save me | kim taehyung

Por fatoomie2801

4K 303 929

"It's okay." "You don't need to save me." "I've saved myself." (Mature content - self harm) Más

1. I Need You
2. NO
3. Hold Me Tight
4. Am I Wrong
5. Let Me Know
6. Lost
7. Awake
8. What Am I To You
9. Reflection
10. No More Dream
11. I Like It
12. Nevermind
14. Rain
15. Move
16. 4 O'Clock
17. Fun Boys
18. Lie
19. Begin
20. Adult Child
21. Dimple
22. Best Of Me
23. Wings
24. Stigma

13. I Like It Pt. 2

112 9 62
Por fatoomie2801

Krystal's POV

"Jimin oppa!" I squealed as I gave him a tight hug. 

"Calm down, Krystal," he said, chuckling. "It's only been an hour and a half." 

"I don't care," I responded. "I love seeing you, you know." 

"Haha, me too," he replied. We began walking down the road to the bus stop and we waited patiently for the bus to arrive. 

"So, oppa. Where are we going?" I asked. 

"Somewhere," he replied. I sighed and rolled my eyes. 

"I know we're going somewhere but where?" I questioned. 

"Just wait and see," he responded.

"Aish! You're so annoying, oppa!" I pouted in his face. 

"I love you too," he replied, smirking. I began giggling upon the sight of his face (just look at Jimin's face); this caused him to also giggle. 

"What's funny?" he asked me, unable to stop giggling due to me. 

"Your face," I answered. He was taken aback and immediately stopped giggling. 

"Mwo (what) ?!" he said, a little too loud for my liking. 

"You can't smirk to save your life," I said, snickering as I tried to hold in my laughter. "You look like a pedo." 

"Ha ha ha, very funny. So you can smirk?" he asked. 

"I didn't say I could. All I said was that you can't," I replied. 

The bus soon arrived and we boarded it. We each took a seat, me choosing to sit next to the window and Jimin oppa sitting next to me on my left. I placed an arm on my lap while I put the other arm on the window, using it to support my head as I watched the countless cars drive by. 

"So..." Jimin oppa began, grabbing my attention. I turned to face him, signalling him to continue. "How's life been lately?"

"Well, the cold from a few days ago is gone, so that's good. Yesterday with Jungkook was fun. Me being with you right now is fun too, but other than that, life's been a living hell," I answered, truthfully speaking. Jimin oppa side hugged me. 

"It'll get better over time, trust me," he said, comfortingly. "I mean, how can life be a living hell when I exist?" he joked, running his fingers through his soft, fluffy hair while smirking (I know that's not an actual smirk but just play along with me, okay? 😊).

"Yah, your smirk!" I exclaimed, loud enough for only the two of us to hear. 

"What about it?" he asked, tilting his head to one side. 

"How the hell did you- you couldn't smirk before! What is this?!" I questioned. 

"The real me," he said and smirked again. This time he failed (once again, play along. We all know that's a smile 😂)

"Ani. Your smirk just went back to that pedo one from before. Ew," I commented. He playfully punched my arm. "Yah, oppa! I will chop your hand off if you do that again," I threatened. He simply chuckled.

time skip

​​​"Opppaaaaa," I whined. He turned to face me. 

"Ne?" he spoke.

"We've been on this bus forever (WE ARE YOUNG~)," I complained.

"Yah, stop complaining. We're nearly there," he responded. The bus suddenly came to a halt. 

"This is our stop. Come on," he said, grabbing my left hand and dragging me off the bus. I winced in pain as my wrist stung, from the cuts I had made on it, and looked down to see that my arm was exposed; I was wearing a short sleeved shirt and somehow, I forgot to wear a cardigan over it. Wait. Wasn't I wearing this when I was with Hoseok oppa earlier? Did he notice?! I mean, it didn't look like he did... I really hope he didn't. But now, Jimin oppa is here. How am I supposed to conceal it from him? 

"YAH!" Jimin oppa yelled in my face; I jumped a little at how loud he was. 

"Huh? Ne?" I responded, startled. 

"You okay? You zoned out for a minute there" he questioned. I nodded my head in response. I noticed that he wasn't holding my arm anymore so I took this as an opportunity to hide the bandage. 

"Yeah. I'm fine," I spoke, hiding my left arm behind my back successfully.

"Come on, then. Gaja (let's go)!" he said, leading the way. I followed him to a large meadow and stared in awe at the beautiful landscape. Not long afterwards, I spotted a small picnic mat on the floor under a tree, a basket placed on top of it; Jimin oppa took a seat and patted his hand on the grass, motioning me to sit next to him. As soon as I did, I felt the cool shade of the tree bring a sense of peace and calmness to me. 

