Mending Eachother ✔

By mash_kookie

139K 8.7K 3.3K

~☆ a story that revolves around an anonymous gangster and an abandoned innocent soul. the broken souls needs... More

Welcome 🎈
1|Shut the fu** up.
2|My first loss.
3|Oh No, Not again!
4|Familiar pair of eyes.
5|Totally despondent
6|Why again?
7|In shock
8|Endorsing silently
9|Laila! listen to me.
11|Blew off
12|In shock?
13|That I didn't expect.
14|Malignant Bastard.
15|Totally confused.
16|Entering the hell.
17|How come it's possible?
18|Her bad luck.
19|Startled by the scenario.
20|What's going on?
21|What I'm gonna do now?
22| Time for some fun.
23|How could he?
24|Ohh shoot! Feelings, they're coming back.
25|What's more to come now?
26|What's gonna happen next?
A Message
27|I hate you!
28|Crossing the boundaries.
29|Silence before the storm.
Sorry|Not an update.
Wait is over.
30|Was Harris changing?
31|Not without any purpose.
32|That's life.
33|Bad luck
Sorry|Not an update.
34|A bigger thriller
What's your favourite word?
35|It's coming.
Happy New year.
36|Disclosing the secrets.
37|The Past.
Author's Note.
38| The Past (2)
Author's note: Army spotted.
39|Open to truths of life.
Author's note: so it's all out.
40|She is back!
41|And the tables turned.
42|I found my happiness
BONUS: Don't miss


2.6K 198 82
By mash_kookie

Standing closer to her, he scanned every inch of her face to memorize it.
Next day an alluring canvas with a well crafted face painting was hanging on the wall.


Happy reading. 🎈


Laila POV:

It was all silent when I left the home at 6 in the morning. I wanted to skip everyone from this house. I went to the nearest park and sat on the same spot I always sit with my books in my hands. Exams were approaching and I was so bad at preparations. To maintain my scholarship I had to maintain my GPA. I had to study hard as now I had to save money to buy a house for me, I mean a small one but I had to.

My phone alarm notified me about the first lecture time, I gathered my stuffs and went to the university.

The day was hectic and luckily I didn't encounter that Sanah. Thanks to ALLAH.

I was passing by the hallway when I was called.

"Laila?" It was Sajid, ohh no, he had caused enough trouble, I picked up the pace and took long strides trying best to be oblivious to him but he was more faster. He tugged my arm and turned me around.

"Hey I was calling you, where you're lost?" He asked gazing at my face.

"Listen Sajid, last night had cause me enough trouble so I'll be grateful if our paths won't cross", I bluntly spoke when his face fell. Okay I was rude but I had to.

"But-", he protested but I again cut him off.

"Please", I said and turned around only to bumped into the man who was in my hate list, slowly approaching to the top actually.

"Watch your steps", he spat when his books fell off his hands.

"You too", I answered back when his eyes narrowed at me. Those hazel orbs reminded me of Omar bhai. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Pick it up", Harris commanded me but like I would listen to him.

"Do it yourself", I snapped back and walked away feeling his burning gaze on my back, I was in no mood to ruin my day talking to him.

"Laila", I was again called and this time my heart took a wild beat on coming across that face. Oh no. Omar bhai was advancing in my way when I was passing by the parking lot. Oh no! I should have taken another way.

"Can we talk please?" He asked in the  sweetest tone. What's going on in his mind?

"No", I kept my tone tough when he heaved a dejected sigh.

"Please you know it's not my fault then why aren't you talking to me?" He asked with worried tone.

"Why do you want to talk to me?" I asked looking in his eyes.

"Just once please", he pleaded and my heart melted, I didn't know why I felt kind of protected around him.


"Why would they do that?" He was talking to himself. I wiped my tears from the back of my hand.

We were currently sitting in the same park I visited this morning. I narrated him my whole story, that pugnacious life I have been living among those monsters, when in a while I lifted my eyes I saw tears trickling down his cheeks, he was looking ahead and crying silently. Why, why he would mourn on my miserable life?

"I'm sorry", he whispered when his voice cracked and some fat tears made way down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry for no being there when my sister was facing such troubles and miseries in her life all alone", he was speaking and I was listening when many different feelings were erupting in my heart. His concern and care was making me feel weird yet good.

"I'm sorry but I didn't know", he turned his teary face to me and some more tears pricked my eyes on witnessing his face.

"They never told me I have another sister beside Sanah, please trust me", he was trying to mingle with me more and more.

"I cannot believe how can they act so illiterate, if such miseries had happened on that day then it's okay, why they had to blame you and create all the mess", his attention again diverted and eyes were not on me now.

"You will still not forgive me?" He asked with so much hope in his voice. I felt like now I have a family but should really trust him?

"I'm scared", I straightened my posture.

"Of what?" He sniffed and wiped off his tears.

"Of trusting anyone", I replied feeling his gaze on me.

"Won't you trust your big brother?" He asked and my heart dwindled on the words. I swivelled my head and looked in his eyes. There was true love for me. I have found a family. Ya ALLAH, thankyou.

"Can I call you bhai?" I asked him and he smiled weakly.

"Always", he ruffled my hair and I also smiled feeling my heart light and joyous.

"Can I hug my baby sister?" He asked and I almost got frozen.

"Just one hug please", he again pleaded, well I also needed that. I nodded and he took me in his embrace.

"I' my child, big brother will take care of you, he promise", he called me his child stroking my hair and sniffing loudly. I cried in his chest feeling the warmth and safety in his arms. I have finally found a family. Can't thank ALLAH enough.


