Picture This (Niall Horan Tri...

By thesamemistakes

14.3M 95K 21.8K

[ (BK 1) -COMPLETED -BK 3 IN PROGRESS- (CURRENTLY EDITING) ] Ashley Dawson has spent her life living in the s... More

-Sun, sea & interuptions [Chapter 1]
-Niall's a babe? [Chapter 2]
-Stay with me [Chapter 3]
-Dreaming about her already? [Chapter 4]
-We know you like her... [Chapter 5]
-What happens when you wake up next to a stranger? [Chapter 6]
-Let the fun begin? [Chapter 7]
-Murder under moonlight [Chapter 8]
-Waking up to reality [Chapter 9]
-Mixing blood and tears [Chapter 10]
-Happiness is the best revenge [Chapter 11]
-He would never like me [Chapter 12]
-I'm not into him, I'm into you... [Chapter 13]
-Making and breaking each other's heart's [Chapter 14]
-Teaching lessons to the un-wanted [Chapter 15]
-I'd rather stay in with you [Chapter 16]
-I could out-bitch you any day [Chapter 17]
-You've been where?! [Chapter 18]
-Doubting the truth [Chapter 20]
-You'll be perfect, you are perfect [Chapter 21]
-NYC, these streets will make you feel brand new [Chapter 22]
-Rainy friday nights with hot chocolate and you [Chapter 23]
-Lying's the easy way out [Chapter 24]
-I want to be happy with what I see, genuinely happy [Chapter 25]
-You're right, I don't understand [Chapter 26]
-The pretty ones are always the best [Chapter 27]
-Whatever that thing is, I'll make it happen [Chapter 28]
-Caught in the act [Chapter 29]
-She won't be able to handle it [Chapter 30]
-He has a motive, a big one [Chapter 31]
-Old movies,Nandos&the sunset [Chapter 33]
-Let's play truth [Chapter 34]
-You were jealous [Chapter 35]
-I'm your's and only your's [Chapter 36]
-How to brave the water [Chapter 37]
-Nothing's going on, I promise [Chatper 38]
-He never shuts up about you [Chapter 39]
-I'm just really happy that I have you [Chapter 40]
-I'm not 'normal'... [Chapter 41]
-Kiss me like you mean it [Chapter 42]
-Trouble, rivers&rain [Chapter 43]
-I won't see you until forever...[Chapter 44]
-You seem like a rich girl [Chapter 45]
-When everything just disappears [Chapter 46]
-Wake up and realise reality [Chapter 47]
-Accuse me, fight me and leave me [Chapter 48]
-Come on an adventure with me [Chapter 49]
-Polaroid pictures, prom night and parties [Chapter 50]
-Just be happy [Chapter 51]
-Come to Paris and tell me you love me [Chapter 52]
-Visits from the forgotten [Chapter 53]
-It's my life now [Chapter 54]
-Colour my heart [Chapter 55]
-Un willingly visit the past [Chapter 56]
-Let's hit a home run [Chapter 57]
-Burning the past [Chapter 58]
-Force yourself at the fun fair [Chapter 59]
-Slipping back into old habits [Chapter 60]
-Tell me goodbye and that you love me [Chapter 61]
-Out playing Mr Spectacular [Chapter 62]
-I miss you [Chapter 63]
-Rules, regulations&interviews [Chapter 64]
-It's called Rebellion, my dear Dawson [Chapter 65]
-Insercurities & Fears Confirmed [Chapter 66 pt1]
-Anonymous Revenge [Chapter 66 pt2]
-Surprise visits and plans [Chapter 67]
-Interference central [Chapter 68]
-Stolen Relationships [Chapter 69]
-Fake dates, NYC&Parties [Chapter 70]
-Stress is a burden, you're not [Chapter 71]
-Remarking the truth about forever [Chapter 72]
-Intaking Realization [Chapter 73]
-Cry me a river, maybe you can drown your broken heart [Chapter 74]
-Broken promises [Chapter 75]
-Pack your life away but leave your heart behind [Chapter 76]
-Dream me up a fantasy [Chapter 77]
-Falling out of love isn't easy [Chapter 78]
-Un-productive preperation and greetings [Chapter 79]
-Words linger, but memories stay forever [Chapter 80]
-We died a paper death, not an emotional one [Chapter 81]
-Sabotage and bitches with relations [Chapter 82]
-Conclusions aren't always fairytales [Chapter 83]
-Sequel Information.

