Robots in Disguise: The Wolf

By Shay_Rogers_

10.3K 246 148

Nightshade is a beautiful and caring steeljaw, not mentioning that she's the daughter of Optimus Prime. But w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Autobots Holos
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

1k Special! (Still chapter 12)

257 10 1
By Shay_Rogers_

Because I hit 1k, which I love you all for, there will be a lemon. But Night, where shall you get your ideas for this lemon? You guys vote on a bot and who or what it should frag with. This should be interesting because I have the dirtiest mind ever. So, comment here who X who/what. Have a nice day my lovely readers! >3<

I sigh contently as I stroll through the thick forest. The birds were chirping and the sun was bright as ever. But yet cons don't know when to stop. I would kill every con alive if I could. If I was strong enough. I hear a rustle in a bush. I fire up my cannon. Russel comes out. I turn my cannon off, transforming it back into my servo.
"Hello Russel. What are you doing out here?"
"Hi. Um...Sideswipe wanted to make sure that you were safe."
He flirts with me but he obviously wants Windblade. I nod slightly.
"I'm fine"
"Can I come with you?"
"Sure", I put my servo on the ground so he can sit on it. He climbs on and plops down. I smile.
"How's life?"
"Good. I haven't seen you very much though. You're always somewhere else."
"I'm sorry Russel. I'll try to stick in one place more", he smiles.

"How's Bee? He usually does quick talks and nothing too important."
"He's doing well. He seemed stressed but he shouldn't be. He always has me around"
"Because you're happy and hyper?"
"Yep. I can brighten anyone's mood. I can even brighten Ratchet's mood."
I chuckle. My attention focuses the task at hand. I use my free servo and com Fixit.
:Hey Fixit, do you have any signals?:
:You have two on your left:
:Thanks Fix:
I move Russel to my other servo. I activate my cannon, pointing it to my left. My body turns in that direction.
"Show yourself"
You idiot. You didn't ask if they were cons or bots.
Two femmes appear. Holy scrap!
"Mom? Firestar?"
"Nightshade. I'm so glad to see you"
"Nightshade, it's two cons disguising as them", I look at Russel. He's right, my carrier may have tried some to be my dam but she left instead. I aim at them.
"Damnit Lightblade", a deep male voice could be heard.
"Well Nightshade, long time no see."
I growl, feeling a light pain in my gut. I look down to find a sword. Nothing new really. I set Russel down who scurries off. This is something that I must settle myself. I turn around to find a large mech. I turn forward and find Lightblade and another mech. I only knew Lightblade. I snarl, pulling the sword out of my gut.

"Do you think that hurt?"
"Not at all, but this will. Take care of her boys. I have a mech of mine to find."
I get a servo on my shoulder.
"Don't fragging touch me"
"Ok femme"
"Why does Lightblade hate you?"
"Because I 'stole' both of the mechs that she loved."
"Now, what are your names?"
"I'm Darkstar." The large one replies.
"I'm Swiftblood"
"Hi Darkstar. Hello Swiftblood. I must go now...", I try escaping but Darkstar grabs me by the neck. He lifts me up with a death grip.
"Back away from the fem!"
I turn my head and find Optimus and Sideswipe. I smile slightly but it disappears. I try kicking and it does nothing. I try prying open his servo and guess what happened? Nothing. As the two step closer, Swiftblood shoots at my chest.
I drop my servos, weak. My optics flickered. Signals went off, warning me of my injuries.

Sideswipe attacks Swiftblood. Optimus fights Darkstar, who dropped me. I push so I'm on my servos and my bottom half is down. I could feel the energon escaping through my intake and the gaps in my body. Soon Grimlock and Windblade came. Grim came rushing to my side.
"You ok?"
"Do I look ok? No, I'm dying here", I rasp. He lays down, protecting me from anyone and anything. I push myself so I'm up against him. Then arrived Strongarm, Drift, Bumblebee, and.... Lightblade. She glares at me, a smirk plastered on her faceplate. Bumblebee notices me and fights Lightblade.
"Grimlock! Get Nightshade away from here!"
"I don't want to hurt her"
"Grimlock, that's an order not a decision!" Optimus barks. Grimlock stands, picking me up in his jaws. He runs off.

As we enter the scrapyard, Danny and Fixit come over.
"What happened?" I offline my optics. It hurt too much. Grimlock walks over to Fixit's work space. He lays down, resting me against his spark chamber.
"She got blasted in the spark." Which was in plain view. Fixit and Danny gather up tools. Ratchet sighs, walking over to the bunch. He didn't notice me, at first.
"What are you doing?"
I gasp for air.
"Ratchet help", I rasp.
He rushes over, listening to what Grimlock said. The three started working on my major wound which my self healing couldn't repair. My stab wound was almost finished healing itself. I groan. Hours seem to fly by. Soon the three were finished and Ratchet was wrapping it up.
"You need to lay down. No roaming, transforming, or interfacing. Got it?"
"Thanks Ratch. Thank you Fixit and Danny"
"No problem", Danny smiles.
"Anything for new-blue-you!"
I curl up to Grimlock's heated body.
"So, I have to stay?"
"It would be best if you did Grimlock"
He sighs. I weakly put a servo on his neck. Possibly a few hours passed by and everyone returned. No one was as damaged as I. They didn't have the three attackers either. Bumblebee talks to Strongarm but immediately after he rushed over to where I lay. Grimlock fell into recharge while protecting me. He growls as Bee neared.
"It's ok Grimlock. Just me"
The growling stopped. Bee smiles, crouching. He holds my face in his servos. I was close to falling into recharge.
I reply with a purr. I fell into recharge as he left me.

It was the next day and Bumblebee was splitting bots up for a mission.
"Nightshade, you're injured and not going anywhere. Grimlock, you're going to protect Nightshade... ok are we all good?"
Everyone nods. I give a thumbs up instead. Everyone leaves, even Ratchet. Fixit had to stay. Ratchet's orders. I shiver.
"Do you need something?"
I shiver again. Ratchet said that it's best if I don't speak for the duration. Grimlock heats up, letting me warm up. I wrap my arms around his neck, holding myself so I'm against him. This is going to be one long, boring day. Wonderful.

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