bad luck // dan howell

By godcurly

84.6K 2.5K 2.1K

[C O M P L E T E D] in which a girl who's bad luck is getting the best of her meets the boy who helped her ge... More

twenty-one: part one.
twenty-one: part two
bonus chapter - the chapstick challenge
bonus chapter - twerking dare
bonus chapter - dirty secrets
8tracks playlist (⌒▽⌒)
character ask.
character answers.
explanations and thanks.


3.1K 81 157
By godcurly

The rest of the week was the same. Watching movies with Dan, and sometimes Phil, till the sun went down. Dan always laid in my lap after we had watched about half the movies. The night after I had my dream, Dan insisted that I sleep with him in his bed.

"Well, Dan, I think you can go to your room now. I'm gonna sleep on the couch." I told Dan, patting his side, signaling for him to get up.

Dan jumped up and grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder.

"Dan! Stop!" I yelled, but he just carried me with ease. I noticed he had taken me into his room. Dan dropped me onto the bed.

"Will you sleep with me?" Dan asked.

"Well, I thought I'd give you your bed back, but I'm already here." I told him.

"I just thought that since you had that dream, you know, you might have another one and I don't want you to cry, so you can just sleep here with me." Dan said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah, that's fine." I said. Dan smiled and laid down in the bed and I got under the covers. I felt Dan's arm snake around my waist and pull me closer. I buried my head in his chest and we both drifted off to sleep.

I'd always wake up before Dan did, so I'd get ready and eat. We usually did something together. Me and Dan, Phil came sometimes, too. I even spent some time just with Phil, bonding and just hanging out. I ate more Maltesers than I ever had in my life, thanks to Dan. And there were some times when Dan and I had our faces to close, I wanted him to kiss me so bad, it would be the perfect scenario.

But, the week ended to quick. I got the call from Sadie that she was almost home, I got a little teary eyed. But, Dan pulled me into a hug. His long arms wrapping all the way around me. He promised that we'd see each other all the time. We weren't going to just drop this friendship we built here while I stayed. We exchanged numbers and Dan said he would drive me.

"I'll come over all the time. You can come over and see me and Phil. You can even stay the night again!" Dan told me. He was telling me all the things we would do together, like he would come see me at work or we'd hang out at the movies, I could come over or he could come over. He really wanted to still be super close.

"Yeah I'd like that. Turn here." I said, I was giving Dan directions to my house.

"You work at Hollister, right?" Dan asked me.

"Yeah, at that shopping centre, you know what I'm talking about?" I asked.

"Yeah, that one, I know." He said back.

"Turn there. I usually work 9 to 5, Monday through Friday. Turn on that road." I said.

"I'll come see you, all the time. Is that it?" Dan said, then pointed at the building.

"Yeah, that's it." I confirmed and Dan pulled into the parking lot. He parked in a space and I grabbed my purse.

"You can come inside with me, I want you to meet Sadie." I said to Dan.

"Really?" Dan said, a little too enthusiastic.

"Yeah, come on." I told him and I got out of the car, he got out after me. I had already walked up to the door and he was jogging right behind me. He put his hands on my shoulders, trying to balance himself.

"Damn, you really are out of shape!" I said laughing.

"Yeah, I know!" Dan said trying to get his breath back.

"Come on Dan." I said grabbing his hand and pulling him into the building. We got on the lift and I noticed I was still holding his hand. I tried to pull away but he kept holding on to me, so I gave in and led him to my flat. I opened the door and Sadie was on the couch. When I opened the door she had turned to face me, got up and ran to me, jumping over pieces of furniture. She tackled me in a bear hug.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry that I couldn't come back and let you in!" She screamed apologetically in my ear.

"It's okay." I said to her, sure it sucked that I got locked out, but I was actually happy that it happened this way.

"Oh, you're Dan. It's nice to meet you!" Sadie said calmly, shaking Dan's hand.

"Nice to meet you, too. Arizona told me a lot about you." Dan said, carrying on the conversation.

"Wait, Arizona." Sadie said, she looked me up and down with a confused look on here face.

"What?" I asked.

"Are those your clothes from when you were younger?" She asked me.

"Yeah, I'm actually surprised I fit in them. I got them from Mom and-"

"Mom's." She corrected me.

"Yeah. I'll have to tell you about Mom later." I said.

"Go get changed into some of your other clothes, I'll talk to Dan." Sadie instructed. I nodded and walked towards my bedroom and Sadie took Dan to the kitchen, them talking away while she started making tea.

Once I got into my bedroom, I grabbed my laptop and hugged it.