-She better be an angel... [Chapter 19]

182K 1.6K 221
By thesamemistakes

Niall’s POV:

She was stressed. Really stressed. It was a side of her I hadn’t seen before  and before she had even led eyes upon me or spoke that morning I could tell something was really wrong, you could just see it in her eyes. My suspiciousness were only proved further when she began to speak, well shouting, even from where I was stood I could see tears gathering in her eyes but she bit her lip pressing her tongue against the inside of her cheek determined not to let the tears spill, it pained me to see her like that but she didn’t want anybody she seemed to be only interested in shouting at Ellie who also had seemed different on the way here. Something’s going on, girls are so complicated sometimes. The way that Ashley was practically screaming at Ellie was somewhat scary, Ashley was getting so worked up about Ellie staying at this Jack guy’s house, I didn’t know who he was but obviously it wasn’t one of Ashley’s favourite people at all. Asking right now would only make things worse so I kept my mouth shut watching the argument play out right in front of us.

We watched from the living room as they rushed down the stairs Ashley blowing her hair from her face closely followed by Ellie wiping her eyes. Ellie didn’t look our way and neither did Ashley just murmuring a quick “We’ll be back soon” and then I heard the door slam indicating they were gone, where I didn’t know but I decided it best to just leave them to it, they obviously both need their space to sort out whatever it is that’s going on.

“What the hell’s going on?”

Zayn spoke up and I dragged my gaze away from the door where they had left from to him.


“Well you should”


“Because Ashley’s your girlfriend”

“That doesn’t mean I know everything, I just know she’s upset because Ellie lied to her, I don’t know why and I’m not gonna ask, that’s between her and Ellie”

I sighed placing my phone down on the coffee table. Just because Ashley’s my girlfriend it doesn’t mean she has to tell me every single thing that happens, she doesn’t have to and I don’t expect her to if she doesn’t want to.

Ashley’s POV:

The whole way there it was silent, I had nothing to say, she knew how disappointed I was in her, not that she’d actually done it with somebody because she’s 16 and I am in no position to stop her, it’s the guy she did it with and the fact she was stupid enough to not use protection was what disappointed me deeply and she’d have to be a fucking angel from now on if she didn’t want Dad to know.

I paid for the test as Ellie was too full of shame to be buying a pregnancy test, I guess it wouldn’t look too good on her but that didn’t make it look any better on me.

The ride home was equally as silent as she sat there reading the instructions with wide eyes and I promised myself that this would never be me, never.

We got home and went straight to the bathroom ignoring the stares from the other boys; I waited outside the door while Ellie did what she had to do for the test nervously drumming my fingers against the wood of the door as I waited.

We locked the door and I sat on the floor with my back against the wall as I set the timer Ellie nervously shook her leg. I tapped the test against my fingers over and over, this was the longest two minutes ever, a knock came at the door followed by an Irish accent, I sighed.

“Guuuuys, I need to use the loo”


I replied.

“What are you doing in there?”

“Girl things now go away”

“But I need the loo!”

He whined.


I warned, he got the message and after an over-played “sigh I’ll just have to go and use Ashley’s bathroom and accidently look through all her cupboards at her girl items. Sigh” he walked away chucking to himself probably thinking he was the most hilarious person in the world.

I slowly turned the test around as my heart began beating faster and faster, this was just not future depending for her but also me. If she’s pregnant I’ll be the one who gets the blame, I’ll be the one who will have to suffer the consequences, and somehow it’ll be my fault. We won’t be allowed to live here and I can tell you right now that there’s no way in hell that my father’s ever going to let me spend the night in the same room with Niall or any boy again.


Ellie said barely a whisper.

“You’re good”

I said relieved. She smiled hugging me tightly.

“This doesn’t mean you’re off the hook though”

I replied to her happy squeals. She sunk back down her face becoming once again serious.

