Picture This (Niall Horan Tri...

By thesamemistakes

14.3M 95K 21.8K

[ (BK 1) -COMPLETED -BK 3 IN PROGRESS- (CURRENTLY EDITING) ] Ashley Dawson has spent her life living in the s... More

-Sun, sea & interuptions [Chapter 1]
-Niall's a babe? [Chapter 2]
-Stay with me [Chapter 3]
-Dreaming about her already? [Chapter 4]
-We know you like her... [Chapter 5]
-What happens when you wake up next to a stranger? [Chapter 6]
-Let the fun begin? [Chapter 7]
-Murder under moonlight [Chapter 8]
-Waking up to reality [Chapter 9]
-Mixing blood and tears [Chapter 10]
-Happiness is the best revenge [Chapter 11]
-He would never like me [Chapter 12]
-I'm not into him, I'm into you... [Chapter 13]
-Making and breaking each other's heart's [Chapter 14]
-Teaching lessons to the un-wanted [Chapter 15]
-I'd rather stay in with you [Chapter 16]
-I could out-bitch you any day [Chapter 17]
-She better be an angel... [Chapter 19]
-Doubting the truth [Chapter 20]
-You'll be perfect, you are perfect [Chapter 21]
-NYC, these streets will make you feel brand new [Chapter 22]
-Rainy friday nights with hot chocolate and you [Chapter 23]
-Lying's the easy way out [Chapter 24]
-I want to be happy with what I see, genuinely happy [Chapter 25]
-You're right, I don't understand [Chapter 26]
-The pretty ones are always the best [Chapter 27]
-Whatever that thing is, I'll make it happen [Chapter 28]
-Caught in the act [Chapter 29]
-She won't be able to handle it [Chapter 30]
-He has a motive, a big one [Chapter 31]
-Old movies,Nandos&the sunset [Chapter 33]
-Let's play truth [Chapter 34]
-You were jealous [Chapter 35]
-I'm your's and only your's [Chapter 36]
-How to brave the water [Chapter 37]
-Nothing's going on, I promise [Chatper 38]
-He never shuts up about you [Chapter 39]
-I'm just really happy that I have you [Chapter 40]
-I'm not 'normal'... [Chapter 41]
-Kiss me like you mean it [Chapter 42]
-Trouble, rivers&rain [Chapter 43]
-I won't see you until forever...[Chapter 44]
-You seem like a rich girl [Chapter 45]
-When everything just disappears [Chapter 46]
-Wake up and realise reality [Chapter 47]
-Accuse me, fight me and leave me [Chapter 48]
-Come on an adventure with me [Chapter 49]
-Polaroid pictures, prom night and parties [Chapter 50]
-Just be happy [Chapter 51]
-Come to Paris and tell me you love me [Chapter 52]
-Visits from the forgotten [Chapter 53]
-It's my life now [Chapter 54]
-Colour my heart [Chapter 55]
-Un willingly visit the past [Chapter 56]
-Let's hit a home run [Chapter 57]
-Burning the past [Chapter 58]
-Force yourself at the fun fair [Chapter 59]
-Slipping back into old habits [Chapter 60]
-Tell me goodbye and that you love me [Chapter 61]
-Out playing Mr Spectacular [Chapter 62]
-I miss you [Chapter 63]
-Rules, regulations&interviews [Chapter 64]
-It's called Rebellion, my dear Dawson [Chapter 65]
-Insercurities & Fears Confirmed [Chapter 66 pt1]
-Anonymous Revenge [Chapter 66 pt2]
-Surprise visits and plans [Chapter 67]
-Interference central [Chapter 68]
-Stolen Relationships [Chapter 69]
-Fake dates, NYC&Parties [Chapter 70]
-Stress is a burden, you're not [Chapter 71]
-Remarking the truth about forever [Chapter 72]
-Intaking Realization [Chapter 73]
-Cry me a river, maybe you can drown your broken heart [Chapter 74]
-Broken promises [Chapter 75]
-Pack your life away but leave your heart behind [Chapter 76]
-Dream me up a fantasy [Chapter 77]
-Falling out of love isn't easy [Chapter 78]
-Un-productive preperation and greetings [Chapter 79]
-Words linger, but memories stay forever [Chapter 80]
-We died a paper death, not an emotional one [Chapter 81]
-Sabotage and bitches with relations [Chapter 82]
-Conclusions aren't always fairytales [Chapter 83]
-Sequel Information.

