Drake Black βœ…

By scarletraven23

133K 8.8K 444

//COMPLETED\\ Drake is the second eldest of the Black siblings. He has just had a tough time of being kidnapp... More

A/N & Description
Drake Black - One
Drake Black - Two
Drake Black - Three
Drake Black - Four
Drake Black - Five
Drake Black - Six
Drake Black - Seven
Drake Black - Eight
Drake Black - Nine
Drake Black - Ten
Drake Black - Eleven
Drake Black - Twelve
Drake Black - Thirteen
Drake Black - Fifteen
Drake Black - Sixteen
Drake Black - Seventeen
Not An Update / NEWS
Drake Black - Eighteen
Drake Black - Nineteen
Drake Black - Twenty
Drake Black - Twenty One
Drake Black - Twenty Two
Drake Black - Twenty Three
Author Note
Drake Black - Twenty Four
Drake Black - Twenty Five
Drake Black - Twenty Six
Drake Black - Twenty Seven
Drake Black - Twentyh Nine
Drake Black - Thirty

Drake Black - Fourteen

3.6K 303 17
By scarletraven23

Chapter Fourteen

Drake could hear the coming wolves, fear ran through his body. He'd promised Karla they wouldn't be taken again, but would he be able to keep that promise? Drake finished the last two wolves off just as Karla's terrorized scream pierced the darkness.

Heart pounding Drake turned to defend her, but his eyes widened when he saw the wolf that had threatened Karla was sprawled lifeless in odd angles on the ground a few feet from him.

Looking away from the body he stared at the large black wolf. If he didn't have good night vision, he wouldn't be able to see anything more than the bright silver eyes and white teeth.

"Who are you?" Drake demanded. This wolf couldn't be with Vale, could he? He killed the wolf who no doubt would have done serious damage to Karla before he'd been able to help. He didn't seem concerned over the death either.

Where once a black wolf stood now stood a man just as intimidating. "You are Drake are you not? And the female, Karla?" The man asked, completely ignoring Drake's question.

Frowning, Drake moved to Karla. Checking her over quickly, but never turning his back on the stranger. "We are. Now answer my question, who are you? Why did you help?"

The stranger turned, but it wasn't him who answered, but another. "Watch how you speak to our Alpha!" The growled demand, made Karla stiffen. She moved closer to Drake, not caring that she shouldn't. She couldn't seem to get ahold of her fear and it made her mad.

"Cain." The one word, full of authority shut the second man-up instantly. His growling stopped and he stood back. "My name is Alpha Tate Armstrong. I lead the Faded Night Pack."

Drake froze, recognizing not only the pack name but the Alphas. "Roan sent you." It was more of a statement than a question but was even more relieved when he saw Alpha Tate nod. "Karla, they're allies. No need to be afraid anymore."

Karla relaxed slightly, standing on wobbly legs. "So we're safe now? We won't be chased any longer by that Vale guy?"

"I'm sure he'll continue to send people after us, but for him, it will be too late. We'll be gone from here." Turning back to Alpha Tate, Drake nodded. "Did my brother say anything else to you when you spoke?"

"Just to find you and to make sure you made it safely to the plane. He figured that you'd run into trouble, but I doubt he thought it would be so soon. Regardless, I'm to escort you to the plane and then accompany you home."

Drake's eyes widened. "You're traveling with us?" What was Roan thinking, having a wolf come to their home? Tessa was going to flip.

Alpha Tate moved closer, noticing that Drake's arm tightened protectively around the female. It was clear to him in seconds that she was more than just a victim in all this. Tate would have to congratulate Drake later because he was sure this female didn't realize her value or worth to the vampire.  "Roan asked if we could speak and I agreed. As simple as that. I have a feeling that by your surprise that it's uncommon for him to invite wolves into his home. Is it because of the past betrayal from Raven?"

"Yes, but for other reason's as well. Let's talk about this later, I want to get Karla to safety and the sooner I return home the better." Drake said, ending the conversation. He wasn't about to talk about this now. He just hoped that Roan knew what he was doing.

"We've got a few miles until we hit the road. A car will be waiting for us and we'll take it to the airport." Tate said, turning his attention to his Beta. "Cain, you'll watch over the pack until I return." Cain nodded, sending glares towards Drake before turning and leading half of the wolves that followed with him. Tate grinned, turning back to Drake. "Shall we go?"

Drake lifted Karla into his arms, then they began their journey to the road. Soon, Drake thought, soon he would have Karla safely within his home. Soon he'd be able to explain to her exactly how important she was and how he would no longer be able to live without her.

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