“I know, just please don’t tell Dad, not yet”

“We’ll talk about this some other time, off you go”

She nodded then disappearing down the hallway to her room. I sighed, relieved that my Dad wouldn’t forbid me just yet from spending time with my Nialler.

I proceeded to my room, all the lights were off but I could hear crashing and banging coming from my bathroom, I switched on the light to see a very messy bathroom with Niall sat on the floor, covered in toilet roll that had fallen from the shelf above him. Boxes were everywhere, shampoo; hairspray and even pads and tampons were spread across the floor, Niall smiled at me sheepishly from the floor as I took in the mess.

“What happened?”


He tried.


“It wasn’t my fault, it was all dark I walk into one thing and suddenly everything comes tumbling down on me!”

He said quickly getting up while picking toilet roll from himself.

“It’s called a light switch”

I said laughing.

“Yeah, one that’s very good at hiding”

“It’s always been there”

I giggled at him.

“Shut up and stop bullying my lack of common sense”

He pouted.

“Awh, I’m sorry”

I said moving closer to him.

“You should be”

He moved hair from my eyes and tucked it all behind my ears. When saying those words they were barely a whisper as his lips were already slowly descending on mine. The kiss was deepened, now no space between us, his arms around my waist pulling me to him tightly and mine around his neck as I stood on the end of his supra’s to get a bit of height. He tangled his hands through my hair as I moved backwards slightly perching on the sink all while not breaking the kiss, it lasted for a while longer until we were yet again interrupted.

“Eww guys stop having sink sex and get your asses downstairs; dinners ready”

Zayn stood there smirking at us, Niall gave him a dirty look and he was gone, smirking to himself still.

“Well you heard him, there’s food”

Niall said, still in the position we were when Zayn walked in on us.

“Oh, I see now foods more important than me; okay I see how it is”

I joked.

“Nah, you’re my number one, it’s a close tie you know, you got lucky”

“Mmmm I sure did”

I replied as he pecked my lips again then threw me over his shoulder and carried me down the stairs despite my cries.

I could smell Chinese and immediately knew that it was sweet and sour, one of my favourites.

“If you put me down, then you’ll be able to get to the food quicker…”

I tried but it didn’t work, Niall shook his head as he walked through the lounge proudly with me hanging over his shoulder receiving a few laughs from the other boys.

“You’re so light, it wouldn’t make a difference”

He collected his food from Harry and set me down on the sofa only for him to pull me back onto his lap again, I sat with my back against the arm of the sofa and my legs spread across his lap.

“They were having sink sex!”

Zayn announced and everyone swivelled their heads to look at us expressions a mixture of confused and somewhat amused, Ellie shot me a look obviously taking it rather seriously, which it wasn’t.

“I don’t even want to know what that is…”

Harry commented and I could feel myself blushing.

“I do!”

Louis exclaimed and soon all eyes were on him and I could feel Niall staring at the side of my head, I turned slowly looking at him and she smiled sheepishly while I snuggled into his chest handing him my bowl of remaining rice and vegetables as I was no longer hungry. I shut my eyes trying to block out the jokes and rather dirty guesses about what ‘sink sex’ is. I smiled to myself as Niall ran his hands through my hair as I practically curled up on his lap falling asleep on him, again.


I woke up in Niall’s bed with his arm around me his body moulded to the shape of mine, he was still asleep with his head slightly lopsided on the pillow breathing quietly, I turned over slowly to face him trying not to wake him but no such thing was possible.

He opened his adorable crystal blue eyes staring straight into mine as I smiled.


I smiled at him again.

“Well good morning beautiful”

He said kissing my nose. Remembering the fact that I didn’t take my make-up of last night I probably looked far from beautiful.

“How’d I get here then? Don’t remember going to bed…”

I asked him and he smiled at me.

“You fell asleep on me again, and I thought I was lazy”

He stated and I rolled my eyes playfully.

“So why didn’t I end up in my bed or downstairs?”

I raised an eyebrow.

“Because I wanted you to sleep with me, silly”

He said pecking my lips as I smiled into our kiss our foreheads pressed together.

“What’s the time?”

I asked aware that I had to go to college today.

“Quarter to 7”

He replied.