-You've been where?! [Chapter 18]

181K 1.7K 357
By thesamemistakes

Ashley's POV:

The sun streaming through the window was what I woke to, nothing stirred apart from the birds tweeting in tune outside. Niall wasn’t there either, which was strange considering it was only 8:30 and I’m normally up way before him.

Then I realised what a bad sister I had been the past 2 days. I had no actual clue where Ellie was, I hadn’t seen her since Thursday night and she wasn’t here yesterday either, I threw back the covers dragging myself out of Niall’s bed as the cold air of the house hit me, even though it was supposed to be almost summer the mornings are always freezing, somebody forgot to set the heating. I groaned as my legs got Goosebumps on them already and realising my dressing gown was in my room and I couldn’t be bothered to walk there I grabbed one of Niall’s hoodie’s and pulled it over my pyjama top, it was so big on me that I could of worn it as a dress, stylish.

I got about halfway down the hallway to Ellie’s room when I almost collapsed in pain, as my stomach cramps kicked in and the tops of my legs began to ache like crazy.

“Fuck my life”

I muttered under my breath, turning around while clutching my stomach and making my way to my room, I changed my now blood stained pyjama shorts for some other pyjama shorts so things weren’t too obvious, lovely. And did what had to be done then proceeded to the main bathroom realising I had no pain-killers in my room, not that they would do a lot anyway. I shoved the tiny white pills into my mouth swallowing them down with a glass of water.

I entered Ellie’s room hoping she’d be there but she wasn’t it was un-touched.

 “Morning babe, you okay?”

Zayn asked me putting his phone on the coffee table in front of him. I narrowed my eyes at him, kind of really pissed that they hadn’t told me where Ellie had been lately. I rushed past him into the kitchen ignoring his question, Harry was there tapping away on his IPhone, he looked up at me through his curls, I wasn’t particularly motivated to talk to him either.

“Where the fuck is Ellie?!”

I walked back into the lounge hastily Zayn looked back up at me surprised at my tone and choice of words.

“She’s been at a friend’s the past few days, I thought you knew?”

“What friend?”

I asked raising an eye-brow and moving closer to Zayn who looked kind of scared of me.

“I dunno, erm, Amy something like that?”

I thought for a while and at this point Harry appeared in the doorway watching us. Before I could reply I heard the door slam and Ellie appeared closely followed by Niall who chucked his keys onto the table in the hallway shoving his phone into his hoodie pocket and yawning, he smiled at me but I wasn’t in the mood, I had a major bone to pick with Ellie, she looked like she’d been crying but that was irrelevant.

“Ellie where the hell do you think you’ve been?!”

I shouted at her as the other boys filed in then realised what was going on setting an awkward atmosphere. She stared at me, wide-eyed and scared.

“I was at um…Amy’s”

It sounded more like a question then an answer.

“No you weren’t don’t lie to me, Amy’s in Spain!”

The anger spilled out that she had lied to me and just generally because of my mood swing.

“Well, I’m out of here…”

Zayn said walking to the kitchen awkwardly as everyone else stared at us.

“Fine, I err was with Jack…”

“For the last freaking 2 days?!”

She nodded bleakly.

I sighed shaking my head.

“How could you all have known about this and NOT TOLD ME?!”

I shouted at nobody in particular.

“Well, to be fair, we thought she was with Amy since that’s what she told us…”

Harry spoke and I shot him an evil look wondering how he dared to speak.

