finally gave out, falling into the river beneath and taking my godfather away with it, no chance remaining of his survival. 

When it registered, all I could do was scream for him, struggling against the iron grip that Aiden had around my waist as hot tears burned my eyes and flowed down my cheeks. I screamed even though my lungs were burning and I didn't have enough air. I screamed even though I could only watch as we got further away from the lab and through a hole in the wall to the outside world. I screamed because I knew he wasn't coming back.

And when I had screamed my throat raw, I cried. I mourned for the man who had raised me, and I sobbed against Aiden's shoulder because it just wasn't fair. 

"Cry it all out," Aiden murmured to me, shifting his hold to stroke my hair as I watched with blurry vision as the factory got further away and the cloudes of flames rose up to the sky, smoke hanging thick in the air. 

It was over, and he was gone.

15 February, Friday, 5:45 pm

The sun was shining, the breeze blew my hair back slightly, the trees and flowers swayed, the birds sang, and the world was happy. It seemed cruel somehow.

The sun had only just begun to set, and as I watched it, I realized that I had no more tears left to cry. I had mourned for Easton, and I had felt guilty for his death. Now, I was bent on moving on because he wouldn't have wanted any of us to put our lives on hold for him, and if anything, I was determined to make him proud. 

February 3rd had to have been the one of the worst days of my life. Aiden had flown us out to where the rest of the team was waiting a safe distance from the factory, and once they'd finished the initial chastising for my recklessness, it had occurred that I was crying and hadn't stopped. In a mere whimper I had relayed the news of his death, and so began the worst week I had experienced since my parents' death. 

Now, nearly two weeks later, the sense of loss had reopened a seemingly never ending chasm within me that was going to end up swallowing me whole. Or, at least it would've, but my friends provided infinite support in their own different ways. Not to mention that once again, my sorrow was equally shared with my brother and we were getting through it together.

We would give each other an arm of guidance, and when neither could handle it, we'd mourn together. 

Nevertheless, we would move on and things would fall into place. It wouldn't seem right at first, but we'd adapt. It just didn't seem fair to try to move on from Easton so soon. I felt like I should be sad for longer, more dramatically perhaps. That after only twelve days, maybe I ought to still be comatose. 

I suppose everyone has their own ways of grieving. It shouldn't make me feel like my pain is any less.

"You're here? They're searching for you downstairs," footsteps followed the statement, and then Aiden was sitting beside me on the rooftop, our shoulders just barely brushing against each other's. He was warm- warmer than most things I had come in contact with for the preceeding days. "How are you today?" he questioned softly.

Exhaling slowly, I examined the slowly darkening palette of the sky and how the colors swirled to merge into the unique mixture for the day. "Better," I replied, my voice coming out slightly scratchy from the lack of use in the previous few hours. 

Aiden hummed. "You know," he began hesitantly, "you never got around to properly talking about it. I don't want to push you, but maybe you'd feel better once you did." 

My arms tightened around my knees, my breath becoming shaky for a second. "I didn't anticipate the fight to turn out like that," I whispered. "I had this whole image where we'd bring him home, and Annihilate would be in custody, and everything would be alright. Now, Easton's...gone, and it just seemes so unbelievable," words poured out from my mouth like I'd had it already written out in my mind. 

He nodded, beckoning me to continue. 

"When I found out that he was Cataclysm, I wanted to hurt him. And now I can't imagine ever having thought something like that, and I know it's not, but I can't help but feel like it's kind of my fault. I mean, maybe I could've sved him. I should've done something- anything other than having just stood there and screamed," I buried my face in my hands, rubbing the heel of my palm into my eyelids. 

Wordlessly, his arms wrapped around my shoulders and pulled me into his warmth, and it was like he was physically trying to share his belief that everything would genuinely be alright. "I was there, Cameron, and I know there was nothing you could've done. If anything, maybe I could've done something to manipulate the air and save him," he murmured, his breath tickling my hairline before I pulled away from his graso with a vicious galre.

"Don't you dare blame yourself, Cranford," I warned. "This is in no way your fault."

Aiden's lips curled in a melancholic smile, and his hands reached out for his fingertips to just barely graze my scalp as he brushed back strand of hair, tucking them behind my ear. His warm fingertips lingered against my cheeks, and I relished in the feeling. "I know it's not my fault," he reassured. "And it's not yours either. Easton made his choice in protecting you, and I'm positive he doesn't regret it now, wherever he is."