"This place is really peaceful. I like it," I commented. 

"So do I. It's where I come to clear my mind when I'm stressed or something," Jimin oppa replied. 

"Good choice," I said. "But how did you find this place? I mean, it's so far away (😏) from home." 

"Well, there was this one time I was super stressed so I decided to just go outside, get on a bus and go wherever it takes me, as long as it was away from home. Then I saw this place out of the window and it was really empty and it seemed peaceful. Like, no one was there. So I decided to just go and take a stroll or something. It worked so ever since then I've been coming here to relieve myself, I guess," he answered.

"I'm coming here more often now," I responded. 

"Bring food with you, it's really far from home. You'll probably get hungry at some point," he informed. 

"Speaking of food," I said, eyeing the basket placed beside him, wiggling my eyebrows as I did so. Jimin oppa chuckled slightly and put the basket in between us, opening it to reveal its contents. 

"Nothing special," he spoke. "Just sandwiches, some fruit and a couple baklavas. Jungkook told me you really liked them."

"Mmmmm...," I said, deep in thought. "So, do I still kill him? I mean, if it wasn't for him, you wouldn't have brought baklavas but then on the other hand, he introduced me to them SO LATE!" Jimin oppa gasped. 

"You're not killing little baby Kookie!" he retorted. 

"Why?" I whined. 

"Because.... Uh..." he spoke, pausing constantly as he didn't have an excuse for why I should spare that evil mankae (the youngest of a group). 

"Ha. You got nothing," I spoke, smirking triumphantly.

"I'll take away your baklavas!" he responded.

"YAH! DON'T YOU DARE!" I threatened.

"Then spare him," Jimin oppa said. 

"NO!" I yelled as I opened the basket and immediately stuffed as many as I could into my mouth. "You can't take them away from me now!" 

"You're gonna get fat," he said, laughing at me. 

"I DON'T CARE!" I yelled, my speech muffled by the amount of baklavas I had stuffed in my mouth. He continued to laugh at my puffy face. 

"So.. since you ate all the baklavas, I'll eat the rest of the food," he spoke, looking down into the basket. Not long after, a grin formed on his face. "This looks really goooooooddd." 

I pouted at him and he looked at me, continuing to grin widely. 

"What did I ever do to you?" I whined, joining Jimin oppa in eyeing the scrumptious food in the basket; unfortunately the basket was very close to him so the food was out of my sight. 

"You ate all the baklavas!" he retorted. 

"I'M SORRY THEN!" I put my hands up in defence. "Blame Jungkook. And yourself for bringing them when you know I'm going to be here." 

time skip

"Mmmmmm, that was so GOOD!" I said, a wide smile plastered on my face. 

"They were just sandwiches," Jimin oppa responded. 

"But they were BEAUTIFUL!" I continued. "Did you make them?" 

"Yes. I did," he responded. 

"Can you cook as well?" I asked. He nodded.

"That's it. You're living with me now. I need someone to collect for me. I can't cook to save my life," I said, jokingly. 

"I can teach you," he replied. 

"Yay!" I jumped up, happily. 

"Stop being so childish, you're 16 years old," he said. 

"Let me live my life before I become old like Jin oppa," I frowned. Jimin oppa laughed at my statement.

"You'd be dead if he heard you say that," he said while standing up. He slowly inched towards me and slowly inched backwards, knowing what he was getting at. 

"You're gonna chase me, aren't you?" I said as I quickened my pace, noticing that he was also quickening his. 

"Oh, Krys. You know me so well," he said as he began running towards me. I immediately turned and ran away into the meadow (DASI RUN RUN RUN 😏), enjoying the cool breeze that made contact with my body. My hair, which I chose to let down, flowed gracefully behind me as I raced through the field. 

"No way in hell are you going to end up catching me," I said, continuing to run without looking behind me. Unfortunately for me, Jimin oppa was closer than I thought. 

"Sorry, what?" he said as he jumped on me, causing us both to fall to the floor. 

"Yah! You're heavy!" I said as I tried to hold in my laughter. 

"How am heavy? You're the one that ate all the baklavas," he retorted, laughing along with me. 

"No need to remind me, oppa," I responded. 

Jimin's POV

We then got up from the ground and decided to continue the game until we got bored. After that, we just walked around in the meadow, enjoying the beautiful scenery and the peacefulness surrounding us. 

Krystal really seemed to be enjoying her day and I was glad that she was; it made me feel delighted knowing that she was happy. She stretched her arms out above her, absorbing the warmth of the sun and the coolness of the breeze. A smile was spread across her face, significant of the amount of happiness she was currently feeling. 

I then frowned as I noticed something on her left arm. A bandage. Why's she wasting a bandage? 

