Kidnapped by Chance Sutton...

By Mattybsturniolo03

82K 1.1K 555

I'm kidnapped and then I'm thinking that I'm actually , like literally falling in love with one of my kidnapp... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 4

3.5K 48 32
By Mattybsturniolo03

Rebecca's pov

Chance still has the gun to my head and my hands are starting to shake. " You thought you were in control now , but sweetie you thought wrong" Chance laughs and pushes the gun harder against my forehead.

" What do you guys want from me?" I ask calmly trying to steady my voice. " we basically kidnapped you for content" Jake says. " You will be living with us , you will act normally like the kidnapping was all just a prank , to be honest the fans are so gullible they will believe anything we place in front of them , it will be a good show in the comments in tomorrow's vlog when I post it" Jake says.

" But when we tell them the kidnapping was just a prank they will believe us because they believe everything" Jake laughs. " You guys are all psychopath's , Tessa is I swear the only normal one here" I say and I turn around and I look at Jake again. " You met Tessa? Ya she  is a nice gal" Jake says and smiles and then leaves the room and heads downstairs. Kade follows right behind him.

Chance still has the gun to my head, well the back of my head now since I turned around to talk to Jake.Then he lowers the gun and I turn around to face him and we just stare at each other for a few seconds and then he says  "We are going downstairs to get lunch, do you want to join?" "Depends...What is there?"I ask. "Whatever you would like to eat, just follow me, I'll show you what we got" he says then leaves the room and I follow him with Anthony and the twins right behind us. 

I trip on the 2nd to last step and before I get anywhere far, I'm being pulled back by my shirt and then Anthony says "Watch your step" and the let's go and he passes me and so do the twins and I continue walking and we are now in the kitchen. Chance opens up the fridge and tells me stuff that they have. "We have some left over pasta, or chicken that is also leftover from 2 nights ago." Ew , I hate leftover food, so nasty. "Do you have anything else?" I ask. He slams the fridge door shut. He goes into the pantry, "We have mac and cheese , we have chips, but I don't think you would want that for lunch, wow we really need to go food shopping" Chance tells me and then he closes the pantry door.

He then opens the door fridge again and pulls out the pasta and chicken and he puts it in a bowl together and he tosses it into the microwave. "You'll just eat this" he says. I give him a disgust face. "Do you not like chicken and pasta?" Chance asked. "No, I love chicken and pasta, it's just..." I pause  "It's just that I don't like leftovers, they are very gross." I say and then look down at my feet and I play with my fingers. "Oh my gosh. Rebecca ,seriously get over yourself" Jake said and rolls his eyes at me and then he looks back down at his phone and starts to eat again. The microwave dings and Chance takes out the foot and hands it to me. 

I can't eat this , just thinking about it will make me throw up. "Eat the damn food, or I will shove it down your little ass throat!!" Jake shouts. He scared the hell out of me, he made me drop the bowl and it shatters everywhere. I back up real quick. "Look what you did now , you idiot" Anthony says and he comes over to me , before he was standing right next to Jake. 

He pulls on my hair again and he lowers my head and then he shouts in my ear, "Clean this shit up or you will regret even living" he then hanks my head back and he grabs a broom and a dust pan and I start to sweep up the glass. "Chance and Emilio , once she is done cleaning that mess up , tie her up again , I can't stand to look at her face right now" Jake says and he does a shoo motion with his hand. 

I throw the glass away and then Emilio grabs my arm and then Chance and him take me back to their room. Ugh I seriously hate my  life, why is this happening to me? Emilio pushes me on the bed and chance grabs my wrist and then handcuffs me again and then grabs a bandanna that says Team 10 on it, he ties it around my mouth. "This will shut you up for a while" Chance spoke and then laughs and Emilio laughs too. Anthony and Ivan enter the room and Anthony says "Get comfortable , because you're going to be there for a while , I advise you taking a nap, it will pass the time" Anthony laughs and he sits next to chance and they start to play basketball on which looks like a Xbox, I might as well get comfortable like Anthony suggested. I lay down and I shut my eyes and before I knew it I fall asleep.

I hope ya'll enjoyed this chapter! So I wrote this chapter on my laptop that I just got today as my graduation present! I love it!! I hope you have a good day/night! Bye for now, I'll see you next chapter! 

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