Despite the sadness that felt like it stretched on for ages, I smiled at his words and the sentiment behind them. His azure blue irises burned with the very fire he controlled, but Aiden's fire was more determined and akin to a fire cackling on a cold winter's day, doing its best to warm you. 

"I'm really going to miss you," I whispered, leaning into his touch. 

His forehead came to rest against mine, the barest trace of uncertainty creeping into his eyes at the movement, but still, he smiled at me gently. "I am, too. It doesn't feel like you're really going back to NYC today," he admitted. "I wish I'd had more time to spend with you."

I didn't think about what I did next. It only required the slightest movement for my lips to meet his, and it just felt like the right time to do it. I was going to leave in the next few minutes, and goodness knows when I would see him next. If anything, I was at least going to the kiss him before I had to say goodbye.

In that moment was all the time we needed just then. As we kissed against the sunset backdrop, with his warmth enveloping me in a healing embrace, it felt like I had an eternity to stay where I was.

Unfortunately, however, I didn't. I had to leave soon, and if I stayed for much longer, I wouldn't ever leave. That couldn't happen while Annihilate was still at large. After all, his body was never recovered from the river like Easton's was. It is highly possible that he managed to survive and escape. 

So, with reluctance, I pulled away, taking a moment to register the unclouding bliss that muted all kther thoughts in my mind. "I wish I'd done that sooner," I whispered to myself as though I had uncovered some great secret. Aiden sat silently, surprise and wonder written across his face and a blush dusting his cheeks.

I would've loved to stay there with him, but I needed to go. There was so much to do, and I wanted to make Easton proud by not spiraling downwards to my own demise following his death. I would work, and Annihilate would be defeated if it was the last thing I did.

"Are you coming?" I questioned once I'd stood up and ducked through the attic window.

He shook his head slightly. "I'll be there in a minute," he replied, sounding dazed.

Smiling in amusement at his distracted behavior, I climbed down the stairs and walked out the front door for the last time in our house in Prime City. Our bags were already in the car, and everyone else stood by, waiting. Jordan would be coming later, once everything had been tied up regarding our covers so, it would just be the core five members of Elite for the drive back to S.I.A headquarters. 

"It's such a shame you couldn't stay for longer," Anne commented, giving me a tight hug. "Do come visit sometime, dear."

We'd told her we were moving because of our godfather's transfer. She thought he was still alive, and that Noah and I were perfectly alright. Anne was genuinely concerned about how our education would be affected, and it made me tingle with fondness for the woman. 

I nodded at her, separating from her embrace. "I will," I promised, because I hoped to. 

I hugged Ryder and Scott as well, pulling them both towards me together. "You two stay out of trouble for a while, yeah? Train, and continue being heroes," I murmured to them before pulling away with a small, sad smile which they reciprocated. 

"We both know I'm no hero, Cam," Ryder shook his head. 

I ruffled his hair, messing up the chocolate curls. "You prevent Aerofire's and Geowater's butts from getting kicked too badly. You're pretty heroic in your own right, Ry," I assured, patting his shoulder before turning to Scott and pressing a quick, sisterly kiss to his cheek. "Don't do anything too stupid," was all I said, to which he grinned.

Aiden emerged from the front door, looking much less flustered and more saddened now. I could feel the rest of my friends' curious gazes burning into my back as I walked over to the blue-eyed boy and kissed him once again, more shortly this time. I didn't say anything else, and neither did he. We only smiled softly at one another, feeling hope in the brief connection. This was our goodbye.

Without any further delay, the five of us clambered into the car in the very same order as the day we first arrived in Prime City. It didn't take much longer for us to be driving away, thoughtful silence filling the atmosphere between us. Nobody spoke a word about anything- my kissing Aiden, Sky tearfully telling Ryder that she would miss him, Jordan crying at our departure, or Anne's confusion with the mass-departure that nobody bothered clearing for her. 

My eyes fell shut as we drive further away from the mission I'd never wanted to go on in the first place. So much had cahnged in such little time. 

Time. Where had it gone? What had it taken from me? From us?

We were only kids.

Except we were so much more. 

We were Elite: the top tier of superheroes. The undefeated team. And we were very dangerous people with a mission- to get all the stones of Creation (Cronus for time, Fenzi for the four elements, and Sinn for mind) before Annihilate, because by now we were sure that those were what he was aiming for. 

And one thing was for sure- Annihilate would be defeated.

Okumaya devam et

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