My heart swelled with unknown emotions, Okay why won't it be, something peculiar was in the air, I was currently sitting among the family however I was dancing in my mind, the salsa steps or the disco dance well whatever it was I was just shaking my body, well in my mind people. I pressed my lips and ducked my head to my plate. There was an utter silence on the dining table and everyone was busy gobbling up his or her food but I knew they're killing me in their dirty minds. Omar bhai was sitting beside me when in a while I looked towards him, he passed me a smile. Trust me it felt great. Well that was my first ever feast with my family.

"Should we go for an ice cream?" Omar bhai asked when we were currently settled on the sofa in the lounge. I was tugged beside him playing a game on his phone, our bond was growing stronger, MASHALLAH.

"Yayy", I heard the excited voice of Sanah and those evil brother's of mine.

"Okay, let's go Laila", he said to me and I nodded with a smile.

"No she's not going", here she came again. Sanah was almost fuming red.

"Why?" Omar bhai crocked his brows.

"Because I don't want her to come", she snorted and I could see dad silently observing Omar bhai and me.

"But I want her to come, stop whining and don't spoil my mood", he said in a tough tone while grabbing his car keys. She just huffed in response and slumped on the couch.

"Then I'm not coming", she yelled and turned away her head.

"Fine, your choice, let's go boys and Laila", he gave me his hand, treating me like a baby sister, I took it with a big wide smile and we walked out of the house with those boys trailing behind us.

"Fine I'm coming", we heard her annoying voice when me and Omar bhai chuckled out loud, she's such an attention seeker yet the spoilt brat.

Adam POV:

Taking my niece and nephews to the ice cream parlour has became my daily habit, come on I love those kids so much.

Harris was tugged to us despite he hated being around kids but eventually ended with us.

"Adamoooo, I'll eat this stowbbby ischeam", it was little Alina, my sister's daughter.

Well she does call me Adamoooo, and she was in dire need to eat Strawberry ice cream.

"Sure my love", I scoped her in my arms and ordered that for her, Harris was currently stuck with the twins in his arms who were licking his handsome face making him appear vulnerable, he had fury in his eyes to kill them but I knew he won't.

"Stop touching my hair", he scolded them but the little devils just laughed on his anger making him flushed into more animosity.

I just nodded my head sideways and couldn't help my smile.

The door of the parlour opened up and in came the girl with a guy along who seemed more like her brother because they had so much of similar features. She looked so different because all I have seen her was shy and lost girl but this time she seemed more joyous and frank, and prettier. That smile across her lips added more charm to her features. I shrugged my shoulders on getting lost where I shouldn't lost. I grabbed my order and turned around when our eyes met. Her laugh turned into a smile and she nodded in respect, I smiled back, that thing I can never control in front of her, it just appears on my face. Get a grip on yourself Adam.

"Hello Laila", I just greeted her and felt her cheeks covering in crimson colour, okay that was unexpected but my heart did a back flip.

"Hello sir", she greeted back still smiling.

"Omar bhai, he's our lecturer at university", she introduced me to a man, yes he was the brother. That Omar guy smiled and stretched his hand for a handshake but my hands were totally engaged. We let out a chuckle on awkward situation.

I saw her rolling her eyes and as expected it was for Harris who rolled it in return, kids and their hatred. When they would grow up.

"Helllllooooo", Alina waved to Laila who waved back with the most adorable smile I could say, ohh GOD, now it's so hard. Stop Adam. I averted my gaze to Alina.

"I'm Aaaaalinaaaaaaa", as always she dragged her name and Laila chuckled loudly followed by her brother's.

"I'm Llllaillaaaaaa", now she copied and Alina laughed loudly making me smile. Why the girls in the world are so cute?

"Okay allow us, we will go to our table", Omar said and we nodded heading to our respective tables giving one last glance to the girl who still had smile tugged to her lips. I saw Sanah, yeah I remember the bad girl of our college. Well whatever, we headed to our table with angry Harris and those evil kids.

All the time my ears were striking with her melodious giggle and yes I was losing my heart, damn it man!

With the kids I tried to indulge myself but she kept distracting me unintentionally. Ohh GOD! Now it's getting too much.

"Let's go home", Harris groaned in frustration and I nodded, may be that's the best option.

"And I'm not gonna pick the devils", he huffed and stood up. I just laughed when he took Alina in his arms who apparently didn't want to go to him.

"Stop struggling", he scolded her and she pouted. He took long strides and exited the parlour. I took the twins and walked away giving last glance to her where she was still smiling. Indeed some smiles are so wonderful. I shrugged away my thoughts. I have to control myself.

Okay it's been an hour since we're stuck near the superstore, Harris had done the 50th attempt to start the car but things didn't turn out in our favour. He slogged the poor steering wheel in pure vexation and then punched some number on his cellphone while barking the orders probably to the mechanic.

Well the kids didn't cringe in fear on his outburst since we all were immune to his anger. The angry Harris.

"Okay till the mechanic come, we will stand outside", I said to Harris who just glared in my way making me rolled my eyes. Me and the kids stepped out of the car, they're sliding on the bonnet and I was just enjoying the veiw when my interest piqued on certain name and voices.

I swivelled my head and my eyes almost popped out of the sockets on witnessing what I didn't expect to witness anytime soon or probably never.



Okay so what would be the matter? Why Adam is little bewildered? Any idea?

Adam POV is sweet, isn't it? I like writing that trust me. 😚

Well Omar Bhai is so damn amazing, should I call him Bhai? 😏

Well do you think the story is getting interested? I guess it is. There are so many more drama on its way, um sure you're gonna love that.

Thanks alot for your constant support.

Stay tuned.

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Bear hugs.

The writer.

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