"I missed you so much, my love." I said to it, still hugging it. It's been a week since I've been on my laptop or tumblr since Dan wouldn't let me use his. He was always editing, or so he said. ((probs watching porn daniel you fuckin horny sl ut tttttt))

I laid my laptop down and went to my dresser to get some clothes. I heard Sadie and Dan talking while I was messing up my organized clothes. I wanted to wear something that looked good on me.

"You know, since we're on the subject of Arizona's dad dying and all, you were like her therapy. She'd watch your videos and they'd make her feel better. She just really likes you, you make her happy. She hasn't cried has she?" I heard every word Sadie say. I could feel Dan smiling down at his tea, he did that sometimes. I felt my body tense up, I really didn't want Sadie to know about me breaking down in the street, not yet.

"Yeah actually, she had a nightmare about him, I believe. She made me lay down with her because she didn't want to be alone." Dan's voice said. Thank god.

"She cried in front of you?" Sadie asked.

"Yeah. Why?"

"She never cried in front of anyone, apart from me and John, her dad. You must really be a special person to her."

I knew Dan had his dimpled smile on his face.

Their conversation died down and I grabbed a black tee and my tight skinny jeans with various rips in them. I went into my bathroom and checked my makeup. Once I was done, I went into the kitchen and grabbed the drink that had awaited me.

"You look depressing," Dan said, looking me up and down, making my cheeks flush, "I like it."

"I haven't worn black in a while, so I decided to do it now." I informed him.

"I think she looks hot, don't you Dan?" Sadie said.

"I, um, I-"

"I'll answer for him. He thinks you look hot." Sadie interrupted him. I felt my cheeks get warms again.

God, too much blushing, I mentally slapped myself, stop it.

"I think I should go back to my flat." Dan said after he finished the rest of his tea.

"Okay, you text me!" I told Dan. We had exchanged numbers the night Dan thought I had left.

"I will, it was nice meeting you Sadie." Dan said.

"You too, bro." Sadie shot back at him. Dan closed our flat door and Sadie turned to me and said, "You guys are my OTP."

"What? Why?" I questioned.

"He obviously likes you." She said.

"As a friend." I snapped.

"Woah, calm down there." Sadie said defensively.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." I apologized. I don't know why I did that. He obviously doesn't like me. We're just good friends.

"Dude, you just need to sleep or calm down or something. You've been through a lot lately." Sadie said. I looked at the clock on my phone, 4:38.

"Yeah, let's just sit." I said, motioning to the couch. Both me and Sadie sat down, and Sadie turned to me.

"Tell me everything."

I sighed. I thought around in my mind, looking for the right words. I took a breath and told Sadie the story about how I met my role model, my newest friend, Dan Howell.

"Okay, the day after you left..."


"Holy shit." Sadie said.

"Yeah, I know." I said back, sighing. I had just finished telling Sadie the whole story and it took me about an hour.

"Now I definitely know that he likes you." Sadie said.

"No Sadie! He doesn't, we are just friends! He just cares! He's a caring person, and I don't have feelings for him either!" I lied straight through my teeth, "Can you just drop it?"

"You said you would bang him like a screen door in a storm if you had the chance! You like him!"

"I was making a point that he was hot! But, for fuck's sake. Sadie we don't have feelings for each other, we are friends. Just friends that care about each other, that's it." I proclaimed.

"I give up." Sadie said annoyedly, sitting back down on the couch and turning on the telly.

"Whatever." I said back, stomping off to my room like a child. Sure, me and Sadie had fights, but we'll get over it. I just needed to calm down.

I did like Dan. I was head over heels for him.

But I know he doesn't like me, I just know he's being caring.

I flipped open my laptop and got on tumblr. I scrolled down through my dash, when my phone buzzed. I reached over and grabbed my phone and checked the notification.

King Daniel:

Hello there, I think you should know that you left some of your stuff here.

I mentally slapped myself for the second time today and sent him a text back.

God damn it, I do that every time. I typed back and sent it. I set my phone down, but it buzzed just a few seconds later.

King Daniel:


I laughed a little for Dan to be the one to get onto me for cursing.

English. Do you want me to pick it up or you bring it to me sometime? I sent him, giggling for being annoying. I got up from my bed, put my phone on the table, and went into the kitchen. I grabbed a bag of crisps and went back into my room.

My phone buzzed again and I checked the message.

King Daniel:

Haha, funny. I'll get it to you somehow.

I quickly sent a reply,

Okay, well, if you don't mind, I'm gonna go now. I have a tv show to catch up on.

I opened netflix on my laptop and my phone buzzed again.

King Daniel:

That's fine! See you later?

I shot back a reply and plugged my phone up to the charger.

See you later.

