What Once Was A Dream

By unionj_forever12

10.3K 393 28

August Wood an aspiring dancer with a big dream. August has only ever known the world of dance but what happe... More

Chapter 1/ A Friend I Might Have A Crush On
Chapter 3 Get Off Noodle
Chapter 4 What We Can Become
Chapter 5/ Give Him A Chance
Chapter 6/ Trust Me
Chapter 7 / Movies And A Dance Battle?
Chapter 8/ Back Stabbing Bitch
Chapter 9/ Affect My Furture
Chapter 10/ A Date That Went Horribly Wrong
Chapter 11/ Not Worth A Second Thought
Chapter 12 / A Dream I Have To Throw Away
Chapter 13/ You Didn't Sign Up For This
Chapter 14/ Hobbling Myself Around
Not a chapter but Q&A!!
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
The End Of The Road
Part Two - The New Beginning
Part 2- I'm not Jordan......i'm Daniel
Part 2- You Ruined Me
Part 2- Without Judgement
Part 2- Unfollowed
Part 2- This Moment
Part 2- Space
Part 2 Right In Front Of Me
Part 2- What Did I Do
Part 2- Trust Me
Part 2- How He Talks About You
Who's the Daddy
Part 2- Let loose
Jordan's Secret
Part 2- This is there end and each of them need a new beginning
Everyday -part 2
Happy Fucking Birthday Your A Daddy
Friends Is No Longer Enough
Tragedy strikes Part 1 Out Of 4
Tragedy Strikes part 2 out of 4
Tragedy Strikes part 3 out of 4
Tragedy strikes Part 4 Out Of 4

Chapter 2 / The Chemisty We Share

793 29 1
By unionj_forever12

I wake up at 6:30am today, for one reason school.  But I need to stretch first before  I do anything else, even if I'm not dancing. Once I'm done stretching I have a shower, pick out my clothes, I ended up picking out a white skater skirt and a pair of shorts underneath with a black crop top and black converse. I put my brown hair into a high ponytail and put a little bit of mascara, blush and lipgloss on and walk out the door getting into my mums car and heading to school. My high school is more for the performing arts, so threater, singing, music and dancing but we also have the basic classes that we have to past in my case if I don't pass my classes I can't dance at school. If that makes any sense at all. My first class is math and I absolutely hate math but it's not so bad because I have Jess and she is a math genius, she's the reason I'm passing math with flying colours. Cause she's my tutor, she helps me with math and I help her practice her dances because I'm at the top of my dance class. Well so everybody says but I believe I'm not and that I need to keep working, I believe I'm at the bottom and everyone else is at the top. It doesn't make me feel bad about myself it makes me work harder and pushes me past my limits. There have been times when I have pushed to much and I've fainted but let's not talk about that.

"Jess, my hero in these bloody math classes." I say as she sits down next to me.

"Auggie, my hero as my dance partner in crime "

"That was bad Jess " I shake my head laughing.

After math, I had a English, after that I had painting and after painting I had goverment after goverment I had dance but you don't care about all of that so I don't know why, I'm telling you, but I did so. I changed into my dance gear and started stretching , today I'm learning a new dance for our yearly concert. I'm doing a duet with my friend Sam, we use to date but we decided to stay friends cause we worked better that way, but we will always have chemistry and that flirty banter about us. That's how our friendship is and that's why  our teacher paired us up for a duet, as sort of romantic duet that involves the type of chemistry we have.

"Hey dance partner."  I jump on sam's back.

"Hello one of my many favourite people"

"I should be your only favourite"

"Sorry but your not."

"Whatever" I shrug.

"Class please pay attention, I want everyone to work on their dances while I help August and Sam with there duet."

"Ooooo" everyone says. The thing is everyone thinks we should date again but we think otherwise.

Sam grabs my waist and we start practicing. The song we are dancing to is cloud by Elias. While discussing the ending, Miss Spencer our teacher said we should kiss, to make it more believable and real, when we did everyone cheered and whistled. After dance class I was meeting up with Daniel at his  house to meet the rest of the boys.

When I arrive at the front door , my heart starts beating faster and the butterfly's are there in the pit of my stomach. A curly haired boy Opens the door and smiles at me saying I must be August before letting me in, were I'm greeted by the rest of the boys and introduced to them.

"What are you interested in August?"

"I'm a dancer, but I'm also interested in writing"

"What do you write ?" Jack asks me,

"Narratives, songs but I can't sing to save my life, I write anything really." I shift around in the couch so Daniel can sit next to me."

"How did you meet Daniel"

"My hip hop class and afterwards we went to Starbucks and become close"

"Cool, DAniel really needed the help. In the dancing department and well it nice  to have someone normal around for once."

" I'm nowhere near normal Zach and I didn't need help ,my dancing its perfectly fine "

"If you call having two left feet perfectly fine then you and I have different opinions"

" can you show us some moves Auggie." I give Daniel daggers for saying my nickname .

"I can but only if you dance with me, I see you in class your not so bad" I bite my lip while smiling.

We both get up off the couch and Jonah puts on a song that we both can dance  to. I start dancing and Daniel does also, after awhile we start dancing with each other and he dips me towards the end of the song, when he helps me up he stops and looks into my eyes, I look into his and I feel the chemistry we share and I can tell he feels it to. He looks down to my lips but back up into my eyes. Letting go of my waist and rubs the back of his neck while sitting in the couch. The rest of the boys just wiggle there eyebrows and make kissie faces, I blush slightly but hide my face so there not able to see.

"It was nice meeting you guys but I have to go, I have homework, I'll talk to you guys later Daniel has my number so , ask him for it, bye " I say before walking out and down the street to my house . I close the door behind me and press my back to the door smiling.

"I think I'm going to like being there friend" I bite my lip.

Hey guys hoped you like the chapter, please vote and comment they mean the world. Hope your having an amazing day if you weren't already, love you all and intill next time

Bye for now ❤️❤!!

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