Granted Wish

By weirdself

564K 22.5K 4.8K

After a fatal phone call from his doctor, Skylar has to make the right decision. But what is the right way to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Special! Nathan's POV
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Special *Nathan's POV*
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
*Special* Nathans POV
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54

Chapter 43

9.2K 346 120
By weirdself

"Sky, I'm so sorry! He can be such an asshole!", Park mumbles through gritted teeth, anger clear in his usually so friendly eyes.

"I-It's okay. He's right though, I should give them to my parents or something.", I smile bitterly, finally daring to face Nathan.

"Guess it's all the way out now.", I sigh at the odd look he's giving me, a mixture of worry, frustration and anger.

"But... why did you never talk to me about it, you know I would never judge you for anything, right?", he gives my hand another squeeze.

"This isn't about judging, Nathan, and it has nothing to do with you. I trust you with my entire existence and I know you won't ever hurt me on purpose but I just don't want to talk about it, okay? I hate the fact myself and I wish I could rewind time and stop myself from doing it but please just forget you ever heard that.", I didn't mean to sound harsh but it's just so frustrating , having to tell others about this is harder than trying to forget entirely.

"One more thing. At the party... Dillon's party, you said you almost killed yourself unintentionally? So that was a lie or did you swallow those pills by accident? And you said you snapped and finally talked to your parents again. Was that snapping waking up in the hospital?", tears form in my eyes.

"Shit, Sky! I didn't mean it like that! I-I'm just so mad that I couldn't have moved here sooner... maybe all of this would have never happened.", he adds in desperation, cupping my cheeks with both of his warm hands and removing the few tears that did decide to run down my face.

"My sister was the same way.", I whisper, smiling slightly at the memory of that fierce girl, always trying to talk to me, get me to eat or drink something and crying her eyes out when I woke up in the hospital after my failed attempt.

"It's okay, Alex was the same way. She not only blamed herself but she was also quite salty about it without actually meaning the things she said. But you know what, I'm glad she did because with that she gave me a piece of reality back.", I place one of my hands over his.

"I'm still sorry, I shouldn't have... you told me you don't want to talk about it yet I still tried to force you, it wasn't right and I'm sorry.", he apologizes, his face so full of regret and desperation and I can't help but smile weakly, kissing the tip of his nose.

"It's fine, just don't tell anybody about it, okay? Bad enough my mom had to blurt it out yesterday.", I make him promise before leaning in for a short peck.

"I won't, don't worry and I'm sure Leslie won't tell anybody either.", I nod at his words, glad that this didn't end in a fight even though his words did hurt when they came out of the only mouth I never felt judged by. I still forgive him, I would always forgive him, I guess.

"You're quite the interesting person, Skylar. If you weren't taken I would probably ask you out for a drink or something.", my eyes widen at Parks honesty and Nathans hands immediately retreat from my face to sneak around my waist, glaring at the nurse.

"Don't worry, I won't ask him out.", he chuckles, holding his hands up in defense.

"Anyway, the ten minutes should be over and you seem to still be conscious, do you think you can leave already?", he asks, more serious this time to which I just nod.

"Okay then! I will remove the IV and you're free to go, unless you want to change first?", he tilts his head at the pair of sweatpants and the random gray shirt I'm wearing.

"No need.", I reply, this should be fine for just going home and trying to survive with everyone there. Park nods before taking care of the needle in my poor hand, carefully taking out and putting a cooling cream on it, then wrapping it up with a bit of bandage.

"You can take this off tomorrow, the cream will prevent infections and help reduce the bit of swelling.", he explains while Nathan helps me out bed again, placing my shoes in front of me.

"Well since this is a hospital, I hope we won't see each other soon but I hope to meet you two downtown or somewhere outside from here.", he blinks as I look up from putting on my shoes. I feel a bit dizzy from leaning down like this.

"It was a pleasure meeting you, Park.", Nathan firmly shakes his hand, grinning at the shorter guy with a sense of superiority.