I shouted throwing back the covers but Niall pulled me back down laughing.

“Niall I aint being funny, I have to go!”

“No you don’t, you have the day off remember?”

He said pulling me closer to him and the covers back over us.

“Oh yeah…”

I said giggling slightly at the panic I had just caused myself for nothing.


He stated as he kissed me again interwinding our fingers together.

“You’re coming with us today, rehearsals then a show tonight, you’ll be bored in rehearsals all day so I figured you and Faye could go out for the day or whatever, and Ellie’s staying here says she doesn’t feel too good, sound okay love?”


I asked.

“Yeah…what’s wrong?”

He said kissing my forehead.

“Nothing it’s just Faye and Harry won’t that be a bit…awkward?”

He thought for a moment then shrugged.

“Guess that’s between them it’s not like they have to talk or even look each other’s ways, it’s up to them. Besides you’ll hardly be with us for the majority of the day anyway, Faye can’t stay for the show so they won’t be together for long, dreadful I know, I’m going to miss you”

He said pouting and I smiled.

“I’m going to miss you too Nialler”

It wasn’t even just a simple ‘I’ll miss you too’ because he said it to me first, I genuinely would miss him as strange as it sounds whenever we’re apart I tend to miss him like crazy.

“Enough to be in the show tonight?”

He asked staring at me as he smiled waiting for my reply. He’d been nagging for about a week now about how he wanted me to be there, sing to me or whatever, not necessarily as his girlfriend but as a best friend of the band, I told him no, I don’t like the spotlight being completely on me and I knew I’d just get hated.

I shook my head.

“You know how I feel about that Niall, they’ll hate me anyway”

“Why would they hate you? You’re amazing Ash if we love you then they will too if they’re true fans”

“Nope, I hate it when all eyes are on me anyway, makes me feel like everyone’s looking down on me”

“They wouldn’t be looking down on you; they’d be looking up at you because you’re so beautiful if anything they’d be jealous”

“They have nothing to be jealous of and if they were then jealousy just means hate, either way I’m gonna get hate and they don’t even know I’m your girlfriend”

“Yes, they have a lot to be jealous of, come here”

He said taking my hand as he threw back the covers pulling me along with him.

“Niall, what?”

“Just look”

He said placing me in front of the mirror as he stood behind me with his hands on my shoulders, my mascara had given me panda eyes and my hair had fallen out from its loose bun and was being held back by the thin hairband that was about to give way any second, I had no other make-up on and I felt and looked ugly.

“Tell me what you see”

I shrugged wiping away the smudged mascara as he watched me.

“Me, with no make-up”

I said quietly suddenly feeling extremely self-conscious with both me and Niall staring at my make-up free face.

“You, exactly, you’re beautiful Ashley with and without make-up”

I took one last look at my bare face and deciding I could take it no longer turned around and looked up at Niall shaking my head as I buried my head into his chest.

“What’s wrong?”

He asked kissing the top of my head.


I said wiping the underneath of my eyes again.



I repeated hoping he would drop it, thankfully he did but I knew it wasn’t for good.


Louis’ voice rang out through the house as he sprinted past everyone’s doors obviously already wide awake.

“Louis shut the fuck up I’m tired!”

Zayn’s voice came from his room.


Louis replied as he ran past our door again and then we could hear his feet drumming against the wooden stairs as he ran down them tearing through the house at quarter to eight in the morning obviously much to Zayn’s dis-approval.

“Coming down for breakfast?”

Niall asked me pressing his palms against mine as I looked up at him.

“I’ll shower first, what time do we need to go?”

“9, you know I will hold you to the fact that you will eat breakfast”

“I know”

I said as he bit his lip then smiled.

“Okay, don’t take too long”

He said pecking my lips quickly as we went our separate ways.



This was longer but I cut it up because with the rest of it it was too long:S so as it's short maybe if I get more than 4 votes on this chapter I'll upload the next one tonight if you're lucky.

Oh and by the way I like the way that when I say 'vote for Niall's sexiness' that chapter gets the most votes trolol. I'll edit this in two hours or so and add a picture and stuff cus I'm going for my tea now that I don't even want;L



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