What Once Was A Dream

By unionj_forever12

10.3K 393 28

August Wood an aspiring dancer with a big dream. August has only ever known the world of dance but what happe... More

Chapter 1/ A Friend I Might Have A Crush On
Chapter 2 / The Chemisty We Share
Chapter 3 Get Off Noodle
Chapter 4 What We Can Become
Chapter 5/ Give Him A Chance
Chapter 6/ Trust Me
Chapter 7 / Movies And A Dance Battle?
Chapter 8/ Back Stabbing Bitch
Chapter 9/ Affect My Furture
Chapter 10/ A Date That Went Horribly Wrong
Chapter 11/ Not Worth A Second Thought
Chapter 12 / A Dream I Have To Throw Away
Chapter 13/ You Didn't Sign Up For This
Not a chapter but Q&A!!
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
The End Of The Road
Part Two - The New Beginning
Part 2- I'm not Jordan......i'm Daniel
Part 2- You Ruined Me
Part 2- Without Judgement
Part 2- Unfollowed
Part 2- This Moment
Part 2- Space
Part 2 Right In Front Of Me
Part 2- What Did I Do
Part 2- Trust Me
Part 2- How He Talks About You
Who's the Daddy
Part 2- Let loose
Jordan's Secret
Part 2- This is there end and each of them need a new beginning
Everyday -part 2
Happy Fucking Birthday Your A Daddy
Friends Is No Longer Enough
Tragedy strikes Part 1 Out Of 4
Tragedy Strikes part 2 out of 4
Tragedy Strikes part 3 out of 4
Tragedy strikes Part 4 Out Of 4

Chapter 14/ Hobbling Myself Around

272 12 0
By unionj_forever12

I wake up and roll over to see Daniel isn't there, I grab my crutches and carefully go down the stairs into the kitchen to see everyone making breakfast.

"Why didn't anyone wake me up?" I sit on a stool as I'm handed a plate.

"You looked adorable, we didn't want to wake you." Danny kisses my forehead.

"Hash browns my favourite"

"Made especially for you"

"Thank you " I say to all of them.

"What's the plan for today ?"

"How about the beach bean"

"Yeah we could do that "

"Okay well if we are, I'm going to go home and get ready." I take a last bite and kiss Daniel goodbye.

"Do you want us to drive you"

"It's okay, I'll Hobble my way home " I laugh and let myself out. I hobble my way down the street and into my house. I put on high waisted shorts and a riffle bikini top, I can't swim so, I'll just be relaxing on the sand, I grab my black ray bands, sunscreen and a towel to lay on, I put everthing in my bag. And hobble my way back to there's, we get in the van and head out to the beach. When we arrive everyone gets out and starts setting up. I place my towel on the sand and sit down carefully, all the boys but Danny are in the water having fun.

"Daniel, go I know you wanna"

"I'm not leaving you"

"I'm not going anywhere, anytime soon"

"But what if-"

"I'll wack them with my crutches, now go" I say pushing his shoulder.



"I'll be back "

"I'll be right here" he gets up, kisses me and goes into the ocean. I grab my phone from my bag and scroll through Instagram but my phone starts ringing and I answer it.

"Where are you August ?"

"I'm at the beach , why ?"

"You have to come home, it's about your leg"

"Is it bad news ?"

" I don't know but just come home okay"

"K mum" I say and get all my stuff and get up, but all the boys come back and ask where I'm going.

"I have to go home, it's about my leg"

"I'll take you home and I'll come back later" Daniel grabs the car keys and we walk to the car.

We sit there in silence and I'm worried, that things have gotten worse and that I need surgery. They didn't want to operate the first time because they wanted to see if, it will repair on its own. Which as you know, would take up to two years or not at all. I walk through my front door and see mr foster talking to my mum, he doesn't make home visit unless it's important.

"August, glad your here, it's important" they both sit down and I sit down also.

" your scan and the pain you felt had showed that your leg has gotten worse and we need to operate, if the operation doesn't work you will never have feeling again."  How do you feel after you know that there's no hope, that you know for sure you will never achieve again, even if the surgery works there going to tell me, I still can't dance.

"Um okay, if you don't mined I'm just going to go to my room" I get up  from  the couch and go into my room and lay down on my bed, as tears stream down my face. I don't wanna push people away but it's hard not to when I feel as though I've lost myself again and I don't know who I am. I've already destroyed my posters and trophies. I have nothing else to destroy beside myself and my relationships, which I've done once before.  Mum told me I have surgery in three days, I guess that's when I find out my fate.

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