Furious Hearts

By ENI-scribe

306K 12.7K 415

"E... Eddie..." She stuttered breathlessly. With his fingers prodding her womanly folds, he groaned. "Yes bea... More

author's note
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty one
chapter thirty two
chapter thirty three
chapter thirty four
chapter thirty five
chapter thirty six
chapter thirty seven
chapter thirty eight
chapter thirty nine
chapter forty
chapter forty one
chapter forty two
chapter forty three
chapter forty four
chapter forty five
chapter forty six
chapter forty seven
chapter forty eight
chapter forty nine
chapter fifty
chapter fifty one
chapter fifty two

chapter thirty

4.5K 210 2
By ENI-scribe

"Marshall family_"

Gina bolted to her feet and let out a breathy answer, "yes."

Everyone stood up with expectant, hopeful expressions. "I would like to see the family please." The doctor said.

"Everyone is family here doctor, how is my mother doing?" It was Gwen's impatient question.

Sighing in compliance, the doctor explained his voice extremely professional but his posture rather tired and beat. "Mrs Marshall is alive," he paused after his audience's sighs of relief. "But," he began gaining their undivided attention. "She's in a critical condition, the bullet went through her left back past the spinal cord, luckily it didn't touch the heart but it did receive the shock since it was within radius of immediate injury. Her heartbeat due to adrenaline rush of the impact is quite unstable." He finished quietly.

"How...How bad is it doctor?" Gina asked putting on a brave front contrasting the frantic fear her heart was undergoing. "What is her chance of survival?" She went on after feeling Eddie's much needed, supportive embrace.

"We cannot tell that now miss Marshall, she is in a coma and she has the life support machine to help her with oxygen supply and regulate her heartbeat, miss Marshall_"

Gina swallowed a lump her eyes glistening with threatening, unshed tears. She clenched onto Eddie's firm arms for support, her heart dreadful of the doctor's next words.

"She may or may not survive this and even if she survived, she may be at a risk of never walking again and severe brain damage." The doctor dropped the bomb that they all somehow knew was coming.

They all had a different expression, all displaying their heartache differently. Vanda was a sobbing mess as her heart wrenching sobs echoed through the quiet corridors of the hospital. Nick held on tightly to the woman's weak body.

Sue still wouldn't bring herself to talk, her throat dry and painful as a result of screaming and crying the previous night. The woman was locked in a tight embrace with the youngest Marshall. She looked so much like her best friend and holding on to her somehow soothed her, coaxing her mind into believing that Mona would be fine. She was a strong woman, their lives together since childhood was the ultimate evidence of an adventurous friendship. She heard a sob escape Gwen's throat and squeezed her closer. Why was the young woman crying? Didn't she trust her strong mother to fight this? Surely soon enough Mona would be up and about being her usual scheming, bubbly self.

Eddie was holding a teary, dreadfully quiet Gina. He wished that she cried and let it out like everyone else but no, the woman chose to be as stubborn as his mother. He knew his mother was strong but he hated to admit that strength had nothing to do with how the two most important women in his life were taking this. He thought it was worryingly unhealthy.

"Excuse me." A male voice brought him out of his stupor. Not letting go of Gina, he turned to face the owner's voice. His eyes met with two pairs.

A male's and a female's.

"Yes?" He replied wondering why that sounded askance.

"I'm Detective Michael Brown." He claimed holding up a badge as prove. "This is my partner Detective Bridget Gray, we are here for questioning with regards to Mrs Marshall's case." He informed shaking Eddie's hand.

Eddie nodded in understanding then said, "Eddie Raymond. Detective, as you can see most of us are not in any condition to_"

"We understand it's hard for the family right now, but the offender is somewhere out there walking freely, we need you to cooperate to help us catch them." Detective Bridget cut him off.

"You may start with me Detectives." The unexpected voice of Sue was heard. The determination in her eyes, an assurance she meant what she said. "I'm Lady Sue Raymond. Mona is my close family friend, my_ my sister in fact. Whoever did this shouldn't get away." They all caught that tone, especially when she emphasised on her title, she meant business and everyone within vicinity could feel the wrath of her powerful stance despite the dark circles and ruined make up on her aristocratic face.

