Pretty eyes

By looolholland

10.5K 560 93

"pretty eyes" he says smirking "we meet again" What happens when Emily trips in a train station and falls he... More

Chapter 1- Emily's POV
Chapter 1- Blake's POV
Chapter 2- Emily's POV
Chapter 2- Sophie's POV
Chapter 3- Emily POV
Chapter 4- emily's POV
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
chapter 24
LAST CHAPTER- chapter 25


210 10 0
By looolholland

Bet you didn't see that coming now did ya? ;)

Blake's POV
<3 months into Tour and they are now 19 let's pretend they were 18 last chapter yeah?😂>

"So Blake when you gonna 'end it'?" Asks Reece who air quotes 'end it' with his fingers already knowing my plan for Emily. I sigh before responding "now I guess. It can either go 2 good the other bad" I reply. "Yeah, I wish you good luck" he laughs as he gets up from his seat on the sofa and walks into the kitchen. I grab my phone and get up Emily's contact - she's saved as my baby💑💘🔐- and call her, she picks up within the third ring.
{bold=you, italic= Emily}

are you okay? You don't normally ring me...
Yeah um no I uh I think we need to break up....
You heard me Emily, I think we should break up. The distance just isn't working and I think I've met someone.
nononono Blake your joking, stop this isn't funny
I'm sorry but I'm not joking...
wha-why? I thought you loved me?
Well you thought wrong. Bye Emily
---end of call---

"Did you do it?" Asks Reece as I sit back down stunned as to what I just did. "I can't believe I just did that...." I reply still stunned. "Blake, you know why you did that. It's part of the plan, and if it all goes to plan, then she will love you even more" he replies scrolling through Twitter. "I guess..." I nod before checking everything's ready for tomorrow. The train tickets are booked, George is on his way to Emily's now and everything is going just to plan. All we have to do is wait for it to be tomorrow.

Emily's POV

I can't believe Blake just ended it. I thought he loved me? I think to myself as I sit down on the toilet blinking away the tears. Am I not good enough for him? Has he found someone better then me? Why can't I just have one person I can trust and love? I shut my eyes as I let the tears tumble down my cheek, every now and then one passing my mouth, the salty bitter taste exploding on my lips as I lick them. Without thinking I walk over to the cupboard, glancing at myself in the mirror in front and pick up the razor which I left in the small box on the side, and hold it in the palm of my hand. Turning it over and running my fingers over the cold, smooth yet sharp metal before doing something I promised myself I wouldn't do in years. Sliding the razor over my arm leaving small even cuts all over. The blood slowly oozing out of it. The pain only lasts for a while before the relief starts flooding through me as I begin to cut more and more, my actions getting more and more fierce with each cut. Suddenly I hear a knock on the door and my mums voice echoes down the hall. "Em are you okay in there?" She asks softly. I take a deep breath before responding - "yeah I'm just having a bath I'll be out in about an hour". This second to breathe seemed to knock some sense into me, I drop the razor as I look at my arms, blood all over them and cuts everywhere. My tear stained face, messy hair and puffy blood shot eyes. God I look a mess no wonder Blake left me.... My eyes scan over my look once more before the tears kick in once again, letting myself fall to the floor in defeat. I hold myself tight as I shake uncontrollably, sobbing loudly not caring if any one hears any more. "Em? Em are you okay?" I hear George yell, when did he get here? I think to myself. "Emily I'm coming in" he shouts before the door gets burst open. "Em?" He asks, his eyes wide with shock.... "wh-what happened? Are you okay?" He asks coming over to me and pulling me into his embrace. "No George I'm not. I'm not okay. Of course I'm not okay" I choke out, sobbing even louder. "What happened? Why'd you do this?" He asks seeming worried. "Blake broke up with me. He thinks I'm not good enough, he's found someone else" I reply, my voice cracking at the end. His eyes suddenly flash with guilt. What was that? I wonder. "Oh god, right come with me. Let's get you cleaned up yeah? I'll be back in a sec I've got to message the boys to say I ma- I've got to message someone" he replies stopping himself mid sentence and coughing. "Okay..." I nod slowly, confused as to why he needs to message them. Either way I get up and start cleaning up the blood off my arms, putting on a bandage on each arm and walking out the bathroom as if nothing happened and meeting George in my room. "You okay now?" He asks as I sit down next to him. I nod and get under the duvet as he pulls me in close to him. "You will be okay tomorrow I promise you" he smiles warmly kissing my head. I look up at him confused "how do you know? You can't promise that" I ask. He chuckled slightly. "Trust me on this one, I promise tomorrow you'll be happy" he smiles again. "How do you know? What's happening tomorrow?" I ask again urging more answers from him. "Nothing. Now go to sleep you look tired" he replies smirking slightly as he does. "Stop avoiding the question what's happening tomorrow?" I ask again. George chuckles shaking his head- "goodnight Emily" he replied before switching the light off and walking out the door, closing it slightly behind him. I shut my eyes once he's gone and slowly fall into a confused sleep, questioning many things.

Blake's POV

"Right okay we're almost there, 5 minutes" I think, the nerves kicking in as we near the car park to the park. "George says their just getting ready to leave" replied Reece who glanced at me from the side. "Nervous?" He asks raising his eyebrow at me. "Very. Is it obvious?" I ask, my legs shaking. "Just a bit" he laughs shaking his head. I let out an annoyed groan.
"Right we're here, everything's set up yeah? Everything's in place all we need is for you to get in place and the others to arrive" smiles Reece. I nod and get into place when I hear George's voice-

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