I spent the remainder of the day watching Supernatural, as I had only started on season 6 as of last week. It was 11:18, my phone had read, and I had finished season 6. I decided to get ready for bed.

I walked back into the kitchen and put the bag of crisps back where the go.

"Dude, sorry for yelling at you today about Dan. I just think he has his eyes on you." Sadie apologized.

"It's fine. I'm tired, I'm gonna go to bed." I told her. She nodded and went to her room and I went to mine.

I went to the bathroom and stripped my clothes off and threw them in the hamper. I turned my shower and warmed it up. I hopped into the shower, being relaxed by the warm water and the Arctic Monkeys I had turned on. I started thinking about Dan.

He was perfect in every way. I was grateful for him and Phil, and just everything. I'm good friends with the people that I dreamt of just meeting.

I washed the shampoo out of my hair and shaved my legs while singing along to my music.

I stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel, wrapping it around my hair and drying it quickly. Then I wrapped my towel around my body, drying it off my body. I grabbed some knickers and threw those on. Then I got on my AmazingPhil and Danisnotonfire t-shirt that Sadie got me and some black athletic shorts.

I brushed my teeth and laid down in my bed. I grabbed my laptop and got on tumblr, scrolling through my dash. I saw where someone I followed had posted a picture and someone had the nerve to call her ugly and an emo. Some other people had called her names and made fun of her, too, which I guessed those owners of those blogs were all friends. But, many people had stepped up and beat the shit out of those people with words. I was just disgusted with the things those people had called her. I dismissed the feeling and went and looked at my blog. I noticed Dan and Phil had both followed me. I remember telling them about how much I used tumblr.

"Oh god." I said out loud. I posted a bunch of shit about of Dan and Phil before on my blog. I felt my cheeks get warm. I closed my laptop because I had enough. Dan or Phil had probably gone through my blog and had seen my obsession for them. Fuck, fuck, fuck. I laid my laptop on my side table and closed my eyes.

"Hey little fuck." Someone said, pushing me into the rows of lockers, probably Emily or Hayley. I tried to ignore them, but the followed me outside.

"What the hell do you want?" I snapped at them. I turned around and saw both, Hayley and Emily, and their little posse they had, which consisted of Jamie, Taylor, and Samantha.

Emily, their leader, came up to me and slapped me straight across the face. I held my cheek, tears brimming in my eyes.

"What did you just say, slut?" Emily yelled in my face.

"Nothing." I mumbled.

"That's what I thought." Emily spit in my face. I looked around for Sadie, she would beat the shit out of them because I never stood up for myself, but I remember she had left to live in Australia till her grandma died or got better. I kept forgetting that.

Hayley, second in command as I thought of her, came up to me and pushed me into the brick wall.

"Listen here, you dumb shit, don't you ever say another word to Jason again or you'll pay." She said to me, referring to her boyfriend.

"I-I have to talk to him, he takes my notes from class." I stuttered.

"You fucking say another word to him and I will find you and beat the life out of you." She said. Hayley pushed my onto the grass and spit on me.

"Or you could just go ahead and kill yourself already, make it easier on everyone." Taylor said as she looked at the newer scars on my arm. I looked at them, too and pulled my sleeves down and covered my wrists. Then one after another, each one of the posse came up to me and kicked me, leaving me helpless and hurt on the muddy grass of my high school campus.

I gathered myself up and grabbed my bag and began the walk home from this shithole.

I woke up startled, sun in my eyes and I looked around, taking in my surroundings. I sighed because I was at my flat and not the hell called high school. I shook myself out of my state, repressing the memory I had dreamed about. High school had been shit for me and I just don't like thinking about it.

I noticed my alarm was going off. I turned it off and checked the time, 8:25. I had to be at work in about 35 minuets. I got up out of my bed and got colder. That made me remember how Dan was the thing that kept me warm when we fell asleep together.

I grabbed some ripped skinny jeans and my black tank too that had the moon phases on it. I tucked the tank top into my pants and put on a black and red plaid long sleeve on. I slipped my feet into my black converse.

I let my almost waist length hair be the natural wavy way that it was, just brushing it out to make it untangled.

I put in my foundation and eye makeup that I usually wore. I put on some baby lips and went into the kitchen and grabbed some granola bars, which would satisfy my stomach for a while, and threw my phone into my purse. I quickly grabbed my car keys and went out of the building and got into the car me and Sadie shared. I noticed that Sadie had filled the tank back up and I thanked her for that. I started the car and drove off to work with the radio blasting.

(italics are so fun. I know that people like long chapters so I put two of them together. this chapter was mainly about Ari's past, I'll break your heart next chapter.


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