"Likewise, take good care of your boyfriend though, those migraines are no joke so make sure he takes those pills, you can pick them up at the reception up front, I'll walk you there of course.", he bows slightly, waiting for Nathan to shoulder both of our bags, much to my annoyance. I'm very well capable of carrying my own bag, especially now that I'm under the influence of the medicine.

We step through the crowded hallways, different kind of noises coming from every corner and every room and I'm so glad my head doesn't hurt anymore or else I would probably be a sobbing mess laying on the ground. Park leads us to one of the many elevators that lead down to the ground floor.

"Mika brought your car here, right?", I ask as we enter, squeezing in with the group of people already inside.

"Yeah, I still can't believe that shrimp drove my car, like, can you imagine his tiny legs trying to reach for the pedals?", he laughs at the thought, shaking his head as well.

"He's not that short, Nathan, don't be rude.", I try to scold him but can't help but chuckle a bit as well. The fact is kind of funny.

"Well, he fits well with your sister, it's like they're the midget squad or something.", he adds with smirk in my direction.

"Now I'm starting to take this personal, my baby sister should never grow taller than me that would be...terrifying.", yup, that would definitely be terrifying. The elevator doors open and the sound of a million different voices in every range and volume reach us, making my head hurt a bit again. This is really a lot. Park quietly leads us to the reception before disappearing behind it for a second, his head popping back up with a little small orange can of pills in his hand.

"Here, you go and please... don't be reckless, okay?", this is probably the first time I've really seen him all serious and stuff.

"I won't be, don't worry. It wouldn't be worth it.", I turn to smile at Nathan who flashes me a slightly pained beam.

"Good. Then I wish you two a good day, it was nice getting to know you, Skylar. And of course Nathan.", we both nod at him and I even feel a bit sad knowing that I probably won't see him any time soon. He turned out be a very kind and gentle person and I can't thank him enough for walking me through all of this.

"Thank you, Park. You're one hell of a nurse.", the Asian guy chuckles at my remark and nods.

"Why thank you, now off you go! I'm sure people are already waiting for you.", he winks at me before shaking Nathan's hand then mine. And with a last goodbye we're out of there and I can't begin to tell how glad I am about that.

The automatic sliding doors open and we walk through,warm breeze blowing past us as we walk towards the parking lot. I look around, trying to identify all the sounds that echo from all around me. Leaves rustling in the wind, cars driving all over the place, footsteps, birds, shouting, suitcases being pulled over the asphalt.

I glance over at Nathan who's watching me with an amused and loving smile. Sadly, he's busy carrying both of our bags so I can't take his hand in mine.

"You seem quite chipper, the pain killers must be really helping.", his chuckle sends a small wave of goosebumps over my body.

"Well, yeah. I'm not in pain anymore. I feel completely fine.", I announce, glad that the migraine is over. I've actually never had something as bad as that, it was absolutely terrible.

"I'm glad, I was so worried when I saw you on the floor.", I look over at him as he sighs, partly in relief, I guess.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to worry you.", we reach his car, all the way in the back if I may add (thanks Mika) and he unlocks it with the keys he just magically pulled out of his pants pockets. Nathan loads the bags in the bed of his truck while I climb onto the passenger seat and wait for him to get in as well and start the engine.

"Ready?", he asks, taking my hand in his and placing it on his lap and starting the car up. I can't help but blush at my hand on his thigh but I'm also not planning on removing it any time soon. After he managed to maneuver us out of the insanely busy parking lot, he puts his hand over mine again, his thumb rubbing over it gently.

"I'm guessing there will be quite a few people at your place, you feel up for that yet?", he asks, for the first timekeeping his eyes glued on the road while talking with me.

"Yeah, it should be fine, I mean I could still take a breather in the bathroom whenever it gets too loud plus I got you to save me in case something happens.", I grin with confidence in my savior who just chuckles.

Ups I guess.... Been a while hehe!
What do you guys think about Nathan's reaction, was it too much??

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