“Shut up Harry, I’ve heard enough balls enough from you lately!”

I retaliated, okay maybe bringing the whole Faye situation into this wasn’t the best thing to do but I was angry, really angry and it was only getting worse.

“Ashley that’s not really fair, Harry was just-“

“All of you just shut the fuck up!”

I shouted and everyone looked taken a back, Ellie choked back tears.

“Get up stairs you!”

I said slightly calmer to Ellie, who ran off up the stairs bursting into tears, Liam followed her up there as everyone who remained stared at me.

“Babe, just calm down, it’s nobody’s fault”

Niall said wrapping his arms around me, I pushed him off.

“It’s always somebody’s fault Niall, and it’s Ellie’s, so don’t even go there”

I stormed out leaving Niall standing there awkwardly, not knowing what to do.

I couldn’t be doing with Ellie’s pitiful excuses right now so I went to my room and slammed the door trying to calm myself down a bit, in the end I fell asleep.

I woke up to somebody knocking on the door lightly, I groaned burying my face into the pillow hoping the person would go away but they didn’t. I assumed it was Ellie coming to make excuses; I tried to calm myself down a bit.

“Fuck off Ellie! I aint in the mood”

The door creaked open and it wasn’t Ellie, there stood my Irish boyfriend with his blonde scruffy hair smiling sadly he looked adorable and worried and I immediately mentally slapped myself for treating him and everyone like I had this morning.

I flipped over, groaning at the pains that were still present and getting worse, everything was getting too much and I could feel tears coming but I choked them back as Niall entered shutting the door behind him silently.

“Are you okay?”

He asked carefully, I nodded slowly running a hand through my hair.

He sat on the end of the bed, turning to face me his blue eyes staring into mine, I felt so guilty.

“So what’s going on Ash? You totally I don’t know, you were a different person this morning…”

I bit my lip aware of what a selfish bitch I must have been.

“It’s a long story, I didn’t mean for things to go that far”

He nodded; obviously slightly hurt by the way I had just dis-missed him this morning.

“But you’re alright now though, I mean with us, what’s happening with Ellie is between you and her but you know what I mean?”

I smiled and nodded as he pulled me onto his lap, which actually really did kill my stomach and thighs even more but he didn’t know, so I tried my best to ignore it. It was weird how I felt instantly happier when he wrapped his arms around me and when I was just generally in his presence.

“Good, because I was worried”

He pressed his forehead to mine and kissed me, we broke apart his palms pressed to mine.


I whispered.


He replied.

“I’m sorry about being such a bitch this morning, I didn’t mean to take it out on you and the others, just Ellie, she lied to me and I hate that”

“I know Ash, its okay”

He said kissing the tip of my nose. I got a sudden killer cramp in my stomach and collapsed back onto my bed in pain, Niall led beside me.

“What’s up?”

He said stroking the side of my cheek.

“Niall could you please get me some painkillers, I have a killer cramp in my stomach”


He said giving me a knowing look and disappearing returning 2 minutes later with a glass of water and two white pills in one hand and a hot water bottle in the other.

“Put this on it helps”

He said placing the hot water bottle over the bottom of my stomach; I tensed as the heat burned into my skin as I sat up swallowing down the pills.

“Thank you”

I said kissing his cheek.

“What for?”


He smiled wrapping his arms around me and then I think I fell asleep on him again.

When I woke up again he was still there, holding me.

“Evening beautiful”

He said kissing my cheek.

“What time is it?”

I groaned, squinting at the sudden burst of light.

“Six, you’ve been asleep for about three hours”

“And where have you been?”



“Because I wanted to stay with you”

He looked at me and I could feel a smile tugging at the corners of my mouth.

“You’re so cute”

I said pecking his lips as he pulled me onto his lap kissing me more. Then a knock came at the door and we both turned around but I couldn’t be bothered to de-tangle myself from his lap so we stayed there.