"Hey, Krystal," I called out to her. She turned her head to face me, then lowered her arms and rotated her body as well. 

"Ne?" she responded. I sat down in the grass and patted the spot infront of me, telling her to also sit down (shit down 😏). She did as I told her to and looked at me with a confused expression. "What is it?" 

I took hold of her left arm in my hand and pointed to the bandage. She seemed to tense up at my actions but she tried her best not to show it.

"What's this?" I asked, looking at her with a worried expression. The smile on her face had faded when I held her arm, so I could tell this was something serious. 

"I-it's nothing, oppa," she said, removing her arm from my grip and putting it behind her back. 

"There's no way it's nothing, Krys. Tell me, what happened?" I spoke.

"I just..." she began, pausing for a long while, as if she was thinking if the words she wanted to say to me. "I... I accidentally hurt myself..." 

"Otteoke (how)?" I inquired. 

"I j-just... I just dropped a glass and it k-kinda shattered all over my arm..." she spoke, stuttering slightly as she did so. 

"Oh. Are you okay now? Does it hurt anymore?" I asked, eager to know if she was okay. 

"Ne. It's completely fine now, oppa. There's no need to worry," she reassured me. I nodded. 

"Okay. So, shall we go?" I asked, standing up and holding out my hand for her. 

"Yeah, let's," she answered, grabbing my hand and using it to hoist herself up. She dusted her skirt of the grass and then walked with me to the picnic mat under the tree, helping me pack everything away. We eventually walked back to the bus stop, however, the entire time, no-one spoke. 

We boarded the bus and journeyed our way back to the city in complete silence. There's no way that the shattering of a glass would make her so quiet. It's definitely something else. 

time skip

Krystal's POV

We got off in the city because we wanted to take a stroll through it before we went home. The city lights were beautiful, scattered along the roads in an orderly fashion. The roads were busy, dotted with many shoppers and tourists. 

We walked in complete silence; this was due to me not wanting to speak after what happened at the meadow earlier. 

Why am I so careless and forgetful? Why didn't I wear a cardigan or something ontop of my shirt?! I'm so fucking stupid! UGH! 

"Hey, Krys," Jimin oppa spoke. I turned to look at him as he stopped outside an arcade. 

"Ne?" I responded. 

"I need to go and use the bathroom. Is it okay if you wait out here for a few minutes?" he asked. 

"Ne, thats completely fine, oppa," I said. He smiled at me before walking inside the arcade. Minutes later, he came out with his hands behind his back. Strange. 

time skip

We reached my front door and just before entering, I stopped and turned to face Jimin oppa before engulfing him in a huge hug. He chuckled before returning the embrace. 

After breaking the hug, Jimin oppa pulled out something from behind him. My eyes widened in surprise.

"You didnt- WHEN DID YOU GET THAT?! OH MY GOD, JIMIN OPPA!" I squealed as I gave him another tight hug. 

"I got it when I 'went to the bathroom'," he said, motioning speech marks with his index fingers as he said 'went to the bathroom'. I took the item out of his hand and hugged it tight. 

"I love it," I said as I looked at him, smiling. 

"Well, you did say they remind you of me," he responded, smirking for at least the 5th time today. I chuckled at his statement. 

"True, true," I agreed, nodding my head slightly. "I'm calling him Chim Chim." Jimin oppa smiled at my words. 

"Well, it's late now and I need to go home cause my mum, y'know," he spoke. 

"Yeah, I know," I said, chuckling. "I'll see you tomorrow at school." He put up his hand and made the peace sign with it. 

"Have a good night, Krys," he said as he waved at me, walking away from my house. 

"You too, oppa!" I said, returning the wave, then making my way inside the house. I went straight to my bedroom and took off my clothes, unwrapped my bandage, took a shower, dried my hair, put a new bandage on, put my pyjamas on and laid on my comfortable bed. 

Just then I got a phone call; I got up and grabbed my phone from my bag and read the name of the caller : Jin oppa

"Yeoboseyo (hello - for answering calls)?" I spoke through the phone while making my way back onto my bed. 

"Krys?" he spoke. 

"Ne, Jin oppa?" I answered. 

"I need to tell you something," he said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"It's about the funeral..." 



I just wanted to say thank you for the amount of people who have read this book and have added it to their library and maybe even, recommended it to their friends. I really appreciate it you guys! 😊😊

Also, BFS Festa is over 😭! But I'm glad that they made it this far and hope they continue to be together for many many MANY more years (Wonhe Manhi Manhi)! 

The next chapter will go up soon... I hope. Sooner than normal to make up for the 3 day wait 😅. 

Anyways, until the next update, annyeong 😃.

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