"Certainly, Lady Sue. This way please." It was Michael. He lead the way to a small room within the floor that the hospital authority had been supportive enough to provide. They all knew Mona Marshall was amongst America's most powerful women and now with the British titles to back: they all had better cooperate.

"If any of you is ready, do not hesitate to please come to the room at the end of the corridor." Bridget informed before following behind her partner and Sue.

"Lady Sue_"

"Please call me Sue," she corrected the detective with a weak smile.

"Sue, according to witnesses last night, you were the one who noted a falling Mona after the gunshot, please tell me what happened last night." Michael said nicely. Respectfully.

Sue explained all the events during the charity dinner meant to help raise funds for a cancer research centre. "Well dear Mona and I decided to go home since we couldn't keep up with the younger people's energy. We told the children we were leaving, that is Gwen, Vanda and Nick since Gina and my son had already snuck away." She smiled fully for the first time, the detective thought scribbling something on his note book.

"The children decided to leave with us leaving the rest of the night in the very capable hands of the company's and my centre's people." She heaved a sigh before continuing with the traumatic story.

"We got outside and Mona and I were going to enter the limo_" she sniffed and wiped a stray tear. "There was a gunshot and... suddenly there was chaos. Screaming guests and workers, running paparazzi and then... dear Mona was falling down. I remember screaming, Gwen, Vanda and I went to her, she lay unconscious a pool of blood quickly forming. I don't know who really called the ambulance, Nick maybe or some good Samaritan." She sniffed before straightening her posture.

"And here we are, poor Mona in the brisk of death. You must capture the heartless scoundrel. Whoever they may be." She ordered bitterly.

The detectives remained quiet for a while before Bridget asked, "Mrs Marshall, does she have any enemies? Someone who would benefit her elimination maybe? An angry relative perhaps?"

Sue shook her head briskly. "Dear Mona is the sweetheart of many, people love her." She assured.

"Think about it Sue, is there someone she might have offended? or perhaps someone that might have had scores to settle." Michael prodded leaning in as if to whisper.

"Yes." A voice declared from behind at the doorway.

They all turned to see Gina walking in, Eddie closely behind her. She walked closer until she was standing face to face with Michael. "Someone definitely had scores to settle." She spat bitterly.

"Who might this person be miss Marshall?" Michael pried.

"My ex fiancee, Bernard Murray."

"Please sit miss Marshall." Michael offered.

"I'd rather much stand detective. There's no time for a tête-à-tête, you and your people should be out there turning the entire world upside fucking down." She grounded through gritted teeth.

"Miss Marshall," Bridget called making the angry woman turn towards her menacingly. "You must understand that we are trying to help you here, we all want justice for Mrs Marshall but we must work together in order_"

A cynical laughter erupted from the woman's throat, quieting down the female detective. The rest of the room remained silent.
"Justice? I don't want justice detective, I want retribution, I want him locked up and the key thrown away that he never ever see the goddamn daylight." She said clenching her jaws.

"You might be using your ex fiancee as a scapegoat for all we know." Michael pointed out nonchalantly.

Eddie pulled Gina behind him then turned to the detectives. "Murray showed up last night, uninvited " Eddie claimed calmly his anger bubbling to the surface. "He snuck right behind my woman in the ladies room and tried to strangle her!" He bellowed his voice raising. "And you are telling us what exactly, huh? Listen up Mr and Miss Detective, I don't care what you have to do but that murderous, deranged man should be found and brought in for questioning." He finished furiously.

"Are you trying to teach us our jobs Mr Raymond?" Bridget asked provocatively.

Before Eddie could go ballistic again, Sue intervened. "Now, now detectives, I think we have a suspect already, get to work." She ordered calmly.

"Detective." Gina called then Michael turned back to her. "You can confirm his attendance last night by talking to the inside security team, they will allow you access to the CCTV and maybe you can also ask them if they threw out a bloody man in white tuxedo." She informed coolly.

"Bloody?" Bridget asked.

"Bloody." She repeated her gaze unwavering.
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Love to all.

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