“Come in”

The door opened slowly and there stood Ellie looking young and innocent and nothing at all like the superstar she normally is, bags were underneath her eyes which looked red and irritated mascara stained where she’d spent the afternoon crying. She took in mine and Niall’s position but she didn’t appear have the motivation to comment, she didn’t do anything just stared at me we stayed there in silence which was probably rather awkward for Niall.

“Well I’ll leave you two to it”

Niall announced, lifting me off his lap and kissing me quickly before walking past Ellie.


I said gesturing to the end of the bed and she shut the door behind her and carefully sat on the end of my bed, I rested my head against the head-board sitting on the pillows as I looked at her.


I encouraged her to explain to me why she had lied to me and why she was actually with Jack in the first place, her abusive ex-boyfriend.

“I’m sorry”

“I don’t want an apology, I want an explanation”

She bit her lip fiddling with the duvet. She didn’t say anything; suppose this is the time to prompt.

“Okay, for starters why did you go back with him?”

“He found me”

“Okay, you didn’t have to do what he said though”

She thought for a while and then it all came.

“A lot of things were said, he led me into thinking he’d changed and I was stupid and believed him, I thought we could just take things slow so we could get to know each other again like old times but he didn’t want it like that. I just needed somebody there Ashley maybe the truth is, I’m jealous of you…”

“Why would you be jealous of me?”

I asked bringing my knees to my chest and resting my chin on them.

“You and Niall are just perfect and sometimes it hurts to see you with him and you’re so happy, it makes me remember Jack and when he was there I just thought that maybe what you and Niall have that could be me and Jack again but it didn’t work out like that…”

“Go on…”

I said.

“I know there’s more”

I added, she took a deep breath.

“At first everything was great, we were getting along again and I had this hope that maybe we could have something even better than you and Niall have but now I see that’s impossible, I’d never be able to compete with that. Then I done something really, really, really stupid…”

I had to stop myself from going totally bubbly and loved up about me and Niall as I could tell what she was about to say was serious.

“You have to promise to not shout at me or get really angry, okay?”

“Why? What have you done?”

“Just please listen and don’t judge”


I agreed but still not convinced.

“A few weeks ago, we…we did it”

My eyes widened as she looked up at me her eyes filling with tears, she’s 16 in some cases this may seem okay but not with Jack it’s not.

“Ellie, please tell me you used protection”

She shook her head sadly.

“Ashley, my periods late”

My whole world froze for about a second, this was my baby sister possibly pregnant, it was un-thinkable and extremely out of character. At first I had the slight embarrassments that my baby sister had lost her virginity and I hadn’t, it made me feel the young, in-experienced and foolish one not her but I guess that wasn’t really the problem right now, she didn’t know I was a virgin and maybe it was better that way with all the nights I’ve spent in Niall’s room I was kinda surprised that   nobody had commented but we know what’s gone on, which is nothing so it’s okay.

“Ellie! Are you fucking stupid?!”

“You’re judging…”

She said as she began to cry, she was right, I guess I was judging, I hugged her until she calmed down.

“Right you’re coming with me, right now”


She said really worried.

“To get a test!”


Was her only words, she sat on the bed wiping mascara from her eyes as I dug around looking for a jumper and after putting my hair up into a loose bun, very bravely with no make-up, we left with her trailing along behind me.

“We’ll be back soon”

I mumbled as we walked past the lounge as the boys stared at us wondering what the hell what was going on most likely.



Oooooh Ashley got bitchy;3

Did you hear Ellie?;) Her and Niall are purrrrfect. ew I hate cats:L

Well then guys, I'm kinda dissapointed with my votes for the last chapter:/ jksss. They were okay but I know you can do better:D

LOOK AT NIALL'S SEXINESS ON THAT SIDEBAR. You see sidebars are pretty sexy but just look at how much sexier it is with him on it:OO you get the point so vote for Niall's sexiness if you didn't like this chapter bitches;p

see you lateers.



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